Chapter 203

My head feels foggy. Thoughts can’t seem to connect properly, breaking off mid-sentence.

It’s as if there’s mist inside my skull. This fluffy haze obscures my thoughts and shatters my reasoning.

Not only in my head, but fog also fills my eyes.

In my narrowed vision, a pale mist swirls all around.

Is this mist the curse of sensory sealing? I can’t perceive what’s beyond the mist, but it must be painted in a dark hue like the universe.

Since the first step in this world, this dense fog has always surrounded me.

The mist parted, and a radiant golden light pierced through the dull gray world.

Bright golden hair and eyes, as intense as a rising sun, and skin as smooth and white as alabaster…

It’s my master’s face. The beautiful face I’ve always observed suddenly popped into view, and soon our faces overlapped.

Our noses brushed together, and our lips met.

“Mmm, smack…”

The first sensation was moistness and softness, followed by body warmth seeping in like rain soaking through clothes.

“Smack… Hah, heeek…”

This sensation had already repeated several times. My head lowered again and again, our lips tapping against each other.

The mountain of warmth built up, reaching my head and clouding my reason even more.

But that wasn’t the only factor clouding my mind.

The face in my now-clear vision was more beautiful than I had ever felt through mere information, and the fragrance wafting from so close was irresistibly sweet.

Especially the pressing weight of my master’s body was so intoxicating that I wanted to bury my face in it and knead it in my hands.

Desire ignited, lifted like a flame. Every element added fuel to the fire, swelling my emotions.

A blaze ignited in my ears… no, a fire raged inside my body.

Emotions surged. It wasn’t about creating something that didn’t exist; rather, my existing desires had grown massive.

My head spun… my already low mental age felt like it was regressing.

Blurry reason struggled against the tide of emotions. My judgment grew hazy, and my body seemed to move on its own, about to erupt with lustful desires.

“J-Jam, shiman…”


I didn’t act on it. The tiny shred of remaining reasoning desperately blocked me.

I squeezed my eyes shut and turned my head away.

Smack… The touch on my cheek made my lips quiver. Body warmth spread across my face, bringing a fluffy sensation.

“Why are you like this?”

As I held back, gentle hands caressed my cheeks.

When I quietly opened my eyes, my master was tilting her head, looking at me.

Her cheeks and neck were similarly flushed with warmth.

I could feel her slightly ragged breath right in front of me, and affection dripped from her eyes like honey.

“Haa, heeek… N-No…”


I managed to stammer that out, barely controlling my rapid breathing. My master blinked and chuckled softly. My heart fluttered at that smile for a moment.

“I thought about it last time, but your voice is truly beautiful. It’s like playing an instrument. How does such a sound come from a person?”

“Hah… heh?”

“And your eyes. It’s a shame you keep them closed all the time.”

She placed her finger on my lips and stroked it as if caressing a precious vase.

Startled by the sudden flattery, I blinked. Then, her finger climbed towards my eyes. Reflexively, I squeezed them shut, and her careful hand brushed my eyelids.

“Suddenly, why…?”

What sudden embarrassing compliments are these? The content didn’t really resonate. I had heard others murmur about my appearance outside… but honestly, I didn’t quite get it.

Yet, being praised by my master made me feel lightheaded.

As the unexpected compliments washed over me, I squirmed. Just then, my master’s face leaned down.

“Ah! W-Wait…”


I was startled and turned my head. Smack… I couldn’t dodge this time, and her lips brushed against the corner of my mouth.

“If you kiss, it’s not allowed…”


I shook my head to express my opinion.

The affection drooping like honey from her eyes. The kisses coming incessantly… there was no doubt about the intuitive expression of thoughts.

If it were up to desire, I would have wanted to bask in love like this, but that’s not the way.

No matter how blurred my reason became and how much I wanted to surrender to my cravings, this isn’t right.

Even though our lips had bumped several times, it still isn’t allowed…

When I firmly conveyed my intentions, my master tilted her head in confusion.

“Why not?”


Why… why, indeed? I blinked in a daze.

Why shouldn’t we kiss… That question momentarily froze my thoughts.

Honestly, I’d never thought about it. It was a given question.

We shouldn’t kiss carelessly with others.

Isn’t it only natural that unless we’re intimate… like a couple, we shouldn’t kiss each other?

Do I really need to justify that with a “why?”

“Kissing should only be done between married couples…”


“Well, if that’s how you feel, there’s nothing I can do about it, but the world has various perspectives, you know? In some regions, it’s treated as a simple greeting.”

“Well, I… I know that…”

I fumbled over my words in response to her reply.

I know.

Just like in the fairy tales I read as a child, only married couples should kiss, and just holding hands and sleeping together doesn’t make babies magically appear.

I do understand that now.

Though I believed in those stories when I was a child, I’m not naïve anymore.

Even though I didn’t do well at school, I picked up plenty through independent research on sex education.

I didn’t get why people bought rubbery lumps every dawn at the convenience store, so I looked it up a bit… eventually realizing the harsh reality.

Thanks to that, I also learned how babies are made.

Still, that childhood impression hasn’t vanished.

Of course, my childhood innocence had no space for such thoughts… but realizing the coldness of reality hasn’t erased that innocence.

It was embarrassing to pour all those silly, shallow thoughts out.

“Do you dislike it?”

Caught up in those thoughts, I froze at her sharp question.

Dislike it…

The moist touch brushing against my lips, the sweet scent, and the hands full of affection. The fulfillment of the emotional deficiency through them…

“I don’t… dislike it… but still…”


“Do you feel uncomfortable with my behavior then?”



I shook my head in surprise. Raising my voice was such a rare occurrence that my throat hurt.

But more than that, the thought of being misunderstood by my master was terrifying.

I quickly denied the possibility of her disliking me and tightened my grip around my master.

The rigid feathers of the sky wrapped back around us.

“N-No, that’s not it… I like you, master… I absolutely don’t dislike you.”

[Master, I like you]

“Then what’s the problem?”


As my master adjusted her position and held me tighter, she started to pat my rear gently, like calming a child.

I didn’t have the talent to explain my complicated feelings. I rolled my eyes while avoiding my master’s gaze and mumbled, “Still… I’m going to marry Yeon-hwa… so I shouldn’t…”

[Like Yeon-hwa…]

In the end, this is the fundamental issue.

There was really no need for a long-winded explanation.

Since I have someone I am dating, it’s only natural I shouldn’t engage with others. When it comes to morals and ethics, that’s simply how it is.

Of course, I haven’t received any confession from Hong Yeon-hwa about going out or anything…

“Just don’t worry about that.”

“Huh? Don’t worry?”

“I’ll talk to Hong Yeon-hwa separately. There won’t be any huge issues, so don’t worry.”

I couldn’t grasp what she meant.

But the word “okay” was definitely there.

In truth, I was desperately denying it right now, but my head was still spinning. I couldn’t think straight, and my body felt hot…


Her reassuring words eased the tension I had been trying to keep under control.

“Is it… okay?”

“Yes, it’s okay. You don’t need to change your thoughts right away. There’s still time, so you can take it slow.”

As I muttered hazily, her hand soothed my hair.

My master moved her hand. It grabbed my head, tilting it back.

Our faces were close again.

Honestly, I still didn’t understand. To be honest, I didn’t have much knowledge or experience in this aspect…

In my previous world, the only personal connections I had were internet friends from that group.

In contrast, my master was older than me and a hero active in the magical realm, right? She would know this kind of common sense far better than I do.

And my master would never intentionally say or do anything that would hurt me…

“Smack, smack…”

This time, I didn’t have the strength to reject it. I blankly met her lips.


Lee Ha-yul is seen as cute and lovable by those close to him… someone who approaches without hesitation and acts like a child, whining for affection.

However, to those with a more distant relationship… he appears rather stiff.

It’s somewhat hard to get close due to his mysterious wariness.

While he doesn’t initiate attacks, he holds a sharp vigilance similar to a hedgehog.

Approaching recklessly will surely get you pricked.

However, if you just remove those quills a little, getting close becomes instant.

Once the wariness fades away and he draws near, showing affection, Lee Ha-yul’s defenses crumble rapidly.

To put it precisely, once you climb that single uphill slope, what follows is practically downhill.

Was it because of his innate inclination and unfortunate upbringing? Lee Ha-yul is more than thirsty for affection; he feels starved for it.

If I had to describe it, it’s extreme emotional deprivation.

Perhaps that’s why, he can easily open up to those who fulfill his need for affection… especially maternal love.


As I continually showered him with affection, Lee Ha-yul melted away, becoming a puddle in my arms.

Right now, he was quietly nestled in my embrace, catching his breath.

Even though I was being imposing, the lack of resistance from him was incredibly adorable. But… simultaneously, a sense of crisis shot up.

Once he gets close to someone, his resistance weakens drastically.

That means, it’s very likely that he wouldn’t resist unreasonable demands from anyone who managed to earn his heart, not just me.

Even if pressured, if someone pushes him without mercy, he’ll stumble and accept it, bewildered yet compliant.

While I didn’t take advantage of that, I couldn’t guarantee that in the future, some scumbags would come who’d try to misuse this trait.

Of course, I didn’t think Lee Ha-yul wouldn’t notice their malicious intentions, but if by chance he mistakenly opened his heart to the wrong person, it could lead to a huge disaster… and recovery would be tough.

Everyone around us was aware of this, thus, they informally reached an agreement: to sweep away any flies buzzing around with ulterior motives.

I could feel that danger more and more right now. I needed to be increasingly cautious.

So, with that thought in mind, I gently patted Lee Ha-yul’s rear, who was sniffing and seeking affection with his face buried in my chest.

“Little one? Are you sleepy?”

“…I’m not a little one.”

[Pat pat, good]

A conflicting pair of responses. I couldn’t help but chuckle. He had been answering like that for a while, perhaps completely oblivious to the attention.

What a truly cute sight. I smiled softly, continuing to pat his rear.


That didn’t sit well with Lee Ha-yul.

Of course, being patted on the rear felt nice. It was quite comfortable and also reassuring, but getting treated like an innocent child by me made him feel annoyed.

Normally, he would have just brushed off such feelings, but with Gop-hwa fanning the flames, Lee Ha-yul’s reason, which had been dangerously softened, was barely operational.

As a result, his instincts took over, and his hands moved without hesitation.

His hand, which had been tightly wrapped around my back, began to slide down.

The soft sensation grazed against his palm, the curves clearly visible even through the fabric.

Once his hand reached its destination, without hesitation, he firmly grasped my ample rear.


That unfamiliar yet strong sensation filled his palm, unlike the soft breasts.

Perhaps with some exertion, the fullness that hadn’t been captured spilled over his fingers.


While I was just indulging in his adorableness, a strange yet intense sensation ran down my spine.

My head instinctively tilted back, and an unusual sound escaped my lips.