After sending Hiyori back to Millennium for an external assignment, Rion began searching for information related to colors inside the T-party, just as Urawa had suggested.
However, most of the important old texts were not stored within T-party and were instead kept in the library for proper management. The information found at T-party was merely what was already somewhat known.
This was precisely why I had brought along Hanako, my secretary with super high school-level intelligence, to find the library.
As far as I knew, Hanako was a student who ranked top in intellect at Trinity and could rival the two geniuses of Millennium. At least, she could be considered the only one at Trinity. I wouldn’t know about other academies.
“By the way, Mika-senpai.”
“Don’t you usually need an access pass to visit the library?”
“Oh, I have one, so don’t worry. I got it issued last year.”
“Last year… doesn’t that mean the validity might have expired? I guess it wouldn’t be a big issue, considering your status, but still.”
“Ahaha, I got it from last year’s library club president, and it’s valid until the end of this year. Plus, I got the current president’s permission back then, so it’s still good.”
Thinking back, that library club president was really a senior who loved this academy. I wonder what they’re up to now…?
I cautiously stepped into the library building and headed straight inside.
For me, it was a familiar space since I had been here several times last year. I wasn’t sure about Hanako, but considering she mentioned the access pass, she probably had visited before.
“…The lights are all off, huh?”
Heueng. “Yeah, it wasn’t like this last year.”
It must be the influence of Uei, who became the library president this year. It’s so obvious.
I naturally entered the library and looked around. The lights were off, and the curtains were drawn, making it completely dark.
“Wait a second.”
I retraced my memory to find the light switch. Then,
The moment I turned on the lights, I immediately received a reaction.
“Who turned on the lights without permission… Ah, it’s you again. Of all people…”
“Hello, Uei-chan. What were you working so hard on with all the lights off?”
“Sigh. I was just taking a break. More importantly, Mika-san, you’ve been quiet this year, so why are you here… Oh, you have an access pass…”
“Yep, the very one you allowed me to have☆!”
“Oh, got it, but could you please lower your voice…?”
“Ahaha, sorry, sorry. I do tend to get a bit loud, huh?”
“If you know that, shouldn’t you keep it down… By the way, who’s that next to you… Wait, you are that…?”
“Hello, library president. I’m Urawa Hanako, a second-year and a direct subordinate of Mika-senpai from the T-party. We’ve come today regarding something very important, and I was wondering if we could get your help.”
Hanako jumped in to cut off Uei’s words, showing an unusual obsession with maintaining her image as a good kouhai. I thought about how she might react if I spilled the beans about her reputation right in front of her. It felt a bit scary, like putting my hand on Pandora’s box that I should never open.
“What kind of help do you mean…?”
“We’re looking for crucial information. Specifically, a certain mysterious phenomenon known as color… We’re looking for old texts recording research done on that by the past Trinity.”
“Color…? I feel like I’ve seen someone related to that before, but if I find that for you… you’ll leave peacefully, right, Mika-san?”
“I didn’t think you’d dislike me this much… Ouch, that hurt…”
As I cracked a joke, Uei’s face scrunched up in a way that made it seem like she was pouring salt in a wound.
“Well, you’re noisy… and too close for comfort… Ugh, we are complete opposites.”
“What should I do, Hanako-chan? I’m being hated…”
“Hehehe… It’s okay, Mika-senpai. I’m sure the library president doesn’t truly hate you. You’re the type of person it’s impossible to dislike.”
“Yes, Mika-senpai. I’m right here as your loyal supporter, hehehe.”
Well, does it really matter if she’s a bit too innocent? She’s the kind of secretary who only says nice things, so how could anyone possibly hate her?
“Sigh… I’ll find it as quickly as possible, so come this way. And don’t forget to be quiet…”
“Ahaha! Thanks, Uei-chan!”
“I told you to keep it down…”
Following Uei, I passed rows of bookshelves filled to the ceiling with old texts. We arrived at a trapdoor leading to the basement. Not surprisingly, it was a familiar place. It was where forbidden texts were stored in the library.
“The stuff you’re looking for… should be over here. Mika-san, you probably already know it since you’ve been here before.”
“Yep, I owe you a lot for having been here in the past.”
This was the place I frequently visited while searching for materials related to Arius. Those were the days when I was quite annoyed as well.
“Ugh, it’s been a while since I smelled this musty odor.”
“They’re old books… It’s proof that these things are still alive.”
“Yeah, I never said I disliked it.”
In the underground archival storage, various materials existed. Naturally, among them were types of books prohibited for students.
“What is it, Hanako-chan? Did you find an important old text?”
“Ah, no. It’s nothing like that, Mika-senpai.”
Hanako shook her head with an awkward smile, likely remembering where the 18+ books were located. It’s like she could find those things with uncanny ease.
Thinking back, I can’t help but feel that Hanako’s innuendo probably wouldn’t work on Nana or Nagisa, who are already so debauched. Although I’ve never really heard what they talk about when I’m not around, it does make me a little curious.
Nagisa seemed to have kept Hanako’s true nature under wraps somewhat, but I wonder what kind of conversations they have when I’m not there.
“The stuff you’re looking for… is likely over in this area.”
After showing us deeper than where I previously browsed the books related to Arius, Uei took an old book from a shelf to inspect it before putting it back.
“I can help you find what you need, but… you should be careful not to harm these books.”
“Yeah, for my own sake, I’ll be careful.”
“I didn’t mean it in that sense. I just meant that I won’t be able to help if you…”
Well, wouldn’t she find a way somehow? Damaging those books in front of Uei would be like committing murder.
Anyway, the three of us started pulling books off the shelves to look through them. While searching for keywords or information related to colors, it took quite some time to make sure the books weren’t damaged.
Luckily, everyone there understood ancient texts, so it went pretty quickly. Otherwise, it would have taken much longer.
“Senpai, I found one! But… there’s hardly any mention of color. It says something like colors instill madness on contact…?”
“Here too… it says colors are a natural phenomenon without will…”
We gathered the books we found and began diving into them. Uei claimed she’d go back to her restoration work and threatened to check later whether her books were harmed.
“This research result is pretty interesting! It claims to weaponize multi-dimensional interpretation? It seems to contradict the assertion that it’s a natural phenomenon without will.”
“…Multi-dimensional interpretation? Superposition of parallel worlds? To be honest, I don’t understand at all.”
“Hehe, isn’t that why I’m here? Just give me some time, and I’ll explain it in the easiest way possible.”
Across from Hanako, who was seriously reading the old text, I was also checking another book.
And I discovered a significant phrase, a hypothesis.
“Perhaps contact with colors doesn’t cause a reversal of essence but rather brings forth the innermost essence outwards.”
…Is that so? If color draws out the most essential part rather than simply relating to the correlation of mystery and fear as Gematria suggests, then…
No, that doesn’t seem right. Just because it draws out the target’s essence doesn’t mean color can be considered a dangerous entity, does it?
Could it even be said that color, from the start, is not a threat?
Do I even know anything substantial about mystery and fear?
Have I overly judged the keyword ‘fear’ from a purely negative perspective?
…This is tough. It’s a topic that makes my head spin.
Honestly, I don’t want color, or anything else for that matter, to come here since Beatrice has already been sent across the Jordan River.
“Senpai, first, this multi-dimensional interpretation… is linked to quantum mechanics.”
“Ah, quantum mechanics. I see. Well then, can you say it in simpler terms?”
I don’t understand it. No matter how simply it’s explained, I doubt I’d get it. I could just send the materials to Rion and Himari and wash my hands of it, right…?