Chapter 148

The Medical Mushroom transformed into an Egg.

After placing monsters to protect the egg, I used the Warp Device to return to Hell with a few monsters.

[You’ve arrived.]

As soon as I crossed into Hell, I was greeted by Infernos, who seemed to have been waiting in front of the Warp Device.

“Sorry for making you wait so long.”

[It’s fine. I didn’t wait long at all.]

After joining up with Infernos, I continued the question I was going to ask earlier.

What kind of monster manages Hell?

At that question, Infernos looked up at the sky and answered.

[It is the most powerful being in Hell, a demon that wields the ability to handle souls and death. And it values peace and order.]

“Loves peace, huh… Thankfully, it’s not a harmful creature like Solorb. But why are you looking up? Is it possible that the guy you mentioned is up there?”

I also looked up. There was nothing in the sky.

[I just had a stiff neck, that’s all.]


【Mirstin】─ Haha

【Pururu】─ That crazy guy is being confusing.

【Mysticism】─ 😠

【Boglebogle】─ I thought there was something in the sky too.

【Yumi】─ I fell for it too…

[Anyway, that guy really hates those who disturb peace. Not just dislikes, he loathes and despises them. So, don’t cause any trouble in this Hell.]

“Don’t worry. We’ll only attack if they attack us first. By the way, what’s the name of that demon you mentioned?”

[The name of the demon who commands all the monsters in Hell is Sublime Bone Fiend.]

Sublime Bone Fiend.

Somehow, that name felt familiar.

“Sublime Bone Fiend? I feel like I’ve heard that somewhere… Bone Fiend, Bone Fiend….”

I muttered the name Bone Fiend quietly.

Then a name of a monster I had heard before popped into my head.

SSS-Class Monster.

Giant Bone Fiend.

It was the monster I encountered when I was dragged into the Ancient Labyrinth, the one that killed the former explorer Min Hyeong-seok.

Was it a coincidence that the names were similar?


I started to think that maybe there was a connection between them.

The Sublime Bone Fiend likely had a very high probability of being an SSS-Class just like the Giant Bone Fiend.

For ordinary monsters, it wouldn’t be common for their names to overlap.

With that thought in mind, I asked Infernos just in case.

“Infernos. Do you happen to know a monster named Giant Bone Fiend?”

[Hmm? Giant Bone Fiend? How do you, an explorer, know that name?]

“I met it once before. Anyway, your reaction suggests you know it.”

[Of course I know it. The Giant Bone Fiend is like a clone of the Sublime Bone Fiend.]

“A clone?”

[That’s right. He is a being created and controlled by Sublime Bone Fiend using his own bones.]

I learned a new fact.

So the identity of the Giant Bone Fiend was that it was a clone of the monster managing Hell.

【Mysticism】─ 😮

【Rize Nova】─ This confirms that the monster Sublime Bone Fiend is also SSS-Class.

【Luna-chan】─ We definitely need to be careful in Hell…

【Pururu】─ It might even be higher than SSS-Class, right?

【Yumi】─ That’s possible.

【Mirstin】─ Wait? Is SSSS-Class a thing?

【Pururu】─ What kind of ridiculous rank is SSSS? Dammit.

【Boglebogle】─ Gauntlet hasn’t encountered anything above SSS-Class yet, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. That Ancient Labyrinth is a world far beyond common sense.

The likelihood that Sublime Bone Fiend was also SSS-Class was high.

Listening to the continuing story from Infernos, the main body and the clone had similar powers.

In any case.

It seemed best to keep a low profile in Hell.

If I disturbed the order and accidentally angered Bone Fiend, I would lose my life.

I still couldn’t defeat an SSS-Class entity.

With the explorer’s ability, I could weaken the power of an SSS-Class to an S-Class level, which made our danger levels the same…

But original power or sealed power.

Those are distinctly different from weakened power.

That was evident from how Azelas, with his original power at S-Class during his time as an explorer, was ruthlessly defeated by the Giant Bone Fiend.

‘Well, as long as I don’t do anything noticeable, I should be fine in Hell. I’ve heard that it’s harmless as long as it doesn’t attack first. Even if it does attack, it’s said that if I apologize, it will let me go.’

After that, I moved to the Punishment Zone and asked Ethan why he was dragged here.

I had a rough idea but thought there might be additional charges.

[Ethan? The prisoner who called out your name earlier? I remember his crime being very serious. He belonged to a type that Sublime Bone Fiend hates the most. The crime he committed was… um…]

Infernos went quiet for a moment.

Then he tapped his head with his fist.

It seemed like an action to recall memory.

[Oh. I remember now.]

Infernos shifted his gaze to me and explained Ethan’s crimes.

He betrayed his kin and attempted to annihilate the world.

He disturbed peace and order.

He forcibly violated another’s woman.

He committed indiscriminate slaughter to satisfy his own ambitions.

He abused and killed his own blood.

He deceived others and coveted their wealth.

He betrayed those who believed in him…

The list of Ethan’s crimes poured out of Infernos without pause.

I shook my head and interrupted him.

“…That’s enough, you can stop talking now.”

[Hmm? There’s still a lot left.]

“I don’t really want to hear it anymore.”

There was no need to listen further.

I had understood that he was worse than I thought.

【Pururu】─ Crazy. He’s worse than I imagined.

【Boglebogle】─ I’m learning a lot of things I didn’t know.

【Luna-chan】─ He really seems like a disgusting man who makes me want to vomit.

【Mysticism】─ 😡

【Yumi】─ He’s someone who surely deserves to be dragged to Hell.

【Rize Nova】─ He seems like a person who can’t be redeemed, and isn’t the penalty supposed to end with his soul being obliterated? His soul must be hideously tainted already.

【Mirstin】─ But how did such trash even receive the title of Hero?

【Boglebogle】─ The kingdom conferred it. Despite his character, he was extraordinarily skilled.

【Mirstin】─ That kingdom must have been out of their mind.

【Pururu】─ Calling him the Hero of Mercy is such a joke. It should have been Trash Hero.

As I conversed with Infernos, we soon arrived at the Punishment Zone.

Wifra and other guards were still torturing the prisoners.


Wifra, with a blooming smile on her face, noticed us as she lashed a prisoner with a whip.

Wifra approached me with quick strides.

She tilted her head, squinted at my appearance, and inspected me from top to bottom.

[Our explorer, why did you suddenly become so sexy? Did you get covered in something all over your body? You smell even more lewd than before!]

“…I’m not covered in anything like that.”

【Pururu】─ Is she crazy?

【Mirstin】─ I’ve never heard such sexual harassment…

【Boglebogle】─ She’s truly filthy.

【Luna-chan】─ Alice shouldn’t be saying anything.

【Mysticism】─ 😮 If covering yourself in bodily fluids increases attractiveness, take note!

【Yumi】─ Don’t take notes!

I subtly shifted my gaze to Ethan.

Ethan currently had his head severed.

But he wasn’t dead.

The body made of prisoners’ souls resembled his former self, and though it was designed to suppress all powers and abilities, it apparently had remarkable regeneration capabilities.

They said it was a body specialized for torture, allowing it not to die easily.

In other words, that body itself was a sort of prison.

‘So that’s why his danger level was F-Class.’


Before Ethan’s body regenerated, I continued the conversation I hadn’t finished with Wifra.

I updated her on the situation in Kendra and explained the relationship between her and the prisoner, Ethan.


I heard that soul snatching is difficult.

No matter how grave a crime a creature commits, if soul snatching fails, they cannot be brought here.

This means not all criminals from across the dimensions are dragged in, but only those unfortunate ones among them.

Thus, ethnic friends of Ethan and other fallen heroes were nowhere to be seen.

That scum Ethan alone was unfortunate enough to have his soul snatched.

“G-Gauntlet?! I knew I wasn’t seeing things! It really is Gauntlet…!”

As Ethan’s body restored and he regained his senses, he shouted upon seeing me.

“Gauntlet! You haven’t forgotten me, right…? We were comrades once…! So don’t just stand there and save me, please…!”

Ethan seemed not in his right mind.

His mental state seemed to have collapsed, causing him to forget everything between us.

【Pururu】─ Who is that guy? If he had any conscience, he couldn’t ask for help from Gun.

【Boglebogle】─ He’s always been without conscience.

【Mirstin】─ He is really shameless.

【Mysticism】─ 🤬🤬🤬

“Gun, I heard you’ve gained strong powers… you can kill everyone here easily, right? Please, save me… we’re comrades after all…”

I completely ignored Ethan’s desperate plea.

As I said before, I didn’t hold much personal animosity but had no intention of helping either.

Why should I save him?

A scum who betrayed humanity and tried to annihilate Elemenzia deserved to suffer forever.


Wifra, having heard about the events between us, exaggerated the incident and started telling other guards.

Then the other guards were delighted and began offering various torture tools, saying they’d temporarily grant me the authority to torture the prisoner.

Claiming that revenge is the ultimate pleasure.

[Ha ha ha! How fortunate it is that there’s someone in Hell who has been wronged by the prisoner!]

[Revenge is always sweet.]

[Friend! You can torture him as much as you like until your anger is resolved!]

[Hehe. I’ll see a thrilling sight that will melt his brain.]

I hadn’t suffered greatly.

I also didn’t have much desire for revenge.


I accepted the demons’ offer with enthusiasm.

With the mindset of avenging Alice and Sage Lunaris.

Regardless of my personal minor grudge, Ethan was, after all, one of the fallen heroes who led Elemenzia to ruin.

【Boglebogle】─ Sage and I should have been there.

【Luna-chan】─ I can’t do torture anyway… so Gun, feel free to torture on our behalf.

I approached Ethan slowly, holding a hot iron.

Ethan trembled in fear, staring at me.

“G-Gauntlet? What are you planning to do…?”

“This is your fate, so just accept it.”

【Pururu】─ I can’t watch this.

【Mysticism】─ 😨

【Mirstin】─ I also can’t watch brutal scenes.

【Boglebogle】─ Make sure to stuff some iron into his mouth too.

【Luna-chan】─ After piercing his belly, roast his insides with the iron! o_O

【Rize Nova】─ Didn’t Sage claim she couldn’t do torture…?

Reading Alice and Sage’s chat, I began the emotionless torture of Ethan according to their wishes.

“Gaaaah!!! Gauntlet, Gauntlet…! You bastard betrayed me as a comrade… g-gah!!!”

“You crazy fool. I was never your comrade. You’re just distorting your memories.”

But maybe my torture wasn’t to his liking?

The previously excited reaction of the guards turned muted.

[Hmm. It’s less exciting than I expected.]

[Is he fumbling through torture?]

[There’s no real emotion of hatred in this. It seems like he didn’t want to take revenge.]

[This is getting boring now…]

The cold atmosphere quickly heated back up.

Not long after, it began heating up again due to the monsters accompanying me.

[Son. That’s not how you do torture. Step aside.]

[Father, we will take care of the torture, so please step back.]

Niarah Nepensys and Kinogine Aracne.

And the monsters that came with me to Hell all surrounded Ethan with furious expressions.

For reference, they’d also heard about the events that occurred between Ethan and me.

[We’ve heard everything you did to my son. You will pay dearly for that, you garbage human.]

[I’ll make sure to grant you the greatest pain imaginable. The crime of hurting my father will never be forgiven.]

[Pii! How dare you harm our dad!!!]

[You ugly guy.]

Niarah, Aracne, Princess, and Iris.

Then other monsters joined in on torturing Ethan.

“W-Wait a moment… Gauntlet is my friend…! Gaaaah!!! St-Stop…! Aaaaaaah!!!”

【Mysticism】─ 😡 He still claims Gun is his friend. What a liar!

【Yumi】─ It seems like his mental state has shattered so severely that he’s even distorted memories from the past. He probably believes Gun is his only hope for escape, clinging to that false reality in his despair.

The horrific torture I imposed upon Ethan penetrated his physical being.

And his screams of agony echoed endlessly through the depths of Hell.

[His wailing looks even uglier. His appearance is truly repulsive.]

Artpega Univicon was, amidst all this, still busy compiling a Pokédex.

Under the pretext of creating a prisoner Pokédex.

[Explorer. That person is too hideously ugly, so I beautified the drawing a lot. I wasn’t inclined to include such an ugly face in the Pokédex, so please understand.]

The paper Artpega handed over held Ethan’s likeness.

Compared to the real Ethan, it was an extremely beautified depiction.


─Actual Danger Level: S-Class.

─Current Danger Level: F-Class.

─Special Notes: Former Hero of Mercy, Current Fallen Hero and Prisoner.