For a moment, the old man, who had been silently watching Yuuki, finally opened his mouth.
“Was that child, Koto Ne, such an important existence to you?”
He asked in a calm voice.
“Is it so important that you’d trade the lives of everyone here for it? After all, she’s already dead, isn’t she?”
At those words, Yuuki furrowed his brows.
Indeed… if you just look at the words on their own, it seems like a nonsensical statement. No matter how he felt at the moment, Kurosawa had… become that way, and because of that, he was saying that he would kill others if it made him feel better.
But was he the type to care about such things? Yuuki pondered for a moment.
If it were Kurosawa, he could see that happening. He couldn’t say that he understood her perfectly yet, but even when he visited her home during a time when they weren’t that close, she willingly offered him a place to stay despite the circumstances.
And, even though he acknowledged that his own situation wasn’t so great, he still did his best to look after his younger sister Koko.
Yes. That was about all he could say on how to judge her. Yuuki wasn’t close enough to know everything about her just yet.
He had simply been thinking that he wanted to get closer.
Yuuki’s gaze turned toward Kagami.
The relationship between the two seemed complicated enough that just hearing about it wouldn’t clarify things at all. They were mother and daughter yet didn’t seem to have a good relationship. Still, they seemed to share some level of connection. At least it seemed that Kagami regarded Kurosawa as her daughter.
Did that mean Kurosawa knew? Did she keep it a secret even though she was aware that she and Yuuki were on much closer terms?
Then, he looked at Yuuki. That kid had also been holding a knife back then. He saw him cut down monsters. Just like Kurosawa had with her knife. The two seemed to get along quite well too. They must have some sort of understanding, even though they clearly knew each other more recently than Yuuki.
There were many curiosities swirling around.
Now, these were questions he couldn’t ask himself.
So, Yuuki wanted to hear more of that story. There wasn’t a logical reason for it. He just wanted to.
Yuuki answered.
Much calmer than when he had just blurted out before.
“Are you sure you won’t regret it?”
“……Then, I’ll do it when the time comes.”
Watching the person attempting to persuade him, Yuuki said that.
“……My sister also had that side to her.”
Kagami opened her mouth.
It was difficult to tell whether she was supporting or mocking, as she turned her gaze back to the old man.
“You do whatever you want without listening to anyone around you, completely disregarding consideration.”
In that instant, Yuuki was taken aback and looked at Kagami, but she was just staring intently at the old man.
She slightly raised her hand which was still cuffed. Clank. A small sound rang out from the metal clashing.
“No matter how many times you ask, my answer will remain the same. So, instead of stubbornly insisting and risking anger, how about you let me go? Both of you are asking for something similar, after all.”
Forcing answers from someone when he knew he wouldn’t get a proper response was nothing but coercive confinement and intimidation. Likewise, the act of threatening someone he knew wouldn’t back down was pretty clear in which side was being unreasonable.
The fact that Yuuki wasn’t sure if he could do that kind of thing at all was a fact in and of itself. He wasn’t even holding a mirror at that moment, after all.
But it seemed the other party felt the same uncertainty.
In such a situation where neither side was sure of themselves, it was only rational for the one with more to lose to back down a step.
Since the other party was essentially the government itself, that might mean taking a big step back.
In reality, among those present, nobody truly believed that girl was sincere.
However, if they dragged this out, the ones who would be losing out were the ones ‘working.’
There was a mountain of problems to tackle. Issues were also arising in other places aside from here.
Furthermore, there were even civilians who had witnessed the situation this time, and some were even severely injured. Fortunately, no one among the civilians had died, aside from those who perished inside the mansion, but conversely, that meant they were lucky enough to not have died at all. Setting aside the wounded, merely handling those who had seen that situation would still require an enormous amount of effort.
The reason they were holding Kagami here was also because of that. If she were to rush out to deal with things, there was no telling what kind of schemes this ‘social group’ might conjure up in the meantime.
Most of the governmental figures were appointed or assigned. The number of ‘elected’ officials was quite low.
However, the most powerful government figures amongst them were also elected.
And that woman really happened to have connections to someone among those elected officials.
If she began to make calls somewhere, it could hinder the resolution itself, but it’s also that ability that allows her to hold herself off like that.
In the end, it would probably just lead to a long-standing stalemate.
Perhaps deciding to first deal with the matters that could be resolved, the old man stood up from his seat.
“However, this incident is far from over. Ms. Kurosawa, you must be able to explain why you were raising such a dangerous entity.”
“I have repeatedly said it.”
Kagami responded, unwilling to relent.
“I only raised her because she is my daughter…”
When the person beside her came and loosened the cuffs, Kagami rubbed her wrists a little as if they were sore and continued to speak without looking up, and the old man let out a small sigh.
“Or do you want to hear a different response? If so, I’d like to introduce the doctor I know—”
“……No, that’s fine.”
The old man answered with a voice filled with a sigh, then looked toward Yuuki.
“And the reason why you didn’t try to eliminate the causes in that situation.”
“……I don’t understand what you want from a young child.”
Yuuki’s father spoke to the old man.
The old man immediately retorted.
“Isn’t that a strange family? There have been a significant number of stories about those who have died from being lured or feeling affection for Yōkai since long ago. Even in this situation, wasn’t it the girl who didn’t stab herself? If…”
The old man’s gaze flicked toward Kagami and Yuuki.
“What would have happened if the girl had not considered ending her own life?”
Hearing those words, Yuuki’s shoulders shook slightly.
Yuuki glared at the old man. Although he had witnessed the situation with his own eyes, he thought there was no need to say something like that.
“Then, we all owe our lives to that deceased girl. Isn’t that right?”
This time, Yuuki’s grandfather spoke in a calm tone.
He was probably the oldest one there. Of course, he might appear younger than the old man who leaned on a cane, but considering his profession, one could argue that it merely reflected their differences in health.
“Nonetheless, using that child’s corpse in such a manner feels rather lacking in compassion, don’t you think?”
“……There are many people who become benefactors to countless others even after their death.”
“That statement holds no meaning unless spoken by the deceased themselves. If the dead were to lose all dignity, why would people treat corpses with such reverence?”
“That’s certainly a valid point.”
The old man said while placing his hat atop his head.
“May I ask where the evidence lies that proves that girl was human?”
Was it because he had fought Yōkai his entire life?
Yuuki’s grandfather could not respond to that.
Only after watching everyone leave the room did Yuuki let out a small breath.
It didn’t feel like he was relieved or anything. There were still many unresolved issues to tackle.
Now, with everyone to vent his frustrations gone, the atmosphere in the room turned much more awkward.
In fact, the ambiance itself was incredibly chaotic.
The mansion had burnt down just yesterday, and many parts of it had been scorched. It wasn’t entirely burnt down, but if one were to argue, there were probably more areas that remained. However, the bothersome smell of smoke wouldn’t easily dissipate. Had it not been for those occupying the room, it might have been easier to leave.
Even if he tried to speak, what exactly could he say?
Kurosawa’s mother, Kagami, wasn’t on friendly terms with Yuuki. He had only recently become aware of her existence. Staring at her intensely could nearly stir up childhood memories, but if she had been someone who would casually talk to Yuuki, he would have certainly remembered her.
Even visiting this mansion likely would have only led to boring conversation. Thus, it’s probable that personal interaction had been non-existent.
The feelings he had just from looking at her were… complicated.
She wasn’t someone he could open up personal grievances to. Even if he wished to blame her for the abuse toward her daughter, he had just heard a moment ago from his father that it wasn’t even accurate. Moreover, this was a person who had lost her daughter just yesterday.
No matter how much purpose there was in having a child, if there had been no affection, she wouldn’t have acted as she did yesterday.
And yet she didn’t openly grieve either.
If she had been more like Yuuki, wearing the face of someone who had become hollow, it might have been easier to gauge her. But he didn’t wish for that outcome.
Yuuki hadn’t had much experience comforting others. He had lived his life hiding his feelings, and those around him hadn’t come up to him either. Naturally, he lacked the experience regarding any emotional interactions, rendering him clueless about how to respond, aside from getting angry in such scenarios.
Right now, he couldn’t even control the emotions boiling up within him. That was also why he had acted forcefully just moments ago.
“……Thank you.”
Before Yuuki could express uncertainty, Kagami was the first to speak up.
Upon hearing her voice, Yuuki looked at Kagami and saw her shrug her shoulders while speaking.
“If you hadn’t come, I would probably still be stuck here for a few more hours.”
Yuuki muttered in slight astonishment.
“Did I use the wrong title?”
“……I believe you mentioned— my.. uncle, didn’t you?”
“You heard that, huh?”
Kagami let out a small sigh.
“Yes, that indeed became the case. But then again, it feels a bit late to start growing closer now.”
“……That is true.”
If they were to continue being acquainted, things might change, but for the moment, he didn’t expect her to refer to him casually by his name.
After all, that image from the police station was too vivid.
“Kurosawa was your biological daughter, wasn’t she?”
“That’s right.”
Kagami answered that question firmly.
“Yes, she is my daughter. And my sister is also my real sister, which means that you and Koto Ne are cousins.”
“……Why didn’t you say that until now?”
“There were multiple reasons mixed together.”
Kagami exhaled softly.
“First of all, my father didn’t want you, Yuuki, to be too deeply involved in this matter.”
After hearing those words, Yuuki remembered how Kosuzu had treated him exceptionally well.
And how one day she had just left without saying anything.
“Was that the reason your father and mother separated?”
“……Well, I’m not sure about that. I don’t even fully understand why my sister left. For me, I think she just got tired of everything and wanted to look for another way out. It wouldn’t really be your fault.”
Yuuki felt that those words had sounded like ‘it wouldn’t just be your fault.’
However, at least that statement made him feel a little… better. Just a tiny bit. It didn’t imply that his mother, Kosuzu, was a good person.
“What about Kurosawa?”
“My daughter, what about her?”
“……I heard she was created as a tool.”
“You’re speaking quite harshly.”
Yet, even while saying that, Kagami wore a self-deprecating smile.
“However… well, I must admit that can be true now.”
Hearing that, Yuuki slowly raised his head.
The area under his eyes darkened.
“If you want to blame me, then go ahead.”
Kagami looked down at her wrist. Her wrist was slightly swollen. Was it from the handcuffs?
Massaging that swollen area with her hand, Kagami spoke in a casual tone.
“The way things have turned out, it’s ultimately my fault. If I hadn’t given birth to her with that kind of intention, this wouldn’t have happened.”
“What intention?”
This time, it was Yuuki’s turn to ask, not Yuuki.
“……I thought you already knew. Koto Ne… the one who gained the most benefit from her power was you, wasn’t it?”
That statement hit sharper than expected.
Yuuki blinked.
And with that, Yuuki’s eyes also blinked once.
“If you didn’t think Koto Ne should have been born…”
“Do you think she would have even had to die yesterday?”
Kagami interrupted Yuuki in the middle.
“How interesting. It’s truly strange, isn’t it? If that knife hadn’t been nearby, my daughter wouldn’t have had to die.”
Yuuki’s expression turned strange.
At first, he bore a fierce expression, but eventually, he seemed to settle into the feeling that he was to blame for Koto Ne’s death, leading to a face filled with despair instead. Tears welled in his eyes, but he held them back, putting on a stoic face.
Yuuki’s grandfather tried to intervene, but Kagami did not halt.
Kagami said, as if finding all of their arguments meaningless.
“Yes, perhaps it would have been best if she had never been born from the start.”
……In a hollow voice that felt as if it had lost all its warmth, she slowly raised her gaze.
“If that’s the case, then there wouldn’t have been a reason for all of this to begin with.”
No reason at all for her to be in a position that would grant her access to that suspicious entity’s power. No reasons to be stabbed by a knife.
No need to endure all the pain she had to suffer just from being alive.
None of it would exist.
“……What are you talking about right now?”
At Yuuki’s words, all the gazes in the room turned toward him.
Even Yuuki’s grandfather and father’s eyes focused on him, but this time, Yuuki didn’t flinch.
Once more, his temper flared up to full throttle.
He didn’t understand why those two were expressing such thoughts.
Of course, Yuuki understood that Koto Ne… had a significant possibility of that. He had seen her neck had snapped, but that was completely different from a heart pierced by a knife.
Furthermore, he felt that the “experts” present here would understand far better than he did, now that he was just starting to scratch the surface of this matter.
But that only made him angrier.
Yuuki firmly considered himself a friend of Koto Ne, without any doubt. True, he and Koto Ne were friends, but their bond clearly felt much closer than that. It sounded like they had fought side by side with equal risks.
Moreover, Kagami was also Koto Ne’s mother.
And yet, because of that,
It only fueled his anger even more.
No matter how logical the reasons may be, there were people they shouldn’t be giving up on! Instead, it made him feel quite dissatisfied that Yuuki was the one growing more furious.
“You shouldn’t be saying those things!”
Kagami silently regarded Yuuki for a moment before slowly opening her mouth.
“Do you know what knife it was that stabbed Koto Ne?”
“I don’t know.”
“That knife—”
“You won’t be finding out, either.”
Yuuki blinked.
“Are you trying to act tough?”
“Exactly. If you keep thinking like that, then that’s what I’m doing.”
Yuuki clenched his fists tightly.
“……If not, then it would just be too pitiful for her.”
“Right now, where is Koto Ne?”
“She is with Koko.”
“And where is that?”
“I wouldn’t know.”
Kagami exhaled.
“In fact, those kids haven’t even gotten their phones back yet.”
“However, regardless, the possibility of her truly being alive is slim. I’ve already confirmed that much.”
“……Then prove it. I can’t believe it until I see it myself.”
With that, Yuuki turned sharply and left the room.
Watching Yuuki’s back, Yuka stared for a moment, dumbfounded.
Her grandfather’s hand touched Yuka’s back.
“Yuka. For now, let’s go back.”
At those words, Yuka slowly stood up.
At this moment, she had absolutely no idea what to do. No, she didn’t know if she could do anything at all.
It felt as if everything was her fault, no matter how she thought about it.
After all, Koto Ne was dead because Yuka had wielded the sword.
But the idea of not killing Koto Ne seemed to have put the lives of everyone else at risk—
What should she even say?
Passing by Kagami, Yuka tried to say something.
I’m sorry.
She had seen various situations, but at the end of the day, they were still mother and child. After all, Yuka had killed that child—
Yet, even though Kagami must have heard the words clearly, she didn’t look toward Yuka.
Instead, she simply hung her head low, rubbing her own wrist.
Her grandfather nodded slightly. Her father did the same.
In the end, Yuka could only do that, nothing else.
……If the knife hadn’t been there, and if only she had at least dropped it then.
If that had been the case, would Koto Ne be alive?
Her heart ached madly.
Had Koto Ne felt the same pain in that moment of stabbing?
Once she exited the mansion, Yuka felt the temperature around her drop sharply.
She hadn’t felt the cold back when the mansion was ablaze.
……Koto Ne, you must be cold now.
Where could she be?
Would she be lying on that cold floor again?
The thought that it was she who had turned Koto Ne into this sent shivers down Yuka’s spine.
Could she ever wield a sword again?
……Somehow, Yuka believed she wouldn’t be able to do that.
Far away, Koko, having fled with all her might, grasped Koto Ne’s body, unsure of what to do.
They were in the mountains. She didn’t know exactly where. She just felt that escaping with Koto Ne like this seemed meaningless.
“Koto Ne?”
Koko shook Koto Ne’s body again.
Her hand dropped to the ground.
Koko picked up her hand again and placed it on Koto Ne’s chest. She didn’t even know why. She just thought that the gaping hole looked way too terrifying.
……Koto Ne had gone completely pale.
It seemed like all the blood from her body had drained. Given the size of her wound, it was likely that was the case.
Holding onto Koto Ne’s body tightly, Koko let out another whimper. Tears streamed down her face.
What should she do now?
She had no clue.
Up till now, Koto Ne had always told her what to do. Koko hadn’t moved at all without consulting her, but at least Koto Ne seemed to possess that principle.
If she didn’t understand, she could just find where Koto Ne was.
“Koto Ne… Koto Ne….”
Shaking Koto Ne’s body again.
She already knew that she wouldn’t wake up—no, she didn’t want to know.
Koto Ne was going to open her eyes, just as she had done until now. Even in moments when Koko had failed to protect her, Koto Ne had always opened her eyes again.
She believed wholeheartedly that it would be the same this time; Koko had to think that way.
The coldness of the day made her miss her home.
The house where Koto Ne and Kuro were.