Chapter 36

The brain is said to use a significant part of itself to process visual information transmitted through the eyes.

Vision is the most weighty sense among our five senses.

It has long been proven that what we see has a great impact and is effective.

Isn’t there a saying that a hundred hears are not as good as one sees?

And so, we decided to call the creatures that are weak to this vision “men.”

It was only natural for the majority of these creatures, who are more susceptible to visual stimuli than women, in my room to focus more on my cam screen than on the game.

After all, there was different visual information on the cam screen than usual.

[My heart is swelling… Is that the nerdy Mollru?]

[That’s really grand.]

[Like the Grand Canyon!]

[So that’s why the Bangjang has a good personality.]

[Because it’s big-hearted!]

[Is this even a human body?]

[Arms and wrists are super thin, but why is the chest so big? It doesn’t make sense, fr!]

[Can’t see well, but waist looks slim too.]

[You guys know this is sexual harassment, right?]

[But there’s no way we can’t type anything after witnessing this spectacle.]

[Just type LOL for real!]

[LOL for real!]

[Sexual harassment sounds too heartless, how about we call it ‘compliments’?]

[How about saying it a bit more roundabout?]

[LOL these guys are all banned.]

The dance of the swords began from Si-young, the manager and editor.

Her speed was so fast that you could see the live chat getting filtered in real-time.

Yet, among them, a few chat messages still caught my eye.

They were mostly about my upper body revealed through the cam screen.

It couldn’t be helped.

Even if I were to ban in real-time, there were too many messages.


That was the number of viewers watching my broadcast right now.

Where did this many people come from?

It seemed like the tournament had drawn significant attention.

“Everyone, how about focusing on the tournament instead of my chest? We’re just banning now.”

[Is there a talking chest?]

[Just seeing below the neck can make someone look so pretty…]

[It’s hard to resist!]

Even with a 5-minute delay constraint, responses like these were pouring in.

The chat room felt crazed even without real-time communication.

What could be so good about a heavy lump like this?… I couldn’t really say anything as I had my own history.

Memories of the past that my gaze would unconsciously drift toward.

I understood that feeling as a former man, so I decided to let it slide.

If I could just show them that I was focusing on the game, things might get better.

Wouldn’t it be enough to show a more spectacular game scene than my chest visible on the cam?

Despite Ji-yeon’s call coming in fiercely, I deliberately ignored it.

Oh dear, Ji-yeon, I’m working here!

The sniper and bard were banned.

My main pick, the sniper, and our team members, Ryuah and Papi Joah, who were good at handling support characters, the bard.

It could be seen as a highly critical ban-pick, but…

“Just as I expected,” Papi Joah’s calm voice rang out.

I had anticipated it, just as she said.

All their moves were predictable.

“Let’s go according to the plan.”

The cards to be banned from our side were the swordsman and the armored soldier.

They couldn’t compare to my swordsman, but Sua’s swordsman, who was threatening for the teammates, and the armored soldier, the main pick of the enemy tank, Dead Song.

I told the first pick, Tex, who was in charge of the bans, not to be nervous, but it seemed to have made him more anxious.

When I opened my mouth, he flinched in surprise.

“Eh? Ahem, yes.”

He let out a squeak and cleared his throat.

He must have seen my cam screen revealed through the official broadcast.

Maybe he felt a discrepancy from how he imagined I would look.

As long as it didn’t disturb the gameplay, it was fine.

Tex quickly regained his focus.

The rigorous training had definitely paid off.

I didn’t know if the other teammates were tense or not, but at least they didn’t speak their feelings out loud.

They might have been stiff in front of thousands of viewers, but I was sure they wouldn’t be.

Once you’ve gone through countless drills that feel like real battles, you won’t be able to distinguish between practice and actual combat.

Since it was happening online, there was no way to feel the on-site atmosphere.

Once the bans from both sides finished and the picks were completed, we entered the loading screen.

In the brief waiting time before the actual game started, Cheolwoo spoke solemnly.

“Alright, let’s shout ‘fighting’ and start.”





Feeling good, let’s go.

The graceful dancer’s twin swords glimmered under the bright sunlight.


Since ancient times, twin swords have been weapons showcasing elegance and style, as well as symbols of defeat.

The phrase “double-edged sword” best suits such a weapon.

After all, there have been characters who died while wielding twin swords after splitting a perfectly fine great sword in half.

Thinking that having two weapons would make one stronger is a simplistic approach.

Handling swords that swing differently in each hand requires considerable concentration.

Especially in a battlefield where all sorts of projectiles are flying.


The clashing blades resonated strongly.

I had just deflected the enemy mage’s fireball with a blade that was neither too thin nor too thick.

The vibration that started from the blade transmitted to the hand gripping the hilt.

In that fleeting moment.

When a second can be infinitely sliced, the fragments of the scattered time.

A miracle that could only be performed by geniuses who could read those fragments, existing within the EOW system.

That miracle had just occurred.

The “dancer” lightly shook off the sword to rid the awkwardness lingering on her palm.

“The fireball’s gone. It’ll take some time for the opposing mage to recast in front of us. Cheolwoo, you charge in first, and Tex, follow me in. Ryuah, please take care to keep Cheolwoo alive as long as possible. Papi, mark the enemy dealer while mezging.”

“I’ll go in before we’re fully prepared-”

The enemy was drawn by the dancer charging forward.

Mollru, displaying an absurd level of skill, spun around to catch the incoming fireball.

Teams didn’t have to respond after hearing the order.

There was no need to.

Like well-trained soldiers, they charged forward without the slightest hesitation.

The enemy formation collapsed momentarily.

Then, the dazzling blade of the dancer.

In the blink of an eye, the enemy’s health dwindled, as Tex, rushing in, finished them off.

“Up to here. Fall back now. We can’t get too sucked in. Papi, please run a detection to check for enemies sneaking behind us.”

“Got it.”

The team members mechanically returned to their positions.

The support from our ally was taking place, quickly reestablishing formation.

It was a thorough and meticulous operation that inflicted considerable damage before repositioning.

By gradually gnawing away at the enemy, we were seizing the initiative in a wickedly malicious manner.

Eventually, the opposing team, feeling the pressure of time and score, would dash in first.

Mollru’s strategy was named Timing Rush.

A reckless and daring tactic that only she could execute, astutely observing entry and withdrawal timings.

With a steady voice, lacking fluctuation.

Her orders came unfazed, as though everything had been expected.

During the slight restructuring time created by following her order, Tex glanced at the chat window and quickly regained his focus.


[Look at that Mollru, she’s stacked!]

[Did you see Tex’s eyes rolling during that interview?]

The chat displayed with a 5-minute delay compared to Tex.

It was filled with mundane topics irrelevant to the game.

Due to the large tournament, it seemed there were many viewers, and chat management wasn’t in control.

Tex, who had vowed to give them a ban during the replay, suddenly wondered.

Did those people even imagine that the match would tip only 5 minutes after it started?

Especially how the team, which was expected to be at a disadvantage, was overwhelming.

Even if I told them beforehand, they all would have said it was absurd.

In fact, Tex didn’t think the game would go this smoothly either.

Without thinking much and just playing as Mollru said, it had ended up like this.

He hadn’t even taken on a role that was too extravagant for himself.

Just his usual play, combined with rigorous practice during this tournament.

He had merely danced his fingers according to his habitual routine, yet victory was already within grasp.

The game unfolding so one-sidedly was all due to this person.

Tex moved his mouse to look at the dancer beside him.

Mollru, who boasted a ridiculous level of difficulty with her character, was handling it with such ease.

‘I thought something was off, but.’

Isn’t this a bit too overwhelming?

“The enemy is coming again. We’ve secured the favorable terrain, so just stay alert and don’t let it go.”

Just stay alert and don’t let it go.

Such an easy condition to win under.

Tex let out a chuckle as he tightened his grip on the mouse.

The scout in the screen aimed his gun straight ahead.

The incoming enemies were pushed back continuously, retreating and reestablishing.

Watching the scene unfold according to Mollru’s orders, Tex thought.

If it continues like this, he wouldn’t have any words when viewers pulled the “carried” card later.

But it didn’t matter.

If they could taste such a sweet victory.

With only a minute left in the round,

Feeling that the slim dancer in front of him somehow made him feel reassured,

Tex worked diligently with his hands.