Chapter 11

Nameless might be repeating mechanical training with me, but unlike me, who doesn’t need meals, he still requires food. So instead of resting, we take the time to eat together.

Originally, I didn’t have to join him for meals, but…

Nameless always points out my scrawny arms and legs, telling me, “Master needs to gain some weight,” trying to coax me into eating. At first, I refused, thinking it would just annoy him, but when he started shoving spoonfuls of the soup I made into my mouth, I had no choice but to eat with him.

Looking back on it, it seems I never really exuded the authority of a master.

“Where did it all go wrong?”

Suddenly feeling wronged by Nameless’s attitude, my lips naturally protruded in a pout.


I shook my head to shake off those thoughts.

“What’s important right now isn’t that.”

While dipping bread into the vegetable soup that Nameless made, I glanced at him.

His bowl will soon be empty; it seems like the right time to bring it up.

This mealtime doesn’t interfere with our training and is the optimal moment to persuade Nameless, truly a well-optimized moment.

I put down my spoon for a moment, resting my chin on my arms as I gazed intently at Nameless.

Noticing my gaze, Nameless looked up and locked eyes with me.

“Cough—Why are you staring at me like that?”

Of course, my intense gaze made him choke and cough, but I ignored it.

What’s important right now is different.

“I need to send Nameless to the Academy.”

For the past few days, I’ve been racking my brain trying to think of ways to persuade him. One idea popped up, one that no man could refuse.


With a confident smile, I opened my mouth.

“Nameless, I have an irresistible proposal for you.”

Only then did Nameless calm his flushed face from choking and look at me with a slightly frozen expression, as if to say, “Why is Master doing this again?”

“Excuse me? What are you trying to say this time?”

I felt a bit choked up at his expression, but I forced a smile to achieve my goal.

“Getting upset here would only backfire on me.”

Nameless has a knack for deflecting my words and making them seem like nothing at all.

Having fallen for that trick a few times, I now knew better.

Anyway, having successfully deflected Nameless, I continued from earlier.

“As a young man in your prime, you must be interested in nighttime activities, right?”

“Cough! Cough!”

Upon hearing my words, Nameless blushed again and coughed incessantly.

“What the heck? Why is he reacting like this?”

I expected him to be embarrassed, but I didn’t think he’d turn this red.

Glancing at Nameless,

“It can’t be that strange of a thing to say, right?”

After all, this guy has been caught relieving himself behind my back before, and he didn’t react this intensely then.

“Or did that incident get to him?”

After that time, Nameless seemed to have been in a bit of a funk for a few days. Maybe he had a breakdown.

Back then, I tried to comfort him, patting his back and saying, “It’s fine; you’re in your prime, after all,” completely ignoring the incident while trying to convey understanding.

Regardless, given that Nameless experienced that, I never expected him to be this flustered over just a few words now.

The words that followed were even more bizarre.

Nameless jumped up from his seat, squeezed his eyes shut, and shouted.

“M-Master! You shouldn’t say such things until after the wedding!”

What could I possibly say that would elicit such an outburst? After all, masters are often quite interested in their disciples.

Aren’t parents also interested in their children’s love lives?

What’s with this talk of weddings? What does my asking about nighttime interests have to do with marriage?

Is this guy, still single at his age, telling me not to pry into his business?

“Geez, if I could, I would’ve already!”

I haven’t met anyone since I turned into a woman, so how could I do anything?

As a person, it’s natural that I can’t completely suppress my urges, and of course, I want to experience love.

I found myself naturally sulking.

Before I knew it, too much time had passed, and I had been swinging my sword for too long.

After living in this body for 300 years, it was clear that everyone else would seem like infants regardless of their gender.

No, the age gap surpassed that between an elder and a child.

Oops, there I go again, straying from the point and almost spiraling into gloomy thoughts.

“Not good, not good.”

I shook my head to clear my mind, but I still felt down, my lips sticking out in a pout.

My words came out gruffly.

“Am I not allowed to ask such things?”

“No, that’s… sigh… not it. I think I misspoke.”

Nameless pressed his palm to his forehead and bowed his head, and I noticed his ears were still red.

“I think he’s still a bit mad.”

Should I continue talking?

Nameless, noticing my hesitance, let out a deep sigh and spoke.

“Isn’t it just that you’re telling me to go to the Academy again?”

“How did you know…?”

I was hit right where it hurt, and sweat started pouring down my back.

How could he reach the conclusion of the Academy based on my previous words?

Has he reached a level where he can read unspoken thoughts?

Lost in unnecessary thoughts, Nameless chimed in.

“Have you said anything besides the Academy to me recently?”

“Hmm… I see.”

Indeed, I had probably talked about it endlessly to the point of boring him.


Shouldn’t we stick to the source material?

I thought I had a sense of duty to coax Nameless, but it seemed he didn’t appreciate it.

“Am I bothering him too much?”

In the end, it was his choice.

And since I took him on as my disciple, the original story has already taken a turn, so I guess I’m partly responsible for where this has led us.

For no reason, I started feeling melancholic.

Maybe sensing the change in my mood, Nameless waved his hands and asked.

“Uh, Master, so what did you mean by nighttime activities?”

“Hmm, I see.”

Right, what good does it do to self-blame?

What’s done is done; I might as well take responsibility for it.

I nodded to myself, steeling my resolve.

When proposing something to someone, the buildup leading to the goal is essential.

Of course, that’s just my hunch, having not spoken to anyone in nearly 300 years.

“You’re gonna leave me one day and get married, aren’t you?”

“I don’t think so.”

Tsk, he’s not even trying to cover up his lie.

But hey, it felt good that he still said that, at least.

Although I failed from the get-go, I plastered a poker face and pressed on.

“Yeah, your words are appreciated, but just listen to the end.”


“Right, one day you’re going to get married, and marriage isn’t something you do alone, right?”

I extended my words, glancing at Nameless.

When I received no answer, I wondered if he was zoning out, but he seemed to be listening with a grim expression.

He looked a bit uneasy, but at least it proved he was paying attention, right?


After all, if he’s going to listen to me till the end, there’s no way he can keep that serious face.

“I think you’ll find someone suitable for you at the Academy.”

Once again, I sneaked a glance at Nameless.


He still wore a sullen expression; feeling anxious, I hurriedly continued.

“Um! They say there are handsome and beautiful people at the Academy! There must be many pretty girls!”

Sneak peek—

“I thought I could win him over, but he still looks grumpy; my confidence is fading.”

“Does he not like girls?”

As I lost my confidence, my voice also shrank.

“I don’t know how high your standards are, but there must be someone who fits your taste…”

Sneak peek—

“So… uh…”


Finally, I heard a response, although it wasn’t the one I wanted.

“I won’t leave your side.”

“Hmm, okay.”

Once again, I had failed.

That was probably my thirtieth failure.