In the Toscan Empire, the administrative procedures required to establish a trading company are extremely simple.
Just submit the items needed for the trading company establishment permit, and that’s it.
Of course, you have to grease the wheels with a little something called a bribe to ensure things run smoothly.
In our empire, if you’re of low status, you must pay the government death tax and a bribe even when you die.
With the reality being this way, you just have to accept it.
“Medici Young Lord, Baron Ravioli has said it’s alright for you to enter.”
In Korea, after submitting the paperwork, you would have to wait for weeks.
However, due to the centralization and less documentation in the Toscan Empire, reviews like checking your identity are finished in a flash.
As soon as you submit the paperwork and give a little gift, it will get passed through quickly, right?
“I’ll be entering.”
After knocking and going inside, I found the director sitting in a chair with a slightly displeased expression.
Can’t even a nobleman look cheerful while working?
This is no different from a 21st-century Korean office worker.
“It seems this conversation will take a while, so please, have a seat.”
In our empire, establishing a trading company is just a matter of submitting one piece of paper.
Yet, he’s insisting on reviewing it over a long period? Something feels off.
Baron Ravioli received the paperwork and read it with the intent of dissecting each letter.
“Hmm, at the start of this document, it should state the noble will of Deus rather than the holy will of Deus. If there’s an error like this, it’s hard to accept…”
When writing legal contracts in our empire, it’s essential to include praise or an oath to Deus.
Yet, to nitpick over such a minor mistake in praising Deus is ridiculous.
He’s already demanding a bribe.
Sickening and petty, but I’ll just give it.
I politely handed over the pouch filled with gold coins.
“This is just a small token of my appreciation to assist you, the dedicated Baron.”
“You didn’t need to give this. Just put it away.”
That claim of “you didn’t need to give this” is as trustworthy as an elderly parent saying it’s time to die because they’ve grown old.
Having lived in Korea, I can tell you, the person who said they were going to die five minutes ago ends up taking supplements.
Does he think that if I don’t give it, he won’t accept my trading company establishment report?
“This is my pure intention.”
The baron opened the pouch and smiled as if he found it satisfactory.
“Well, a mistake of this level is common among imperial officials, so I’ll let it slide.”
Sure enough, once the bribe was received, his tone changed.
“Upon careful inspection, I found that the paperwork had no major issues.”
“Thank you, then will you grant me the trading company establishment permit?”
Upon hearing my words, Ravioli shook his head.
“However, I cannot grant you the trading company establishment permit.”
Does this mean he’s asking for more bribes?
Did he leave his conscience at home and come to work like this?
Isn’t there a line that people should cross?
Moreover, you’re part of the Duke Visconti faction.
“I want to help a hardworking and capable youth like you, but according to imperial law, nobles are not allowed to own trading companies.”
Duke Visconti owns his trading company, and Count Bobang, who I had helped in the past, has a similar situation.
Nobles above the count generally have trading companies to meet their family’s consumption and needs.
Well, while these trading companies might not compare in scale to the massive companies that control the nation’s economy…
If the mega trading companies are like Samsung or LG, the dukes’ trading companies are about mid-sized enterprises.
“In fact, 516 years ago, the great Emperor Giuseppe decreed, ‘Nobles of the Toscan Empire may not engage in trade or own a trading company.’ That’s what’s written in the imperial law.”
I didn’t go to law school to become an official.
But even the laws written there must have an expiration date of less than 100 years, except for very special cases.
Is this guy using some sort of magic to resurrect a mummy from a coffin?
At this point, I know it’s not advisable to fight with a noble of a higher rank than me, but if he’s openly picking a fight with me,
how can I avoid this? I should confront him openly.
“But Duke Visconti already owns a trading company, doesn’t he?”
“No, my friend. You seem young and naive. That is a special case.”
“What makes it so special?”
Baron Ravioli, after speaking, seemed to have nothing else to think of and started rolling his eyes for about a minute.
“That trading company is particularly close to the duke, and since the imperial officials are oppressing the merchants too much, it was registered under the duke’s name for convenience.”
It’s so absurd I can’t even respond.
“It stems from a warm-hearted desire to protect the citizens. But you’re trying to establish a trading company to make money, right? Isn’t that different from this?! I want to grant permission, but it’s forbidden by imperial law, what can I do? Stop the nonsense and go back.”
At this point, there’s no other way.
And honestly, it’s likely that someone from the same faction as him would end up becoming hostile toward me.
Those who are doing well tend to become targets of envy, jealousy, and animosity.
“Then I’ll take my leave.”
“Sorry that I couldn’t help.”
Help? Please, you’re the one trying to screw me over with a law that’s practically in a coffin from 500 years ago.
Dramatic exit sound
As I left the commercial law office, Sebastian and Chloe were waiting for me.
“Young Lord, how did the trading company establishment process go?”
“The baron nitpicked using a law from 500 years ago. Sebastian.”
Sebastian sighed and complained.
“You didn’t really do anything wrong, did you? This seems excessive.”
Bringing up outdated laws, like how in Boston, you’re not allowed to take a bath without a doctor’s permission, that’s just ridiculous.
It’s frustrating and makes me feel wronged, but
“You don’t need to think too unfairly. That just means I’ve grown in stature.”
Even if I didn’t do anything wrong, as I get stronger and more successful, there’s bound to be enemies around me.
Those people probably think I’ll target their livelihoods as I grow.
Thus, even when I face ridiculous obstacles, thinking this way is more comforting.
“I’m becoming this remarkable, after all.”
“That’s right.”
“And do you think I’m some kind of puppet who will just sit back and take it?”
Being rejected a permit for establishing a trading company is, in fact, quite a trivial matter.
No one came at me with a sword ready to take anything by force.
However, when it comes to human relationships, especially political issues, overlooking minor problems can often lead to immense disadvantages.
In human relations, there are those who perceive goodwill as rights, and in political matters, hyenas think they can keep exploiting me since I’m not fighting back.
Such trash is all over the place.
“And whoever is making me their enemy, the fact that they’re nitpicking over this trivial matter in establishing a trading company means one of their backers is supporting the baron.”
Nobles with titles aren’t going to support the baron.
People of that level would gain nothing from bothering me.
“I’m not at that level yet.”
Even though I’m rising quickly, I still can’t compare to noblemen who own entire cities.
“To make someone go this far in opposing me, there must be significant benefits to be offered.”
“First, I need to clearly identify who the enemy is.”
No matter what, understanding the situation is the most important thing.
You need to know what your circumstances are to take meaningful action.
That’s why in any era, doctors always start by diagnosing the patient’s illness.
“Initially, I intended to give bonuses to the trading company staff and treat them, but things went sideways, Sebastian.”
“That’s unfortunate.”
“I’m going to head to the back alleys with my guards here. You take Chloe and head home.”
For Chloe, who had lived as a serf, the back alleys of the Toscan Empire aren’t exactly a pleasant sight.
Humans begging with a limb missing, the groans of lowly prostitutes can be heard in every corner of the alley.
And it’s a place where sword fights can break out for no reason.
Well, not that those guys lack common sense; if I don’t provoke them, I’ll probably be safe.
“Aren’t you taking too much risk?”
“Look at my guards’ armor and tell me.”
I’m basically the ruler of steel.
That’s why I had my mercenaries fitted with plate armor at a third of the market price.
So my guards all look like real knights on the outside.
And a trained knight equipped with full gear can face off against twenty ordinary people.
“…… Take care.”
Slums, back alleys.
A place where nobles go when assigning dirty tasks; I’m curious about what kind of neighborhood it is.