Chapter 97

We advanced appropriately, smashing through the Undead Legion blocking our path. Not just the usual low-level spirits, but even greater demons like the ghastly figures and woeful souls emerged.

However, they were no match for us.

“The emergence of those ghastly figures indicates that a portal has certainly opened nearby. After all, they only dwell in hell.”

“Did the Four Fairies open it?”

“We can’t know for sure. With the spirit creatures running wild, it’s also possible that the negative energy converged and naturally opened the portal.”


As we assessed the current situation, we continued to eliminate the attacking spirits.

I’m getting the hang of controlling my power. As they say, there’s no need to go all out against mere spirits. Holding my sword a bit more lightly reduced my stamina consumption, making it easier on me.


The members of the Tiger Brigade looked at me with dissatisfied expressions. Maybe they didn’t like how I handled things.

But who cares.

“Hayoung, do you sense that sinister energy any more?”

“Well, honestly, in a place like this, that kind of energy is so pervasive it’s hard to feel anything else.”


Then there’s no helping it.


At that moment, Gyeokhyeon issued a stop command.

As we quietly stood on guard, he approached us.

“It seems that what we’ve defeated are stragglers from the main force.”

“I had a similar hypothesis.”

“…Then we need to locate the enemy’s main force. From this point, we will divide into three units.”

Three units?

From what I gathered, he intended to stay at the command center with some members while we would scout to the left, and he’d send the Tiger Brigade to the right.

“No problem. Let’s go.”

“Yeah… be careful.”

I quickly informed everyone.

“You’re saying to return to the left and scout for the main enemy force? That shouldn’t be an issue. Geunhyeop, in times like this, we just need to secure an escape route and avoid confrontation.”

“You always say that easily. Let’s go then. The command will stay here while the others proceed to the right.”

“Yes. It sounds like it could be quite the achievement if we find the main force.”

We quickly reached a conclusion and moved out.

It was just a three-man party consisting of me, Serin, and Hayoung. Moving with only the three of us felt incredibly reassuring.

“Wow, being so close to those guys was so uncomfortable, I thought I was going to die. Ugh, I need to deal with those jerks sometime.”

“Relax, Geunhyeop. They’re not anything special.”

“That’s true.”

“But you know, I find that Gyeokhyeon guy a bit suspicious.”

Hayoung spoke up.

“Suspicious? I was thinking the same. What makes you think he’s suspicious?”

“His gaze seems sinister. I don’t think he’s normal. How can such a guy be part of the Martial Arts Alliance?”

“Exactly. I felt something was off since the first time I saw him. We should be cautious.”

You never know what he might do.

“Plus, I sensed he wasn’t able to control the Tiger Brigade properly. Their individual skills seemed rather lacking… I have a dwindling trust in the Martial Arts Alliance.”

If Serin is doubting, then there’s definitely something not right with the Alliance.

“Just because it’s the Martial Arts Alliance doesn’t mean it’s a good group. For now, let’s focus on what we need to do.”


“Oh, it feels so good to just be with the three of us. Let’s go!”

And so we set off on our reconnaissance mission.

* * *

We moved carefully to avoid any confrontation. Spirits appeared and disappeared around us. However, the more we moved, the stronger the sinister energy hanging in the air became.

“Be careful. I feel something’s off.”

If Hayoung felt that, then there must be something.

We proceeded as cautiously as possible, and the moment we crested a certain hill and looked down…


We saw something new.

“It’s the cavalry of the Yuan Dynasty…!”

They were death warriors riding skeletal warhorses. The steeds were clad in rusted armor, while the already dead warriors wore decomposed suits of armor.

We immediately hid ourselves.

“Hayoung, is that the cavalry of the Yuan Dynasty?”

“Just look at the armor; it’s clear. They must have been elite cavalry. Be careful. Those guys are monsters who’ve roamed many battlefields in their lifetime. Each of those cavalry members is likely a peak master.”


Are the Yuan cavalry that strong…?!

“But right now, they’re just ghastly figures. They might not be that strong, but the problem is their numbers. From what I just saw, there were at least over a dozen… this might be more than we can handle with our current power.”

Even though they’re just ghastly figures, the cavalry of the Yuan Dynasty are warriors worthy of one against many. They’re on a different level compared to a bunch of crumbling bones you could easily smash.

“It definitely seems like the Four Fairies are involved here… we should avoid confrontation. Geunhyeop, absolutely do not engage. Even though they are just ghastly figures, they are still the cavalry of the Yuan Dynasty.”

Serin warned us with that serious tone.

The peak warriors using sword energy are extremely cautious against those skeletal cavalry. That speaks volumes about how fearsome they are.

“Look at him getting scared. There’s no need to be that afraid. I’m a Taoist, after all. Exorcising spirits is my specialty.”

“That’s our Hayoung! I’m counting on you…!”

“Even so, there’s no need to force a fight. Let’s gather information and get out of here.”

“Let’s do that.”

Thus, we cautiously gathered information.

We soon learned a few facts. This cavalry was at the forefront of the main force, and behind them lay an immense number of spirit legions.

“They’re still oppressing the Han even in death. It appears there’s some form of command happening. It seems we can’t go deeper, so let’s return.”

“Got it.”

Moving deeper would be too risky.

Let’s head back.

* * *

The members of the reconnaissance team that went out returned. Gyeokhyeon feigned hosting them as he listened to their reports.

“What? The cavalry of the Yuan Dynasty?”

The story about the cavalry of the Yuan Dynasty, reanimated as ghastly figures leading the spirits, made Gyeokhyeon feel a slight tension.

“Cavalry are strong… we can’t move carelessly here.”

Unlike your run-of-the-mill weak ghastly figures, the ones from the Yuan Dynasty are powerful. If their numbers are great, we must exercise extreme caution.

“Very well done. Indeed, that’s the case. We have a commanding entity as well. The Jade Flower Sword and Fiery Lotus have successfully completed their mission.”

Gyeokhyeon praised them, but then his mind began to formulate a plan.

“Excellent. We can use this to our advantage.”

The cavalry of the Yuan Dynasty are powerful demons. So we can utilize them. We can order our men to assassinate or eliminate those knights. Of course, if we give that command outright, it would raise suspicions, so we should lead them into it gradually.

“No squad of three can take on the cavalry leading the spirit legion. They’ll likely refuse their orders or attempt to flee. By making the situation unfold like that, we can gain the upper hand.”

Gyeokhyeon schemed deviously.

If he could draft a plan to submit to the Golden Guards and get their approval, he could stifle any dissent from the martial artists.

* * *

After returning from our reconnaissance, we combined what we saw with the information gathered by the Tiger Brigade, and roughly outlined the situation. The Undead Legion that includes the cavalry of the Yuan Dynasty. Naturally, the martial artists alone wouldn’t be able to contend.

“We probably need a more detailed assessment. If we can understand the formation and scale of the Undead Legion in greater depth, we might be able to assemble a strike team made up of martial artists to assassinate their command.”

But Gyeokhyeon, this guy is being overly confident.

He suggested that the martial artists would assassinate the command of the enemy. It seems he wants to make a name for himself, but can he really pull that off?

Even if the spirits aren’t that intelligent, it’s still dangerous to barge into the heart of their formation and strike down powerful demons like the cavalry of the Yuan Dynasty.



The martial artists gathered on-site uttered low murmurs.

“Don’t worry too much. After thorough reconnaissance, I’ll only execute the plan if we feel it’s feasible. More importantly, this is an opportunity to make a name for ourselves. If the Golden Guards are satisfied, the imperial court might recognize our achievements.”

Making a name, huh.

But will the imperial court really acknowledge the accomplishments of minor martial artists like us? It seems the Golden Guards only want to benefit themselves.

“To assassinate the cavalry of the Yuan Dynasty? Honestly, it seems difficult, Geunhyeop.”

“I agree. It lacks feasibility.”

As they said that, Serin responded with a serious expression while tapping her chin.

“I’m concerned about…”


“The Golden Guards might indeed issue such orders. If they command it, we won’t have any choice but to follow.”


That’s also valid.

The Tiger Brigade is basically the Golden Guards’ appendage. If Gyeokhyeon’s judgment reaches them and gets their approval? Then, we martial artists will inevitably have to execute that perilous mission.

“Damn it. I can’t even tell this to the Golden Guards.”

“We have no option. We can only be cautious.”

This feels precarious.

* * *

The next day.

Gyeokhyeon declared.

“Orders have arrived from the Golden Guards. We must perform precise reconnaissance and then assassinate the enemy’s command.”

“What, what did you say?!”

“Are you telling us to enter the heart of the enemy lines?!”

The startling news made the martial artists shout.

“Calm down. This isn’t a conventional army made up of human soldiers; it’s merely a spirit gathering. There are plenty of openings to exploit. It’s entirely possible to capitalize on those gaps.”

“But what about the cavalry of the Yuan Dynasty?! Even if we managed to break through, we’d still have to take them down!”

“What?! Are you looking down on our Tiger Brigade? Do you think we can’t handle those kinds of demons?!”

Gyeokhyeon yelled furiously, and the warriors at the threshold hung their heads.

“Ah, that’s not what I meant…”

“If you won’t obey the orders, I’ll report you to the Golden Guards!”

“…I will comply.”

Watching that scene, I thought to myself.

This is going to be a tough situation.

I knew it would turn out like this, those damn Golden Guards.

It’s always a problem when someone has power.

“Then prepare for deployment. We will again head to scout the enemy camp.”

With a rough idea of how the re-scouting would go, it involved all martial artists assembled, giving it more of a feel of an expedition than before.

As we moved towards that area smelling of corpses, Gyeokhyeon spoke.

“From here on out, let’s scatter for reconnaissance. Gongson-tan, organize your squad and start scouting immediately.”


“And… Nachalbang.”

“What is it?”

Gyeokhyeon’s gaze turned towards me.

“You all will go deeper into the territory.”

“Deeper? Why’s that?”

“Because among everyone here, you are the most skilled. I can’t send just any average souls; they wouldn’t be able to handle it. But you are different.”

With an endlessly serious expression, he acknowledges our strength. It feels like they’re just using us for their own benefit while pretending to appreciate us.

“This matter has already been discussed with the Golden Guards. I expect you to follow without complaining.”


He’s utilizing the Golden Guards well.

There’s no choice here.

“Let’s move.”

We immediately followed Gyeokhyeon and his lackeys deeper into enemy territory.