“…Teacher. Teacher!”
Gah. Cough…!
“Teacher, are you okay?!”
The teacher took a deep breath and lifted their upper body. Their blurred vision slowly focused.
What came into view were the debris of the High Cathedral scattered everywhere and the students helping each other in various places.
“…Is everyone okay?”
“No, there’s something else to worry about… The worst injury is just a minor sprain, so please don’t worry about us!”
Essentially, the teacher could barely survive from just a single bullet, so the concerns from Nagisa and Aco were understandable.
In contrast, the students had durability that even considerable physical force couldn’t properly injure them. Their prioritization of each other was a behavior Aco found completely baffling.
Thinking that the priority was way out of order, Aco ultimately accepted that this was why the evaluation of Shalle’s teacher was rising day by day.
“Wait, I’ll check.”
“…Who are you?”
“Affiliated with the Trinity Rescue Knights.”
Misaki, who had appeared behind Aco, inspected the teacher’s body here and there and narrowed her eyes.
“That’s strange.”
“Why? Is there a big problem?”
“No, it’s just that… you’re completely fine. That’s what’s strange.”
“Indeed… it doesn’t make sense that you’re okay after falling from that height.”
At Nagisa’s remark, the teacher tilted their head upward, having entrusted their body to Misaki in silence. However, it was nearly impossible to confirm the height as it was so dark above.
“…How deep did I fall?”
“It’s probably not as deep as you think. It seems that the light source above completely disappeared for some reason when the floor collapsed. Roughly… three stories high. Yes, I estimate it to be about that high.”
Given that, it was non-sensical that the teacher had no injuries, so they naturally suspected it was Arona’s doing. If not, it didn’t make sense.
“For now, let’s keep this matter a secret among us. It wouldn’t do any good if rumors spread about Shalle’s teacher being tougher than known.”
“That’s right. Someone might mistakenly target the teacher with gunfire as a joke.”
The teacher, imagining the situation that could unfold, shivered slightly. It wasn’t a pleasant thought.
“By the way, this is indeed the basement of the High Cathedral, right? I don’t think I’ve ever heard about such a large underground complex… Hmm.”
“Nagisa, what’s with the suspicion after you’ve fallen yourself?”
“Well, it’s quite uncertain. The monster from earlier is one thing, but I have no idea what that man in the Black Suit is after. They said they were Mika’s collaborator, but what if they’re just using her… that suspicion has been lingering in my mind.”
“…From the start, isn’t that person just hopelessly reckless? What on earth makes them think it’s okay to collaborate or deal with such a shady character… I noticed that since they first contacted our Head, but it’s starting to become a nuisance!”
“Mika has her reasons as well, Aco. A really important reason, one she can’t give up, no matter how suspicious the opponent might be. While it’s hard to deny that her mind is like a flower garden… that’s also because she’s loved so much that so many people gather around her.”
“Ah, really! If it weren’t for the Head…!”
Despite saying that, Aco wondered if it was really right for her to be here, just because she thought helping Mika in danger would earn her Hina’s praise. But she quickly shook that thought off and pressed Nagisa once again.
“So! What exactly is their goal? You’re not planning to dodge the question again by saying it should be Mika who tells me, right?”
“…Well. For now, Wakamo, Tsukiyuki, and the Arius Squad are surveying the surroundings. We should move as soon as they return.”
“Y-you ignored me?! Excuse me?”
“Alright, calm down a bit, Aco. Did you know that raising your body temperature can help cool your head?”
“…Please don’t say it’s true when it’s not. Seriously, Trinity is hopeless.”
“Uhuhu. You’re not being honest. The bodily conversations we had back then were quite…”
“I didn’t have any of that!”
“Anyway, everyone seems to be in good condition… let’s check how much spare ammunition we have left.”
After a light cough to break the tension between Aco and Hanako, the teacher suggested to finish assessing the situation.
Naturally, no one opposed.
“Trials,” as they call it, usually meant a high probability of additional battles following.
“This is my last one.”
“About three left in one magazine… that might be a problem.”
“I still have quite a bit left over here, teacher.”
It was a stroke of luck that Haruna’s ammunition was still ample enough to be useful in battle. However, the fact that Hanako’s and Noa’s magazines were running low indicated that the situation wasn’t looking good. Miyako and Wakamo were likely in similar situations too.
“If Aco and Nagisa’s ammo and Noa’s firearm were interchangeable…”
“…Unfortunately, mine won’t be compatible with yours.”
“I’ll check it, but normally I don’t carry extra magazines, so it won’t be much help.”
When it became clear that neither Nagisa’s nor Aco’s ammunition was compatible with Noa’s firearm, Noa smiled sweetly.
“You two are really not helping at all♪”
Both of them turned away at the same time.
And about that time, the person who had gone off to survey the surroundings returned.
“I found two passages. One seems to lead to the outside, and the other one is likely a door leading deeper.”
With her coat fluttering behind her, Saori’s gaze shifted to Nagisa and the teacher. There was a firm resolve in her eyes.
“…I see.”
“Nagisa, and teacher. I won’t require a separate judgment on this. Our squad has no intention of retreating until we secure Mika’s safety.”
“That goes for me as well. I assume the teacher feels the same.”
At Nagisa’s words, the teacher nodded in agreement. Everyone present was united by the singular goal of ensuring Mika’s safety. Backing down from here was absolutely not an option.
“Aco, have you checked the expected arrival time for Hina?”
“If we roughly calculate the time taken by helicopter from the Student Council headquarters to here… they should arrive within 30 minutes, at most. Perhaps a bit sooner. I was about to contact them… Ugh.”
“Aco…? Is there a problem?”
“…It says connection lost.”
Aco frowned as she pondered whether there was even a reason to lose connection here. To that, Nagisa made a suggestion.
“How about you go outside the High Cathedral and wait? Maybe bring Hanako along too.”
“…So when the Head arrives, I’ll guide them.”
“Yes. Honestly, in the current situation, both you and I are nothing but burdens.”
“Alright, let’s do that. But not him.”
“Oh dear, I’ve become disliked…”
“Could you please stick around a bit more appropriately? I’m tired of dealing with you.”
“What’s with that? Why are you laughing… Hey, let go of this! I told you to let go!”
“Nagisa-senpai, see you later♡”
“…Okay, Hanako.”
Hanako, who had held onto Aco’s hand, disappeared down what seemed to be the path leading outside the High Cathedral. Seeing that, the teacher couldn’t help but wonder if those two really needed to be paired up but kept the thought to themselves.
“…Let’s go. To reclaim Mika.”
Everyone gathered at the door. Questions still lingered, but their task was clear.
And as if welcoming them, the door opened by itself, revealing a figure stepping forward with creaky steps.
“What you just faced was the first creation derived from interpreting ancient doctrines. Similar to the noble, but fundamentally distinct doctrines of the old Trinity. An ambitious creation that combines such a doctrine with the highest level of mysteries that interlock like gears. However, it was merely a failure.”
A man shaped like a wooden puppet with two heads, the Maestro.
“…I didn’t expect it to be that person.”
Haruna said that after facing the Maestro in person, but he didn’t pay much attention to her or Noa.
His gaze was solely focused on the teacher.
“Greetings, teacher. Though in this ugly state, I hope you’ll welcome me. I am not your friend, nor an enemy. I am neither your assistant nor an obstructer. You must already have heard, but let me reintroduce myself anyway. I am the Maestro. Currently referred to as part of Gematria.”
“To say you’re neither an obstructer nor an enemy seems quite contradictory, as you’ve already caused plenty of disruptions.”
“This trial is not originally for you. So I’m not an obstructer to you. Your involvement in this does not change that proposition.”
The Maestro clapped his hands, extending his arms as he spread them wide. The eerie atmosphere was enough to make Hiyori shiver.
“Teacher, from this moment onward, the creation you must face is different. A complete doctrine. And the concept of the mysteries that exist above it. Everything blended together in a beautiful ratio, Communio Sanctorum… an artificial angel and a collective of the divine. Borrowing the name of that ancient doctrine, I shall call it Jeronimus.”
The dimly lit area instantly brightened. Along with it, a massive humanoid figure draped in white robes loomed behind the Maestro, radiating its presence all around.
A great white wing and a halo above its head. Contrasting with its gaunt arms and sharp claws, and a hollow face from which only shadows flowed. Its appearance was divine, yet simultaneously invoked terror.
“Now that it has come to this, I sincerely hope you will applaud, teacher.”
[I’m sorry. I’m sorry… So… I’m asking you—please, don’t leave me…]