Chapter 43

“How long has it been since I offered the Nine Bows Ceremony, and you’re already stealing glances at your master’s backside? I think some etiquette training is in order.”

“It was because of the wind! The wind blew, and I couldn’t help it!”

“Ha, what a pathetic excuse. You keep eyeing your master’s rear and blame it on the wind.”

“It’s true!”

“Well, I’ll let it slide this time.”

“Thank you, Master!”

Wearing such garments in the first place is the real issue.

“If a gentle breeze makes you hold your gaze like that, then the clothes are the problem!”

But I couldn’t say that.

“Alright. Today, I’ll be teaching you three martial arts techniques, so keep up.”


“The first technique is the Flowing Stream Sword Technique.”

“The Flowing Stream Sword Technique?”

“Yes, the great flow?”

“That’s right. Let me recite the principles.”

Serin promptly recited the principles, but to be honest, I had no idea what they meant—something vaguely related to great flow. It’s supposedly a powerful sword technique that naturally flows with large movements, increasing speed and power… This is really tough!

“This technique is even stronger than the Three Calamity Sword Technique. No, it’s beyond comparison. The Three Calamity Sword Technique is simply inferior.”

“I’ll toss the Three Calamity Sword Technique away!”

“No need to discard it. Next is the Cold Mind Technique, and finally, I’ll teach you the Cloud Flow Body Technique.”

The Cold Mind Technique is said to be an inner cultivation method resembling spreading blue wings, but it’s so profound that I couldn’t understand the principles at all. However, I could grasp the essence of the Cloud Flow Body Technique. It’s described as moving like clouds flowing—another decent lightness technique.

“Ha ha! I’m so happy, Master! To be able to learn such high-level martial arts!”

During your time here, I’ll teach you. Like I said, I owe a debt to Gumyung Ji-eun.”

“I’ll work hard, Serin!”

“That’s the spirit. Now I’ll demonstrate the Flowing Stream Sword Technique.”


Serin took her stance right away.


With that, she unleashed the Flowing Stream Sword Technique.


It was truly ‘great flow.’ Serin continuously executed large and powerful sword strikes, filling the space around her. Eventually, it became a natural flow, gaining momentum with each movement.


Serin finished her demonstration and exhaled.

“How was it?”

“Awesome! The power behind it…! And it looked like it got stronger and stronger!”

“That’s correct. You truly have an eye for this. Flow tends to grow as it flows. But this is because of my deep inner power.”


The power varies according to the amount of inner energy.

That’s how martial arts work.

“Now I’ll show you the basic stances, so follow along.”



As Serin struck with her sword, I mirrored her movements.

“Hmm. It’s evident you haven’t practiced the sword arts much. But that’s alright. Since your inner energy is reasonably built up, you should find training easier. You should be able to grasp it quickly. Now, let’s move on.”


As I concentrated on mimicking Serin’s movements, things got quite tricky.

“Your stance is incorrect.”

Then I found myself in a rather embarrassing situation.

“This is how you do it.”

My master wore an outfit that fluttered gracefully, and she began to correct my stance by touching my arm, leg, and waist directly. Each time her soft hands brushed against me, it sent chills down my spine.

With such a beautiful woman touching me, I felt embarrassed and my focus began to waver.


Yet, my true desire for martial arts prevailed. Here I was, learning powerful techniques, moving away from the pathetic Three Calamity Sword Technique—there was no way I could slack off!

I pushed myself to concentrate as best as I could, following my master’s guidance.

“You can’t be full after just one meal! I’ll just cover this for now.”

But the feedback was not great…

“Seriously, Serin, was my stance that bad…?”

“Would you care to hear it twice?”


“Come to think of it, there’s a hostile energy in your sword, but you lack the basics.”

Her cold gaze pierced through me.

“This is entirely due to the fact that you haven’t been training in martial arts for long. Plus, it’s evident you’ve gained insight from actual combat rather than training. Isn’t that right?”

“Absolutely right. I tend to lean that way.”

Upon reflection, that seemed to be the case.

“Now we move on to the Cold Mind Technique. It’s on a completely different level from the Vitality Technique your Geunhyeop has mastered. Now that your inner power has built up, it should be simple to begin. Stand in place and perform the inner breathing method.”

“Wait, standing?”

“Yes. The Cold Mind Technique is primarily performed while standing, and it’s also one that’s practiced while walking.”

“Oh! If that’s the case, I can practice while marching, right?”


Seeing me awestruck, Serin let out a sigh.

“Don’t even dream of that yet. Accumulating inner energy while marching is the domain of experts.”

“I see.”

“To reach that level requires intense training. For now, consider it a primary stage.”

“Understood, Master.”

I stood still and began to perform the breathing exercise.


But it was rather difficult.

No, it was really hard.

I usually did it by sitting cross-legged, so I got some idea, but doing it standing felt completely new.

With that said, the effects would surely be different.

Though I wasn’t used to it, I gathered my inner energy from the lower dantian and spread it throughout my body. I could feel the energy moving slowly, coursing through me.

“Hmm… indeed, the operation of your inner energy in the lower dantian isn’t quite right.”

“Excuse me? I’m doing it now!”

“You aren’t capitalizing on the inner energy you have. How should I show you how to correct this? Try using more inner energy.”

“Like this…?”

Imagining drawing more energy from my lower dantian, I attempted to project it. I could manage it up to a point, but anything beyond that wouldn’t cooperate.

“I’ve got a rough idea of your current achievement level.”

“Excuse me?”

“Let me demonstrate how it’s done, so you can feel it.”

“Feel it? How?”

“Like this.”


In an instant, Serin grabbed my wrist and pulled it against her abdomen.


“Just stay still and feel.”

With that position, Serin began to operate her inner energy… Wait. Am I currently touching Serin’s abdomen?

Technically, yes. My hand is resting on her abdomen.

Is this really okay?

This is an opportunity granted by my master to help me feel… but I couldn’t focus at all, thoughts racing as I realized I was touching a beautiful woman’s belly.

It was an opportunity to experience her teachings, yet here I was, entirely distracted.

Just a tiny move downward could lead to disaster. Why? Because that spot is just… right there.


Serin opened her eyes, looking at me without expression.

“As your master, I offered my body for teaching, and you’re thinking about something inappropriate.”

“N-no, it’s not like that!”

“Honestly, this is just absurd.”

Her gaze grew increasingly cold…!

“Is this truly how my first chosen friend behaves? The saying that friends should be chosen carefully is spot on.”

“Oh, Master! Please listen to me!”

It’s true that while touching Namgoong Serin’s abdomen, I had some wild thoughts. But!

I was taken aback having to touch her abdomen all of a sudden!

“No need for excuses.”

“That’s unfair!”

“Well, since you are my chosen friend, I’ll let it slide. So, could you please focus a bit more, you lecher?”

“A lecher?!”

I’m feeling really unjust now!

“Alright, I’ll guide you again. Let’s get your stance right. It seems having my body as an example isn’t quite effective, so I’ll help you correct it directly.”

How exactly will she correct me…?

“Hurry. Stand.”


Her voice was cold, causing me to instinctively stand at attention. Truly, she had an aura reminiscent of an aunt.


So I stood there, slowly breathing and circulating my inner energy.

While doing so…


Serin hugged me from behind!


What in the world!

Is this some kind of seduction!?

—Squeeze squeeze.

I could feel her chest against my back…!

To be precise, that soft flesh was making contact with my back. Not to mention the sensation of her pressing against me!

And it didn’t stop there.

Namgoong Serin’s slender hand started to caress my lower abdomen lightly. At this rate, I wouldn’t just lose focus; I’d be battling an eruption of lewd thoughts.

“Hah? What are you doing? The lower dantian’s inner energy flow isn’t working at all. Instead, your vital energy seems to be oddly moving towards the center of your lower body.”

“Master! Just a moment!”

“What do you mean just a moment? Hmm? Ah, don’t tell me. Are you having more inappropriate thoughts again?”

“I’m serious!”

I felt her cold whisper near my ears.

“How can it not be inappropriate? You’re lost in thought about your master, always.”

“It’s not like that! Must you keep this up!”

“Friends tease each other, you know? You lecher.”


If this continues, I might just become a real lecher!

“But this isn’t a joke. I’m here to help you experience the flow of inner energy with this setup. Can’t you concentrate? Focus on yourself, not the body contact with me.”

But hearing this left me speechless.

The feeling of her chest on my back is simply how it is; it’s just large, and her hand running over my abdomen is because my lower dantian is there.

Serin was simply trying to assist me with her teachings, but I was the one getting all flustered!

“I’ll focus!”

I forced myself to set aside these rising lewd feelings and concentrate on operating my lower dantian’s inner energy. As I did, I began to see results. My awareness slowly sank as I found it easier to concentrate on controlling my inner energy.

“Your energy is finally moving… Good. Just like that, pull it out. Think deeper about raising your energy—no, you’re getting distracted. The lower dantian doesn’t relate to physical matters directly. Don’t try to move it physically, but mentally. Good. You’re doing well. Following the teachings splendidly. I’ll give you credit for not indulging in weird thoughts.”

Soft whispers echoed in my ears.

Is this really what martial arts training is like?

Honestly, is this even martial arts training? Siddhartha Gautama is said to have been tempted by three alluring demons sent by Mara beneath the Bodhi tree, but he cast them aside ruthlessly.

As a result, he attained transcendent power, believed to have reborn as the omnipotent supreme deity through enlightenment.

At the core, this is the essence of martial arts training.

“That’s enough for today’s Cold Mind Technique lesson.”


“What do you think?”

“Without a doubt! It feels way better than using the Vitality Technique for breathing exercises!”

I could feel it now.

Truth be told, I hadn’t focused entirely, but an immense refreshing sensation was overtaking my whole body.

“That’s it. With just the Vitality Technique, you wouldn’t be able to properly handle the inner energy you currently possess. So, raise your level in the Cold Mind Technique as quickly as possible.”

“Yes! Master!”

Now it’s time for the final body technique training.

“Now we’ll move on to the Cloud Flow Body Technique. This technique optimizes inner energy consumption to enhance speed and stamina. For martial artists, such techniques are essential, allowing for prolonged running and fighting.”


Body techniques are the pillar of martial arts.

Even with inner energy, it means nothing if you can’t properly utilize it. It informs how to use your energy to move faster and enhance stamina. You could say it teaches how to effectively employ inner energy.

“Now, cultivate your inner energy. From now on, we’ll practice running while properly consuming it. I’ll run alongside you, so go ahead and give it a try.”

With my stunning trainer right next to me, practicing one-on-one, if I can’t get this, I’d be an absolute fool.

“Here I go! Serin!”

“Let’s start.”

Then, I took off running alongside Serin.

“Try to breathe naturally. Body techniques aren’t about thinking. You must let your body lead.”


Being mindful of that, I kept moving.



Namgoong Serin runs incredibly well.

Is this what it means to master lightness skills?

Maybe it’s because her legs are long. Look at those solid, white thighs. With legs like that, she could probably run around the world without breaking a sweat.

“What are you looking at? Even if you fixate on my thighs, it won’t yield any results.”


“Or are you waiting for the wind to blow and expose my undergarments again?”

“Wha-what are you talking about…!”

No, this woman is too provocative!

“Haah. When you should be focused on martial arts, you resort to thinking about my undergarments? You truly are a lecher.”

“I really wasn’t thinking that!”

“How much do you want to see my undergarments? Talking like that to your master? Get a grip. Regardless, I’m not showing you!”

“It’s not like that!!!”

I could seriously become a lecher!