Chapter 20

The slums were more brutal than I thought, and in a way, it was a rational place.

In fantasy novels, whenever characters go to slums on a mission, they always get caught up in incidents.

But for someone like me, who clearly looked like a noble, no one dared to start a fight.

Still, there were clash and clang of swords in the middle of the street.

“Just wait inside here, if you please.”

“Can the knights who came with me enter too?”

The lowly thug who had guided me here fell silent for a moment.

“Even if they are knights, they cannot enter here.”

“What about knights who have served my family for generations?”

They say not to judge a book by its cover, but that’s a rather unrealistic statement.

Our instincts tend to judge others by their visible appearance and interpret it as they see fit.

So, the armored guards in their heavy plate mail, who wouldn’t speak as long as they kept quiet, would look the part.

“If any confidential information leaks out, we would be in trouble.”

I waved my hand, signaling the guards to step outside for a moment.

As long as I didn’t threaten these thug-like individuals or face some disaster in not paying properly, I would generally be safe.

No matter how much of a gangster they were, if they messed with a customer who was about to pay them for a job, no one would come back for a job again.

Anyone who couldn’t make that distinction wouldn’t have survived here.

“In return, we can guarantee the quality of information. Of course, if you want women, we can provide you with women. If you need someone to do dirty work, we have skilled and tight-lipped guys… We’ll help you with whatever you desire.”

They openly offered to kill people and arrange human trafficking.

Such things were unimaginable in Korea in the 21st century.

While I was chatting with the lowly thug, suddenly he bowed his head down deeply.

“Greetings, Boss.”

The man called Boss kicked the lowly thug intentionally.

The thug slammed against the wall.

“Would that bastard, Fabio Young Lord of the Medici Baron Clan, indulge in buying women? How long has it been since you came in, and yet you still don’t seem to understand?!”

The boss shouted at the lowly thug in a loud voice.

While scolding, his hand moved up and down quite naturally.

Just like the gangsters I knew.

“Consider yourself lucky today, you little brat.”

As he said that, the lowly thug scurried away like a scared rat.

The whole scene of the boss shouting and the thug reacting felt so natural.

‘This feels staged.’

Did they think they could intimidate me since I was younger than them?

Unlike the lowly thug, who seemed entirely lacking in dignity, the boss greeted me with a decent bearing and voice.

“Greetings, Medici Young Lord. I am Kovo, responsible for the Tears of the Spider in these slums.”

“How do you know who I am when I haven’t even introduced myself?”

“I wouldn’t mistake a noble Young Lord who is destined for greatness from another noble Young Lord.”

Using such words is usually a clear-cut lie, but looking at the expression of this Kovo guy, he genuinely seems to mean it.

“My subordinate has greatly offended you despite your visit. Please forgive him.”

“As the boss, you don’t have to apologize for your subordinate’s misdeed.”

“Thank you for your gracious forgiveness.”

Kovo smirked slightly, raising one corner of his mouth.

“However, if there’s ever a night you’re lonely, please let me know. We have the finest prepared for you. Unlike other thugs, we do not deceive our guests.”

Well, for them, this kind of business is commonplace.

They buy beautiful women from rural and urban slums and sell them to Young Lords suffering from their own male woes, securing future customers.

It’s a practice I’d like to stay clear of from the moment they start trading people.

“I’d like to request a background investigation.”

“Whose background would you like us to investigate?”

“The Deputy Baron Ravioli of the Commerce Department.”

The Deputy Baron, who holds significant power within the Imperial Government, especially as the head of the Commerce Department.

As I mentioned that I wanted to investigate such a man, Kovo’s eyebrows twitched slightly.

“Investigating a Deputy Baron who has no territory and merely lives on a pension isn’t too difficult. However, investigating the head of the Commerce Department is a different story altogether.”

In our empire, titles and ranks do not mean that positions and circumstances aren’t important.

A truly wealthy baron can wield political influence equivalent to that of an Earl.

Positions such as the heads of the Justice Department, Commerce Department, and Treasury carry immense power granted by their office.

‘Immense power translates to social status and influence.’

“You’ll likely be closely entangled with multiple parties, so we’ll need to think this through a bit…”

Should I suggest what the compensation would be right out the gate?

I suppose it’s only natural to do so.

“An advance payment of 20 Gold Coins. If successful, depending on results, up to 30 Gold Coins.”

I pulled out a pouch holding 20 Gold Coins from my pocket.

Kovo opened the pouch and grinned wickedly.

“You have quite the largeness of spirit.”

I wasn’t exactly sure how much I should be paying when commissioning such thugs.

However, offering 50 Gold Coins to investigate the Commerce Department head is honestly an excessive amount.

“I assume that since I’m gunning for the merchants’ interests, there’s bound to be some major players behind this. It’s a risk premium… is that insufficient?”

“On the contrary, it’s more than enough.”

“It’s nice to see honesty.”

Kovo immediately drew out some paper and a pen.

“Do you have specific details in mind?”

“Who is colluding with this merchant, and what promises have been made in return. I hope to get both these pieces of information.”

This is the most important thing to win in a war.

Knowing who your enemies are internally and externally.

You need to grasp this to formulate a strategy.

Going into battle with no idea who’s who could lead to friendly fire and utter chaos.

“I’ll bear that in mind.”

“And the Deputy Baron’s weaknesses. What corruption has he committed, and what personal flaws does he possess?”

When fighting an armored opponent, one must always target the gaps in their armor.

Without that, victory is impossible.

It’s the same when fighting in politics.

“Does rumor count?”

“Any trivial matter works.”

Even in the advanced courts of the 21st century Republic of Korea, tossing a politician into trouble with hearsay is commonplace.

News often mentions investigations by prosecutors or congressional hearings, among other things…

This alone can significantly lower the opponent’s support.

What about in the Toscan Empire, where it’s incredibly hard to trace the roots of where gossip started?

If you don’t do petty tricks like this, you’d be a fool.

“Is there anything else you’d like me to investigate?”

“Any issues arising from his family, and any corruption caused by his lovers. If you could find something substantial, I’d appreciate it.”

“Yes, understood.”

Kovo put down the pen when I stopped talking.

“By the way, what exactly did that Deputy Baron do to you? Knowing this might help us assist you further.”

I’m not the kind to be embarrassed by any actions I’ve taken.

There’s nothing wrong with a rumor spreading about this level. In fact, it could be advantageous.

“That Deputy Baron refused to approve our guild establishment based on laws made over 500 years ago. He even accepted a bribe.”

“If you’re going to refuse, it’s only right not to accept gifts. He’s quite outrageous.”

Kovo chuckled lightly.

“A week later, I’ll have someone sent to my mansion disguised as a hunter. Depending on the quality and quantity of the information received at that time, I may consider additional commissions.”

“I will surely deliver satisfactory results.”

When I returned to the mansion, Chloe came out to welcome me.

I had told her that I’d be back late and that she could go to bed first, but here we are.

“Welcome back, Young Lord.”

I was a bit upset today because of that damn Deputy Baron.

But seeing Chloe lightened my mood.

I’ve heard fathers gain the strength to face tomorrow just by having their children greet them when they return home.

Now I understand why.

“I’m back.”

“Since you mentioned establishing a guild, the housekeeper prepared a special delicious meal for you…”

Establishing a guild is just a matter of submitting a single sheet of paper, so why the hassle?

“Indeed. What a shame.”

As for the food, if I didn’t eat it, the servants working in the mansion would’ve enjoyed it.

So the food itself isn’t a loss.

What frustrates me is that the sincerity of those who wanted to celebrate has gone to waste.

“It’s fine. We can celebrate again later.”

I placed my hand on Chloe’s head and patted her.

“How can everything in this world only have good things?”

That’s just how life is.

90% of life seems to consist of bad or hard moments, with less than 10% of happiness to be felt.

Still, it’s about being grateful for that 10% of happiness and living on.

“Once everything is over, let’s go on a picnic somewhere outside. I’ll bring plenty of cakes you love.”

Could it be that growing up poor has its downsides?

Chloe particularly loves sweets more than any other girl around me.

And she eats them with such joy.

To see that look on her face, I’ve indulged so much next to her, it’s embarrassing.

‘At the worst moments, it’s three times in two days…’

“Just don’t overdo it.”

For some reason, I felt mischievous and gave her belly a light rub.

Not knowing my intentions, Chloe turned her head away.

“How rude.”

In the end, she stayed sulking until the next day.

And then, a week later, an informant came to our house to relay information.

It was more than I had anticipated.