Chapter 90

When playing as a [Reincarnated Hero], I felt it too, but the battle against the Great Demon is ridiculously tough.

To begin with, if your holy level, curse resistance, or certain stats don’t exceed a certain threshold, you’re unlikely to even scratch the Great Demon.

You need specs equivalent to about one or two war heroes, and that’s with a party of five to even consider it.

Of course, that’s how games are, but the ‘first time’ is challenging.

Once you get through that, it’s much easier to strategize with significant stat increases.

And that first time is right now.

Currently, I, Edwin, and Yeriel need all the protagonist buffs we can muster to compete at the level of one or two war heroes.

Therefore, looking at our stats, the chances of us taking down Bunea are…





With the chilling sound of chains clashing,


A heavy flail smashed into the ground.


Bang! Bang!

The Corpse Rag relentlessly targeted Edwin.

Probably ordered to attack Edwin first to humiliate Yeriel.

“He’s improved.”

Edwin wasn’t falling behind either.

As a representative of the hardworking folks, with his constant training, acquisition of the Black Dragon’s essence, and growth from defeating Caeran, he’d powered up his stats… and gained insight.

And, of course, he had equipped the legendary sword I ordered for a hefty sum, benefiting from the gear too.

Above all, I pointed out the Corpse Rag’s weakness, giving him a strategic hitting point.

The guy’s strength surpassed that of fanfiction.

I commanded Edwin to do three things.

The first was to hit the weakness of the Rag, striking with a surge of conviction along the seams where the corpse’s energy was joined.



Edwin slashed in line with that crooked seam,




Puhrrrk, whoosh!

Yeriel’s elemental magic enhanced my fiery arrows, striking the creature’s wounds in rapid succession.

[Strike of Conviction] is a holy skill, and the sacred power leaves wounds that cannot be healed by demons.

With fire magic burning those wounds, the effect should double.

It was just a matter of time before the Rag was weakened by those two debuffs.



As we relentlessly attacked, it started yelling in frustration and swung its flail wildly.



Edwin wisely retreated, increasing the distance without pushing too hard.



Even though the Rag collided with countless falling trees, it began charging after us to kill.

“If this keeps up, we’re in deep trouble.”

The second order I gave Edwin was to focus on dodging safely rather than recklessly attempting to land hits.

The reason was Edwin’s trait “Perseverance”,

The [Perseverance] trait allows him, after taking lethal damage from level 3 up, to severely drop his stats but survive death once.

This is practically a top-tier survival skill,

And it’d be a waste for this skill to be used against something like a Rag, just like in the original story.

Thus, I directed Edwin to control the distance, maintaining the [Perseverance]’s activation effect and planning to trade blows against Bunea’s ultimate move.


Thump thump!

The chasing Corpse Rag was losing control of its body thanks to the trees and its own characteristic acceleration,

At this timing, Edwin would strike from the side, while we provided long-range support.


And we’d repeat this action infinitely until that idiot was chasing us again.

The strategy of completely understanding the Rag’s weaknesses was slow but sure.

Most importantly, the Corpse Rag needed to consume corpses to grow stronger, but there were none around here.

Well, even according to the original story, it’s supposed to be a boss that Edwin and Yeriel take down together.

I just made it a bit easier by intervening.

“Bunea… is the problem.”


[Remaining Wind Energy: 195]

I haven’t spent a scrap of mana, wind energy, or erosion level for the Bunea battle.

Even so, landing effective hits on the Rag is possible because of…

“Yeriel, continue enchanting.”


Thanks to Yeriel’s help.

She’s grown even more than before.

In fact, her enchantment is almost more like the core than my crossbow bolt…


“I’m about to slice him!”

Edwin’s confident shout.


I readied a shadow bolt to match it.

Most of the seams had already torn, and the Corpse Rag spilled flesh and filth.


One last shadow bolt to put the ragged one to rest…


Uooooooh! Ugh-ugh!!

The wind’s illusion blended into its body like a blender.

[The effect of ‘Hierarchical Conflict’ triggers annihilation!]

[In a moment, the tyrant chain-Corpse Rag goes berserk!]

Its whole body suddenly expanded, like a volcano erupting,

“Lev, Yeriel! Move!”

It began to explode.




Easier, super easy.

Pitter-patter! Pitter-patter!

Amid the gloop raining down like rain, the status window began pouring in.


[Achievement Clear!]

[Boss: Tyrant Chain-Corpse Rag has been defeated.]

[Number of boss rewards available: 95 entities.]

[You can earn Demon Hunting Rewards!]

[Experience gained!]

[Stats increased!]

[Skill points acquired!]

[Luck triggered! Stats further increased!]

I chose the last puzzle reward and prepared for the main event, the second phase, the battle against Bunea.

Finally, the last order I gave Edwin was…

“C-crybaby…! Quit hiding…! Come out!”

A petty provocation to increase aggro, that’s what I asked for.

“I can’t just get instantly killed…!”



Was it just because of that?

No, Bunea revealed itself just as in the original.

A bald head with large black horns, its skin tinged with red, covered in gruesome scales, had voodoo dolls and totems hanging from its bent waist, all ready to curse someone.

Bunea was reputed to have become a hunchback due to an obsession with shamanism since childhood.

Walking with a staff adorned with bones, it looked just like a zombie.

“It looks like a total mess.”



▶[Rank 26 – Bunea]

[SS Rank Great Demon]

[Great Demon, Boss]

[Danger Level: ?????]

[Feature: 26th rank great demon, commands the corpse legion, primary ability is necromancy]

[Encounter with Boss! You can observe patterns in advance!]

[Detailed view available]


[Warning: There is a high probability of dying in battle at the current stats]

Ignoring the warning, I popped a potion and concentrated on the detailed view.



[Rank 26 – Bunea]

▶[Skills Held]

[Great Demon-Magic (Passive)]: Magic power, mana, mental strength, and sensitivity dramatically increase. Stat upper limits can exceed by up to 50%.

[Majesty of the Great Demon (Passive)]: Gains three additional unique traits.

[Great Magic Shield (Passive)]: When Bunea has mana available, spells of 7 circles or lower and attacks with proficiency lower than 8 will not damage Bunea.

(*As Bunea’s mana decreases, the shield weakens.)

[Magic Pressure (Active)]: With the Great Demon’s dark magic, it puts creatures within its radius into a groggy state.

(Level 7 upwards, cursing resistance or level 7 plus holy traits can resist.)

[Target Designation-Demonification (Active)]: Inflicts dark magic on a target, except for itself, then demonicizes it before collecting the soul. (Level 8 curse.)

The amount of dark magic consumed and time varies by target.

When the soul is collected, all consumed dark magic can be retrieved.

[Target Designation-Living Dead (Active)]: Targets a corpse or soul to resurrect it and make it a follower. (Level 8 curse.)

When used on a corpse – growth is limited.

Souls retain past life abilities with no growth limit.

(*Living Dead cannot act on their own.)

[Bunea’s Power – Instant Death Curse (Active) (Ultimate Skill)]: Designates a non-demon target for instant death. (Level 9 curse, cannot be dispelled.)

(*Uses a significant amount of mana.)

The instantly deceased must writhe in eternal agony, with salvation only through Bunea’s Living Dead.

(Usable once a day.)

[Bunea’s Power – Dimension Shift (Active) (Ultimate Skill)]: Can move anywhere through individual-only dimensional magic.

There’s no cooldown, but it consumes massive mana.

However, if the destination is Pandemonium – Bunea’s territory, all mana will be refunded after 44 minutes of casting.

(*Sacrificing the corpse legion can shorten the time.)

▶[Special Status]

[Berserk]: None.

[Weakened]: [Bunea] is immune. However, like any magician-type great demon, as mana consumption increases, the great magic shield weakens, which is the only weakness.


“I’m feeling a bit dizzy…”

Is this the feel of hell?

Skills of characters so bad they could rival Caeran…

And I haven’t even read through all of it yet, skipping the usual active attack spells.

After seeing all this, I can’t help but think…


“Damn, I don’t want to do it.”



▶[Hierarchical Conflict] [Lv. None] (Passive)

: While possessing this skill, upon defeating a great demon ranked 72nd, you can inherit the target’s abilities.

(As long as this skill is activated, [Annihilation] is granted.) (One-time use available)

“If I beat it, does all that skill become mine…?”