Chapter 15

The coast is bustling with activity, but honestly speaking, the situation is downright hopeless.

There are still people living here, but at least the houses haven’t completely crumbled.

Not a single livestock like cows or pigs, the village’s prized assets, can be seen.

The trees scattered around look like they’ve had their bark stripped off and are exposing their insides.

A mercenary knight tasked with protection let out a sigh and lamented.

“If they’ve stripped even the tree bark, they must have been pushed to the edge by now. Soon enough, they’ll have turned into a band of thieves.”

If someone were to ask whether they’d rather starve to death with their family or turn to thievery, most would choose the latter.

When hunger and despair are closing in, remaining steadfast is the mark of a true adult and a gentleman.

“Have all the villagers gathered?”

“They’re assembled in the square in front of the Lord’s house.”

If this were 21st century Korea, I wouldn’t even need to gather all the villagers.

I could just consult with the Lord and keep them in the loop afterward.

However, in a world that values authority over equality, as the lord, I must make my presence known to show authority and benevolence.

Only then can the residents feel assured of the ruler’s strength.

As I approached, the mercenaries surrounding the villagers shouted loudly.

“The Young Lord has arrived! Everyone, pay your respects!”

Upon hearing that command, they immediately knelt and pressed their heads to the ground.

This posture is entirely different from the one-knee bow we often associate with the Middle Ages.

Serfs and lords, to put it exaggeratedly, have a master and slave-like relationship.

So, it’s only natural for them to bow so low.

“Lift your heads; you may sit comfortably. And who is the Lord of this village?”

An elderly man with a bald, empty head replied,

“I am the Lord Diego of Bio Village.”

“Things don’t seem to be going well for the village. Specifically, what’s the situation?”

Just looking at the villagers’ appearances tells me everything I need to know.

The Lord’s face is pale, and his clothes are worse than rag pieces.

Other residents are barely better off than refugees from Africa, with a little exaggeration.

Only a fool wouldn’t grasp the current situation after seeing this.

“Oh dear, oh dear, Young Lord…”

The Lord and the others once again pressed their heads to the ground.

Then all of them began to sob and wail.

With over 300 villagers crying out in unison, I couldn’t quite make out what they were saying…

But they were likely begging for mercy and sharing stories of family members who had starved to death.

If I didn’t feel sympathy after witnessing such a tragedy, I’d honestly be a psychopath.

But just having sympathy doesn’t mean I can forget about asserting my authority.

“I asked the Lord, ‘What is the current situation of the village?’”

“It is as the Young Lord sees. The village’s food ran out a month ago, and we have resorted to eating cattle, chickens, and even dogs. We are at a point where we shove anything edible into our mouths.”

Diego started to shed tears.

It must be awful for him to experience the harsh reality of being weak and poor to the point of starving to death.

Having never starved in either this world or reality, I can’t imagine how it feels.

But what would it be like to watch his villagers, wife, and children die while being powerless?

I know it must be horrendous, but I can’t even begin to fathom how truly dreadful it is.

“If this continues, we will all die, won’t we? Therefore, I thought if I sold the children without parents in the village, I could buy food to survive this year.”

By the standards of the 21st century, this Lord is a scoundrel who deserves to be killed right now.

However, by the standards of this world, that’s just a sensible action.

Talk of human rights and equality only works when people can eat on time.

In a situation where survival is urgent, sacrificing a few for the majority’s survival becomes essential.

“Please, Young Lord, have mercy upon us.”

Of course, I will exempt them from taxes and support them with food to prevent the people from starving.

I already came here equipped with grain flour, salt, and everything else needed to rebuild the village, having heard it was in dire straits.

“Whether to show mercy or not is my decision.”

However, if I just give away mercy freely, I will inevitably become a target.

The civil servants in 21st century Korea deal with unimaginable nonsense daily from those who receive welfare benefits, believing they are entitled to it simply because they are poor.

The government is indeed obligated to care for the poor, but why on earth does the right to receive care become a privilege?

In a world with a class system, while it might not be the same, the Lord could keep asking for tax reductions when it’s time to pay. They’ve succeeded in pulling it off before.

To prevent that, I need to act like I’m receiving something.

“What is being produced in this village?”

“Our village is next to the sea, so we fish a few and gather clams, but that’s all there is. Besides that, there’s nothing else.”

“I’ll decide what’s useful or not. Even if it’s just worthless weeds, tell me everything.”

The perspective of people from this world and mine is entirely different.

What seems worthless to them might be treasure in my eyes.

“… Well, there’s a plant on the back mountain that can be a bit hard on the stomach when eaten in dire hunger. And there’s a type of seaweed that grows on the rocks by the sea.”

Seaweed? Is that maybe miyeok?

Miyeok-guk is really good for pregnant women.

Moreover, since the people of the Toscan Empire don’t eat it, I could sell it expensively to the nobles claiming it’s a good tonic for pregnant women.

“The seaweed is a bit slimy in texture and slightly salty, but it’s edible.”

That’s definitely miyeok!

While others can’t recognize its value, in my eyes, it looks like brown gold.

With just a little seasoning, I could sell it for a premium at some point!

Since I can’t collect taxes from these people, I’ll have to take this seaweed for now.

“This year, considering your situation, I will accept this seaweed, or rather, miyeok. Please gather about 100 kg, and the rest you will grow as I direct.”


“If you promise to stick to that, I’ll consider the taxes settled and provide assistance with supplies necessary for your livelihoods this time.”

The Lord looked stunned.

Normally, one would be expected to be extremely grateful after receiving such a worthless seaweed in exchange for tax exemption and aid.

To the standards of the Toscan Empire, it would be proper to thank me profusely as if his back was about to break.

‘I’m only getting weeds in consideration!’

Then he began to stutter.

“Are you truly, Young Lord, okay with that?”

The money I make means I don’t need to take a single coin from these villagers.

In fact, feeding these folks wouldn’t even leave a hole in my pocket.

Suddenly, the Lord began rubbing his hands together.

“Thank you for your heavenly grace, Young Lord.”

“I’ve only done what I’m supposed to do.”

The people pay taxes to the Lord, and in exchange, the Lord protects their safety.

Anyone who cannot fulfill such a basic role does not deserve to be a lord.

“In gratitude for your grace, I wish to offer my daughter as a maid. What do you think?”

The Lord has the power of life and death over serfs.

Yet, serfs, being human too, pursue their own welfare and meager power.

I guess the Lord Diego thought,

“If my daughter wins the favor of the Young Lord, my own position could improve.”

Moreover, I am a vigorous 20-year-old, which he would calculate increases the odds of “accidents.”

The Lord presented his daughter to me.

She’s pretty enough to be confidently recommended.

If I give her a bit of a wash and see to her meals, she would definitely shine in beauty.

“It’s true she’s beautiful, but are you really trying to play this game with me?! Are you asking for death?!”

“W-well, I meant it with innocent intentions…”

Most male nobles, especially the young lords of my age, would find it hard to refuse a maid with such looks.

It isn’t easy for me either to suppress the boiling desire bubbling up.

And the Lord would likely want to become akin to an in-law to manage the territory a bit.

But rather than being swayed by lust, I’m more concerned with his intentions.

The attitude of using the authority of a Young Lord to play king is quite disgusting.

I need to make a clear example out of this opportunity.

Resolutely, I drew the sword at my waist and pointed it at the Lord’s neck.

“Did you think I wouldn’t know your little scheme? You think I don’t see that you want to keep that pathetic power of yours by offering me your daughter?”

Even a labor foreman gets all puffed up with authority.

Let alone a village chief ruling over more than 300 people, he would have considerable power.

“That power can only be exercised with my permission from now on.”

Even though I have the blade pointed at his neck, I have no intention of actually killing him.

I don’t particularly feel like killing someone to start my tenure as lord on the very first day by executing the most influential person in the village.

How chaotic would public sentiment become?

So, raising the sword as a show of authority is the most appropriate response.

The Lord’s legs went wet.

“I will say this to the Lord and you all only once. Do not even think about challenging my authority.”

I will plant and spread knowledge that can turn a profit in this village.

For that, the most important thing is to secure security.

And in this age, security comes from fear of the ruler.

“If you respect my authority and show loyalty, I will generously provide aid supplies whenever necessary without asking for any compensation. What’s more, I will ensure all of you are well-fed.”

I am not a benevolent philanthropist.

I have no intention to save all the serfs of the Toscan Empire from famine.

But those under my command will not be allowed to starve.

“On the other hand, if you disregard my authority, terrible things will ensue.”

Despite the ideals of horizontal communication, hierarchical obedience is essential in any organization.

If that doesn’t hold true, it will inevitably lead to collapse.

And now that I think of it, this miyeok is precious enough to be called brown gold in my eyes.

Yet here, it is just a mere seaweed to the serfs.

If I were to accept that and also provide aid supplies, they’d start feeling suspicious.

Ha, so it seems I’ll have to gather some wayward orphans to rescue in return for saving their lives.

After all, they deserve protection as long as they’re under my wealth and my influence.

“Since the Lord seems hesitant about receiving only the seaweed, I will also take in the orphans from this village.”

Since I’ve taken them, I should teach them well and help them find decent work or let them work under me.

While scanning the orphans, one girl stood out particularly.

With her black hair and eyes, porcelain white skin, plump lips, and small face.

Especially her skin looks as if it’s naturally made up, it’s that white.

At that moment, I nearly blurted out nonsense.

‘She’s a real walking idol!’

Moreover, she’s quite well endowed, or rather, her figure is fantastic.

To become a cortigiana, one needs social status, but with such looks, she could be one easily with just the minimum refinement.

She’d turn heads wherever she went!

I completely understand now why the villagers wanted to sell orphans to survive the famine.

With this kind of beauty, the slave traders would spend a fortune to get their hands on her.

“What’s your name?”

“My name is Chloe, Young Lord.”

Since my reincarnation in this world, I haven’t held a single woman’s hand.

So, keeping a beauty around as my maid wouldn’t be so bad, would it?

“From now on, you are my personal maid. You’ll stay by my side 24/7.”