Chapter: 197. Economy? Currency? I Don’t Know, Dude (2)
Before long, we came out into the hallway, leaving the sleeping Unho behind.
We waited about 30 seconds for Al’sel to do something, but Al’sel just stared blankly into space.
“…What are you doing, not going?”
“Um? Ah. I’m sorry. Come to think of it, this is your first time here, so I should explain everything one by one.”
Al’sel scratched the back of their head awkwardly.
Like a person.
It feels like I’m seeing a side of Al’sel that I’ve never seen since coming here.
“It’s just that I returned to a nostalgic place. I assumed you would know, so I was mistaken.”
What’s with that tone? Sounds like something’s up.
What’s wrong with you? You weren’t like this.
Oh man… it’s a bit awkward.
“Anyway. I checked a bit, and the people you met, Haram, seem to be part of a not-so-large group. So, basically, they’re good targets to hit.”
“When did you check that?”
“I have the authority to do that, you see. Well, let’s just say I took a bit of a shortcut. It’s not something I’m proud of.”
That Al’sel is looking like they did something wrong or something, staring up at the distant mountains that aren’t even visible.
Progress isn’t being made here.
“That aside, why are you just standing there doing nothing?”
“Um? Didn’t you learn how to move?”
“Focusing on the training ground and concentrating? What’s that supposed to do?”
Are you suggesting we go train now?
“Ah, yes. I should have mentioned this too. Ugh, there are so many things to explain that it’s getting confusing.”
Forget your regrets and just speak up!
“This individual room is used by those who have survived alone or who have no interest in sticking together. As you saw with Haram, those who travel in groups tend to create a world that is comfortable for them.”
Hmm. Sounds like knowledge that won’t be useful for life.
“And in order to go to such a world, you need to encounter someone who belongs there at least once. So, you need to move, Haram, for me to follow.”
Got it.
Hearing that made me think of the figures I threw away earlier and the unknown world of theirs.
“Additionally, all this is part of training as well. I don’t know if you’ll come back to the Otherworld, but the reason we chose this complicated method is to adapt to the fact that will is the basis of everything in the Otherworld…”
Al’sel’s rambling was trailing off, but the sound felt distant.
With four arms and purple skin, with many eyes.
Humanoid intelligent beings.
Even with my not-so-great memory, the figure of someone I met only once clearly rose in my mind.
“…It might be hard to use at first, but if you repeat it a few times, you’ll get quicker…”
Al’sel’s voice, which had drifted away for a moment.
A loud noise interrupted my concentration.
“…You did it.”
Before I knew it, what appeared in front of me with my eyes closed was a suddenly materializing wall and a rusty green iron door attached to it.
So, if I go beyond there, I’ll head to their world, right?
What I thought was different.
I thought it would be like teleportation or accelerating like when I came here.
“Yes, though I said world, it’s actually a room as big as one. You’ll be moving through the door.”
Ah, is that so?
Instead of an individual room, I can think of it as a room for a hundred million people.
“Then, shall we go?”
As I reached for the doorknob…
“I’ll go first. We don’t know what might happen.”
Al’sel quickly turned the knob, blocking me between them and the door.
Click! Squeak!
As expected, it opened with a metallic sound fitting its appearance.
The interior visible through Al’sel’s slender body simply looked like some alleyway.
“It doesn’t look like much.”
“I think so too, let’s go in.”
As they said, Al’sel stepped boldly through the door, and I followed them inside.
My first impression of this new world was…
“It’s annoyingly hot.”
A muggy, humid, and oppressive space.
As if the other side of the door is somehow another world.
Ah. Technically, it’s said to be a different world.
Thinking about that, I closed the door.
With the sound of it closing, the sensation of the doorknob in my hand disappeared.
Surprised, I looked back at where the door had been, and there was nothing but wall.
“Are you surprised at just one door disappearing after coming all this way?”
Well, you’re right, but honestly, who wouldn’t be surprised? I’m just a common sense guy.
Though I thought that, Al’sel wasn’t wrong, so I changed the subject.
“So, what do we do now? I already want to go home.”
At the same time as my words, a strange noise echoed and when I turned around, there was a door appearing.
“You handle this way better than I expected.”
I wasn’t even concentrating! Why did that appear?
Disintegrate, disappear!
Maybe my wish was heard.
The appearing door vanished too easily, like a mirage.
“…What was that?”
“If you ask me, I can’t give you more than that. It’s a system that manipulates reality according to will as long as it doesn’t violate my rules.”
“Uh… Thanks for the detailed explanation, it’s helpful.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Not a compliment.
I understood, but…
“So, what now?”
“Well, let’s see…”
Upon hearing my question, Al’sel ignored me and started speaking as they walked down the main road.
“Shall we check out the residents of this tribe, gathering some information in the process?”
The habitat of the purple-skinned tribe could simply be described as a tropical rainforest climate.
Tall stone buildings mixed with plants.
Advertisements and signboards stuck to the ceiling, creating a visually stimulating environment of rainbow colors.
Lastly, the doors and windows were generally large.
“If you look at that guy holding the power line above our heads, you can tell. They must have really strong arms since they have four.”
Thanks for the thorough explanation.
Just as they said, I could often see wires connecting buildings and windows functioning as doors with people frequently coming in and out.
Not to mention, the gazes directed at us.
“Why are you looking?”
“I should have asked a long time ago… Is visiting other tribes common?”
“Is that even possible? It only happens during trade or when we’re fighting. Ah, of course, that’s only if it’s a single tribe habitat. There are also places with multiple tribes residing, you see… So, they probably form an alliance of the weak against the strong.”
It does seem like it might be that way.
I can feel numerous gazes staring at us.
The good news, at least, is that there seems to be more curiosity than hostility.
Then perhaps, I should try speaking again.
“Uh… Hey, can I ask you something…” before I could finish,
The door closed, and the being that had been staring at us from before darted inside their house.
I felt a bit bittersweet, but it wasn’t a big problem.
I’ve experienced worse so many times, so it’s nothing new.
Plus, the fact that Al’sel had the same reaction as me was comforting.
Damn that octopus, though.
By the way…
“At this rate, there’s no information to gather, is there?”
“Well, normally it wouldn’t work.”
“So why are we just standing in this blazing sun? What’s the point of just wandering around?”
If that damn guy heads off to swing a hammer, I’ll end up making magic girl fish snacks in broad daylight.
You better transform into delicious octopus or something, ya know?
No information to gather; no solution to be found.
“Just wait. If I’m right, we should be getting a reaction around here…”
Reaction my foot.
Looking at that electronic signboard disappearing up there, it seems like heavy rain is on the way, just like before.
With the tropical climate, it rains a lot.
I remember being drenched to the bone from a sudden downpour earlier.
While I was relieved to have a ceiling between the buildings, the ceiling also seemed to curve in as the rain began to fall, as a bonus.
I have no idea why they would do such a bizarre thing.
Realizing that understanding the lives of other tribes was a task that wouldn’t work after getting soaked, I stared up at the clouded sky, thoughts swirling.
“Look over there. They’ve shown up.”
Al’sel suddenly stopped walking and said that.
“Look! It looks like it’s about to rain, so let’s find a place to h-”
Unable to hear Al’sel speaking while I was looking at the ceiling, my gaze naturally turned towards where Al’sel was looking.
…I see. So that was the meaning of that.
Seeing the purple-skinned folks standing at the roadside, I realized what Al’sel was intending to do.
“You over there, members of other tribes. What business do you have in our territory?”
They glared at us with weapons in hand, like ruffians.
What they were pulling was all too reminiscent of things I’d seen before.
“…So, they really do have behaviors similar to thugs. Which means if other organizations are wandering around my turf, they’ll come out on their own.”
It’s just like what I always did.
Back on Nanjido, or whenever I was looking for the hideouts of those cultists, I always found that method incredibly useful.
But now that I’ve experienced it once, it seems obvious enough to know what Al’sel is aiming for, but is it just because we were facing a single tribe that I only now remembered that method?
“That’s correct. Well, I don’t expect them to display the same traits as the common residents you just saw, but they too are organizational members in this structure, in fact.”
Ah, I see. If Al’sel is right, these beings have no way to survive and must rely on the currency given by those above them. So, they truly are organizational members and spies.
Just wandering around without a thought makes sense if they were waiting for information to trickle down.
“I can’t hear you! So, let me ask again. Which organization do you belong to? If you’re here by mistake, then leave immediately!”
Their dialogue was surprisingly polite, but…
“What’s the plan?”
“It’s simple, isn’t it?”
At that moment, Al’sel stretched their right hand and pulled a club from thin air.
“As I mentioned earlier, if we just beat them up, they’ll all come out.”
“That’s my area of expertise!”
In response, I too rolled up my sleeves and pulled out my hammer.
“…I don’t know what your organization is, but attacking our territory is…”
What he’s mumbling doesn’t really matter anymore.
“Shut your mouth and fight, you bastard! What’s with all the blabbing from a guy?”
I lunged straight into the enemy ranks, swinging my hammer.
“Oh, and of course, please don’t kill them! I realize it’s a bit strange for me to say this!”
“I know!”
Hearing Al’sel’s voice from behind, I clumsily brought my weapon down on the guy’s head.
He might have some skills compared to the bugs I trained with, as he did manage to brace for impact in that short time.
When the hammer met his iron club…
The victor had already been decided.
Scattered iron debris. Only the grip of his club remained.
His weapon must not have been good, as while he endured my attack, his weapon couldn’t.
Seems like he’s strong, what a shame.
If his weapon had been better, I could have fought for 4 or 5 more rounds.
But that’s just hopeful thinking.
His weapon broke, and my hammer was already falling towards his head.
The hammer slammed into the man’s head, sending his eyeballs flying in all directions as he collapsed lifelessly onto the street.
And nearby, the enemies were falling down due to Al’sel’s club hitting them as well.