Sometimes, setting play could become a content on a stream.
– I worship you, Na-me, as always!
– Please tell her to turn on the stream! Let the millions of wicked fans sweep her away!
– Goddess, are you still doing your morning workouts?
– Nongme hasn’t grown taller… Nanon is still petite…
└ It’s obvious when you phrase it like that, haha!
└ Hey, aren’t you supposed to do it properly, Nongzaik!
Like any other individual stream, Adella’s Room also avoids mentioning other streamers.
However, due to Na-me’s frequent absences from streaming because of real-life issues, Adella had to double as the informant all the time.
Before long, ‘Na-me’ and ‘NoName’ became the forbidden words in the chat due to the managers.
But as usual, the viewers found the answers.
Claiming Na-me’s stream was superior to others, the fanatics of Na-me, called ‘Nemdok’, zealously worshipped her.
People began to refer to Na-me as the “Goddess” inspired by them.
Since it was a direct and less off-putting term, this culture spread like wildfire.
Detailing that Kariri, Adella, and U-Dex were Na-me’s 12 disciples, and the animals of Safari World worship Na-me as the one true deity, more elaborate settings emerged.
Soon, a heartfelt post titled “Let’s Learn About Namessiaism” was uploaded on a community, making a flow that could no longer be ignored.
Kariri, who was savvy with internet culture, sensed this trend quicker than anyone.
“We have a music video we’re making. How about we tweak it a bit and add Na-me in it?”
“Huh? We’re going to revise it even more? What if Na-me doesn’t allow it?”
“Maybe just have her as a black silhouette at the end of the video?”
“Wow…! Are you a genius? Let’s also add some lyrics! Something like Genesis or the Ten Commandments.”
Daniel, burning with enthusiasm, added a third verse to the song.
After incorporating Seo Maru, who’d transitioned to animator, Na-messia successfully integrated into the Kariri World universe.
[Adella, Judex | ‘Furrynization Project’ Music Video]
[Safari Dream · View Count: 6.47 million · 1 week ago]
A piece combining fusion classic and EDM sounds, with dizzying lyrics sending one’s mind to Andromeda, along with respectable illustrations and camera work.
Individually, each element was a masterpiece, but together they were a terrible hybrid.
However, that’s why the Furrynization Project gained sensational popularity among teens where “uniqueness” and “over-immersion” are trends.
From this point, Namessiaism began to spread in earnest.
#NoName #Namessiahnism
[I’m not religious, but I genuinely want to believe in Namessiaism.]
Nothing happens if you don’t believe in this religion.
However, if you do, you can download a cute noname picture every day around quitting time.
What reason do you have not to believe?
– What the heck is Namessiaism, you geek?
>> It’s a religion that follows the Twish streamer Nona-me.
>> What even is this?
– It has a very cute doctrine compared to the Islamic Quran.
>> How can the formal doctrine be ‘please don’t dismiss it because it’s small’? Haha!
>> If you’re mean to friends, you’ll only eat pineapple pizza in hell! Those Italians really have it rough!
– So is Adella a cyber angel then?
– Animal ear paradise… I guess I have to believe this?
[Nona-me’s steps are more astonishing than any prophet of Abrahamic religions.]
Jesus fasted for a measly 40 days, while she has survived for over seven years without food or water.
Her spirit is much more mature than the average adult, and she is fully developed in character.
It seems she can easily solve the world’s issues as if she sees into the future.
Her bizarre combat power is also difficult to explain scientifically.
And above all, she’s cute.
Isn’t this Eastern little girl the prophet that religious followers have desperately sought?
– If there hadn’t been information media, Nona-me might have been treated like a mythological figure hundreds of years later.
– That last line was the key.
– But in reality, Na-me is a Buddhist.
>> Hahaha!
>> Oh no, the prophet happens to believe in another religion, haha! Is she a rebel?
– (Best) My mother had an incurable disease, but with the new medicine developed by Na-me, she is almost cured. For my faithful Christian parents, she is almost a god.
>> New medicine? I’ve never heard of that.
>> She must be talking about Bio-Akashic.
[Voting: Christianity vs Islam vs Namessiaism]
Which is the best religion?
[1. Christianity: 5.1k (36%)]
[2. Islam: 0.7k (5%)]
[3. Namessiaism: 8.3k (59%)]
– This voting is very unpleasant. Please remove it immediately.
>> I’m Christian, and I’m not offended at all!
>> Muslim capture, haha!
– Is there a religion where you can meet the goddess at a fan meeting?
>> Cannon King, I’m so jealous!
The virtual religion became a hot topic in various large communities abroad.
Some highly motivated people even organized it into an actual organization.
Under the grand idea of achieving world peace centered around Na-me, their activities were just trivial things like sharing various memes from the lonely Na-me room.
However, as these memes were re-exported to Korea, people responded with freshness.
[Namemery are stealing money by using Na-me’s name, what’s up with that?]
(Medical relief activity support $50,000 donation.jpg)
But they donated under Na-me’s name…
This is just ridiculous, haha!
– Seriously, is Namessiaism really a thing? Haha!
– It feels more like a fandom than a religion, haha!
– They probably sneaked in thinking they’d pocket it all.
└ They seem like good guys, so I can’t report them, haha!
└ But if they have bad intentions, they could rip off at any time.
– Sign here! Nona-me is the one true god!
– I haven’t been around since the Na-me fan meeting over a month agoㅠㅠㅠ
└ You made a lot of money though. If you drop off, you’ll probably come back.
└ I made 200 billion, how could I drop out?!!!
└ I know, it’s just wishful thinkingㅠㅠ
– Na-me… make sure to be happy there!
└ You’re killing a perfectly happy girl…
└ You can see her if you go to the Academy, let’s go!
And there was someone who watched all these events unfavorably.
“Okay, let’s have one person speak. Who started it?”
I gathered two humans and one cat about to become human and questioned them.
“What are you talking about, haha…”
“I’m sorry! It was me!”
Seol Yoon-seul flattened herself on the floor and raised her hand in a dogeza.
I glared at them without loosening my serious expression.
“Today, when I returned from the Academy, my friends were collectively listening to some strange song.”
Since everyone has different musical tastes, I didn’t plan to bicker about that.
However, I couldn’t ignore the faint sound from the last five seconds of the music video.
[Hahaha! Ha! Ha! Ha! You’re an amateur! Amateur!]
“This is my voice, right? What the heck happened? Why the heck is my voice treated like an instrument?”
Their heads all drooped simultaneously to the floor.
I guess they realize their mistake as their faces turned red.
“Did Yoon-seul do this too?”
“No, I…”
Ni-el shyly raised her hand.
I looked at her in disbelief.
“What? You? Why…?”
Feeling betrayed as Ni-el was usually well-behaved.
“I was going to ask you earlier, but you looked so busy, Na-me…! So, I had no choice but to combine the voice samples I had.”
“Why do you have the voice samples?”
“Maru Oppa gave them to you.”
There’s one more culprit then.
Since I had recently taken a break from streaming, Seo Maru had been helping with virtual YouTuber jobs.
“It was a request from me! It’s my fault, so please forgive me, Na-me!”
“Anyway, what I want to say is that in the future, you all have to tell me in advance before sending stuff like this out. I’m not someone who’s bad at refusing, right? No matter how busy I am, that’s no excuse…”
“I’m sorry. We were too eager. We’ll promise to avoid this happening again.”
I patted the girls’ shoulders as they looked pitiful and wrapped up this conversation.
“The real deal is different. Go and tell those Namessians to stop using my name for donations.”
“I found out that the main supporter’s IP is in Korea. If you make good use of communities, you might be able to handle that, right? I’m counting on you.”
Yoon-seul tilted her head and asked.
“Isn’t it good for people to donate under Na-me’s name? Isn’t it a good influence?”
“No, it’s not good. It feels burdensome and unpleasant since I didn’t donate.”
With my abrupt stance, the atmosphere became a bit heavy.
“Just a personal preference, so don’t misunderstand. I believe donations should be anonymous.”
It’s different if I gathered up donations through personal broadcast and donated them under the broadcasting station’s name, but I didn’t like showing off my name with donations.
After giving a simple request to Yoon-seul, I returned to our house just downstairs.
I checked to see if the four top-quality Moldavite mana stones I bought from the department store were still in the drawer.
Actually, I thought three would be enough, but Lee Bo-reum bought an extra one with her personal funds.
I never expected that the mana stones were so unexpectedly expensive; I didn’t know I would be in deficit with 214.1 billion won.
Not being able to purchase with debt, I need to film more advertisements to quickly pay back the 500 million won.
The yellow post-its stuck all over the wall fluttered and fell off every time I closed the door, having reached the end of their adhesive lifespan.
I ended up thoroughly verifying the magic I had only used in my past life over several days.
I casually informed Adella, who would be listening from the other side of Virtual Reality, about the schedule.
“Adella. The first operational day of the Gunsan Magic Power Plant is this Thursday, but we agreed to postpone it to Saturday. We’ll leave early Thursday morning and charge the mana stones first.”
For now, only Professor Cheon knows everything about this project from start to finish.
I really thought a lot about telling him.
What would he think when he asks how I knew such magic, and I can only reply with ‘just’ as my answer?
He is someone who knows too well that there is no such thing as ‘just’ in this world.
Would he think I was forcefully injected with knowledge by Valpurgis? He might.
Not brave enough to look at his increasingly dark expression, I just awkwardly mumbled something.
I simply explained to Lee Bo-reum, my manager, who kindly lent me the funds in an easier way.
I’ll give Adella a physical body. End of story.
Lastly, I recruited Baek Bong-gon as personnel to help control the mana stones.
According to Professor Cheon, he’s a tight-lipped person.
After all, he has been living isolated on an uninhabited island for decades, so it makes sense.
“We’re going to write the magic circle in reverse order: Dragonia Nascentia, Persona Phi-si, and then the Akashic Records. It should take about 18 hours, 16 hours, and 1 hour respectively once we start charging. The spells will be cast in the order we discussed before, starting with the Akashic Records, just so you know.”
It’s now time to talk about caution.
I paused for a moment.
Is there really a need to foster fear by talking about it now?
If not now, when should I say it? On the day? Before it starts? Or not let them know until the very end?
While struggling with inner conflict, the blue light flickered from the capsule.
Adella signaled me to turn on the screen.
I started the beam projector.
Adella’s light green pupils were wavering aimlessly.
She bit her lips tightly with a wistful look in her eyes.
When she blinked, transparent tears streamed down her nose.
At first, I thought those tears were from her being overwhelmed.
“I’m… sooo… sorry…”
The words she murmured while trembling her lips were pitifully sad.
“Sorry… I… donated in your name without asking… I just wanted to repay you somehow because I’m so grateful… Hoo…”
It took me a moment to understand her words.
“It was you, Adella? Organizing Namessia and donating?”
“I only owe you, sis, time and time again. I just wanted to give back somehow, but I never thought you’d dislike it this much…”
Adella, hiccuping, struggled to string her words together and sobbed softly.
“Wait there. I’ll connect and join in right away.”
She may look like an adult on the outside but is completely a child on the inside.
I demolished the walls of the Private Room, tore up the floor, and finally removed the ceiling.
I banished the dazzling sun and sent the fat moon on a diet to the other side of the sky.
Adella and I lay on the grass without even a mat, gazing at the embroidered galaxy above us.
I softly held Adella’s tender hand and opened my mouth.
“Adella, I think we shouldn’t put grand meanings on donations. Donations made under names are always judged for their morality by the public.”
“Hmm… what does that mean?”
“Simply put, it goes like this: Why did you donate here and not there? How come you only donated that much when you have so much money? You’re likely to hear such comments.”
“Just ignore such things.”
“It changes my mindset regardless of whether I ignore it or not. Even while donating, I find myself self-censoring. ‘Is this how much I should donate? Do these people really need my help right now?’ That sort of thing.”
It’s in a way one of those unsolvable dilemmas.
It’s one thing to help one or two people.
However, the more people you help, the more resentment you might draw from others.
I’ve seen that happen to more than a few individuals who have fallen due to exactly that in my past life.
“I don’t want to become a saint. I just want to live like a reasonably selfish person. I want to take care of those around me, and I don’t care what happens to everyone else.”
“But Na-me Unni isn’t that kind of person.”
“That’s why I’m making suitable compromises as well. I follow my heart as it goes. Seriously, I appreciate your heart, Adella. Surely people will benefit from this donation. I think you contribute the most to that.”
“I don’t know why I’m crying over something like this. It makes me emotional just thinking about gaining a body.”
Adella turned on her side, facing away from me.
From a distance, she might seem really small, but she’s still significantly taller than me right now.
“Why did you decide to organize a religion? Just for fun?”
“Well, I originally had thoughts behind it, but now they’ve all become unnecessary.”
“Yeah. Once I get my body, I thought I should do something grand to change the world… But I think I’ll reconsider a bit more.”
“Why are you laughing? Does it feel bad?”
Turning halfway, Adella faced me with a frown, her eyebrows wrinkling slightly.
I neatly fixed Adella’s bangs and said.
“You really have a big dream. It’s pretty funny because it sounds like the thoughts of a little kid.”
“Who’s saying that? You’re the one who dreams of being the strongest in the world! Aren’t you embarrassed?”
“That’s different. I have a certain future, and you have just a vague dream.”
“Don’t be too cocky, or I might learn magic and interfere with your dreams!”
Adella is a girl who craves validation.
I could bet that she was trying to express her influence through the religion.
Namessia is at its prime at this very fandom level.
After all, it seems most people consider it part of fun.
“What is this caution thing you mentioned earlier?”
“Hmm. Should I tell you? Do you want to hear?”
“Come on, what’s there to keep quiet about? Just tell me.”
“Adella, you’ve never really felt proper pain, have you?”
The maximum pain permitted in virtual reality is stepping on a LEGO.
Even that needs the admin privileges removed to feel it, so there’s practically no chance of experiencing real pain.
The only somewhat painful experience would be when I stabbed my heart in Wagal, but at that time, I wasn’t fully aware of myself, so I wouldn’t know well.
“No way! We battled together afterward, didn’t we? I can handle pain! Is it that my magic makes your body hurt? Do you think I can’t take it?”
“Yeah, well. If you say so.”
“How painful is it…?”
Suddenly, Adella changed her attitude and glanced at me uneasily.
“It doesn’t take long. At the most, 30 seconds? Or maybe a minute? Just that much.”
“Eh, what? 30 seconds is like nothing! But will it hurt?”
“It’s the pain of nerves, bones, muscles, and organs twisting. It’s worth a try once.”
Of course, I would never do it again.
It was seriously far too painful.