Chapter 20

Adults love numbers.

When telling adults about a new friend, they rarely ask about the essence of things.

But are adults the only ones like this?

Today, I caught 100 Pokémon.

I spent a million won on my autumn story account.

I ranked in the top 100 in the Resonance scenario mode.

Kids love numbers too.

Especially, rankings boil their blood.

In that sense, a user named NoName might give different impressions to people, but one thing remains unchanged.

[Season 2044: 3917 matches]

[Season 2045: 8392 matches]

[Season 2046: 8505 matches]

[Season 2047: 8469 matches]

[Season 2048: 8538 matches]

[Season 2049: 8150 matches]

[Season 2050: 4033 matches]

These numbers come from playing 23 matches a day without missing a single day, taking anywhere from 20 minutes to 40-50 minutes each.

Big numbers evoke awe and curiosity.

Who could it be?

Who is pouring their life into such a trivial game?

Who enjoys a game that can send them into a rage after just two or three matches as if it were their life?

People witness this spectacle.

“Which position do you want to go? Got a preference?”

“Where’s the best spot to finish the game quickly?”

“Seems like bottom lane is better for now. My main position is support anyway.”

“Then I’ll take ADC.”

Shia gazed intently at Na-me, who was diligently checking the patch notes that had changed over the past six months.

“How’s it looking?”


“Do you think you can reach Master?”

Shia didn’t think she was bad at the game. At least not at the Bronze level.

She had clearly carried many games herself and used to rewatch old replays often.

But if asked whether she could help Na-me reach Master within a week, Shia couldn’t confidently respond yes.

Today was the first day of the season, a time when many passionate gamers vow for the coming year.

The ranked matches are crowded, and team luck can vary greatly.

It might be different if he was duo queuing with a challenger, but Na-me’s skills were still uncertain.

“Well, the game’s not really my thing.”

“Someone who plays 8,000 matches a year?”

“But I’m confident.”

There’s no content for making money in League, after all.

What a mysterious person.

“How long are you going to keep watching? You don’t need to be that detailed in this tier anyway.”

Looking like a professor grading a thesis, Na-me meticulously checks every buff, nerf, and change system.

“I’d feel too frustrated if I lost because of my own mistakes.”

“Fair enough…”

Na-me took the game surprisingly seriously.

It was hard to believe this was someone who’d been trolling between Bronze 4 and Bronze 1.

“It’s already your pick! I’ll adjust the comp to fit you, so hurry up and choose.”

As the countdown began, Na-me pondered.

True, this season’s patch had significantly boosted bottom lane’s influence.

But not every ADC could reap those benefits.


“Are you picking Asteria? That champion just came out; are you sure you can handle it? The win rate is only 43% right now.”

“I’m sure. Please take Yuumi or Lulu as support.”

Yuumi and Lulu are typical picks for aiding ADCs.

Shia was actually thinking of picking Lux or Pantheon for more forced carry potential, but since it was the first game, she respected Na-me’s opinion.

“When the game starts, your voice will be on stream too. Just so you know.”


“Yeah, did you call me? Is there a problem?”

“No, let’s do well.”


Have you ever felt like your body isn’t yours?

Sometimes, I feel this way a lot.

I used to eat bugs without hesitation, but these days, I jump at the sight of a spider, my heart racing.

Every time that happens, I’m overcome with an unknown guilt.

Where does this guilt come from?

Am I feeling sorry for stealing someone’s life who originally owns this body?

Or is it more that the memories of my past life remain intact, but my mind expresses its discomfort through guilt due to the changed body?

Our brains fear change.

Thus, defense mechanisms are born, and the heart closes off.

That’s also why I couldn’t speak properly to people at first.

A brain that doesn’t interact with others doesn’t grow. Knowledge derived solely from past life memories is never deep.

But once I feel comfortable with this strange experience, that’s where the detachment from my body begins.

[Welcome to the battlefield.]

The reason I dislike games also lies here.

‘Long time no see. You crawled back here again?’

“Alright, let’s kick off the much-anticipated collab with NoName, starting my master climb!”

‘Did you like gaming that much? I felt like I was going to die every single day because of you…’

“Come on, let’s do this, NoName! NoName? Na-me?”

‘Die… We were supposed to die together 7 years ago! Just stop breathing already!’

I understand missing a mother…

‘If you take another breath, I’ll strangle you with my own hands, you despicable brat. Die. How can you still call yourself my daughter? Die.’

It seems the hallucinations I experienced while playing with Ah-rin the other day weren’t just from mental fatigue.

“Sorry, let’s get going.”

“We can’t waste time on a leash; let’s go straight to the lane.”

“I might not be able to talk during the game. Sorry, but I’ll mute my mic.”


She and her viewers looked quite flustered, but what can you do?

I also blocked voice chat with Shia. Now, only the sounds of battle echo.

And one more thing.

“I haven’t visited Mom lately. I’m really sorry. I’ll ask the professor if I can stop by for dinner tonight.”

‘You need to die.’

“Mom might not know, but I’m Mom’s daughter and not.”

‘Die. Just die.’

“I know that Seol-ah isn’t the kind of person who would say such things, and I recognize it’s just a mere illusion I’ve created.”


“But the fact that she appeared as Seol-ah shows how much I miss her. I miss the days I played games with Seol-ah. The Na-me with my mom’s name has grown up bravely all this time. I even grew 2 cm!”


“I don’t know. Why was I born with these memories? There were definitely times when I thought it would’ve been better to die with Mom without knowing anything.”

‘Then just die.’

“That’s not possible. I’d be sure Mom would want me to. I will find those who locked us in a capsule.”

‘You’re powerless.’

“No, I’m strong. I, Na-me, Estasha Latias de Kaizen, will be stronger than what my mom imagines. I will take revenge.”

‘… Just don’t lose in the game, you fool.’

Has my anger subsided a bit? The hallucinations faded.

[Enemy slain.]

[Double kill.]


A new champion released this January.

She is the last survivor of the Selena race, whose family was sacrificed alive in a molten furnace to create a weapon called the Star Destroyer by the empire.

Asteria tried her best to save her family, but in the end, all she obtained was a melted and condensed cell core.

A girl with a unique yet grim story.

Her damage mechanism was also distinct from other champions.

It was as if they’d blended Samira and Nyarl into one concept.

Asteria increases her attack range and physical penetration with every attack on an enemy but loses defense.

At 30% and 60% thresholds, her possession level increases, granting her skills supportive effects.

When 100% is reached, Asteria loses 500 range and acquires a new weapon, enabling her ultimate ability, ‘Supernova.’

An extreme high-risk, high-return champion.

Plus, with one of the shortest attack ranges among ADCs, careful attention must be paid not to let lane shifts turn passive, and ultimate skills should be calculated accurately during team fights.

To increase her range, she paradoxically has to enter enemy range, posing a noteworthy risk.

However, interpreted differently, if there are many non-targeting champions on the enemy side, that risk can be worth taking.

Shia effectively utilized Lulu during the laning phase.

She withstands the strong pressure from Ezreal and Jarvan, and through impeccable shield timing and skill harassment, they end up in a situation where both sides engage without health.

The enemy jungler is highly likely at the top. It would take more than 16 seconds for mid to join.

As I use my movement skills over the enemy minions, Ezreal responds with basic attacks and Q, while Jarvan commits to his E skill. I take a hit from the basic attack and precisely dodge the anticipated two skills.

The advantage shifts to me, and as I mix basic attacks and skills, they engage in my duel.

Then, Ezreal uses his teleport to gain range advantage, resulting in Jarvan being isolated between Shia and the approaching jungle.

Finally, Jarvan attempts to respond with a flash and Q skill, but it gets reflected off my enhanced barrier, dealing damage to Ezreal behind.

With mid joining in 8 seconds, there’s more than enough time to finish them off.

I’d already lowered the health of the enemy minion with my Q movement skill, and just as I hit level 6 at the perfect time, I have only one movement skill left, and my possession level is about 95%.

Using my skill on a champion increases the possession rate by 5%, so it truly was the perfect timing.

At high possession rates, I had already reached a health point where just one skill would have me dead, but I charged forward against the enemies.

Immediately, with Lulu’s burst, I lifted both of the enemies and bought a turn to unleash Asteria’s ultimate, ‘Supernova.’

Ten star fragments scattered within the secured area, and in just one second, the signal announcing a double kill spread across the battlefield.

The enemy mid, who had just used their ult against me, charged in, but…

I managed to prepare for damage exchanges without dying and distanced myself using the flash I’d saved for kiting.

[Triple kill.]

I won’t lose.

I will grow stronger from here.