Chapter 534

After the Eden Treaty was officially concluded, I suddenly found myself overwhelmed by one emotion.

Ah, I don’t want to work. It’s all so annoying.

…I feel like I’ve worked hard enough not to lose to anyone.

After all, the reason I had to stay as the T-party host was to ensure the Eden Treaty was successfully established, so can’t I just quit now?

“This is my dilemma, Teacher.”


For that reason, I went to visit Shalle.

To put it simply… is this a fate story?

Of course, no matter what, I absolutely won’t allow that annoying guy to have a memorial!

“Well, I know that you can’t just give me the answer that feels right, Teacher. Yeah, this is such an issue. You wouldn’t casually spout out irresponsible words like ‘just quit’ to a student, right? Right, Teacher?”


Hey, Mr. Annoying Guy, why are you making that flustered expression? That’s strange. You’re not that kind of person!

No matter how untrustworthy they may seem, teachers are, after all, adults with excellent character. There’s no way someone like that would tell me to just quit if they didn’t feel like it.

Moreover, that would be something that’s practically impossible to carry out in reality.

First, my lover, Nagisa, would be affected by that.

Secondly, it’s a low blow for a senpai to offload the responsibilities onto the next potential Student Council President we’re currently looking for.

Third, I have a premonition that our Defense Office Head, who has been trying to push me up to the peak of the Student Council, will cling to me even more fiercely than before.

Finally, I know that not all crises have ended yet.

“I think it’s not something I can just direct you on. As much as I’d like to suggest quitting, it’s not that simple, is it?”


“However, I’m not trying to say you’re looking in the wrong direction. Rather, no matter who you ask, you won’t find the answer you want. This part ultimately depends on you, Mika.”

Ahaha… It’s sad to realize I already knew that. Yeah, what do I really want to do…?”

“You probably just want to vent your frustrating feelings a little, right? That’s how human psychology works.”

Hearing the teacher’s words, I nodded vigorously in agreement. Indeed, I might have just wanted someone to seriously listen to my dilemmas.

If I bring this up to Nagisa, she’d just end up feeling guilty.

Kaya would probably cling to me to quit hosting and join the Student Council. Furthermore, the fact that the Student Council has united means Rin has finally waved the white flag.

If Rin, who had been on guard against me, treating me like the Queen of Trinity, is willing to accept my presidency in the Student Council, what if that leads to a real protest of “Let’s make Misono Mika the Student Council President!”?

To be honest, I didn’t want to reveal to those around me that I was struggling with such things. I know that whoever it might be, they would listen seriously and embrace me without fail, but…

I don’t know. My wish to worry them less might actually end up causing them more concern.

“I have a rough idea of what you’re feeling. So how about sharing the difficult things on your mind one by one? It will surely help.”

The teacher said this, and oddly enough, I found comfort in those words.

The teacher is definitely an adult. As a student, I seem to only be drifting further away from adults.

“Alright, Teacher. First of all… Everyone overestimates me beyond my abilities.”


“No, no, Teacher, don’t look at me like that, just listen to what I have to say. Yeah. I know what you’re thinking right now. ‘Looking at what she’s done so far, can that really be called overestimating?’”

“You understand well.”

“But you’re wrong. Yeah, I’m not that amazing of a person. I can’t go into detail, but…”

It’s fine for the teacher to know that I’m not the original owner of Mika’s body. But I can’t reveal how I know about the events happening in Kivotos.

“People called the missing Student Council President a superhuman. Do you happen to know?”

“I’ve heard something about it.”

“If so, the story gets easier. There’s a kid I think has a talent equal to that of the former Student Council President.”

“You’re talking about Kaya, the Defense Office Head, right?”

“Yep. It’s been so noisy lately, saying I should become the Student Council President and whatnot. To be honest, I don’t really get what they’re seeing in me.”

I’m being serious. It wouldn’t be a deception to say I have no ability at all, but I’m not at the level where I can compare to a superhuman to lean against as the Student Council President.

“Besides, Rion and Himari unreasonably overestimate me as well.”

Out of the three people I know that fit the label of genius, two are overselling my abilities, and something feels off about that.

“If those two are saying something like that, it would be right to think you have something going for you, Mika.”

Hmm… Is that so?


The teacher let out a bemused laugh.

“Alright, it’s just a consultation for now. It’s not unusual for some people to feel strange about themselves. People who are notably hard on their self-evaluation can be commonly found.”

As the teacher said this, I began to understand a bit. It’s something akin to a writer who struggles with an inferiority complex but still achieves great results.

“If the majority hold you in high esteem, even if you have reasons that make it hard to fully accept it, I think it’s a good idea to accept it to some degree.”

Certainly, there is merit in what the teacher said. Being as confident and self-loving as Makoto is an impossible feat for me but…

Of course, I’ve also heard that I’m on par with Himari regarding self-love. But that’s something I can only have as someone living in ‘Mika’s body.’

So, this is a bit ambiguous to be called self-love. If I look in the mirror and admire my beauty, then that’s not vanity, it’s just revering the appearance of a princess.

“I understand what you mean. Yeah. It’s necessary to have a mindset of ‘I’m a big deal’ to some extent.”

…Well, I guess you could see it that way.

The teacher looked like he was questioning that, but I’m pretty sure my thinking is right.

“So, is that it?”

“No, there’s a bit more. It’s just a matter of time…”

“Wait a moment.”

As soon as I mentioned time, the teacher raised his hand. Then he said,

“I won’t take relationship advice.”

Huh. Heh. Hehehe.

I momentarily lost my words. As soon as I brought up time, the thought that crossed my mind was, ‘Ah, they probably don’t have enough time for dating.’

“If you’re neglecting your duties as a student because of relationship issues—”

“No, no, Teacher! That’s not true! After all, my student records are available for viewing at Shalle too, right? Yeah, my grades are perfectly fine!”


Hearing this, the teacher burst out laughing. I shot him a glance, wondering what was so funny, only to receive an unexpected answer.

“I’m not talking about your situation; I mean those kids who are involved with you inappropriately.”

“Not inappropriate at all.”

“Mika. It’s problematic to deceive yourself like that. Even if you all agree and are in a mutually consenting relationship, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s still an inappropriate relationship.”

“The difference in our opinions on this matter might not be reconciled, and since those kids seem happy, I won’t fuss about it. However, I do worry that they’re so focused on romance that they’re neglecting their futures and dreams.”

…Ah, I see.

The teacher was simply concerned about the students’ futures from their standpoint.

“From the beginning, I can see that your grades are good, above average. While not as incredible as Hina, compared to the volume of work you handle, your grades are excellent.”

…Heuung. Right, I do study pretty hard.

“Considering that you originally had the capabilities of an adult, it’s even stranger that your grades wouldn’t be good.”

Wait, are we really nitpicking about that here?

The teacher knocked on his desk with a mischievous smile. Looking at him, I took a moment to organize my thoughts.

Could my romantic relationships be harmful to our husbands?

After contemplating this, I concluded it was a big no.

Especially Hiyori, who’s getting support from me to study fashion design with her friend, Hibiki, whom she connects with.

Above all, our husbands generally have bright futures that I don’t need to worry about.

And even if it were to be detrimental, I wouldn’t care, that’s my thought.

After all,

“I can take responsibility, right?”


“Teacher, after giving it some thought, I realize that I do have the capacity to support our husbands, right? So if push comes to shove, if they don’t have anything else they want to do, why not let them be my supporting husbands☆?”


“This isn’t a joke. I’m completely serious. Yeah. If our husbands want it, they can absolutely do whatever! Well, that said, it’s likely that only one or two would actually try to become a supporting husband.”

Hiyori would definitely raise her hand eagerly. Even though she has her own aspirations, if I let her play the role of supporting husband, she’d happily take it.

“Just do nothing, and I’ll feed you. I’ll give you a place to sleep. You can do whatever you want, and I’ll give you allowance too. And on top of that, the beautiful me loves you.”

I’m sure for Hiyori, it would be nothing short of a paradise on Earth. Truly.

Additionally, looking at Azusa’s recent behavior, it does seem a bit concerning. It’s like how a parent feels watching their daughter cooped up, only playing games… Hmm.

…yeah, you were that kind of kid.

Ahaha, of course! There aren’t many who are as serious about everything as I am! So, I’ll have to keep working hard. Yeah. To become someone deserving of the love of those I cherish…

Upon hearing that, the teacher regarded me with a mysterious expression.

Hmm? Teacher, why are you looking at me like that?

“Well, I think your words might answer the concern you had when you came for counseling today.”


Now that I think of it, that seems to be the case…?

“See? I said it would help, didn’t I?”

…Yeah, it certainly does.

“I can’t provide clear solutions to everyone’s dilemmas. That’s not the position I’m in, after all. What an adult says can have a significant impact on children. So listening to students’ worries tends to be more challenging than I thought.”

The teacher said. I found myself busy focusing on his words.

“Just like today, simply chatting can lead to students, like you, arriving at their own answers… and there are others who need me to subtly guide them in the right direction.”

Hmm… Isn’t the former just a case of repeating ‘I see. And?’ while smiling?

“That’s a rather harsh way to express it. I won’t deny it, but… Anyhow, through this process, helping students is just as fulfilling as the work itself.”

The teacher, with a serious expression, continued speaking.

“If you feel a sense of pride and fulfillment from what you do, from what you’ve accomplished, that’s certainly something of great value.”

Yeah, that’s definitely true.

By taking on the position of T-party host, I’ve managed to handle many things and accomplish much.

Though there have definitely been tough times, when I reflect on everything, that feeling of fulfillment holds the largest share in my heart.

After all, what do I truly wish for?

It’s the happiness of everyone deserving to be happy, isn’t it?

So perhaps… just perhaps…

The place I should be is not at the T-party.