[Rapid Rise!][During the Monster Training Class, a Unicorn Intruded and Kidnapped the Special Admission Student] [563]
[Author: Red Summer1]
During practice, a unicorn suddenly fell from a hole in the ceiling.
For a moment, the special admission student and the unicorn made eye contact, and then the unicorn bit the special admission student and took off.
Gop-hwa and the heir of Chang-ha were stunned as they chased after the unicorn.
– Red Summer2: ?
└ Red Summer2: Crazy guy
– Blue Spring1: Hey senior, get a hold of yourself
– Orange Autumn1: Is it already evaluation period? It’s suffering for me too. Hang in there
└ Red Summer3: It’s only the first week of the second semester, senior…
└ Orange Autumn1: No way it could be this hard and it’s only the first week, that’s absurd
└ Orange Autumn2: Wow, the translation is hilarious, rofl
– Red Summer3: This protractor is way too sharp
└ Red Summer1 (author): No, I’m serious, everyone ask. How many people are here right now?
└ Red Summer3: Starting with the comment that the unicorn ran off with you is a bit much
└ Orange Autumn3: Gasp
└ Red Summer4: Get your hands off the hologram!
– Red Summer5: Seong-hyeon, stop posting nonsense and train!
└ Red Summer6: Not me, you bastard!
└ Red Summer5: Wow, it really exists
└ Red Summer5: Quit with the random comments and just train
└ Red Summer6: Is he crazy?
– Red Summer7: Is this for real?
└ Blue Winter1: I’m a unicorn, is this real?
└ Blue Spring2: Hey senior, isn’t the graduation class busy?
└ Blue Winter1: Now they’re even nosing around here in the community
‘It’s already spread…’
I hesitantly switched over to the hologram. As I rummaged through the free board, I found countless posts related to me.
There’s a dedicated community in Shio-ram too.
The smartwatch app was already installed since I received it at Shio-ram.
I hadn’t used it much. Back then… When I had just enrolled.
Everyone was full of doubts about special admissions, so my name was often mentioned while pretending it wasn’t me.
There were so many mentions that I was too scared to read through them, so I just forgot about it after that.
Then suddenly, it crossed my mind to check, and there were already discussions about the unicorn spread out.
‘A unicorn…’
Unicorn… isn’t it one of the most well-known mythical species along with dragons?
Plus, they’re incredibly hard to find.
Letting out a deep sigh, I stood up from my seat.
– Furuung?
The baby unicorn, leaning against me, looked up as if to say, “Where are you going?”
Another unicorn resting nearby… the one that brought me here also looked this way.
And not only that.
Unicorns lying on the grass and gently prancing around were all gazing at me.
‘…there are quite a few.’
Seemingly a lot all at once, though encountering even one outside is said to be pure luck…
I gently slipped out of the nest. The nest, made of grass and twigs, surprisingly had decent usability.
– Furuung…
The baby unicorn tugged at my sleeve with its mouth.
Reluctantly, I waved vaguely in the air. Space split left and right, and colorful spirits began pouring out from within.
[They’re playing with them]
Perfect timing since it matched the natural environment, so I released the spirits. Their self-awareness is low, but they like nature, so I often let them out.
The baby unicorn was instantly buried in a flurry of colors.
Seeming to enjoy it, the unicorn blew some puffs of air, rubbing its body against the spirits.
Leaving the baby unicorn to its play, I peeked around.
The unicorn breeding ground… surely, there were extremely few traces of humans.
The evidence on the ground barely indicated a visit once or twice from a very small number of people in the past couple of months.
In truth, I didn’t need to wander around.
I was thoroughly observing the unicorn breeding ground from my observations.
But I strolled around slowly for a walk and to circulate my magic.
As I waddled along with my stubby legs, a few unicorns quietly followed behind.
– Furuung…
I halted my steps. The unicorns that had been following me from behind also stopped.
I focused my mind. I envisioned grabbing the thread of will that tapped against my head.
The unicorns’ emotions and thoughts were conveyed. Though a complicated and imprecise mass of abstract ideas, they were gradually fine-tuned and interpreted.
Worry and concern… Where are you going… Are you going to get hurt…
‘This is ridiculous.’
I tilted my head in disbelief. Now being stared at with such eyes by a unicorn felt absurd.
– Furuung…
[Don’t push me…]
Suddenly, they began nudging my back towards the nest with their heads.
With no way to stand against them, I was finally pushed back to the nest.
Eventually, after about ten minutes, I returned to the nest.
– Furuung
The baby unicorn, covered by spirits, made a welcoming cry.
[It tickles]
Suddenly, my waist shivered. A tickling sensation rushed down my extended leg.
The baby unicorn promptly placed its head on my leg and started to rub against me.
[Too heavy]
I reached out a finger and patted the unicorn’s head.
– Furuung
[Because it tickles…!]
Though it’s a baby, it’s still a unicorn. I’m currently not in a normal human frame…
Consequently, my leg was completely pinned down.
It didn’t hurt, but there was a little stuffiness. As I scratched its head to make it move, it puffed loudly and shook its head, as if to say no.
I made a peculiar expression at that.
The symbolism of unicorns is widely recognized.
Purity, innocence, virtue.
As proof, the energy possessed by the unicorn is so pure and clean that it’s hard to find impurities.
Also, whether it has a unique ability or not, they are peculiar beings that evaluate and treat other entities arbitrarily based on their classification.
The factors they use for evaluation, of course, align with the unicorn’s symbolism.
‘Purity, innocence, and… virtue?’
My expression twisted further.
Virtue… there are many aspects to consider, but the commonly known virtue pertains to a somewhat lewd aspect.
But can that apply here? As far as I know, unicorns are said to favor women; am I wrong?
‘Not really sure…’
Shaking my head, I returned to the task at hand.
I had already messaged those around me, telling them not to worry.
As for the ongoing lesson… surely they would recognize my attendance. Honestly, if such a thing happened and my attendance isn’t acknowledged, I’d be ready to protest.
Thus, I didn’t make an immediate exit, remaining seated for a while.
In a way, this was a good thing.
It’s rare to perceive unicorns so closely without solely relying on the power of observation.
Time passed a bit.
I activated my senses to finely detect the unicorn’s energy and thoroughly gathered information about the unicorn using my observation abilities.
Simultaneously, I began homogenization… utilizing Taesan to extract and absorb the vitality around me.
My body twitched. My empty insides were filled to the brim.
A sensation like someone was pulling and stretching my arms and legs was conveyed.
‘It seems like it’s about to work…’
Just a little more tugging and it felt like things could increase infinitely, but I couldn’t exceed a certain limit, so nothing was expanding.
The operation of vitality through Taesan.
Had the practice I was doing by banging my head against the wall finally yielded some results? There were some signs of change, but no definite outcomes.
I casually observed the training of Choi Ji-yeon and collected information, but it wasn’t enough.
‘I guess I really should request a private demonstration to specifically show me vitality management.’
I had already set a date. I’m going to start mentoring sessions with Choi Ji-yeon next week.
Most likely once a week… maybe twice at most. That was the plan.
We could meet more often through mutual agreement, but since a report had to be written each time, once sounded appropriate.
‘If I mention my curiosity, I think she’d show me.’
After all, this is a mentoring relationship. She’d likely demonstrate at my request out of curiosity.
Moreover, I’m a member of the Gop-hwa Clan, after all.
Gop-hwa Clan and Taesan Clan have long been interconnected as great clans, frequently exchanging with one another.
There were even some individuals presumed to be from Taesan when I visited the Gop-hwa Clan last time.
Since we’re already aware of each other, there wouldn’t be anything particularly hidden.
I’m not asking for some special demonstration of an extraordinary ability, so they should oblige on this count.
There was a lot to think about.
Observations, magical perception, the utilization of Taesan, and management of vitality.
With all those complex thoughts swirling around, it made my head ache.
Lately, I had been in someone’s embrace more often, resulting in fewer headaches, but now that I was alone again, the pain had returned.
As I rubbed my furrowed brow, I felt something odd.
Thinking back, I noticed the baby unicorn, which had been fidgeting so much, had gone quiet.
I swiftly directed my observations.
Before I knew it, the baby unicorn was asleep with its head resting on my legs. No wonder there was no movement.
It was sound asleep, breathing evenly.
Living the dream, huh?
My baffled expression was evident on my face. Instinctively, my hand reached out to poke its horn.
There was no response.
Despite having its precious horn poked, the baby unicorn continued to be enveloped in dreams without a single reaction.
The horn is a very important part for unicorns.
The horn attached to the unicorn never falls off until death. Thus, it’s incredibly sturdy and deeply rooted.
Normally, if someone tried to touch the horn, they would’ve instantly charged at me…
So how could it trust me this way? With a strange look, I repeatedly poked the horn.
They say the symbol of unicorns is their horn.
In other words, the unicorn’s horn represents its uniqueness.
‘The two-headed dragon was the head, right?’
The two-headed dragon I had killed before. That creature lacked a head tied to the uniqueness of calamity.
Because of that, it couldn’t use its calamity abilities.
If it had retained both heads and became a spirit, it would have been a rank 3 monster as it was in its prime.
A distinct trait that distinguishes an entity from others, and particularly protrudes to manifest as a singular ability.
Meaning, a unique ability.
My curiosity suddenly piqued.
I sneakily reached out to feel the baby unicorn’s horn.
I limited the scope of my observation to its horn. I accepted countless data with high density. Sharpening my senses, I interpreted the energy transmitted through my palm.
I gathered data. I relentlessly utilized observation and magical affinity. My head was pounding from an influx of material.
That made me dizzy for a moment.
I sorted through the information. I buried the unnecessary data while pulling out the essentials. I compared what was needed to produce more useful information.
Gradually, the records stacked up.
The records of the origin.
Based on that, replicating it to suit myself is what homogenization was about.
Could I replicate the function of that horn, which is a physical part?
– Bruug!
A strange sound echoed.
It wasn’t from afar.
It came from an exceptionally close place… right from me.
– Bruug, bruising…!
The sounds continued to ring.
A peculiar sensation coursed through me. It felt as if my bones were growing and flesh was expanding in an odd sensation. Vibrations echoed from within my body.
– Furuung?!
The baby unicorn, which had been sound asleep on my leg, suddenly opened its eyes wide and stared up at me.
Other unicorns turned their heads sharply to gaze at me… at my forehead.
‘…my forehead?’
I turned my observations inward.
Something was trying to grow within my forehead.
A multitude of question marks popped up over my head.
[Unique Ability “Magical Affinity” is leveling up]
[Unique Ability “Magical Affinity” is manifesting]
[Expanded Ability “Homogenization” is manifesting]
[Player Compensation System: Exploration Degree]
[Quest “Unicorn Sighted” completed]
[Quest “Unicorn Affinity” completed]
[Quest “Unicorn Training” completed]
[Points acquired]
[The Master of the Tower of Harmony’s eyes sparkle]
[The Master of the Tower of Growth silently gives me a hint to keep quiet]
[The Master of the Tower of Harmony averts their gaze]
[Player Compensation System: Measurement Degree]
▶Mental State
“The Kid Kidnapped by the Unicorn”