Chapter 212

[【Big Announcement】Thump thump! Let’s all have fun together! #Star’sFlow#Akinakoto#AkabaneYukari#UtsumiAyaka#KogaSuzuha#KainohIzumi]

[Q. Debut date of Star’s Flow 2nd gen. Kainoh Izumi?]

…Let’s think about this carefully.

No way a fool wouldn’t know their own debut date, right?

One thing’s for sure, it was July….


I feel wronged.

No, I definitely remember my debut date. I swear I do…

But when asked like this, I just can’t think of it.

Alright, let’s sort this out step by step.

Our debut for Star’s Flow 2nd gen was held over two days.

On the first day, Utsumi, Aki, and Koga debuted… on the second day, Akabane and I debuted.

The debut date was not at the start or the end of July but in the middle.

So, it means between July 10th and 20th.

But definitely not after the 14th.

On the second day of my debut, I yelled into the mic while not muting during TLQ’s top 10, declaring two weeks of reflection…

And the day I came back was the day summer vacation started.

…Now that I think about it, why did I reflect at that time?

I didn’t do anything that wrong.

Well, since it was my first broadcast, I just didn’t know anything, and I panicked and consulted with my manager, then declared reflection… That’s what I remember…

Hmm. I was really naive back then… but this isn’t the time to dwell on that, right?!

“The remaining time is 10 seconds!”

Quick, brain, think of the answer within 10 seconds…!

Between the 10th and 13th. And since I debuted on the second day, I’ll exclude the 10th.

So that leaves the 11th, 12th, 13th. A 33 percent chance.

Ah, I remembered the debut date was about a month apart from my birthday.

My birthday is June 12th, so my debut date must be July 12th…!

“Time’s up! Now, please reveal your answers!”

After my perfect deduction, just as I wrote July 12th on my tablet, the time limit ended and our answers were revealed.

[Ayaka: July 11th!]

[Nekoto: July 11th…?]

[Yukari: Just like me, July 11th!]

[Suzuha: July 11th]

[Izumi: July 12th]


What I thought was the perfect answer turned out to be the perfect wrong answer.

Pfft! I-Izumi… How could you get your own debut date wrong?!”

I hear Koga’s laughter from the side.

No, it wasn’t just Koga.

Turning my gaze, Utsumi and Aki were laughing with their mouths covered, and Akabane was laughing so hard she was nearly slamming the table.


– Natsune’s debut date was spot on, though, LOL

– Mei…

– Does she value Natsune more than herself…?

Of course, the chatroom on the monitor was growing swiftly with reactions.

…Wait? I might have the only correct answer, right?!

“Gah…! The second question! Ms. Izumi, you’re incorrect…! The answer is July 11th!”

The glimmer of hope shattered with M-chan’s announcement.

“Now it’s penalty time!”


And with M-chan’s words, the staff approached and blindfolded me.

Wh-What kind of penalty requires covering my eyes?!

As I trembled in unknown fear, I suddenly heard a sound that seemed like water flowing beside me.

“Now, Ms. Izumi! Please drink the beverage in front of you!”

As that sound ceased, M-chan instructed me.

Drink the beverage?

Fortunately, it wasn’t the worst penalty I could imagine.

The first thing that popped into my mind was the ‘guessing game while blindfolded’ from the 3D debut broadcast.

If they had made me touch a live fish during that game…

Thinking about it is already terrifying; let’s stop.

Anyway, taking M-chan’s instruction, I cautiously reached forward to avoid spilling.

“Here you go, Izumi.”

With Koga’s help, I lifted the cup, and the first feeling I had was…

“It’s… warm…?”

It was a warmth encompassing my hands.

Could it really just be warm water?

This whole scary blindfold thing is just a part of the penalty, right?

Seriously, I was scared for nothing.

I thought that and slowly brought the warm cup to my lips.


As the drink barely touched my tongue, I coughed it out.

“This…! I-it’s incredibly bitter…!”

The taste was so bitter it made my tongue tingle and dulled my senses.

“Please finish it all, Ms. Izumi!”

…You want me to drink all of that?

Star’s Flow is definitely a devil’s organization, without a doubt.

It didn’t take long for that affirmation to settle in my head, and only after completely downing the excruciatingly bitter… herbal tea could I remove my blindfold.

“B-but do I really need to be blindfolded for this…?”

“Because it’s more surprising when you take the first sip.”

What a devilish idea they had….

After that, the Star’s Flow puzzle continued, and everyone had to drink the herbal tea at least once.

But thankfully? No one had to drink it twice.

“Now, let’s move on to the second mission!”

And thus, the ‘Star’s Flow Puzzle’ came to an end, and we moved on to the next content with M-chan’s announcement.

And the words that appeared on the monitor were… [Writing Letters with Your Butt].


– Is this really an idol game?

– Star’s Flow is amazing!

– Quite an intense mission


Glancing at M-chan, she was still smiling.

“…This is more of a penalty than a mission, isn’t it?”

“No! It’s legitimately a mission!”

Even with Akabane’s protests, M-chan didn’t budge.

She could show this attitude knowing she was safe.

I wonder if our critical voices reach her at all…

“When the word is given, you will write that word with your butt, and the other four will guess it. It’s a simple mission.”

“What happens if we get it wrong…?”

“If you get it wrong, there’s no penalty, so don’t worry.”

M-chan clapped her hands as she answered my question.

…But saying there’s no penalty is basically admitting that writing letters with your butt itself is a penalty, isn’t it?

That thought came up, but there was no escape.

After all, we’re put in the position of the underdog here…

“Now, the first turn is Ms. Izumi. Please step forward!”


– So, Mei-chan is first!

– 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀

I’m ready to eat!

I’ll watch closely!

…Why me of all people?!

I felt a sudden sense of injustice, but… I really had no choice in the end, right?

So, isn’t it better to go out first and get it over with quickly?


With a sigh, I stood up and climbed onto the platform set up in the center of the studio.

And as I turned my back to the members, a staff member approached and handed me a piece of paper with the word on it.

[Idol (アイドル)]

…An assignment to write letters with my butt for a penalty I definitely don’t want to do, and the word is ‘idol.’

I can’t help but admire the malice of Star’s Flow….

“Izumi-san, you may begin!”


As I prepared to write the letters with my butt, suddenly, embarrassment washed over me.

– 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀

– I hope she writes realistically!

– So cute!

– I can’t quite tell…

– It’s difficult….

Though I’m not embarrassed because of the chatroom.

But because I feel the gazes of the other people behind me, it makes me feel shy…

“Izumi! We’re waiting, so hurry up! Move your butt, your butt!”

“D-Don’t yell ‘butt,’ Akabane-san…!”

I tried to warn Akabane, but… just like her, everyone was waiting, so there was no way I could keep still.


Taking one last deep breath, I lowered my head.

Then slowly moving my butt, I began to write out the word.


“So cute…!”

“I can’t tell…”

“It’s difficult….”

As I screamed in embarrassment and wrote out the entire ‘idol,’ I turned back around.

“I’m d-done…!”

– Idol?

– Can’t concentrate…

– Idol!

Thank goodness? As if I had written it well, quite a few viewers in the chatroom got the right answer.

“Is there an answer in the chatroom, Ms. Izumi?”

“U-Um, there are quite a few, actually….”

Of course, the other members were focusing on the tablet, thinking for their answers, not the chatroom.

“Oh, many right answers! How do you feel about that?”

“…It feels perverse.”

– Thank you for the award

– I enjoyed it

– Contempt is good…

Even though I genuinely said it felt perverse, the chatroom was flaring up with thanks instead.

I really don’t understand what’s going through those people’s minds…

“Now, everyone! Please reveal your answers!”

The time limit passed, and it was the moment of truth for answering.

The answers the members revealed were…

[Ayaka: Is it idol?]

[Nekoto: Idol]

[Yukari: Acacia]

[Suzuha: Idol?]

Only Akabane had the wrong answer.

“W-Wait, after rushing everyone, how did you get it wrong?!”

“Just think that you couldn’t write it!”

“Everyone else got it right! How can ‘idol’ (アイドル) turn into ‘acacia’ (アカシア)?!”

– Sorry, but please stick to the RP

– Uh oh YABE

– It looked like acacia…

Where are all my allies…?!