Chapter 54


Aesuaemu (Expression of love to alleviate a lover’s sorrow).

Aesuaemu is a custom recorded in the Samguk Sagi, practiced in Goguryeo, where lovers engage in affectionate acts to soothe their partner’s worries. This custom was so widespread that it made appearances not just in the Samguk Sagi but also in Goguryeo’s Sukbokdo.

“Bind me? What are you talking about?”

Does Heavenly Killing Star have some deep worries? I don’t have that particular taste, but if she wants it, I might have to do it with a tear in my eye.

“I have a peculiar sleeping habit.”

“What kind of odd sleeping habit makes you want to be tied up like a criminal? This big brother finds this hard to understand.”

I bet my big brother can understand your peculiar tastes. Just be honest with me.

“Kill someone.”

“Ah! Really? Well, then I have to do it.”

Sadly, she must not be from Goguryeo. Does Heavenly Killing Star also have that kind of sleeping habit?

I’ve seen people who snore or talk in their sleep, but a sleeping habit of killing someone is quite unique.

So I’ve been in the same room as a woman who kills people in her sleep for two days?

“I don’t want to kill you. So bind me.”

“Sohee, wouldn’t it be better to book a different room for that?”

Thinking about it, there’s no need to bind. We could just sleep in separate rooms.

“No. I’ll sleep with you.”


I’ve never heard a confession like that in my life until now.

If modern Kang Yoon-ho heard that from such a beauty, he would have checked for hidden cameras or scammers and possibly a pyramid scheme first.

After confirming it wasn’t any of those, he would have shed tears like a golden mouse touched by the moment, holding hands and heading to a convenience store. He would have flashed a little box to the clerk with a triumphant smile.

Are you jealous? When I was the customer in that situation, I wished I could be like them. Your good day will come soon too. I’ll be off to enjoy my good day ahead of you. Oh, and I would have suggested to keep the change as I casually flexed my confidence.

Sadly, she wasn’t saying it with that intention.

“Sohee, can I have the rope?”


Heavenly Killing Star handed me a thin black rope. The rope in my hands felt distinctly different from a regular three-strand rope.

Is it made of leather? The texture was exquisite. With a surface so smooth that not a single fuzz could be seen.

‘This is the perfect rope for Aesuaemu.’

Sure, any rope could be used for SM play, but that’s actually not true.

Ropes made carelessly can have sharp bits poking out and prick the skin. If it’s stiff and unyielding, it could bite into the flesh.

To make a safe tying rope, you have to burn off the fuzz and add some oil until it’s soft enough to not hurt anyone.

This rope must have been crafted with much care to not injure a person.

“Can I bind your hands with this?”

I pulled on the rope with both hands to make it taut and offered it to Heavenly Killing Star. Is it like binding a criminal?

“It’s a special item, so you only need to bind my hands when my sleeping habit acts up.”

Then where should I tie it?

“Sohee, how do you want it tied?”

I looked at Heavenly Killing Star with a curious expression. She seemed to have something she wanted to say but couldn’t get the words out.

Should I bind her feet first?

“You mean…”

After a moment of hesitation, she finally spoke.

“Have you heard of the turtle bind?”

Turtle bind?

No way… the shell bind?


“I see you don’t know what I’m talking about.”

I couldn’t bring myself to admit that I’ve accidentally seen countless audiovisual materials on the subject.

Wow! The turtle bind! You know the shell bind! Let me explain for those who might not know. It’s the most famous way to perform Aesuaemu with rope, and when tied, it’s in-crazy-ingly-erotic!

This can’t be happening.

Why in the world would you ask for a shell bind in a body restraint? Are you testing me? Asking for a shell bind right off the bat feels suspicious.

Although some may think of it as a form of binding due to its nature, shell binding is merely a method used among couples to enjoy psychological role-play through body pressure.

If I’m going to kill someone in my sleep, I should just bind all limbs, and if that’s insufficient, I should bind the neck and connect it to the arm knots. There’s really no need to ask for a shell bind.

“I can’t do this alone.”

“How did you manage before? Did you tie yourself up to sleep?”

“When I was young, my master tied me up. Recently, I just sleep alone.”

“Aha. Was your master perhaps male?”

Are you implying that Heavenly Killing Star’s tastes come from her master? Tying up a child with a shell bind?

I want to shout, “Arrest this guy!” Constable!

“No, she was a woman.”

“I see.”

She must have had a thoughtful aspect for the child, what a fine master indeed.

“If I don’t tie up, I can’t sleep here.”

Then don’t sleep! I almost quipped back, but the expression on Heavenly Killing Star’s face looked like a forlorn child caught in the rain.

What a golden opportunity to kick her out!

I’m really in a dilemma.

If it’s not her or her master’s taste, then, as Heavenly Killing Star said, there must be something special about that rope.

Perhaps it controls her habits while she’s asleep.

Could it be that asking for a shell bind would somehow make the rope exert its mysterious powers and control Heavenly Killing Star?

“If I get bound by that rope, will I be able to sleep well?”

“It won’t be comfortable, but I can sleep.”

Well, who could sleep comfortably when bound by a rope?

“Sohee, how can I help you then?”

That’s right. I should encourage her to get up on her own instead of trying to force her to another room. I decided to help her.

“Most of it I can do alone. The issue is my heart.”

“You’re heart?”

“The closer the rope gets to the heart, the stronger the effect. It has to be split into two parts, below the collarbone and above the stomach, but tying that part will make my mind hazy and my strength leave me, so I can’t do it.”

Heavenly Killing Star pointed at her heart.

Oh. Are you asking me to bind that part?

“No, Sohee. How could I… that part of a grown woman…?”

Thank you. Thank you so much.

“…… Please.”

With her head bowed, Heavenly Killing Star spoke in a hushed tone.

Wow. So she can ask for things too. Until now, it felt like she was half commanding, but this time, the urgency was evident.

“Alright, Sohee. I’ll give it a try.”

“Then, please turn around for a moment.”

I turned away at her words.

Ruffle, rustle…

The sound of fabric teasing my ears came from behind. That sound… is she stripping?


“Don’t look back.”

Wait! I’m okay with it, but are you really going to go through with it?

“Now, turn around.”

Just a moment! I need to prepare my heart for this.

Sohee. I’m not that kind of guy, you know?

If you’re going to throw yourself at me like that, I’d be thrilled, but we should get to know each other better first. Let’s start with the physical!

Alright, no more feigning surprise.

Let’s brace ourselves and turn around! Heavenly Killing Star was already changed into a set of thin clothing suitable for sleep.

Ugh. What a disappointment.

“I’ll take care of the basics for now.”

Heavenly Killing Star tied the rope around her neck and let it flow down through her belly button towards her private area.

Just this single line down the center of her body was surprisingly seductive. I didn’t know where to focus my gaze, but I at least feigned embarrassment for now.

She tied knot after knot before looping the rope around her body once lengthwise.


A weaker sound than her usual voice slipped out. Just making a vertical line down her body seemed to have some sort of effect.

“Sohee, do you need help?”

“Ah, I’m still fine.”

Heavenly Killing Star bit her lip and busily moved her hands to create a shell shape at her belly button and chest line.

Is that self-shell binding? She could really do it herself. The audiovisual materials always suggested it’s a two-person job; I thought it was impossible alone!


“Sohee! Are you okay?”

Heavenly Killing Star’s legs suddenly gave out. I quickly reached out and supported her before she could fall forward.

She tilted her head slightly forward and brought her lips to my ear.

“Now… do it for me.”

Her gentle breath tickled my ear.

Hey, that could be misunderstood if you don’t clarify your subject, verb, and object!

“Okay. First, sit down.”

Carefully, I lowered Heavenly Killing Star onto the floor.

Heavenly Killing Star’s legs seemed too weak to hold her up so she knelt and spread out her legs in an M position only women could naturally do.

“Hurry, hurry!”

“Alright. Here I go.”

I began tying her up from behind, trying to avoid touching her front as much as possible. With the remaining rope, I wrapped it around her lower chest and upper chest, tying it securely.


As the rope touched her chest, Heavenly Killing Star’s eyes seemed to lose focus.

“Sohee, is this okay? Sohee!”

Get a grip! If someone finds out about this situation, I’ll be dragged away!

“Loosen… it. Tighten it.”


I pulled the rope taut. As it constricted, her chest seemed to rise majestically like a great mountain emerging from the mist.


With a moan, it seemed all strength escaped her upper body. Luckily, I was holding the rope, so she didn’t fall over, but it felt like all her strength was dissipating.

“Sohee? Sohee!”

Is she unconscious?

This is going way too far.

Carefully, I lifted Heavenly Killing Star and placed her onto the bed.

Fortunately, her eyes were open. So she wasn’t knocked out, just too weak to respond.

Her eyes were open but unfocused, probably affected by the rope.


The sight of Heavenly Killing Star bound to the bed was an unbelievable spectacle.

The rope accentuated her body in ways that left nothing to the imagination.

Lying on the bed, her face slightly flushed and breathing shallowly, she embodied pure eros.

Though I tried not to, it was impossible to ignore that truly absurd figure.

Just looking at her was enough, but her tightened chest seemed to invite conquests like a majestic peak.

I swallowed without realizing.


This is maddening. I honestly don’t know how to process such a ridiculous situation.

As much as she’s Heavenly Killing Star, I fear I might cause a real accident here.

“Sohee, let me step out for a quick breather.”

I should leave and let the cold air hit me before I lose my mind and pass out.

I turned to the door of the guest room.

“Y-Yoon Ho.”

She reached out for me with the voice of a sick child looking for their mother, lost and desperate.

“Don’t… go.”

I’m going crazy.
