The location of Shio-ram is right in the middle of the North Pacific. The entire artificial island created by Principal Neriel is the site of Shio-ram.
About half of the site is occupied by dungeons and empty spaces maintained for student practice, along with other outside areas.
The remaining half consists of the Commercial District that inevitably arises from people gathering, and educational facilities for the students.
A deep sigh escaped me.
I barely managed to hold onto my frayed mental state and left the dormitory.
After riding the campus bus for a short while, I arrived at the central plaza.
At the heart of Shio-ram, there is a broad plaza, which occupies a smaller proportion of the total area but feels immensely vast when you arrive.
Even with my spatial perception maximized, I couldn’t take it all in; paths branched off in all directions, demarcating the zones for grades 1 to 4.
In the center of that plaza stands a gigantic ivory tower.
The tower is so wide that even if you combined several football fields, it wouldn’t match its size, towering as if it had pierced the clouds.
…Tower of Growth.
The previous gate was an effect created by the Tower of Space. I feared that sensing the Tower of Growth might lead to another incident like last time, so I scanned the tower with my now-unused radar spatial perception.
Fortunately, nothing special happened. Or rather, I should say I couldn’t read anything. It felt like knocking my fist against a solid stone wall.
On one side of the spacious plaza, numerous students were clustered under the guidance of their professors.
There were over 500 first-year students in total, right?
Noticing the bustling activity, I headed towards the area where Professor Riana’s presence could be felt.
I arrived at a familiar place.
[▼Ipchun Class this way▼]
Underneath a hulking hologram was Professor Riana. It was an expanded hologram projected from her smartwatch.
She was wearing a robe similar to those from before. There were many familiar auras around.
I slowly walked forward. Thanks to the faint recollection of fainting over the weekend, my physical condition felt almost normal.
However, I still felt something bubbling inside me. It seems I hadn’t fully absorbed the elixir yet.
“Good morning.”
[Good morning!]
I approached the group near the Ipchun Class. Some students I recognized greeted me.
Even though there were a lot of greetings on the first day, this time there was definitely a sense of intimacy.
It seems that alongside attending classes and spending time together, connections were naturally forming. Especially since stories from last sparring and dungeon practice spread a bit, the perception improved.
It’s not like there aren’t still those who talk behind my back. But that’s something I have no control over.
“Oh, you came.”
Among the gathered students of the Ipchun Class were Elia, Atilla, and Aiden.
Atilla, with a sullen look as she tapped on her smartwatch, waved her hand, while Aiden awkwardly lowered his head upon seeing me.
“I feel kind of silly asking after just a week, but how have you been?”
[Yes, I’ve been well.]
There were a few minor incidents, but overall, I was doing fine.
It wasn’t anything major—just a sudden flashback of childhood trauma that caused a fainting spell or almost fainting while gulping down the elixir.
In the end, both situations were resolved… well, one was resolved while the other is still in progress.
[How about you, Atilla?]
“Yeah, I’ve been fine.”
Atilla turned her gaze aside. When Aiden caught her eye, he awkwardly looked away.
What’s with them… Oh, right.
[Can I ask how the sparring went last time?]
“Oh, that—”
“This guy got completely wrecked.”
Ugh, Aiden cringed and hunched his shoulders as if embarrassed. It seems that’s why he looked so gloomy earlier.
“I put up a decent fight, but I let them land the finishing blow in the end. It went the same way as when I faced Ha-yul… idiot.”
“Next time, I plan to show the superiority of swords or whatever—turned out a complete disappointment.”
With that sharp jab, Aiden’s pride crumbled. Calling him an idiot… was that a bit too much? I’m not sure. They’re probably just messing around since they’re close.
[Good morning!]
Something’s off about Elia’s reaction. After coming up to greet me, she kept staring at my face, cocking her head.
[Did you ask something?]
“Oh no, no. Nothing’s on your face.”
Even when I checked with spatial perception, everything looked fine.
“Just… um… it seems like something’s different…”
Elia shook her head, unsure herself.
Is it because of the elixir?
Honestly, the elixir is probably the only explanation for any changes.
After some simple chit-chat with them, I headed over to Professor Riana. I should really check in since I’ve arrived.
“Okay, gather here… huh?”
As I approached, Professor Riana finally noticed me. However, her reaction was not what I expected.
Instead of her usual welcoming demeanor, she stared blankly at my face and blinked. After scanning my body from head to toe, she tilted her head.
Her reaction was clearly filled with confusion.
At that moment, Professor Riana, who had been observing me blankly, reached out and grabbed my cheeks tightly. Her lips puffed out, looking somewhat like a carp.
Then she leaned in suddenly toward me.
Sniff sniff…
Suddenly, she began smelling me, focusing on the area near my neck. The tickling sensation of air made me flinch.
What the heck is happening? I stood frozen, and shortly after, Professor Riana looked up, her face still filled with questions.
The surrounding students were whispering and glancing our way.
Currently, we weren’t just the Ipchun Class here.
There were also the other classes: Gokwoo, Kyungchip, Chunyun, and Cheongmyeong. A few of them were watching us too.
[What’s going on?]
“Uh… Ah… I’m sorry. I wasn’t in my right mind for a moment there.”
What an inexplicable behavior. I couldn’t even guess why she did that. When I asked her through the hologram, Professor Riana shook her head with a confused look.
A moment later, she apologized for acting that way. Still puzzled, I nodded awkwardly.
After checking in with Professor Riana, I returned to my spot. Elia had stepped away for a moment, leaving me with a dazed Atilla and Aiden, who were staring at me.
The two were rolling their eyes, awkwardly continuing their conversation.
I chose to remain quiet without explaining anything.
“Professor Albert Kaniazel will give the details regarding the Tower of Growth.”
A large man with a robust figure stood atop the makeshift podium.
Despite looking older, his swept-back blond hair flowed with vitality, and the scars on his face indicated that his past wasn’t pretty.
As he continued to speak with a powerful voice, I turned my head slightly, feeling out of place.
Right next to me was Hong Yeon-hwa, clearly scowling. Her arms crossed, she stared up at the podium with a glum look, which didn’t exude any positive vibes.
After Professor Riana caught a scent from me, seeing Hong Yeon-hwa brought back memories of my weekend.
I clearly checked my messages as soon as I regained consciousness on Saturday, but I had completely ignored replying after barely sitting up.
Plus, I had rushed out saying I might be late, and there was no time to respond.
This was my situation. For Hong Yeon-hwa, having given me that precious elixir and then being ignored must have hurt her feelings considerably.
The thought of being disliked by Hong Yeon-hwa made me feel faint. Just a moment ago, I had my mind full of thoughts about the Tower of Growth, but now it was all gone.
[I’m sorry for not replying. It’s just an excuse, but I ended up sleeping all weekend after taking the elixir.]
Yet, I couldn’t just keep silent. I minimized the hologram and carefully showed it to Hong Yeon-hwa.
[I’m sorry.]
Hong Yeon-hwa glanced at the hologram. The corners of her mouth twitched.
After staring at the hologram for a moment, Hong Yeon-hwa sighed deeply and reached out to pinch one of my cheeks.
That was definitely a positive signal, and my mood instantly brightened.
With a wry smile, Hong Yeon-hwa repeatedly pinched my cheeks.
Having committed a wrong and feeling good about it, I submitted to her cheek-pinching.
After a bit of fun pinching my cheek, Hong Yeon-hwa asked me.
“Ha-yul, why did the professor act like that just now?”
Just now?
Realizing she meant Professor Riana’s strange behavior, I thought for a moment.
[I’m not sure either.]
With a peculiar expression, Hong Yeon-hwa lowered her head, bringing her nose close to my nape. Her gentle breath made me flinch.
“It smells nice.”
“Excuse me, but could you refrain from displaying affection in public?”
Ignoring the panicked whisper from Baek Ahrin beside Hong Yeon-hwa, she raised her face.
I guess I don’t smell like blood after all.
Having spent nearly an entire day wallowing in a pool of blood, I worried if I’d stunk, so I cast cleanliness and purification magic before coming out.
After seeing Professor Riana earlier and now Hong Yeon-hwa, I was relieved that the magic must have worked.
“Did you eat the elixir? How do you feel?”
[When I first took it, I felt tired, but now I’m okay.]
“That’s a relief. It’s stabilized through processing, but hearing it directly makes me feel reassured.”
…Hmm. So it’s verified that the elixir is safe… Then what was I? Honestly, even before arriving in this world, my body had always been an odd case.
As we chatted away, the professor finished his lecture, and detailed explanations began.
Pausing for a moment to catch the students’ attention, the professor continued.
“Students will shortly enter the Tower of Growth. This time, the goal of the entry challenge is to survive against hostile monsters and threats from fellow students within the tower’s environment.”
The Tower of Growth.
A vast ivory tower situated at the center of Shio-ram, it’s the very reason for Shio-ram’s existence.
While the tower grants blessings, the rewards received upon entering are equally significant.
It’s often shortened to simply “entry challenge” for convenience.
The entry challenge is an event that hugely impacts the students’ progress for that phase.
During my first run, everything was problematic due to ignorance; especially, the entry event was a wreck that devastated the growth curve, an understatement.
The first entry is a crucial event. To roll the snowball forward, gaining a lot from here is essential.
However, that wasn’t the case during my first run.
“The entry challenge will take place over five days, during which direct combat between students will also be allowed. If it is judged that a student has inflicted life-threatening injuries, that student will be disqualified and moved to a separate training room to spend the remainder of the period.”
That competition was a total disaster.
A special admittance. A status that attracts attention, good or bad. How could you compete on equal footing with others inside the tower, regardless of being a special admittance student?
Many will likely rush in like Aiden did. No, with more classes mixing in, there will be even more.
“The scores for this entry challenge will be determined by the points obtained from defeating monsters and other students.”
As he spoke, the professor tapped his smartwatch, causing a large holograph to rise above his head, visible from all angles.
▶Score Table◀
[Level 8 Monster: 1 Point]
[Level 7 Monster: 10 Points]
[Secondary Major Basic Student: 20 Points]
[Combat Major Advanced Student: 100 Points]
[Overall Second: 450 Points]
[Overall First: 500 Points]
A score table appeared based on the monster’s ranking and the students’ majors and levels. I couldn’t help but feel it resembled a butcher’s menu with such detailed classifications.
I contemplated as I checked the very bottom of the hologram.
The very last entry.
[Special Admission: 1,000 points]
After pondering briefly, I nodded. With that score, it’s only natural to aim for it. There’s ample reason to go for it emotionally and practically.
Sighing inwardly, I carefully removed the smartwatch from my left wrist.
Smartwatches can’t be brought into the tower. Other external equipment can’t either. You can only bring your own weapons.
In other words, without the holographic feature of the smartwatch, I once again became a temporary mute—silent in my appeals.
It was unfortunate. The thought of parting temporarily from my smartwatch, which was almost like a part of me, filled me with profound melancholy.
I asked Professor Riana, and luckily, I could take my arm guards with me. Thank goodness I wouldn’t be showing off hideous traces in such a bustling place.
“We’ll start with the Gokwoo Class.”
The entry challenge was right around the corner.
“Gokwoo, enter!”
I swallowed hard and fidgeted with my awkward wrist.
“Cheongmyeong, enter!”
The grand ivory tower, fittingly monumental. Its base had an arch-shaped entrance, which was pitch black like a starless night sky.
“Chunbun, enter!”
The entrance was made for the rear class, Gokwoo, and the students entered in five-minute intervals. Students lined up, entering the tower on time.
“Kyungchip, enter!”
Though there were differences in entry times, seconds didn’t matter in the tower. Therefore, there wasn’t any advantage based on the order of entry.
“Usu, enter!”
As soon as they entered the tower, the examination began the moment they opened their eyes. From that moment, five days of survival began.
“Ipchun, enter!”
Soon, it was the turn of Ipchun Class students to step forward.
Hong Yeon-hwa, nearly the last to enter from the Ipchun Class, looked at me for a moment before turning her head.
“What are you going to do?”
Beside her was Baek Ahrin. With a neutral smile while fiddling with her hair, Baek Ahrin turned her head for a brief sec.
“Yes, you.”
With a peculiar hum, Baek Ahrin pondered, releasing her hand from her hair. Her watery locks fell to her shoulders.
“I… I have some ideas.”
“What ideas?”
“Well, I can’t tell you since it’s a competition.”
Hong Yeon-hwa clicked her tongue and turned her head away. Baek Ahrin chuckled, gazing at the entrance where students were entering.
At that moment, the student entering was none other than the special admission student, Lee Ha-yul. He seemed nervous as he threw himself into the entrance.
“…I’ve got a plan.”
Not that I’m sure it would work.
Baek Ahrin chuckled quietly.
In life, the things we imagine seldom come true. That’s simply how the world works. If everything worked out as one imagined, no one would be unhappy.
I know that very well.
I smiled brightly, inhaling what I presumed to be the fragrant air of nature.
Why, why can’t I see anything again?
Where the hell did my spatial perception go?