Chapter 315

“Seems like you two need some time to talk, so I’ll just leave behind the letter from Yichang and step out for a moment.”


The branch leader handed me two letters and then withdrew from the room.

“It’s a letter from Ahn Gwang-ju at Hao Mun and the Seocheon Post Office’s Yichang branch.”


Sending letters simultaneously? That must be a big deal.

I unfolded the letters and quickly skimmed through the contents.

“Did the Lush Green Post Office hire some martial artists from the Do-Mun?”

“The postmaster is a member of the faction, so there’s a chance they’ve had dealings with the Do-Mun.”

“What does it say?”

“Basically, the Do-Mun guys seem to be withdrawing from Yichang. It looks like they’ve noticed Miss Ha-yeon isn’t at the printing house, so they’re warning to be cautious.”

“Looks like our request to make it seem like someone was living at the printing house got exposed.”

“The Do-Mun guys are technically part of Hao Mun too. With the schemes from Sim-mun Hyang-ju and help from the Yichang branch, they were uncertain, but it seems they finally reached a conclusion.”

It’s a miracle we’ve held out this long. If the Yichang Hao Mun branch had cooperated with the Do-Mun or if Ho Pil had spread false information about Im Ha-yeon, they would have figured it out long ago.

“If they’ve concluded there’s nothing, why did they attack the Seocheon Post Office?”

“Because a large volume of cargo is headed to Wuhan from the printing house. If Miss Ha-yeon was there, they probably thought she could hide among the cargo and escape.”

“That’s a strategy that actually worked once.”

Im Ha-yeon had hidden in a jar that contained liquor before she escaped to Yichang. The Do-Mun couldn’t ignore the situation with so much cargo moving from the printing house.

“Withdrawn from Yichang, huh…”

There shouldn’t be any more annoying incidents at the Seocheon Post Office’s Yichang branch or the Tea Bookstore, but this isn’t something to laugh about.

“Now the Do-Mun probably suspects one location.”

The Do-Mun has given up on the place where the chances of finding Im Ha-yeon were highest.

Where on earth could Im Ha-yeon be right now?

She wasn’t hiding among the cargo. Reports will go up to the Do-Mun.

Will they believe the false information flowing into the Do-Mun that a woman with pink hair is committing theft somewhere in Hubei Province?

If not, where is the most suspicious location?

Who could Im Ha-yeon be with now?

We stared at each other, plunging into deep silence.


“Have you finished your discussions?”

The branch leader broke the heavy silence with a smile and stepped back into the room.

“I think we should talk more back at the office.”

There wasn’t any sharp solution that could come up immediately.

The branch leader nodded in agreement and opened his mouth, looking at Im Ha-yeon as if he were a father looking at his daughter.

“Even though I don’t carry the blood of the Tang family, I wouldn’t be so ungrateful as to forget a favor. Miss Im has helped greatly in this matter, so please feel free to ask for assistance whenever needed.”

“Thank you.”

“Let’s put the gloomy discussions aside for now, and I should share some happy news with you both,”

“What happy news do you speak of?”

I can’t believe it’s compensation!

They wouldn’t just sweep away the Seocheon Post Office issue without any rewards, right?

I looked at the branch leader with a hopeful expression.

“You truly did something amazing. I’ve reported to the provincial capital of Sichuan and, as soon as a decision is made at headquarters, a significant reward will be coming.”

I feigned humility as I grinned awkwardly in front of the branch leader, pretending it was no big deal.

“I was just trying to get my cargo back. I didn’t do it for any reward.”

To be honest, I was thinking about the reward. Since I solved such a major incident, they should give me a massive one, right?

“Humility is a virtue, but you don’t need to be modest this time. The ghost ship incident nearly blocked the Seocheon Post Office’s advancement into Hubei Province. You saved them a great deal, Master Kang.”

“Thank you for seeing it as a great deed.”

Let’s see how they try to wrap this up with just a few coins. Otherwise, I’d be writing heartfelt letters to Hwa-rin.

“The scale of the reward will be determined by the Seocheon Post Office, but there’s something I’d like to offer separately.”

“From you, sir?”

He’s talking about giving two rewards?

Does a branch leader usually give monetary compensation?

As I looked at the branch leader, attempting to hide my excitement while feigning confusion, he presented an unexpected reward suggestion.

He handed me a piece of paper.

“All cargo sent to Wuhan will be free of charge from now on.”

The paper stated that all cargo sent by Kang Yoon-ho to Wuhan would be processed free of charge.

“Free? There must be quite a lot of cargo coming to the branch. That’s not a small amount, you know?”

Just because Yichang and Wuhan are connected by the Yangtze River doesn’t mean they’re as close as Seoul and Incheon.

If you think about the distance, it’s the same as from Seoul to Busan. Even though water transport is cheaper than land transport, it’s still an insane amount to be offered for free.

The branch leader is really willing to provide such a benefit?

Surprised, I asked as the smiling branch leader continued to explain.

“All my efforts over decades serving the Seocheon Post Office almost went down the drain in an instant. I feel bad that I can only offer this much.”

“I’m just worried that this might become a burden for you.”

Sir Branch Leader, if things go wrong, you might lose your head, and I’d be in trouble too.

Seeing me looking worried, the branch leader smiled reassuringly.

“Ha ha. If this news makes it to the Sichuan Tang Family, they might ask if that’s all we could do, so don’t worry too much.”

“Sichuan Tang Family? Isn’t this a Seocheon Post Office issue?”

Why is the Sichuan Tang family coming into play here? Did he mistakenly say he reported to the Seocheon Post Office’s headquarters?

Or could it possibly be…?

“I also submitted a separate report to the Sichuan Tang Family.”


“The famous Ho Pil of Wuhan isn’t in the government; he’s among the Joseon people. Given the impressive reasoning and tremendous activities you’ve shown, it’s only natural that the family head would want to know. I made sure to detail Master Kang’s activities very clearly in my report.”

I’m essentially the illegitimate child of the Tang family.

We may have parted ways to follow our own paths, but perhaps in a parent’s heart, things are different.

My activities are being reported to the family head after all. It seems like the compensation for the ghost ship incident will have an illegitimate child premium added.

“The family head…? Ah…”

Oh no.

Im Ha-yeon looked from my startled expression to the branch leader’s satisfied look, and mumbled in a significant tone.

It could be troublesome if she picks up on the connection with the Tang family.

“Oh, uh. By the way, can I ask one favor regarding this incident?”

I quickly changed the subject, adjusting my expression and turning to the branch leader.

“A favor? Just speak freely. I’ll fulfill any request from Master Kang, barring the one to leave the Seocheon Post Office.”

The branch leader said with a chuckle.

I hadn’t originally intended to request anything from the branch leader, so I was trying to think of something to ask.

This is faster-paced than I expected.

“Ha ha ha. I believe there were quite a few sacrifices among the courier workers this time. Could you possibly hire some Joseon people to fill the vacancies?”

“Joseon people?”

“I know the couriers are chosen through examinations. If you’d like, I could filter out some Joseon individuals without disqualifications and recommend them.”

Asking for couriers to be hired isn’t because the Joseon people suffered due to the ghost ship incident.

From delivery workers, small vendors, innkeepers, to dockworkers and even tavern keepers—numerous Joseon people are securing jobs because of my influence, but there are still too few because of the barbarian’s oppression.

If I could extend my influence by recommending them for the courier position too?

If it’s anything like the ghost ship incident, where my club leader would feel obligated to step in and assist, then more active supporters would emerge.

“Certainly. If Master Kang vouches for them, it’ll be reliable. We happen to need manpower, so feel free to recommend as many as you like.”

After discussing the courier recommendations with the branch leader a few more times, I cautiously returned to the inn with Im Ha-yeon.


“If you hadn’t resolved the ghost ship incident, I’d have been caught for sure.”

“Miss Ha-yeon. We should refrain from outside activities for a while.”

It’s bad news, but good news. It was the conclusion I reached upon quickly obtaining information that enables appropriate action and returning to the inn.

“How do you mean?”

“We’ll do the carrier pigeon training at the innkeeper’s yard and focus mainly on paperwork. For tasks that require meeting the public, please hand them over.”

“You’re already struggling enough with work as is.”

“I don’t intend to be burdened. Now that So-so is here, let’s have her do it. You two get along well, so it should be fine.”

“I feel relieved that it’s So-so, but…”

Im Ha-yeon hesitated in her expression as if she were reluctant to hand over her work to someone else.

It seems taking on a stranger’s job isn’t easy after all.

“Have you been very busy lately, Miss Ha-yeon? Don’t think of it as handing over the work, but rather as splitting it.”

Im Ha-yeon seemed to ponder for a while, withholding her words.

The encirclement of the Do-Mun was tightening.

There’s no way for Im Ha-yeon not to feel tense about this situation.

Im Ha-yeon looked at me with trembling eyes, filled with worry, and opened her mouth.

“…Is it really okay?”

“If you want, you can escape to Wuhan.”

Leaving before the encirclement closes in is also an option.

Though it’d be problematic for delivery services without Im Ha-yeon, it doesn’t mean that Im Ha-yeon herself has to risk her safety and sacrifice.

With an extremely serious expression, I replied to Im Ha-yeon.

“Don’t say things you don’t mean.”

Im Ha-yeon approached my desk, furrowing her delicate brows as if angered by my words.

“Don’t be joking around like that…”

“We agreed to share this burden together. Surely, you’re not saying you’re going to run away and pretend you didn’t hear me talking about the hardships you’re facing?”

My response didn’t seem to please her. Im Ha-yeon leaned in closer and spoke in a hurt tone.

It seems the words I said during our night stroll have left a deep impression on her.

Though I often try not to let it bother me, having three faces aiming right at me like that puts me in a troublesome position.

“If you’re okay with it, then I want to tackle the challenges together.”

I yield. I yield completely.

Im Ha-yeon then smiled in satisfaction and returned to her desk.

“You should have said that sooner! Oh! Can I ask you something?”

With an expectant expression, Im Ha-yeon questioned me.

“Go ahead and ask.”

“Why does the family head want to know about you?”

I didn’t want her to ask that. But of course, she would eventually.

I didn’t want to lie, but I also didn’t want to tell the whole truth.

How should I respond?

This is definitely the time for the ‘playfully vague’ tactic.

“Well, they say I should call him ‘father,’ whereas I prefer not to for personal reasons.”

I chuckled and answered with a silly joke.

“If you don’t want to say it, just say you don’t want to.”

Im Ha-yeon replied with a faintly disappointed expression.

It’s not a blatant lie, but it isn’t entirely the truth either.