Chapter 65

It feels a bit strange, but including my previous life, I’ve probably just crossed over 330 years old.



It’s a little embarrassing to admit this fact.

Looking at it from a somewhat objective perspective, I probably don’t act my age at all.

After all, the usual perception of someone who’s lived over 300 years is that they’ve achieved enlightenment or possess the immense knowledge of a sage.

You’d expect to feel that wisdom in their actions and think of someone who has traits worth emulating…

“I’m not that kind of great person.”

I raised the corners of my mouth and smiled bitterly.

Well, it’s not like I have nothing to say.

Typically, being an adult who acts their age means being a mature person.

So one becomes mature through life experiences and social interactions, but…

As you know, I spent my entire life wielding nothing but a sword, so no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn’t.

…In fact, you could say my social skills have regressed compared to my previous life.

With my thin social experience, I wonder if it’s presumptuous to comment on anything, but:

If I dare to express something based on what I’ve experienced in both lives…

There’s one commonality in misunderstandings that arise between people.

That is, when misunderstandings occur between individuals,

if they think of it as insignificant and fail to resolve it in time,

by the time they realize something is wrong, it’s already too late and has blown up uncontrollably.

It’s a bit lengthy, but to sum it up, if you have uncomfortable points or questions between each other, don’t just jump to conclusions on your own, make sure to have a proper conversation.

So you don’t end up regretting it later.

Right after Nameless left the room,

I hurriedly moved to chase after him.

Leaving Lucius and Elia behind as they engaged in conversation, I turned my head side to side searching for Nameless,

when I spotted him slumped in a corner of the hallway, spaced out.

That damn kid is sulking because that little brat said something weird to him.

…He could’ve just ignored it.

I smirked at his expression and quickly approached him, peeking in.

“What are you rushing off for?”

Nameless glanced at me with a blank stare, his eyes gradually starting to show a hint of color.


At least he doesn’t seem too seriously upset, which is a relief.

“Ah… Master.”

“Right, Disciple.”

I smiled at Nameless, who hesitated to speak, and patted his head.

“Speak when you want to.”

Just a moment ago, this kid had thrown my head into confusion, but…

something about this made me think of when I first met Nameless, and it surprisingly didn’t feel bad.

Nameless, who had been quietly accepting the head pats, suddenly widened his eyes in surprise and then chuckled lightly, opening his mouth.

“It’s nothing really… I just feel embarrassed being called by Camilla…”


Resting my chin on one hand, I nodded.

Considering the situation, it’s true he was the one who called Camilla first to relay a message.

And both Lucius and Elia must know how rough Camilla can be, right?

If they took it the wrong way, would Nameless have commited the grave sin of pedophilia?

Would those two, the Saint and the Hero, just let him off the hook?

Elia even made a noise like she was holding back laughter.

If Nameless could set aside his embarrassment, there would be no issues.


I subtly diverted my gaze from Nameless.

At that, he wore a look as if he had lost all hope,

and just like that,

he plopped down on the floor.

At the same time,

to see Lucius and Elia looking at Nameless, who was now sitting on the ground with a perplexed expression, was truly heart-wrenching.

…May you attain enlightenment.

I nodded slightly in respect.

After various large and small events passed,

Lucius, clutching a piece of paper tightly in one hand, hurriedly moved toward the outside of the castle.

With my lips pouting, I opened my mouth slightly.

“Lucius, why are you in such a rush…?”

Seriously, this kid is way too impatient.

As our ancestors said, ‘the more urgent you are, the more you should take your time,’ if he continues to rush like that, he’s bound to end up with nothing.

I sent a small curse his way and wiggled my eyebrows.

…No, more importantly.

Is that kid not getting tired?

Despite having crawled on the floor during the morning training,

now he seems completely refreshed, as if he’s just eaten something, wearing a bright smile with no sign of fatigue.

How annoying…

Maybe I should have really hit him just once.


I know it’s a bit shameless, but I wish he’d consider my position a little too…

Of course, it’s not like I’m exhausted from training.

With Lili’s not-quite request for me to drag things out, watching Lucius hurry gives me anxiety.

As if he was uninterested in my situation, Lucius shook the paper slightly, looking back at us, and opened his mouth.

“There’s a place suspected to have demons based on information we received from Camilla.”

Lucius had a serious expression on his face.

“If we delay even a little, we have no idea when these demons might escape.”


“So even if you’re worried about your disciple, I ask for your understanding, just for a little bit.”

While pouting in a situation where nothing goes as planned,

I tilted my head at Lucius’s next words.

“Disciple?” Why would I be worried about Nameless…?



At that moment, a certain memory unexpectedly flickered through my mind along with the sigh that escaped my lips.

Now that I think about it…

Nameless had trained today too, hadn’t he?

I had completely forgotten because of what Camilla said to Nameless and Lucius’s rush.

A cold sweat began to break out.

“W-Well… I can’t help it, I was really worried that Nameless might be tired from the training…”

A stream of excuse-filled babbling started to spill out of my mouth.

…Please don’t notice.

I spat out some plausible excuses and turned my head creakingly to look at Nameless.


From my demeanor, it seemed Nameless figured out what I was thinking,

as he contorted his face, showing a sulky expression.

I couldn’t help but despise Nameless’s usual sharp insight which made him so endearing.

…This is bad.

If he sulks, I won’t get any strawberries for a while.

I stealthily moved my feet next to Nameless and tugged at his sleeve gently.

…Why isn’t he looking at me?

If it were my usual Nameless, he would have definitely faced me with a smiling face…

An unsettling feeling began to swell within me.

But showing that is for amateurs.

Putting on my most casual face, I loosened my neck and spoke up.

“Ahem, Nameless.”


At my call, Nameless spoke without even turning around, his voice deep and subdued.

He flinched slightly,

but I breathed a sigh of relief that he at least acknowledged me.

Now, it was indeed a serious situation,

but if Nameless were really furious, he wouldn’t even respond and would just carry on doing his own thing.

I softly reached out to grab Nameless’s hand, slipping my fingers between his.

For some unknown reason,

I thought that doing this would increase the chances of Nameless calming down, so I acted cleverly.


I lowered my head a bit and pouted my lips, making my eyes as round as possible.


I titled it ‘Operation Slip Through Smoothly.’

In this movement, I gathered all the things that made my heart race in an instant at once.

I inwardly smiled slyly and snuck a glance up at Nameless.

At that moment, I sensed him twitch.

I struggled to suppress my curling lips by pinching my thigh and opened my mouth.

“Could it be that this Master has forgotten your training, my most precious disciple Nameless?”


At the quiet response from Nameless, I subtly turned my head and clicked my tongue lightly.

Tsk, still not enough?

If it were the usual situation, he would’ve flushed red and opened his mouth, hot under the collar at my teasing.

…There’s no other choice.

It’s a bit of a gamble, but it’s better than not getting strawberries.

I pulled my hand away from Nameless’s and felt him slightly turning his head,

but he ultimately didn’t move.


What I was about to do wasn’t such trivial actions!

Just endure this!

I raised one corner of my mouth slyly.

I placed my fallen hand back onto Nameless’s palm.

“…Ugh?! Master?!”

I began to gently tease Nameless’s palm with my fingers.

I traced his lifelines lightly with my bluntly trimmed nails.

But I didn’t stop there; once I established my grip with my middle and ring finger, I swept my hand from beneath and slid it up smoothly.

I could feel Nameless trembling.

I even began to hear his irregular breathing in my ear.

How’s that? You can’t stand it, right?

Imagining Nameless all tickled, I grinned to myself and glanced back at him.


Nameless’s eyes, which were already red, were now bloodshot, and he was glaring at me with his eyes wide open.

I intended for a harmless prank,

but somehow, I felt like I had just stoked the flames of his anger even more…


I heard the sound of him swallowing hard.

Only then did I realize something was off. I looked around and saw Elia staring at me, her face intensely flushed.

For a moment, her lips muttered something, and then she closed her eyes tightly and shouted.

“W-What are you two doing in broad daylight?!”


I completely couldn’t wrap my head around what was going on from beginning to end.