Chapter 7

The bird breaks out of its egg. The egg is the bird’s world.

To be born, one must destroy a world.

I am now about to step into a new world.

Like ripples on a calm surface, this is a small step, but it will bring a massive change to my world.

The white flickering monitor is blinking and reflecting my face.

The mouse cursor was moving back and forth over the live broadcast start button in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Yes, all preparations are complete.

I’ve invested quite a bit of effort into setting up everything needed for the broadcast.

Ji-eun’s computer specs weren’t bad. No, rather they were quite good.

With Photoshop and 3D modeling software installed, the computer outperformed the typical home PC due to its professional nature.

As I prepared for the broadcast, I began to understand a bit of the struggles that streamers have, which I had once considered just “living off others.”

Broadcasting takes more effort than I had thought.

Unlike public broadcasting, which has professional staff, a solo streamer must prepare everything from A to Z on their own.

Of course, being a solo streamer means the scale is smaller and anyone can get started, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy!

Just getting started with the basics is tricky.

A high-performance system that doesn’t lag while streaming in real-time.

A monitor with graphics that won’t give viewers a negative impression.

A cam to reflect the streamer and a mic to amplify their voice.

I even bought another monitor on a whim to separate broadcasting from gaming.

If I only used one monitor to broadcast, it might interrupt my gameplay, or so folks have said.

Naturally, I relied on the internet for that advice.

Given that this was a stream to clarify accusations of hacking, I had to minimize any potential distractions.

Even excluding the special case of the monitor, this level of equipment was necessary to broadcast.

They say professional streamers even install soundproof booths, but that had nothing to do with me at this moment.


The reason I was dawdling after finishing all preparations was due to an indescribable tension.

I was preparing for an impromptu broadcast and unexpectedly going live.

I’ve never liked being in front of others.

I could watch broadcasts but never imagined I’d be doing it myself.

Well, I suppose we can’t all get to do what we want in life.

Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of a woman’s face on the screen.

The woman’s expression, usually neutral, looked vaguely familiar.

Next was a small hand gripping the mouse, delicate wrists.

In contrast to her thin body, she had a prominent chest asserting itself.

All of that was now ‘my’ body.

I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Having already undergone a monumental change in my life, it struck me as funny that I was nervous about a mere broadcast.

‘Mollru Hacking Clarification Broadcast’

The title didn’t matter; it was the content that was important.

– During the live broadcast.

After casually checking that the broadcast was running correctly, I immediately launched the game.


Do you think there’s someone who solely lives on the internet every single day?

Some might jokingly dismiss it, saying, “Give me a break,” but astonishingly, this is not a joke.

There are internet phantoms who lead trends and rapidly disseminate information.

Among them, the internet broadcasting realm.

Among countless internet broadcasts, the streaming platform known as Switch.

There are dedicated personnel who monitor every move of the streamers on Switch around the clock.

Called ‘Switch unemployed,’ or simply ‘Susu.’

Nickname: Sua-gisadanjang 1-ho.

He was a representative of the nasty fanbase of streamer Sua and had noticed an anomaly on Switch.

‘Mollru Hacking Clarification Broadcast’


With nothing to do, a familiar low-quality broadcast popped up in his recommended streams.

Viewers: 3. Category: EOW.

Is it the algorithm?

He hesitated for a moment.

The nickname seemed strangely familiar.

-Mollru is currently broadcasting.

He jumped up from his seat while checking the nickname.

It was him! He actually turned the broadcast on!

Sua-gisadanjang 1-ho.

He was a devoted viewer of Sua’s streams and a hardcore fan of EOW.

He naturally got drawn into Sua’s streams as she mainly focused on EOW content.

After double-checking the streamer’s nickname, he swiftly grabbed his phone.

Group chat ‘Susadan.’

It was named after Sua’s Knight Brigade.

He quickly entered the chat room and informed his fellow members.

They were similar cases, having become interested in EOW and gradually tuning into Sua’s high-tier streams.

For them, Mollru’s activities had become quite a curiosity.

A skilled player with unprecedented ballistics, despite being suspected of hacking, it remained just that: a suspicion.

While most in the community, including a majority of EOW players, argued that his outlandish plays could only result from hacking, he disagreed.

Wasn’t it the Watch Saga that successfully suppressed the initial emergence of hacks?

It had been several days and no actions had been taken yet.

‘Maybe it could be real skill.’

Thinking this, Susadan 1-ho entered Mollru’s stream.


[You really turned on the broadcast, huh? lol]

[Isn’t that a familiar sniper rifle?]

[That familiar screen and recognizable weapon… Teacher, why have you just shown up now?]

[Wow, your tier went up again lol what’s with this person?]

[Diamond tier top ranks and just cruising through enemies.]

Maybe it was because Sua-gisadanjang 1-ho shared a link in the group, but soon Mollru’s chatroom became lively with viewers.

However, whether she knew it or not, Mollru continued to silently slaughter the enemies.

With her signature sniper rifle that had become her identity.

It was quite common.

Streamers immersed in gameplay often miss the chat.

This is especially true for those with less broadcasting experience.

For those not accustomed to balancing gameplay with monitoring the chat.

When a low-quality stream has a quiet chat, it’s even more so.

But as true Susu’s, they quickly caught on to this and kindly watched the broadcast.

[Looks like they’re busy gaming.]

[It’s normal for first-time streamers to miss the chat.]

[Just watching the gameplay is dizzying.]

[Our Sua read the chat well from her first stream.]

[It’s true that Sua’s multitasking skills are impressive.]

One shot, then another.

The sniper, perched atop a city building, took precise aim as he peered through the scope.

With deadly accuracy, he ruthlessly exploited the openings of his enemies.

Amidst the occasional gasps of admiration from viewers,

A message appeared on the broadcast screen with an effect sound.

<Soboru-Toppa donated 1000 won!>

[You’re doing well, but isn’t this a hacking clarification stream? Are you not turning on the handcam?]

Frustrated that Mollru was not interacting, a viewer sent a message through the donation.

The stoic sniper, who hadn’t responded, finally seemed to grasp the situation and paused his movements.

Then, there was a brief click of the mouse, and something appeared on the broadcast screen.

A pure white hand.

A tiny, delicate white hand gripping the oversized black mouse moving without pause.

Each motion of the hands proved that it wasn’t hacking; the aim danced wildly across the screen.

With each click, enemies fell—an added bonus.

The viewers reacted for a moment, but soon they turned their gazes away from the game screen.

They were staring at where the handcam had revealed a dainty, small white hand.

What appeared through the cam was not what they had imagined.

Instead of meaty, hairy hands associated with men.

What emerged was a beautifully delicate hand that looked like it hadn’t touched a drop of water.

With this unexpected sight, the chatroom erupted.

[What’s with that hand? Why is it so white?]

[It happens if you don’t go outside.]

[Probably due to lighting.]

[Where’s the lighting? There’s no light shining on the desk.]

[Those fingers are way too thin. Is it a guy?]

[So, are we saying it’s a girl then?]

[Wow, that’s a total stick figure lol work out!]

[Wait, is it a girl’s hand?]

[So, it’s a girl?]

[These guys are writing novels—what girl?]

Was the chatroom noisy? The sniper once again halted their movements.

Then a slight rustling noise followed,

“Oh, I had the mic off.”

The voice spoke.


The chatroom fell silent for a moment.

A single question mark floated up, followed by a few seconds of stillness in the chat.

Then, after a brief pause.

“…Can you not hear me? Is the mic acting weird?”

As streamer Mollru began to speak,

The chatroom exploded.