Chapter 103

EP.103 A Nightmarish Summer (4)

The Basics of Mana Trading Studies

Enhancing Spell Efficiency through Transaction Concepts.

As I scribbled the topic that Master had covered on the blackboard, I reflected on the outline of today’s class. I mentally organized what I was going to teach the students.

Transaction concepts, specifically the utilization of constraints.

Enhancing spell efficiency through constraints.

This was the subject Master had tackled. Until now, the students had been disassembling “completed” circuits to understand the constraints contained within them…

Now, we would discuss the opposite.

“Directly inscribing constraints onto the circuit.”

We would observe how the circuit transforms when additional constraints are introduced. Through observation, they would judge for themselves what is efficient.

It was akin to developing a spell.

“It’s actually a concept used in spell development.”

The development of new spells.

Creating completely new spells that diverge from the 300 or so spells created by ancient mages. In other words, the act of forming one’s own spell.

The essence of the magic theory they have built up.

Something representative of the magic path one has walked in their lifetime.

In other words, it’s the ultimate pursuit of a mage.

And the very first concept used in the development of such spells was the utilization of constraints.

“You could say it’s the first thread of the tapestry.”

The first thread is always important in any tapestry.

Thus, I put a lot of effort into today’s class. The assignment involving the Resistance Stones was no exception.

Through today’s lesson, I intended for the students to experience “spell development” indirectly.

Spell development is inherently the pinnacle of magic theory.

And just because it’s the pinnacle, there are multiple aspects to it. What aspect should we have them experience?

I pondered for a short moment.


I moved the chalk. White powder cascaded onto the blackboard. The letters slowly revealed themselves amidst the powder.


If there’s something to be pursued at the end of the magic path…

Subject: Basics

It must be something they encountered when they first stepped onto the path of magic theory.

Subject: Basic Spells

If there’s an ultimate they should aim for first…

Subject: The Pinnacle of Basic Spells.

That too must be something foundational.

Ding, ding.

As the bell rang, I opened my mouth.

“Then, let’s begin the class.”

Subject: The Pinnacle of Basic Spells.

The students blinked at the topic written on the blackboard. It was a subject that had not been addressed in Professor Rosel’s class.

Mana Trading Studies, Basics.

Professor Rania’s class isn’t an independent lesson. It was a class designed to support Professor Rosel’s Mana Trading Studies.

“Though it may differ slightly…”

In any case, the shared topic was that of Professor Rosel’s class. But this class was different.

What Professor Rosel covered last time was “improving spell efficiency through transaction concepts.”

And Professor Rania’s subject was the pinnacle of basic spells. No matter how you looked at it, there didn’t seem to be a connection between the two.

The students tilted their heads in confusion.

Noticing their puzzled expressions, Professor Rania nodded slightly and spoke up.

“You’ve all learned about the constraints of circuits in your past lessons.”

She drew a few circuits in the air.

These were the constraint circuits familiar to them from their assignments.

“What kind of effects have the constraints you’ve learned about had on the circuits? What hidden constraints are there? What is a constraint in the first place?”

These were the topics that had been covered in previous lessons.

While they didn’t know the answers when they first attended, they had learned these things by now, and she briefly summarized them.

“You now understand. Now that you have grasped the basic concepts, it’s time to move on to the next step.”

She flicked her fingers.

Around twenty constraint circuits aligned in the air.

“The next step after understanding is application. And in the previous class with Professor Rosel, you learned how to apply these constraint circuits.”

The students nodded their heads.

In the last class, Professor Rosel taught them how to apply constraint circuits, explaining how to improve spell efficiency through constraints.

Transforming properties with constraints.

They vaguely understood that.

Yet they had not yet reached the realm of realization. They were just at the beginning.

“What I’ll be covering this time isn’t that much different. I plan to delve a bit deeper.”

She pointed at the term “pinnacle.”

Then her finger pointed at “basics.”

“What do you think basic spells are?”

It was quite a primitive question.

When nobody stepped forward, Professor Rania pointed at a student sitting in the front row.

“You there, Ilun(ia)?”

“Yes, yes! Professor Rania.”

The student sprang up from her seat, and she asked.

“What do you think is the advantage of basic spells?”

Ilun(ia) paused for a moment in thought.

The circuits’ lines are simple and unrefined, so anyone can easily cast the spells. In the field of magic, these are referred to as basic spells.

What’s the advantage of that?

It was a question one could answer easily.

“The advantage is that the circuits are simple and the activation is quick.”

“Yes, that’s correct. Now, what about the disadvantages?”

“Um, since the activation is quick, their power is weak, and most mages know what effects they can cause… I think their disadvantage is that it’s hard to expect effective use in battle.”

Basic spells have disadvantages as clear as their advantages.

They are the first spells learned, so most students were well aware of their pros and cons. Professor Rania nodded at Ilun(ia)’s response.

“Yes, that’s right. So then, what could be a way to resolve the disadvantages of basic spells?”


Upon hearing that question, Ilun(ia) fell silent for a moment.

Resolve the disadvantages?

This was a question she had never considered before. After all, basic spells are merely a stage one goes through.

If there are disadvantages, can’t one just move on to intermediate spells…?

Ilun(ia) thought to herself.

However, she was already on the spot, so she gave her best answer based on her knowledge.

“Um, if the power is lacking, we could solve it by adding something like enhancement constraints…?”

“That’s one method. But wouldn’t adding enhancement constraints make the spell heavier?”

Professor Rania flicked her finger.

In the air, the circuit for the basic spell Ignite appeared. She flicked her finger again.

The enhancement circuit surrounded the Ignite circuit.

The resultant circuit was closer to an intermediate spell than a basic one. The amount of mana used was also considerable.

“This would end up resembling an intermediate spell. Of course, this is also an answer, but isn’t there a way to resolve the disadvantages without changing the amount of mana used?”

At that question, Ilun(ia) sat back down without answering. Just then, someone raised their hand. It was Resti.

“Yes, Resti.”

Professor Rania nodded, signaling her to speak.

“Professor, would enhancing power in a special aspect rather than overall power resolve the disadvantages as well?”

“Yes, indeed.”

“Then, we can use constraint circuits.”

Professor Rania nodded at her response.


As she nodded her head, she moved her fingers.

The enhancement circuit attached to Ignite dropped away, and she activated that circuit.


A small spark flew up from her fingers. Pointing to the spark, she said,

“Surprisingly, many people do not understand the effects of the Ignite spell. You all probably understand this spell simply as ‘lighting fire.’”

She continued speaking.

“That’s correct. However, the duration of the Ignite spell is longer than other spells. Once a flame is created, it does not easily extinguish.”

Unlike flame balls that scatter upon impact.

The Ignite spell flickered on her fingers, maintaining its shape.

“It may be small and weak, but it is a spell that lasts for a long time.”

That is the characteristic of Ignite.

“The enhancement circuit changes the characteristic of ‘small and weak.’ Since the latter clause remains, it’s natural that the mana cost doubles.”

She rewrote the Ignite circuit.

The students’ gazes followed her fingers.

“What we’re changing is the latter clause. Changing an advantage into something else is the essence of constraint circuits.”

The floating constraint circuits in the air began to move.

Two constraints were attached to the Ignite circuit. The constraints were “Shorten.”

“When this happens, it changes to ‘a spell that is small, weak, and short-lived.’ Doesn’t that sound odd?”

She pronounced the sentence again.

“You would end up with a spell that has nothing but weaknesses.”

A spell with only disadvantages. The amount of mana used would also significantly decrease. Extra mana was now available.

“If that’s the case, it means we can rewrite the first part. As Ilun(ia) mentioned earlier, you can draw enhancement circuits and use the extra mana…”

“But instead of that…”

“You could also add another constraint that generates benefits in conjunction with the shortening constraint.”

They knew about this as well.

They had learned about it in previous lessons. Through many assignments, they had practically memorized how constraints interlocked to produce bonuses.

Just like how certain and reduction harmonize to create stability…

The students’ eyes drifted over the twenty or so circuits floating in the air. They searched for circuits that paired with “shorten.”

Imbalance with shortening, specificity.

The imbalance constraint distorts the spell.

The specificity circuit dictates the direction of the distortion. Yet even with a determined direction, if the spell becomes lengthy, it will slip out of control. That’s where the shortening constraint comes in to hold it.

The students’ gazes met with Professor Rania’s.

She pulled the constraints over and inscribed them into the Ignite circuit.

Snap, she snapped her fingers.

The flame that erupted from her finger was larger than before. However, it vanished in an instant.

“Still insufficient for offensive use.”

She added a new circuit.

With the remaining extra mana, she inscribed the enhancement circuit. The added enhancement circuit was for diffusion. She added another specificity constraint again onto the diffusion circuit.

There was still an excess of mana.

One more shortening circuit was inscribed.

Continuing in that manner. If it was lacking, she added more, if it was overflowing, she removed some. Her hands transformed the circuits numerous times.

Creeeak, creep.

Thus, the circuits being completed maintained the core of Ignite while taking on an entirely different shape. Yet the amount of mana consumed remained the same as the initial spell.

Something feels different.

The students suddenly felt that thought.

It was a spell constructed in a way that defied their common sense. For them, spells were like official formulas.

But the professor…

Yet, the spells evolving from Professor Rania’s hands were not formulas. She was adjusting the spells as if handling equations, not strict formulas.

Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.

Maintaining the outcome of 100, while the formula itself would change multiple times.

Thus, the equation was completed.

The formula was completely different from the original—much more complex. Yet the outcome of 100 remained the same.

“Look here.”

She snapped her fingers.

The exact amount of mana suitable for a basic spell was drawn into the circuit.

The spell was manifested.

A spell that was significantly different from the original.

At the moment she snapped her fingers, Squeak, a small spark flew up. The spark shot toward the air, and upon hitting the floating Resistance Stone…


A burst of light and heat surged.

The heat quickly dispersed from the Resistance Stone. However, soot remained on the Resistance Stone, which had perfectly blocked even intermediate spells, now showing a flaw.


The students fell silent.

“As you can see, even with a basic spell, one can generate this level of power.”

Professor Rania stated.

“Many people mistakenly believe that basic spells are efficient.”

She smiled tightly while pointing at the Ignite circuit. Simple, unrefined circuitry.

“The mana consumed in basic spells is low. But just because it’s low doesn’t mean it’s efficient. Basic spells carry no constraints whatsoever.”

Because they are simple, there’s much to modify.

Because they are unrefined, there’s much to touch upon.

“If I asked you to enhance a spell, most would increase the investment of mana. But is that really necessary?”

She pointed at the constraint circuits.

“Changing the inherent properties of the spell without making significant alterations to the value of mana.”

And then, she pointed at the blackboard.

Touching the topmost sentence with her finger.

“That’s enhancing spell efficiency through constraints.”

That finger then directed downward.

“And what I’m going to teach you will be… how to pursue the pinnacle of efficiency in basic spells.”

The students glanced at their watches without thought.

The class had just begun. There was still plenty of time left. What would they learn in the remaining time?

They had no idea.

And not knowing filled them with excitement.

In the students’ eyes, a peculiar glint appeared. Mages yearned for enlightenment. That desire never wavers, no matter where or when.

None of the students, who had expressed their fatigue earlier, remained.

They began to take notes, focusing on the circuits before them. The sound of Professor Rania’s voice and the scratching of pens filled the classroom.

Professor Rania always centered her lessons around examples. Throughout the lesson, she displayed numerous examples.

As they observed the examples, the students began to realize.

How far basic spells could evolve, and how that realm was not merely something to be confined as ‘basic.’

Constraints lower the cost.

Enhancement circuits raise the cost.

On the surface, that is how it is, but the process is so mystical. Witnessing familiar formulas crumble feels exhilarating.

“Circuits are not meant to be memorized.”

That had been her repeated emphasis throughout the past lessons. Now, the students were gradually beginning to understand the meaning of her words.

The familiar equation is not truly an equation.

What they had memorized were not things that needed to be memorized.

“Not something fixed, but fluid.”

Circuits can change in countless ways.

Watching the process feels akin to witnessing the birth of a new spell.

“The creation of spells.”

The ultimate goal of reaching the pinnacle of magic theory.

A realm deemed so far away that it felt impossible to grasp. Yet, it flickered before their eyes.




Such creations aren’t just considered developments. Producing spells that had never been seen before was also a form of development.

The students gaze ahead.

Efficient, clear-cut, static… things they encounter for the first time. The thought of creating something with their own hands makes their fingers itch.

“I want to rush to the spell research lab right now.”

Just as the students were having such thoughts…

With ten minutes left before class ended, Professor Rania clapped her hands sharply.

“Doesn’t everyone feel like they want to try it out for themselves?”

The students nodded absentmindedly.

At that sight, Professor Rania beamed with joy. It was a smile they had never seen before. She looked genuinely pleased—like a flower blooming.


While undeniably beautiful…

The students felt an inexplicable chill from that beauty. Their shoulders trembled slightly.

“So, I’ve prepared something.”

She spoke with a lingering smile.

“I’ll explain this group assignment.”

That was the moment.


The glimmer in the students’ eyes evaporated.

Upon hearing the word ‘assignment,’ it was as if a chemical reaction occurred… their eyes turned cold.


The mages who had been shining brightly were nowhere to be seen. Replacing them were students who had suffered nightmares in Apuria the previous night.

“Now, let’s split into groups and…”

Professor Rania didn’t even glance at the students’ reactions. She cheerfully began arranging the floating Resistance Stones in the air.

It was as if she was preparing to hand them out.

What on earth does she plan to do with those expensive Resistance Stones?

No predictions could be made. Students felt fear towards the unknown, which they couldn’t predict.

Author’s Note:

The comparatively sparse description of Rania’s looks from the students’ perspective is because they hardly have the chance to see her face. If she were ugly or just plain, there would’ve been gossip like, ‘Her looks are just as nasty as her temper.’ But…

There’s really nothing to criticize about her looks.

That said, it would be hard to buzz about her beauty, considering the mountain of assignments looming ahead.

Isn’t that just the way it is?

What good does it do to have a beautiful professor?

With a mountain of assignments, you wouldn’t even notice her face.

*Sorry for being late, and here’s 8000 characters!

It’s tough to write lecture scenes, no matter how many times I do it…

I’m really sorry for missing yesterday’s update…!*