My hair had grown long. At first, I was shocked and jumped back, but then I realized it wasn’t something to freak out over.
‘After all, I knew my body wasn’t normal to begin with…’
My hair and nails hadn’t been growing much, and I hardly produced any waste.
But most importantly, after my leg was ripped off and spontaneously grew back, I had given up trying to understand my body.
Back then, I was lost in delusions about being some special freak or an alien, but now, I had started to grasp the reasons behind it, even if just a bit.
‘So what is this? Is it homogeneity?’
I awkwardly touched the ends of my hair. Hair that went slightly past my shoulders. The sensation of it slipping through my fingers felt strangely off.
“Now that I think about it, I’ve got horns on my forehead and dog ears on my head. Growing hair like this must be possible too… By the way, Hayul, isn’t this a unique ability?”
“…It’s not a unique ability.”
Feeling Elia’s wide-eyed amazement as she stroked my hair, I shook my head.
Changes in the body through homogeneity. The implementation of a unicorn horn and dog ears were examples of that. So, growing hair shouldn’t come as a surprise.
But the problem is, I’m not actually using homogeneity, and yet this happens.
It just grew by simply wishing for it… No, it just sprouted.
This isn’t temporary. If I wanted, it would stay like this.
‘What about the opposite?’
I thought for a moment. I envisioned my hair getting short like usual and wished for it to revert.
– Swiish…
“Ah. It’s getting short again.”
Elia gasped as my hair began to shrink like time rewinding. She gently ran her fingers through the hair slipping from her grasp, clearly reluctant to let it go.
Eventually, the hair stopped shrinking, returning to its original state. It’s truly astounding.
‘Is this a fairy trait? Or just the function of my body?’
I wasn’t sure which it was. I thought I should gather up the fairy kids when I return to the mansion and ask them. After all, fairies originally have ethereal traits, so it should be easy to find out…
“Hayul, is there anything you’re forgetting?”
While I was lost in thought, Elia, who had placed her hands on my shoulders, asked me.
My body suddenly stiffened. Her chirpy voice echoed in my eardrums, and the weight of her hands on my shoulders felt like I was carrying a mountain.
‘Forgetting something?’
I had no idea. The fact that Elia said something like that made me whirl my mind around. I tried to calmly recall my past memories, and there wasn’t anything particularly special I had promised.
“…I don’t know…”
“You can’t say bad words, you know.”
A slow-approaching finger pressed firmly against my lips.
– [What the hell?]
The voice spat out from the pendant in front of me. My eyes widened in shock.
“Though that’s not the mouth… (Well, that’s not even a mouth…)”
“Hey! Just because you’re saying that doesn’t mean you can swear!”
Elia cut off my protest adamantly, shaking her head. Her reaction caused my mouth to close tightly despite my urge to explain myself.
The usual kind and fluffy aura she had felt impossible to resist now, a daunting presence radiated from her.
That presence made the wings of the sky behind me droop, and my head bowed involuntarily.
“I’m sorry…”
The words that escaped were a complete surrender.
As I quietly mumbled and lowered my eyes, Elia’s demeanor softened. She gently ruffled my hair.
“Thank you for saying that. You don’t like it when Yeonhwa uses bad words, right? I feel the same way.”
Her hand that had been stroking my hair moved down to cradle my cheeks gently. Lifting my gaze, I met her bright yellow eyes.
“When ugly words come out of such a pretty mouth, it breaks my heart. Of course, it’s unavoidable to think it inside, but I hope you avoid saying bad things as much as possible.”
Elia’s fingers caressed my lips. Then she asked, her face lined with concern:
“Didn’t I make you feel bad…?”
“Uhh… not at all…”
I shook my head at Elia’s worried words. I felt wrong, and after being scolded by Elia with the right words, how could I feel hurt?
Then Elia brightened up and pecked my lips briefly. A teasing sensation moistened my lips.
And as strangely perverted as it sounds, I kind of enjoyed being scolded like this. It felt reminiscent of the times I had my butt smacked by my teacher.
It’s a bad thought, but being cared for and scolded felt oddly nice…
I shook my head to shake off those thoughts and hugged Elia tightly.
Burying my face in her soft warmth, the gentle scent of milk filled my nostrils.
Elia, eyes wide, smiled softly and opened her arms wider for me to nestle in.
“Hehe, when I was little, my siblings would run to Mom to cuddle after getting scolded, you’re just the same, Hayul.”
Elia chuckled, gently smoothing my hair.
“Yes, that was how it used to be. Right? Or maybe it’s similar now; the youngest is still quite little.”
Elia perched her chin on my head, mumbling teasingly. Occasionally, she’d rub her cheeks against my hair or plant kisses on my crown.
Overflowing with affection, I buried my face deeper into Elia’s embrace and gripped her waist tighter.
– …Really? I feel like I’m somewhere between fourteen and fifteen… but mentally I seem younger… and I’m a bit small?
Suddenly, memories of the fifth cycle floated in my mind.
Whether discussing my externally guessed physical age or my apparent mental age, I seemed incredibly young.
…Upon closer examination, it certainly feels that way.
Compared to anyone, especially my past self, I think I have changed dramatically.
In the past, I couldn’t even imagine the embarrassed and gross thoughts and behaviors that I now commit with such ease.
This is mine, a kind of greed I don’t want to give to anyone.
‘…Let it go.’
I didn’t dwell on it too much.
There were many changes compared to my past self, but it didn’t mean I wanted to relinquish what I had struggled to gather.
– Woooosh…
From the ceiling, a magic sound resonated. Soon, magic was activated, and the announcer’s voice echoed.
– The Shio-ram cross-dressing competition for both males and females will begin shortly, so participants, please come up without disguises. Once again…
A chill of reality crept through the warm bubble of happiness…
An event for laughing, gossiping, mocking, and giggling.
As if to prove this intent, the event’s procedures were ridiculously malicious.
“First, let me bow and greet everyone to this precious gathering!”
The presenter standing on stage bowed enthusiastically to the audience.
The venue was a makeshift facility set up before the celebration. But it wasn’t poorly equipped; everything necessary was available.
“Honestly, you all didn’t need a grand introduction. Didn’t you all come knowing what this is about?”
As he mentioned, there were no looks of confusion on the faces of those in the audience.
In fact, most of them were too busy shining their eyes to observe those stepping up onto the stage.
The first round was nothing special. It was a procedure to show the participants’ original appearances before they disguises.
A massive hologram appeared in the air, showcasing the students standing on stage.
– Woooosh…
Above, drones for broadcasting hovered near the venue’s ceiling. Not just one, but three or four.
For a moment, I considered using magic to zap them all away, but I suppressed the impulse, reminding myself not to harm anyone else.
The stage filled with participants, like pigs awaiting slaughter… No, the participants were introduced.
Of course, not everyone looked completely miserable.
Some, like Yeonhwa, wore calm expressions, while others, like Baek Ahrin, seemed unfazed and smiled.
But most of them had expressions like mine, sullen or grim.
Yet, the more the participants’ expressions darkened, the brighter the audience’s faces became. What could be the reason behind this?
The bitter reality of people laughing at others’ misfortunes was utterly disheartening.
As I stood there gloomily waiting for my turn, I suddenly flinched at an incoming presence.
There were some students I had encountered while being active in the Shio-ram, and there was Lee Ji-yeon who seemed to have come to watch with friends, looking at me with a peculiar expression.
I slowly opened my trembling eyelids.
From my perspective, the eyes that had been darting toward me or locking onto me widened in surprise.
I saw my instructor and Professor Riana through the haze.
Our eyes met.
My instructor had his arms crossed, grinning, while Professor Riana waved at me, smiling brightly.
And that wasn’t all.
Seo-yul was perched on Professor Riana’s lap, with fairies curiously looking this way, gazing around in wonder.
Naturally, everyone was equipped with recognition-disabling magic tools, but I couldn’t ease my mind at all.
– Huff…
Why was everyone here? I couldn’t comprehend. There were so many other fun and delightful events out there.
Why this one, of all things…?
Breath caught in my throat.
Seo-yul was watching me, with the others holding me as some kind of royal like kids on a pedestal…
“Next up, our next participant!”
Before I knew it, it was my turn.
I slowly stepped forward with my trembling legs.
At the same time, a hologram of my figure appeared strikingly large.
– Wowww!
A playful cheer erupted. The loud noise made my eyes squeeze shut in irritation.
I wanted to run away. I wondered if training would have been a better use of my time right now. But of course, this was Yeonhwa’s request, so I couldn’t just bail…
– Thud…
In that moment, something resonated deeply within my chest. Like a small tremor marking the beginning of something significant.
My eyes widened at the familiar, though recently subdued sensation.
[The unique ability “Jack of All Trades” is evolving.]