Inner Core, huh!
“How did you see through that!”
“Unrefined Inner Core is easy to detect.”
“Are you perhaps carrying a magical item that can see all? Please be honest.”
“I knew it!”
So, can someone of the Martial Arts World actually discern someone else’s Inner Core?
Well, if I think about it, my guess is probably correct. But a quite decent Inner Core, you say? Was the Chief’s Inner Core that effective? To be evaluated like this by the Jade Flower Sword?
Now, that’s quite satisfying.
“Are you perhaps from a noble clan?”
“Excuse me? Noble?”
“Don’t play dumb.”
What does that even mean?
“With such developed muscles, particularly your pale skin and distinct features. Your hands suggest you haven’t held a sword for very long.”
“Have you perhaps consumed a special elixir from your clan?”
… Quite perceptive.
Is this what being a Martial Arts Master is like?
I’ve certainly lived without major shortcomings thanks to my aunt. I had good nutrition, grew well, and my skin is indeed whiter compared to the people from Ming Dynasty. My hands are relatively clean too.
It seems that the Jade Flower Sword made a reasonable judgment based on my appearance. With this level of Inner Core, I must give off that vibe.
“Hehe, that’s not the case. I’m just a commoner rogue. My Inner Core developed as I worked. To be assessed like that by a goddess is quite the honor.”
“Hmm. Alright then.”
With my vague answer, the Jade Flower Sword nodded. She probably thought it wasn’t worth digging any deeper.
“I expect great things from you.”
“Yes! Goddess! Just having this conversation is an honor, truly!”
“Keep today’s experience as a treasure.”
Having said that, the Jade Flower Sword turned back to her group.
She definitely seems to have quite the princess complex. But looking at her beauty, that’s still an understatement… It seems she enjoys being acknowledged and praised for her beauty as much as she treasures it.
I initially thought she’d be silent or humble due to her calm demeanor and expressionless face.
She has a beauty similar to my aunt, but indeed her personality is quite different.
“You… talking to the Jade Flower Sword… I’m jealous.”
Jaemi Son said that.
“This is certainly worth feeling jealous over. I admit it.”
“How on earth did you catch the Jade Flower Sword’s interest…”
“I was the first to recognize your weapon.”
“Hehe, is that so.”
That’s just how it is.
The next day.
Having finished preparing, I joined Jaemi Son and headed to the gathering point. There were already rogues bustling about. I couldn’t even fathom how much the Namgoong Clan poured into this.
That’s how important conquering the labyrinth must be.
“Oh, they’re coming!”
“Are we really going to see the Jade Flower Sword this early in the morning!”
While I was chatting with Jaemi Son, the rogues shouted. I saw the martial artists from the Namgoong Clan arriving, escorting a carriage.
This is a bit disappointing.
Looks like the Jade Flower Sword is traveling by carriage. To be honest, her goddess-like beauty is not exaggerated at all. It’s a beauty that lingers in one’s mind… A stark stimulus in this painful Martial Arts World.
So, I wanted to see the Jade Flower Sword’s face today as well, but it seems I can’t help but feel disappointed. It’ll take a bit of time just to get to the labyrinth, and I’ll be stuck with Jaemi Son all day.
“Are there slightly fewer numbers? I’ll call out rogue names! Respond and come stand here!”
Looks like they’re confirming attendance before we set off.
The warrior from the clan started calling names, and the rogues lined up. As soon as my name was called along with Jaemi Son’s, we immediately went over to stand.
“Those who are late… will have their contracts voided automatically. Departing now!”
The procession began to move.
Seeing a group larger than a company of troops begin to move all at once reminded me of my army days.
When it was time for training, everyone would gather on the parade ground and then move out in order—now I felt like I was witnessing exactly that.
“Jaemi Son. Is the stored rations enough?”
“Hehe, of course. I even packed a small pot.”
“What…! Are you planning to cook the rations in that?”
“Of course.”
“This guy!”
I took out some jerky from my bag.
“I’ll put in some jerky, wanna share?”
“Hehe… sounds good. Jerky is always welcome.”
I also packed dried fruits and the like.
We’ll pick at them as we go along.
As we made our way, we arrived at the gate. I was waiting for the guards to search us, but we only exchanged brief words with the warriors from the clan, and they quickly let us through.
Ah, right.
Last time, Jaemi Son told me that the localities are practically governed by martial sects or clans. The administrative power does extend, but usually they’d just give face to the local chieftains.
If the powerful can prove their status, they can easily ignore annoying formalities.
After that, we moved out of the city limits.
Unlike the military march, it felt extremely free. It felt as if a bunch of thugs were just wandering around.
Only the warriors from the Namgoong clan, who were escorting the carriage, maintained any kind of discipline. Watching them elicited my admiration.
“Oh… Jaemi Son. Do you see those combat members of the clan? Their footwork is different.”
“Hehe, you felt it too?”
“Could it be the footwork passed down by the clan?”
“That’s likely… It’s only natural that members of the Namgoong Clan’s combat unit would have that level of martial skill.”
Becoming a warrior of the clan seems like a good option.
I want to learn footwork like that too. Not the mediocre martial art sold by Baek Gyeom-moo, but actual martial arts.
“If I catch a demon and become a Martial Arts Master, could I get a job in a clan like that?”
“It might be tough… Those warriors would have been in group living since childhood. Showing up late will just make you look like a rolling stone.”
“Oh, you sly guy. You really have insight.”
Listening to you, it does sound true.
I only truly revere Mr. Song, but I can learn so much from Jaemi Son, too.
“So if you have skills, applying for a job, like as a guard in a place like Jeong-gajang wouldn’t be bad either.”
“Is that so.”
Self-defense for wealthy houses, huh?
I probably wouldn’t have to worry about starving.
But could I really quit the demon hunting?
I’ve only gained Inner Core from consuming a single elixir. If I catch more demons—and stronger ones—as time goes by, those opportunities will naturally increase.
I’d be too busy hunting demons to waste time guarding someone.
“Rest! We’ll take a break before setting off again!”
After walking for a fair bit, the command to rest was given.
Immediately, the rogues gathered to unpack and have a snack.
“Jaemi Son. Let’s eat. Are you bringing out the pot?”
“No… it’s a hassle right now.”
“Hehe, are you sure you won’t end up not using it?”
“I’m starting to worry that I might do just that…”
I took out a bowl from my bag and put in the dried grains and jerky. Then added dried vegetables and nuts. Finally, I poured in some water to rehydrate it and salted it.
It’s annoying, but this is what army rations are in the Martial Arts World.
I was getting nostalgic for the combat rations I used to eat in the army.
After letting it hydrate a little more, I just had to stir it gently with a spoon.
Jaemi Son also made a meal at a similar level. We silently chowed down on some incredibly unappetizing food.
Well, the first day generally feels that way.
At night, we set up for the night, wrapped up in sleeping bags. The sentry duty was truly annoying, but the most annoying part was that we were all camping together.
The next day, we were marching diligently once more.
What’s this!
The Jade Flower Sword got off the carriage!
“Oh, there you are.”
Not only that, but the Jade Flower Sword came over to me!
“No, goddess! What brings you here!”
“It’s nothing special.”
“The realm… the surroundings turned into a realm as soon as the goddess arrived!”
This isn’t exaggeration.
The beauty of the Jade Flower Sword had that kind of power. Even the scenery that seemed hopelessly dull transformed into a lovely painting with the addition of her presence. Is this the realm? The scenery is so beautiful.
“Oh my, the realm makes an appearance now.”
“Is this perhaps a unique barrier?!”
“Unique barrier?”
“A barrier that transforms the surroundings into a realm just by having you nearby…! You must possess such power, goddess!”
“Ah, that is indeed an appropriate description. Anywhere I walk can be termed a realm.”
The Jade Flower Sword seemed pleased as she tucked her hair behind her ear.
She really knows how to toss out compliments.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“I’ll do my best to make it even more enjoyable.”
As I talked with the Jade Flower Sword, a warrior from the clan approached.
“Returning to the carriage would be…”
“It’s boring being cooped up inside. Please proceed. I’d like to stretch my legs a bit.”
With that instruction, the warrior returned, and the march began anew. Yet, the Jade Flower Sword did not return but walked beside me instead.
I’m about to lose it.
Do I want to be frustrated? The unique soft perfume-like scent wafting from her is sending my mind into a frenzy. For me, who has effectively been in a dopamine fast state, this kind of stimulus is overwhelming. Combined with the Jade Flower Sword’s beauty and the unique barrier, no, rather the unique barrier; this is starting to feel like a leisurely outing rather than a march before combat.
“I’m currently quite bored. Luckily for me, young hero’s… wait, what’s your name?”
“Oh, I’m Kim Geunhyeop.”
“Namgoong Serin.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you… Anyway. But again, I’m currently quite bored.”
The Jade Flower Sword continued in an expressionless tone.
“Consequently, I shall assign you a mission.”
“A mission! What is it!”
“Make me more entertained.”
Make her entertained, you say!
What on earth can I do to entertain this woman?
“Should I tell you a funny story or something?”
“Oh, do you have one? I’m looking forward to it.”
Time to hit search mode, Geunhyeop’s brain engaged.
Search query: funny story.
But what kind of story would work? Something a lady would find amusing… Ah, I got it! I’m not from Earth for nothing!
I have stories galore!
I used to read a lot of books!
As I quickly searched for a story, I inadvertently glanced at the Jade Flower Sword’s chest, those generously-shaped curves, before hastily looking away.
Breasts… Above the breasts is the neck.
“Oh, yes! This is a foreign tale, and the story is titled ‘The Necklace!’”
“The Necklace?”
It’s the short story “The Necklace” by Maupassant.
The plot is really bizarre.
A woman who is steeped in vanity yet fails to meet those standards in reality. She had a wealthy friend who triggered her insecurities, and the event unfolds at a party.
Being a vain woman, she hesitated to go to the party without any jewelry… So, she borrows fine jewelry from her noble friend, leading her to enjoy the party fully.
Once the party ends…
“After the banquet, the woman returned to reality. The dream-like time turned into foam.”
“Upon returning home, lo and behold! The borrowed jewelry had vanished!”
“Huh? How on earth did you mismanage such a precious item?”
“Then let’s say she didn’t lose it. Let’s wrap this story up…”
“She could have lost it, after all.”
At any rate, she lost it and couldn’t find it.
Now I need to ask her.
“She couldn’t afford even a fraction of her wealth. What could she do? So, she borrowed money and bought the exact same piece of jewelry to return it.”
Later, she toiled hard for a long time repaying her debts. Then one day she crossed paths with her wealthy friend.
“Oh my, why have you changed so much? What happened to you…!” Upon the shock of her friend, the woman replied.
“Actually… I lost the borrowed jewelry and bought the same one, which led to mountains of debt.”
“Wow, that friend must be feeling terrible.”
“Yes. And then the friend spoke.”
What a pickle!
The truth is, that necklace was a fake!
“It wasn’t real! Just a cheap imitation…!”
And that’s how the story ends.
It’s an enormous spoiler for the Jade Flower Sword, who’s from the Ming Dynasty, but this tale is from the 18th century. By that time, spoiling it isn’t a big deal.
The Jade Flower Sword was staring at me with her mouth agape.
“This is the conclusion of the story.”
“Huh? Wait. What comes next?”
“Nothing. This is how the story ends. So, what did you think? Was it entertaining?”
“Not! It can’t just end like that…!”
You can take it up with the great Maupassant.
“I can’t help it. This is how the story ends. So, what did you think?”
The Jade Flower Sword bit her lip in dissatisfaction but then nodded.
“It was very, shockingly interesting… How could this be?”
Perhaps it was indeed shocking, as the Jade Flower Sword licked her lips while pondering over the tale. I’m glad she enjoyed it. I was shocked when I first read it too.
“How ridiculous. If only she had been honest and said she lost it from the start… truly absurd. Sigh.”
“That is indeed so, goddess.”
Good to know she found it enjoyable.
“However, for a story to end just as a twist occurs is quite cruel. Anyway, do you have any other stories?”
Looks like I’ll have to come up with more stories.