A road from Yichang leading to Sichuan Province.
In an inn along this road, martial artists with purple hair unloaded their baggage.
The people in the inn did not show any outward signs, but it was easy to guess their identities. In a world filled with all sorts of hair colors, a group of martial artists with purple hair was unique to this place.
Sichuan Tang Family.
The inn’s patrons felt tense at the arrival of the people from the dominant family in Sichuan Province.
“I told you it was purple.”
“I won’t regret it.”
Two martial artists from the Sichuan Tang Family, seeming accustomed to the inn’s atmosphere, nonchalantly offered something to another martial artist of their family.
The people in the inn, watching from a distance, nearly mistook their behavior for offering suspicious medicine, as was typical of the Sichuan Tang Family.
However, the reality was different.
“Are you trying to force me to read some novel? After failing to achieve our goal of reaching Hubei Province, should we now just read a storybook?”
What they were recommending was The Rise of the Tang Family, which they had obtained in Yichang.
“I once thought the same.”
One of the martial artists, who was insisting, was the one who criticized the group for stopping by a tea bookstore.
“What do you mean by that?”
“There’s such a thing. Anyway, it doesn’t change the fact that we failed to achieve our goal. Are you going to sit around glumly? Will the world change by sighing as if the earth were about to swallow you whole?”
“That’s right. At times like these, we should read this novel and boost our spirits, the divine medicine allowed by the country.”
“Have you gone mad returning home because you couldn’t find the medicine you were looking for? Why are you and your partner suddenly in such sync today when you normally don’t get along?”
The man who was being offered the book looked at the two martial artists with a perplexed expression.
“Is it because the novel satisfies both of our mismatched tastes?”
“What kind of book is it?”
“The Rise of the Tang Family! It features a protagonist from the Sichuan Tang Family!”
The martial artist holding the book proudly lifted it, displaying the title to the man. However, contrary to the martial artist’s expectations, the man instantly grimaced upon seeing the title.
“What lunatic is making a ruckus about the Tang Family again?”
The man was refusing the book, but that didn’t mean he completely avoided novel reading. After all, the protagonist being from the Sichuan Tang Family was too much for him. His grimace was instant because he had never seen the characters from that family portrayed well in fiction.
“Come on! It’s not that kind of book! The protagonist here is a true member of the Sichuan Tang Family!”
“Isn’t that what I just said?”
“No, come on! You shouldn’t say that!”
“If you mean to say we should rage together against the author based on the book’s content, then I’ll just ignore it and help out. I’ve been feeling gloomy anyway; let me show them an example.”
The man continued to look at the book with doubt.
“Come on! What nonsense is that? This is why the common folks misunderstand the Sichuan Tang Family.”
“You’ve already crossed the line; why should we refrain from crossing it ourselves?”
“Would you dare say that in front of the Head of Family?”
As the three martial artists quarreled, a middle-aged man lowered his voice and interjected.
“Vice-Guard Master!”
“Weren’t you supposed to be resting?”
The middle-aged man turned out to be the Vice-Guard Master of the Guard Unit assigned to the Sichuan Tang Family, currently overseeing the martial artists returning from the city.
Startled by the sudden appearance of the Vice-Guard Master, the martial artists bowed their heads.
“I came to see what the noise was about, and it seems I found quite an interesting topic. So, what would you have done if the scholarly gentleman crossed the line?”
The Vice-Guard Master interrogated the martial artist who had shown disdain for The Rise of the Tang Family.
“Isn’t such a novel likely to stir up misunderstandings about the Sichuan Tang Family? If it contains anything that could frown upon, I thought we should show an example.”
The Sichuan Tang Family martial artist, avoiding the Vice-Guard Master’s gaze, mumbled an unconvincing excuse.
“What did the Head of Family say before we departed?”
“……He said we should always be mindful of how outsiders perceive us, as there are misunderstandings and prejudices against the people of the Sichuan Tang Family.”
He was a specialist in poison and memorization. While the martial arts they practiced were recognized as being justice-oriented, they were always viewed with suspicion.
“Exactly. The Head of Family has always taken strides to change the perceptions and prejudices directed at the Sichuan Tang Family through countless good deeds and mutual cooperation. Did you just hint at disobeying the Head of Family’s orders? It seems the person who should be shown as an example right now is you, not the scholarly gentleman.”
“I-I apologize!”
At the mention of an example, the martial artist instantly knelt down and bowed his head.
“Now then, what do you think of that book? Is it so extraordinary that you would recommend it while returning empty-handed?”
The Vice-Guard Master looked at the kneeling martial artist with a bitter smile before glancing at the two martial artists fidgeting with The Rise of the Tang Family.
“Haha, Vice-Guard Master. Well, you see…”
“It’s a book entitled The Rise of the Tang Family, and it has gained tremendous popularity recently in Yichang. It’s not a book that provokes misunderstandings about the Sichuan Tang Family; rather, it’s a marvelous piece that corrects those misunderstandings and showcases the spirit of justice!”
Why had the one who had suddenly disappeared now come back to confidently recommend The Rise of the Tang Family?
The martial artist who had earlier recommended the book now stood as if he had been struck by a paralysis poison, rapidly defending the novel.
“I heard that while it’s popular, it’s been published only by a bookstore in Yichang, so it may not yet be well known beyond Yichang.”
“Is that so?”
“Perhaps… if it doesn’t sit well with you, I will dispose of the book and take punishment alongside this friend.”
The two martial artists lowered their heads, glancing at the Vice-Guard Master.
“No, if you praise them to such an extent, there must be a reason. This is a good thing. Given the current gloomy atmosphere, if it’s a book that praises the Sichuan Tang Family, let’s pass it around.”
The Vice-Guard Master smiled at the now-somber martial artists.
“Yes. Start by showing it to the one who knelt down here, and let the rest of your party pass it around.”
“You read through it and bring me your impressions. Think about what to do after seeing the impressions as the example.”
“Th-Thank you!”
The Vice-Guard Master gave a final word to the kneeling martial artist before disappearing back to his place.
“Sichuan’s top beauty as the main wife? If that’s the case, my childhood friend is married to me!”
“Isn’t that just your fault for being complacent with a fish you’ve already hooked?”
“That may be true, but it still irks me!”
“Tsk, tsk. There they go again with their pointless arguments.”
In the peaceful Tea Bookstore today, the first customer on opening day, Student Son, looked pitifully at the members of the tea and book club and turned to me.
“Pointless? The Succession Battle may seem trivial, but it’s everything at once.”
Thanks to the guests who came for the Succession Battle, the Tea Bookstore‘s sales were soaring today as well.
“Tsk, tsk. I understand, but that’s precisely why it’s a pointless argument.”
“What do you mean by meaningless when you understand?”
“The Tang Jung’s main wife isn’t even Sichuan’s top beauty or Hubei’s top courtesan. It’s someone else.”
Ah, so that’s what he meant. Student Son must be the type to have expectations for an unseen heroine because he was unsatisfied with the previous ones.
“That’s a new perspective. Then, who is the main wife you are expecting?”
“Ahem. That’s a secret. But I’m quite sure.”
Student Son awkwardly avoided my gaze, as if embarrassed. No way, is he suggesting a Color Demon as the main wife?
“Haha. Since you enjoy The Rise of the Tang Family as well, why don’t you join the tea and book club?”
I took two steps back to respect Student Son’s orientations as I said so.
“Talking with unknown people, that’s not easy.”
“But you’re having a conversation with me, aren’t you?”
“Manager Kang is not an unknown person. Ahem.”
It seemed like Student Son was a bit shy, as he avoided my gaze like someone being forced to admit something embarrassing to a friend. When did we become friends?
“Hahaha. Still, it’s good to have friends to share interests with.”
“A true confidant is enough with just one.”
Oh? Our relationship has been elevated to ‘confidant’ status? If there’s a demotion match, let me know when it happens.
“While deep relations are important, broad…”
“I have something very important to share with you, my true confidant, Manager Kang.”
Student Son cut me off, suddenly serious.
“What is it?”
Please don’t say you want another stamp on a coupon. I asked him lightly, not expecting much.
“Have you heard that the people from the Sichuan Tang Family passed through this Yichang recently?”
The information that jumped out of Student Son’s mouth was completely unexpected.
“Yes, I’ve heard.”
I had broken out in a cold sweat when the purple-haired man appeared with The Rise of the Tang Family.
“It’s rare for the people from the Sichuan Tang Family to appear in a group, so I got curious and dug a little for news. And I came across quite an interesting piece of gossip.”
“What is this interesting news?”
“Ahem. Come a bit closer to me.”
Student Son looked around discreetly and gestured me over.
I really didn’t want to feel his breath. Hesitant, but intrigued, I leaned in just enough to keep a safe distance from his breath.
“I heard that the only son of the Sichuan Tang Family Head fell into a coma while training the Poison Technique.”
“He fell into a coma while practicing poison training in a family that deals with poison?”
What is this, like a shark drowning while swimming?
“They say he got poisoned while handling extreme poison, or perhaps he fell into a critical state during his training. That’s the rumor.”
“That’s just a baseless rumor.”
“What?! Do I look like the kind of person who would say something baseless to a confidant? It’s a VIP piece of information that they sent people to the rival family, the Ge Family, asking for a solution!”
“The Ge Family?!”
The brainiac family of the martial world. The Ge Family.
The Ge Family, famous for Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms, is a renowned martial family. If there’s a Sichuan Tang Family, it could be said that the Ge Family, located in Hubei Province, is equally famous.
In martial stories, whatever the martial alliance may be, different clans may lead, but the Ge Family is often the one leading the armies, a recurring cliché in the storylines.
While it’s a tad nonsensical for descendants raised in military service to be bound to the military simply by descent, in any martial world, it can be quite disappointing if a member of the Ge Family is not in military service.
Of course, even in this world, the Ge Family excelled in tactics, medicine, and military strategy more than any other family.
If the situation has become so serious that they seek help from the Ge Family, it must indeed be quite dire.
“The problem is that they could not find a solution even after going to the Ge Family. With the Tang Family’s heir on the brink of death, the atmosphere in the Sichuan Tang Family is extremely tense right now.”
“I see.”
“I see? This isn’t the kind of thing to end with just ‘I see.’ The Rise of the Tang Family is being sold at the Tea Bookstore. What kind of reaction do you think it would produce if it ended up in the hands of the Sichuan Tang Family?”
Student Son said worriedly.
“Haha. The Rise of the Tang Family isn’t portraying the Sichuan Tang Family negatively, so what’s there to worry about?”
After all, the Tang folks even came by and showed us some praises.
“I’m just worried. When the atmosphere is bad, even something that appears good can look bad. What one person thinks is fine may be a thorn in the eye for someone else. And aren’t martial artists the type to wield swords because of such thorns?”
“Worrying too much will not help you eat. But I appreciate the good news.”
Even though I did worry a bit before writing, since the people Student Son was concerned about had also given my work good reviews, there wasn’t any need for major concern.
“Is that so? Then, I should mention….”
Student Son nodded and began rummaging through his pockets.
“Do you have something for me?”
Is there more news regarding the Sichuan Tang Family? As he searched his pockets, he produced something and handed it to me.
“Then, could you stamp this coupon as a fee for the information?”
So that’s what the goal was.
With permission from the Vice-Guard Master leading the group to the capital city, it didn’t take long for The Rise of the Tang Family to circulate among the Sichuan Tang Family members.
“What an amazing book this is!”
“Just how interesting can it be?”
“I want to see it too!”
“The Tang Jung is truly a hero of our time!”
“I hope every Sichuan Tang Family member gets to read it at least once. No, I must show it to my family once I return!”
The martial artists from the Sichuan Tang Family began to chatter excitedly about The Rise of the Tang Family while having a meal in the inn.
“In the Poison Kill Space, with triple poison. Just who came up with such an idea?”
“I heard it was someone from the Sichuan Tang Family.”
“Really? It does sound like it. So, this must have been written to rectify the misunderstandings about the collateral family.”
“It seems even the Vice-Guard Master is enjoying it late in his room.”
One of the martial artists leaned forward, pouring himself some tea as he gazed towards the room where the Vice-Guard Master was staying.
“This guy read it, and he was drooling while praising it. Do you think he wouldn’t read it?”
“There’s no need to emphasize that point.”
I didn’t expect this book to be so entertaining. The man who thought he needed to show an example to the author had embarrassingly realized he had to kneel and apologize to the Vice-Guard Master.
“I can already picture the Vice-Guard Master coming out with a look of awe on his face.”
“That guy would come out looking like a thin reed.”
“Are you going to say that in front of the Vice-Guard Master?”
“Are you serious? Do you know how much alcohol I’ve bought for you these past days?”
“Haha. Just kidding.”
The members of the Sichuan Tang Family eagerly anticipated the opening of the Vice-Guard Master’s room.
As they chatted, the door to the room eventually opened, and the Vice-Guard Master emerged.
“Vice-Guard Master?”
“What seems to be the issue?”
Contrary to the group’s expectations, the Vice-Guard Master didn’t have an ecstatic or deflated expression on his face. Instead, he wore a serious and tense look.
“This book. You said you obtained it from Yichang?”
The Vice-Guard Master approached the group and lifted The Rise of the Tang Family in inquiry.
“Yes. We found it at a bookstore called Tea Bookstore in Yichang.”
“Given it’s popular but published only at Tea Bookstore, it must be under contract with the author, right?”
The Vice-Guard Master questioned the martial artist who had replied firmly, his expression still rigid.
“Yes. It’s exclusively published under a contract with a writer named Ho Pil.”
“Is that so. Hoo.”
The Vice-Guard Master closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“Vice-Guard Master? What’s the matter?”
What could possibly be wrong? The martial artist who had responded asked the Vice-Guard Master.
He did not immediately respond to the question but instead surveyed the concerned expressions on his companions before declaring with resolution in his voice.
“Right now, we’re turning back to Yichang immediately.”