Chapter 73

One of the best places to live as an ordinary serf on the Albania Continent is Rabat Island.

While other serfs have to give away 30% of their harvested grains (not including the 20% tax fee for the overseers) and work three unpaid days per week under the lord’s orders,

they have to pay 50-60% of their grains instead of doing any mandatory labor.

In this area, there’s no required unpaid labor, and the tax is only a mere 15%.

Is that why? The residents of Rabat Island had oil dripping off their faces.

“Young Lord, it seems that this place, ruled by knights who dedicate everything to God, is governed very fairly. The villagers may wear various types of clothing, but they all have that oily glow on their faces.”

No, it’s these rulers of Rabat Island who are, in some sense, the most malicious.

They think that “all crimes” are allowed against infidels, you know?

And humans have this instinct to do anything to gain profits as long as it’s not deemed illegal or criminal.

“The infamous Fugger Baron Clan is in awe of these guys’ cruelty.”

But I don’t want to tell cute Chloe the harsh reality.

“Chloe, the reason why the Deus Knights here collect such little tax isn’t just because they are kind.”

“Is that so, Chris?”

Chris winked at me and continued.

“Rabat Island is on the front lines fighting against the infidels. Even though it seems peaceful now, the Sultan of the Medina Sultanate sometimes leads tens of thousands of troops in attacks.”

“To take over this tiny island?”

“I told you on the way here. The Deus Knights are still continuing the war against the infidels. To put it more accurately, they’re still engaging in piracy.”

The fact that their plundering targets are limited to ‘infidels’ means the Deus Knights are the most experienced pirates on this continent.

The order uses this island as a base to ransack Sultanate trading posts nearby, like Tunis, to gather various expenses.

It goes without saying how much it costs to maintain hundreds, if not thousands, of knights.

They plunder merchant ships at sea and invade deep into coastal areas to raid infidel villages for slave trading.

Some slave merchant even came to me trying to sell infidel pretty girl slaves.

“Was it 800 gold coins?”

This is how they barely manage to keep the knights going.

So for infidels, they must seem about 20 times more detestable than some northern pig.

“Living in such a dangerous place is scary, and would people want to live here if taxes were high?”

“While serfs don’t have the freedom to choose where to live, even I wouldn’t want to live in a place like this out of fear.”

“Exactly! That’s why the Deus Knights only collect extremely low taxes from the residents living on this island. They need to make them choose a prosperous life over the fear of potentially being killed by the infidels.”

Hearing that, Chloe nodded.

“Fearing that enemies could invade at any moment is scarier than starving…”

Chris patted Chloe’s head as if she were a younger sister.

“Also, no matter how much the knights’ maintenance costs are covered by plundering infidels, they still need to eat and drink, right? Someone has to provide those things.”

“When you told me why military supplies are important, you said the same thing.”

Even though I have never participated in war before,

from what I’ve heard about military supply merchants, for a mercenary group of over 300, there are usually as many as 300 support merchants accompanying them.

The Deus Knights have probably sworn ‘oaths of purity,’ but only those who can uphold those fully would have entered the secluded monkhood.

So then, how do they solve their sexual desires? It’s no use mentioning it.

“There’s a saying that adult videos significantly contribute to reducing the ratio of sexual crimes.”

“You’re lucky, Young Baron, to have such a cute and smart maid.”

I wonder if this is because Chris lost her entire family, but she sometimes calls Chloe, who is just a blood relative away from being her sister, her own sister.

In reality, Chloe is actually two years older.

Chloe is precisely 20 years old.

Then she looked at me as if to make sure I was listening.

“Cloth is also happy to serve such a kind Young Baron.”

… Recently, Chris seems to be trying a little more, just a tad closer to me. I wonder why.

“Let’s wrap up the chit-chat and hurry to the headquarters of the Deus Knights.”


Ah, I haven’t been there directly, but the inside of that headquarters is…

they abuse infidels so brutally that they’re almost like the same kind of people as us.

Especially considering what happens to infidel women, I can’t even stomach it…

“Sorry, but Chloe and Chris, you two must be tired from the long voyage, so rest at the inn.”

Even though people living on our continent are relatively accustomed to cruelty,

there’s no need to show Chloe and Chris such things.

It wasn’t the case on the island, but I was greeted with unfriendly treatment as soon as I arrived at the knights’ headquarters.

Is it because it’s a small island near the Toscan Empire?

An individual knight acting as a guard deliberately prolonged the inspection.

“What business does the Young Lord of the Medici Clan have here?”

Normally, no one checks nobles, especially those from clans above baron status.

Unless they’re dragging suspicious carriages one after another.

“That’s just customary courtesy towards nobles.”

But for me to be treated this way by a mere knight (who is basically just a foot soldier in rank) says it all.

“I’m here to meet the commander of the knights. And I’m not from the Medici Baron Clan; I am Fabio de Medici, head of the Medici Young Baron Clan.”

When doing business, an employee of the parent company might bully the president of a mid-sized subcontractor.

However, once that situation ends, the social classes of the two become very clear.

An ordinary citizen who is doing quite well versus someone in the top 0.1% of the country.

So what I’m saying is that I’m not some glorified employee of the Medici Baron Clan; I’m a young baron, so you should treat me accordingly.

Perhaps due to the misunderstanding being cleared up, the tone of the inspecting knight softened.

“Still, you must tell us the reason for your visit so that we can relay your request for an audience.”

I raised my right hand.

The knight’s gaze was fixed on the silver ring on my hand.

“I am here as the representative of Duke Visconti of the Toscan Empire. That should suffice, right?”

Strictly speaking, this knight order is an independent nation.

However, they obtain almost all their food, weapons, and other necessities from the Toscan Empire.

The knights here are of mixed nationalities, but they are heavily influenced by the Toscan language they use as a common tongue.

“Try refusing the representative of a duke, and you’ll find yourselves in trouble.”

“Holy! I apologize!”

Since they only worship Deus, is their salute some kind of holy phrase? Truly, they’re soaked in fanaticism.

With my status as a representative, it should be easy to meet the commander of the knights, but…

to let these guys know how friendly I want to be with them, ‘gifts’ need to be exchanged.

Even the Bible says that gifts (bribes) create friends and help get out of a bind.

Since Deus also mentioned that offering gifts is according to the will of the gods, I should comply, right?

“It must be tough working in a place like this. Seeing the crest inscribed on the pommel of the sword, I suppose you’re a second or third son of some clan. Just like me.”

And I handed this fellow 10 gold coins.

It’s a huge amount to give to a mere foot soldier, but receiving such a large sum means some of it will be passed along to this knight’s superior.

Then the superior will testify that the Medici Young Baron wants to get familiar with them to return the favor.

“Taking care of these little things is the essence of diplomacy and business.”

“Thank you! With this money, I can have a drink and a snack to shake off my worries! Bennett, go tell the commander right now that the representative of Duke Visconti has arrived!”

Upon hearing that, the knight called Bennett ran off as fast as lightning.

“Indeed, money is the best. It can even summon ghosts!”

Nah, with that money, you could buy barrels of liquor instead.

Being the smart guy he is, he instinctively hides the fact that he’s received a fortune.

“But is being from the Medici Baron Clan looked down upon?”

To that, the foot soldier carefully replied.

“Well, since it’s a clan dealing with infidels, our commander doesn’t feel the need to openly oppose it, but it’s hard to look favorably upon you.”

Well, the profits from trading spices also flow back to the infidels.

“Of course, Young Baron, you are the exception. Who could look poorly upon someone who understands our troubles as lowly knights?”

Are these guys really a fanatical pirate organization?

Why are they being so human-like?

Then the knight named Bennett rushed in, the sound of his iron armor clanking was quite loud.

“The commander has granted an audience!”

Without wasting a moment, I headed towards where the commander of the knights was waiting.

He wore a slightly hostile expression upon seeing me.

“What is the reason for your visit, my lord?”

Not even calling me a Young Baron tells me just how much they dislike the Medici Baron Clan.

Normally, people treat anyone with the label ‘Medici Baron Clan’ almost like they’re dealing with someone from a marquess family.

These guys seem to value their faith above any such profit relationships.

‘Calling me “my lord” is just a sign that they really don’t like the Medici Baron Clan.’

“Do you not need funds to continue your holy war? We can help you with that.”

But when it comes to money, as long as it isn’t your family’s enemy or a guy who cheated with your wife, everything seems forgivable.

You’ll end up just like that too.