Chapter 345

After a while of choosing her words, Hina slowly began to speak.

“…Mika, first of all, I think it’s ambiguous to say anything about that other Mika since I don’t know much about her. Still, I understand why you brought this up. It must have been a pretty difficult topic to mention…”

“Still, it was something that needed to be said. Eventually, the other kids will find out too, but I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you, Hina-chan.”

“…That makes me a bit happy. But, I have a few questions.”

Seemingly pondering for a moment, Hina closed her eyes and, for some reason, made a curious expression while cupping my cheek.

“If what you say is true, that means this lovely face of mine originally belonged to, well, another side, right? Then, I wonder how that side would obtain a new body… I can’t be sure, but I think it would feel really strange when that time comes.”

“Oh dear, Hina-chan. You didn’t fall for me just because of my looks, did you? I understand since I have the prettiest and loveliest face in the world, but… I’m a little hurt.”

“…That’s not exactly it. If I had to pinpoint it, my initial attraction was due to your looks combined with how you act as if there’s no distance between us. Plus, that oddly narcissistic personality… I think I’m starting to understand that a bit now.”

“Aha! Honestly, I’m pretty cute, right? Falling for this is not a crime. Yup, it gives off that natural disaster vibe.”

“Exactly. The problem is, with a face like that, you keep seducing people, which complicates relationships.”

“…I didn’t intend for that.”

“No need to make excuses, I get it. That’s why I fell for you. It’s just that I was drawn to you as a person.”

Saying this, Hina hugged me tightly. Her consideration of turning her head ever so slightly to avoid my horns radiated her kindness.

Our kids definitely have kind and beautiful hearts. I hope that part never changes. Although, the innocent side of them has long since flown away.

“Do you know, Mika?”

Once again meeting my gaze, Hina said.


“Even though you’re a flirt who can’t love just one person… I’m always grateful for your outstretched hands. I’m sincerely thankful for that. So, I have to say…”

Taking a breath, Hina poked my chest.

“Help me.”

“Help you with what…?”


“…That was one of the things I wanted to talk about today.”

“That kid has been avoiding me lately. Not exactly avoiding, but… hovering around me at a distance. When I approach, she retreats, and when I move away, she comes closer. No matter how much I try to arrange a meeting as the Student Council President, she quickly makes excuses and runs away. But I can see she’s struggling, so I can’t just grab her.”


“If only I could properly reject her, then I could end things. It might hurt for a bit, but I could get through it and go back to normal. I can’t bring myself to hurt her like you do, Mika… I can’t help but think that makes things worse.”

So that’s how it is for Aco. Is this… the feeling of supporting Hina and ending up harming myself from the inside?

“Haah. When we get back, I’ll arrange to meet Aco-chan and have a talk with her.”

“Mika, when you couldn’t turn me down… you secretly had feelings for me, not just as a friend, right?”

“Aha… If I hadn’t felt anything, I wouldn’t have accepted it so casually. Hmm, if that were the case, I guess our relationship might have become awkward…”

“…I’m different, Mika. My feelings for that kid never exceeded the level of friendship… If they had…”

“Yeah, I understand that feeling. So… let me have a chat with Aco-chan first. Let’s think about this later.”


So, where do I even start with this? Should I have the teacher introduce me?

With Aco’s distinctive character, I wonder if it would be a decent competition with Yuuka. Honestly, she’s a bit temperamental, but if you get past that prickly exterior, the story changes.

If it’s the teacher, maybe they could lead me there somehow. That’s a pretty certain aspect, so I don’t need to doubt it.

…But what if Wakamomo, who should have fallen for the teacher at first sight, doesn’t end up by my side? Will things work out for me as I wish?

Plus, saying that Hina only sees Aco as a friend to her face feels wrong. What should I really do?

Thinking that it all stemmed from one slip of the tongue makes me feel dizzy. That’s all the more reason I should be responsible for fixing this.

Yeah, this is indeed tough. I’m in a bind myself right now.



“Can you share a bit about your story?”


Still, I carry on. Perhaps for my sake.


“The air of Hakgwiyaeng that I get to experience after so long is… something special. Fufu. I missed it.”

“Wakamomo, have you been here before?”

“Of course! At one point, I was part of Hakgwiyaeng. So, you can trust me to guide you. Fufut.”

Upon hearing this from the girl wearing a fox mask, the teacher nodded. Who could be more trustworthy than a local guide?

The White Night. It’s said to be the biggest festival of the year for Hakgwiyaeng, and the teacher wondered if it was okay to enjoy it alone, so they brought one student from SRT.

The RABBIT Squad, having declared a break due to the recent grueling training, said they’d stay put. Among them, Wakamomo volunteered, so here she was in the Hakgwiyaeng Autonomous District.

Little did the teacher know that the one who conducted that harsh training was right in front of them.

“But Wakamomo. I’ve been curious since earlier, is there a reason you wear that mask?”

“Huh? Teacher, you’re digging into a girl’s secrets… that’s troubling. So I’ll carefully decline to answer on that part. Fufu.”


“You mentioned you were told to come to the White Night, so…”

Wakamomo glanced around with her arms crossed. Having been gone for so long, everything felt rather strange.

It was particularly disappointing not to have come with the person she wanted to visit…

Fufu. A meeting disguised as a coincidence isn’t too bad, is it?”


“Nothing, Teacher. Now, if we’re going to the White Night, we should go this way… huh?”

In a fox-like manner, Wakamomo hid her mischievous intentions as she spotted something approaching at a very fast pace. It was a fox beast girl rushing towards them, so fast that even she might miss it if she didn’t focus.

“Ah, watch out?!”


Even though she was aware of her role as the teacher’s bodyguard, the opponent was too fast to handle.

Fortunately, Wakamomo’s own abilities were quite exceptional. Just barely managing to block the teacher’s path, Wakamomo collided directly with the girl.

With that force, she was able to absorb the impact, stepping back only two paces, drawing admiration from the teacher.

And in a different sense, the teacher admired again. The girl nestled in Wakamomo’s arms had buried her face against her chest.

“Ah, I-I’m sorry?! Are you hurt?!”

The dazed girl took a step back, clearly flustered as she apologized.

“Of course not. I want to ask you instead… are you okay, little fox?”

“Y-Yes! Izuna is fine… but what about that mask?!”

“Oh my…?”

Recognizing the identity of the person she had bumped into, Izuna’s eyes widened. It was odd not to recognize a student notorious for having been on the Student Council’s wanted list, even though her activities had decreased significantly this year.


As Izuna attempted to speak that well-known nickname, Wakamomo’s eyes gleamed with amusement. Though it might not be evident due to the mask.

And then.

“Stop right there! I won’t let you escape!”

“W-Wait, Kaede-chan. Hah… Hua… you’re too fast…!”

“Ah, already here! Ah, um, um! What should I do?!”

Over the crowd, the voices of two girls echoed, making Izuna panic, her eyes wide as saucers, not knowing what to do.

Seeing her, the teacher, unsure of the situation, was going to suggest that they just run away, but she stepped beside Wakamomo.

“Do you… need help?”

“Y-Yes…? Uh, well. So…”

The teacher reached out a hand of help to Izuna, but she hesitated.

“I found you! Over there! Mimori-senpai!”

“Wakamomo, I’m sorry but can you hang in there for a bit!”

However, as the situation grew urgent, the teacher, unable to ignore a student in trouble, took Izuna’s hand and started running.

“…This is troubling. I wonder if I can really find Mika-chan within today.”

Pouting her lips, Wakamomo muttered as she tried to follow the teacher.

“…Ah! Is that the Reikubyō?!”


“I-I need to contact the Onmyoubu first…!”

A fire was sparked.

And caught in the confusion, a thick smile unintentionally spread across Wakamomo’s lips.

While she wouldn’t actively stir up trouble, if the challenge came her way… she wouldn’t be able to back down.

“Still, it might be too much to overreact…”

Of course, Wakamomo’s scale, having successfully been reborn as a new fox, was much smaller than before. That couldn’t be anything but a relief for the students of Hakgwiyaeng.

With a steady yet unhurried pace, Wakamomo chased after the teacher.