ACK Pro Gaming is in the middle of its break and already the TG appears to be capturing a lot of people’s interest.
Especially with the recent match-fixing scandal surrounding Wagal, some disillusioned viewers have turned their focus towards games hosted by streamers instead.
Even though this isn’t an official match and is just a live roster reveal stream, a whopping 100,000 people have logged into the Letterbox official channel, eagerly pouring out their emotions in the chat window.
And they clearly didn’t know how to wait quietly.
[10 Minutes Until TG Roster Reveal LOL][42]
I pretty much know who’s coming out, but I’m still excited Hahaha
-Is this the legendary TGD?
└ Please, just don’t let any more scandals pop up.
└ Last season was pretty tame.
-I heard a report that an invasive species snuck in?
└ Oh gosh… 14…!
└ Just kidding Hahaha
└ It’s so obvious that NoName is trying to suck up to the foreign viewers; it’s just funny now Hahaha
└ Wow, the platform is basically using a straw to suck from the streamer now. Is this right?
-They’ve been subtly revealing almost everyone on the broadcast, but I still don’t know one person.
└ Twish lost to 1 million Conan…
└ If NoName is participating, it could be another rookie?
└ NoName reached 30k viewers, how could that be noob?
└ Noob (8 months on Twish) rookie (highest viewer count 34k)
└ None of this makes sense Hahaha
└ 34k is real? What did you watch so much on the personal Wagal stream?
└ To be honest, I understand it a bit; they blew up out of nowhere after just a few streams.
Every season, event games create a plethora of controversies.
Last season’s issues weren’t that small-scaled, but opinions generally agreed that it was something people could overlook.
[The changes in this TG seem quite significant][89]
(Main changes.jpg)
Looks like they’ve taken the previous feedback into account pretty well? Especially Wagal has a lot of changes.
-It’s great that they applied it with 50k accounts instead of 100k like pros.
└ That’s a divine patch. Honestly, when scrubs use their ctrl-c champions, they can’t handle their power.
└ For real, where are those guys who insisted the game developers wouldn’t listen? It’s common sense to just reduce values relative to your character, how is that hard? Hahaha
-If it’s 50k, won’t healers be completely useless?
└ Isn’t that basically a targeted patch against NoName?
└ Are healers that disadvantaged?
└ Healers are OP only in master tier where everyone is around 80k combat power, but at 50k they’re just trash, right?
└ If the cap is 50k, the special late-game carry of healers won’t even appear.
-At 50k, wouldn’t the non-healer meta be beneficial?
└ No, you must include at least one tank healer.
└ Damn.
-This is going to be boring without late-game burst damage, UGH.
└ If mindlessly spamming skills is fun for you, just go play Autumn Story or something.
└ 50k is just right, honestly I disliked seeing characters flying through walls.
└ For real Hahaha if you meet in a narrow alleyway, you should fight, but they just bounce off the walls.
└ Just imagining it makes my chest tighten.
Since this is a competition among amateurs, pro accounts that can freely select their characteristics weren’t given, but in the interest of fairness, a ‘tool’ was provided to normalize the combat power of each streamer’s characters.
If everyone had been fighting with 100k combat power until now, even though there was criticism that the game might become loose at this competition, I announced that we’d uniformly apply 50k combat power beforehand.
And I jumped onto my queen-sized bed, pushing Adella aside.
“Stop playing around and come over here to manage the chat window.”
“That’s animal abuse! According to Article 8, Clause 2 of the Animal Protection Act—”
I lightly tapped the head of the disobedient cat and transferred the manager privileges to her.
While I couldn’t log onto the game, I could use a guest account on Twish, so it was possible.
-For real, why is Adella so annoying? Hahaha
-She really doesn’t listen at all.
-(Adella): You’re a dumbhead! You’re so short I can’t see you at all!
-Just kick her out of the house, NoName!
-Don’t mess with the landlord, you little brat.
-(Adella): If you guys keep being mean to me, I’ll BAN you all!
“Stop threatening and just manage!”
Ignoring the fallen Adella who held her head, this was my first time participating in such a tournament, so I didn’t fully understand how things worked.
I just got a text saying it would be a good idea for everyone to watch this broadcast on such a day, and I ended up turning it on unexpectedly.
-Starting, starting!
-Wow, 10 seconds!
-Let’s go, let’s go~
With upbeat electronic music, everyone counted down together.
As if in rhythm, Adella’s tail swung side to side while she lay flat on the bed.
“I wish I could participate in a tournament like this!”
Maybe she was more intrigued than I thought, as she looked at me with sparkling eyes.
“Do you want to try playing the game?”
“Yeah. Honestly, watching the game isn’t that fun; it seems way more enjoyable to play it.”
“I’ll ask the game company later.”
If they could make a separate account for Adella. That process would probably involve countless complicated discussions, but no matter whether the answer was positive or negative, I should at least ask.
Is it not historic if an AI competes in a gaming tournament as a streamer?
[2051 SEASON 2 TG Tournament / Collapse Battle]
[Let’s Start!]
[Legacy of Legends – TG Tournament]
The order of the roster reveal was to be League of Legends, Wagal, and Resonance, and then the streamers participating in the Collapse Battle.
The highlight reel of each streamer playing for 3 seconds was about 10 minutes long in total.
I heard that they would show all the games integrated until the roster reveal, and then the showcase would continue on the three game channels.
[31st: Kariri – Assassin]
-Hahaha, is this real?
-Never expected this identity.
-Kariri is appearing in the TGD.
-This concept-challenged punk is participating with that trash character, is she crazy? Hahaha
-Assassin = No proper sub-class, just rolling with the assassin title.
└ For real Haha
-It’s hell if you get matched with Kariri on the same team.
-Kariri managing to keep this hidden until the end is impressive.
-The GOAT of crossing between shadow and light.
-Not GOAT but GOA?
-Did you really send that as a highlight Hahaha
“Your turn is coming soon!”
The first highlight was from Wagal. Assigned to the last spot of 36 people, I was fortunate to receive 5 seconds instead of 3.
[NoName – Priest]
The footage I provided to the Letterbox was from my 10th duel against Kim Young-gwang.
In the intense battle scene, I made a risky choice to step into the path of a heavy attack, and before the heavy sword could cleave me in two, I knocked his wrist, sealing the game’s outcome.
“How did you even think of stretching your foot forward like that? I simply don’t get it.”
Adella lightly poked the screen with her finger as she questioned.
“The opponent was sure I was going to back off from there, so that was the attack. I could have gone forward or stayed still at any time. Such unfounded exclusion plays need to be punished instantly.”
“So how does that work? Doesn’t your body flinch reflexively when you see that kind of movement?”
“Ugh. How could that be? Look at me. If I go whoosh!”
Adella’s fingers cut through the air and halted right in front of my eyes.
Her expression was all scrunched up.
“Wow, you’re really something. You can’t even blink at this, huh?”
“Wants to get hit?”
“Ahh, I’m sorry! Tail-tail! Don’t grab my tail!”
-What are they doing? Hahaha
-They’re both too cute.
-They’re hardly focused on the video, Hahaha
-After passing NoName’s part, we’ve seen it all.
-She’ll be on again later.
-Hahaha, Adella is getting hit.
About three more minutes passed, and next, the streamers participating in the ‘League of Legends Collapse Battle’ were revealed.
The celestial streamer tournament, Collapse Battle, had all teams set beforehand, so we could see the team names as well.
[Call Me Jeobangboot]
[Pyo-dor / Mir / Miroking / NoName / Hyebam]
In the top lane was Pyo Min-jun, in the jungle was Imir, and in the bottom lane, I and Yu-shia were a team, completing the Collapse Battle entry with Mirocel, the master of Mirocel.
-Miroking has lost some value lately, hasn’t he? Isn’t he at the end of GM these days?
-The champion tiers went down, so that’s why not in the top or mid.
-After all, he’s still ranked 1 among Mirocel masters; team games might be different, right?
As they say, a tiger appears when you talk about it, and just then, I received a call from Miroking.
[Incoming – Miroking]
[Hello, is this NoName?]
“Yes, I can hear you.”
[Are you on the stream? Anyway, I’m really grateful you included someone like me in this.]
“Get to the point.”
[No, I’m saying this sincerely? Everyone wants to team up with you. Skipping top and practicing mid was honestly the best choice I made recently. Awesome!]
-You fled from top and are dragging it out now!
-Why not swap Miroking out for Adella instead?
-4 challengers and 1 Grandmaster, wow, this is by far the strongest team in Collapse Battle.
-Seeing the roster, this round’s pro players are all crawling back; it won’t be easy.
└ Honestly, I think anyone who participated in pro matches within a year should be excluded.
└ Then there wouldn’t be enough talent for the Collapse Battle.
[Recently, I was so surprised that NoName is only fourteen years old. Remember that top Asteria match?]
“I remember. You said I was rude and needed manners training.”
[Wow, you remembered all of that? I should have given solid manners training back then! Just kidding, I look forward to working with you again, our little captain.]
“…Just do your job. I’ll carry you in bot.”
-Of course, the original Asteria master, NoName!
-These days, all the Asterias are fake ones.
└ If you watched NoName’s video back then, you wouldn’t be satisfied with today’s guys Hahaha.
-NoName and Hyebam in the bot lane, that’s terrifying!
-At Collapse Battle, to compete at the World Championship level…?
└ Is this for real? Hahaha.
└ If you want to win the lane phase, you should bring a Paysoos-Sauron duo or something Hahaha.
-I need to play top against these guys!
└ But Pyo-dor is ranked 150th in challenger now, his form has really gone up.
-When did Hyebam hit 1000 points in Challenger?
[This “Oh man, I’m embarrassed. The viewers there must be saying I’m Grandmaster, right? I can tell from here. I promise I will definitely climb to Challenger before the scrims. No one is banning me since Mirocel’s tier is only 4 right now.]
“Shouldn’t you practice other champions instead of focusing on Mirocel?”
[This is the only thing I’m good at, haha. Or should I try practicing mid Nunu? He’s back to Tier 1 these days.]
-Nunu, Hahaha.
-The worst in team games, Hahaha!
-There are plenty of good picks for mid!
-For real, Nokteon, Gragas, Lilia, Kled, how easy are they?
-Karma and Morgana are also there.
[It’s an honor to be able to team up. NoName is too cute! That’s it for now!]
He hung up after only saying what he wanted, and I severely suspected that he received some sort of mission.
While that was happening, I lightly slapped Adella’s thigh, as she was wiggling her butt, apparently finding something in the chat window amusing.
“Ah, why are you hitting me!? I didn’t do anything!”
“Just because you’re cute.”
“Hmph, you’re cuter!”
That’s a comeback I didn’t see coming.