Chapter 160

As if mesmerized, I disembark from the helicopter. According to Yukino, she’s currently at Trinity’s coast, so I headed in that direction with Wakamo.

Every now and then, people glanced at Wakamo due to the handcuffs she was wearing, their attention shifting to my uniform. Then, a few seconds later, they seemed to notice something off and started giving me side-eye again.

Well, it’s only natural to feel out of place when the leader of Trinity is wearing an SRT special academy uniform while escorting what looks like the sweetest fox beastkin you could imagine.

I can’t shake off the image of Makoto I saw a moment ago.

No matter how I looked at it, it didn’t feel like her own ability was at play. It wasn’t just some intention to take Makoto down; it seemed hard to believe that this situation was genuinely intended by her.

In the moment that her feet slipped and she fell, a Mob Student from the Justice Realization Department aimed for Makoto and passed right over her. While getting up, they slipped and ended up tripping another student who fell into the sea while struggling to recover from getting hit in the face by Hasumi’s wings as she covered the vision of other students, only to get caught up in Satsuki’s self-destruct attack…

Makoto was like wind and storm. An inescapable disaster.

However, I couldn’t find anything in her actions that could have been qualified as her own ability. This had to be some serious protagonist buff at work.

…But, it felt like Makoto’s eyes were slightly unfocused. She can’t be on drugs, right?

Anyway, I didn’t feel like the sky was falling. I hadn’t had any expectations to begin with, so I wasn’t too disappointed.

I thought I could just accept losing in the tournament… But really, please just win…

The problem is that Hina is all geared up and ready for a rematch. Given the nature of the naval mock battle happening with two ships at a distance from each other, Hina’s firepower is absolutely overwhelming.

I know it makes more sense for me to participate than Tsurugi. In that case, I’m confident we could secure a win, even if it’s not guaranteed.

But the snag is, unless it’s a matter of unavoidable circumstances like injuries, entries can’t be changed on the day of the event.

There’s no way I can injure Tsurugi and send her to the medical headquarters so I can go in her place, right…?

I guess it’s about time to face reality.

I’m destined to be sold as a slave in Gehenna.

Since there was even a clause to prevent us from being stubborn and disobeying each other, I’m stuck in this situation. If Makoto says to do something, I painfully have to follow it.

But when I think about it now, maybe both winning and losing would just end up as a loss for me. I’m not trying to mentally win as I see defeat looming right before me.

Even if I brought the precious Makoto back as a slave and tried to treat her horribly, how much could I really do? I’d probably end up taking care of her and just complicating matters more.

Still, it’s undeniable that having the upper hand is better for me, so losing that match earlier hurt like a kick to the shins.

Anyway, after a while of walking with half-hearted acceptance to offload Wakamo’s situation onto Yukino, I spotted her lying on a sunbed, sunglasses off, leisurely reading a magazine.

However, it was clear that she was more focused on scanning her surroundings than actually reading, especially when I heard her words just as I approached.

“…Mika, may I share my unfiltered opinion with you?”


Can you even say that, Yukino?

Seeing her frown the moment she spotted Wakamo in handcuffs, she’d figured out what I was aiming at, but unfortunately for her, she had no choices left.

“Here’s the key!”


“Yukino-chan, what are you waiting for? Hurry and take it!”

“Mika, it’s not that I can’t say that this girl is physiologically incompatible. I think it’s a poor match for me. Wouldn’t it be better to leave it to FOX 2 instead?”

Are you really planning to pass that on to Niko? That won’t fly.

Niko gave me tasty inari sushi. In that sense, I’m officially entering into a phase of constant worship for Niko starting today.

Besides, it’s quite a contrast seeing me in SRT special academy uniform while Yukino is in a bikini, not even affiliated with SRT, and I’m in her school uniform while she’s decked out in a swimsuit fit for a festival—definitely creates a weird vibe.


As I silently smiled at her, Yukino succumbing to my silent pressure took the key. Then, Wakamo approached, her cuffs jangling, holding out her hands.

“What is it?”

“Kind little baby fox, could you please unlock this for me?”

“Why would I unlock that? Keep it on and ponder your mistakes quietly.”

Seeing Yukino casually put the key into her bag, Wakamo clicked her tongue and pulled the nearby vacant sunbed under the parasol. Watching her struggle with her hands tied up made me smirk.

“How cruel. Mika, since I can’t use my hands… could you help apply some sunscreen?”


What’s that about? Why are you asking me to apply it?

More importantly, why didn’t you put any on when I told you I’d be coming over here? You clearly saw me applying it.

“…I can use it now. Don’t bother the busy people and do it yourself.”

Suddenly, Yukino frowned and pulled the key from her bag, tossing it to Wakamo. Catching it easily, Wakamo swiftly freed herself from the cuffs and reclined on the sunbed.

No way, did she just cleverly get the key from Yukino by pretending to be helpless? I don’t get why she threw the key away that way.

Well, for me, it’s just great that she cut through this unnecessary time-wasting, so I’m thankful.

“Thank you, kind little baby fox!”

Hearing Wakamo’s playful words, Yukino shot a resentful look my way. Her eyes questioned why I brought someone like that along—especially since it was directed at her.

“Ahaha, what can I do, the most reliable person is Yukino-chan. By the way, have you received any messages from the Student Council President yet?”

“No, none. Is it true that a crucial operation is being planned right now?”

“No no, not right now. But it’s true we’re moving forward with an operation. For this matter, I hold command authority over FOX Squad, so please assist me?”


“I never thought the Student Council President would be such a coward. I heard she was proactive enough to interfere in other schools’ affairs while also capable of suppressing the inevitable complaints that come with it, but seeing her in person felt… closer to an ordinary student than that.”

When Yukino asked for clarification, Wakamo chimed in provocatively. It seems these two really are nearing an extreme.

“Do not speak ill of the Student Council President. It is not something a criminal like you can freely discuss.”

“Wuhuh, but it’s all true! That she’s been so frustrating that Mika-chan was driven to explode.”

“…Is that really so, Mika?”

“Uhm. Well, I don’t intend to speak poorly of the Student Council President. I’m sure she’s seeing a different picture than us criminals. However, having experienced last night directly, I can’t let Kaiser’s evil doings go unpunished. Hence, I had to leverage some almost forceful means to get the Student Council President’s approval.”

Honestly, if the Student Council President had firmly opposed it until the end, I would’ve had no choice but to concede. Or I would’ve had to be fully ready to face Kaiser in an all-out battle.

To be honest, I still want to completely obliterate Kaiser. But if the Student Council President maintains her stance on the necessity to keep Kaiser alive, I think some respect is warranted. I have no doubt she must have critical reasons for making that judgment, given she knows more than me.

In that sense, I plan to take out the thickest tentacles of Kaiser’s influence, cutting their power decisively.

“If our FOX Squad is to take the lead, I assure you, Mika-chan, we’ll deliver results beyond your expectations.”

“Ahaha, hearing Yukino-chan say that gives me immense faith! Our kids are surely capable, so I doubt Kaiser will even realize what hit them.”

“…When you refer to our kids, who exactly do you mean?”

“Oh, that’s the Arius Squad—a select elite that follows me. They’ve gone through incredibly rigorous training—”


Yukino lifted her sunglasses, half-presenting herself, and looked at me with far more serious eyes than usual.

“Rest assured, we’ll deliver results that exceed what the Arius Squad showcases. Yes, absolutely.”

…It seems Yukino is developing a competitive spirit toward my dear Arius Squad.