Chapter 14

“We’ve arrived! This is Lord Shylock’s mansion.”

“Ah… this is it.”

Finally, we’ve reached our destination and stepped down from the carriage. At that moment, I couldn’t hide the joy blooming on my face, and Cazerose seemed to share the same sentiment.

It wasn’t just the fact that we had arrived; it was the relief of finally being able to rest comfortably.

‘It didn’t seem that far on the map, yet it was way tougher than I imagined…’

Despite having traveled this familiar route numerous times for various trades, the exhaustion from this journey felt like double the usual.

Part of it was due to the rush we left in. But the biggest factor was, of course, encountering a storm along the way.

A deluge of rain led to a bursting riverbank, turning the road into nothing but mud.

Navigating through that muck while trying to push the carriage was an experience far worse than I could ever describe.

At least once we entered Benetsa, we avoided such troubles, which was a relief, but still, the fatigue settled deep into my bones.

‘I thought my luck had taken a turn for the worse since being expelled from the guild, and it seems that the start of this journey is no different… It feels like anything I try just leads me to a disaster…’

With thoughts of wanting to wash up as quickly as possible swirling in my mind, I approached the butlers standing at the entrance for some reason.

Having visited this place a few times due to past transactions, I somewhat recognized their faces. However, they looked unusually troubled.

With a hint of concern, I cautiously spoke up. “Excuse me. Do you remember me?”

“Huh?… Ah… Aren’t you Mr. Santana?”

“Oh! It’s been a while since we last met. How have you been?”

“Well, it’s not been that great, to be honest.”

Fortunately, the butlers were glad to recognize me, but I couldn’t help but feel a bit bittersweet responding to them. I quickly got to the point.

“I came to see Lord Shylock. Is he inside?”

“Uh… No, he isn’t here right now.”

Feeling a slight disappointment at not being able to meet him was expected, but honestly, it was quite likely.

Shylock was one of Benetsa’s prominent merchants, and his busy schedule often took him around to various traders.

Given that I had come to the mansion somewhat abruptly, it was perfectly natural for him to be away.

However, during normal days, he would usually be back within half a day, so I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off, especially looking at the butlers’ expressions.

“Is that so? Then when can I expect to see him? I have a bit of an urgent matter.”


“Um… about that…”

The butlers exhaled deep sighs before answering my question.

I started to pick up on the fact that something was amiss and cautiously asked again, “What’s going on? Is there… a problem?”

“Well… I’m sorry to say this, but…”

“Right now, the master is… in prison.”

“What? What do you mean? Why is Lord Shylock suddenly…?”

The butlers’ shocking revelation left me completely baffled, and a wave of confusion washed over my face. They allowed me inside, where they began to explain the situation unfolding.


In Benetsa, one of the largest commercial cities on the continent, it once held the glory of being the only gateway for Eastern trade through the Adriatic Sea, amassing wealth from all over the continent.

However, recently, with other trade routes from the East being developed and the increasingly aggressive stances of neighboring heretical nations, the trade that had previously fueled Benetsa began to dwindle, putting its finances in jeopardy.

As time passed, the town’s wealth gradually decreased, and naturally, Benetsa’s national power weakened as well.

This weakening drew the attention of neighboring countries that had long been eyeing Benetsa, particularly the Sacred Empire.

Although it had declined compared to the past, Benetsa remained a crucial hub for continental trade, making it a strategic target for the Sacred Empire, which began to lay the groundwork for intervention.

In this context, the incident began about three months ago.

It all began with a deal between Shylock and a merchant.


As usual, Shylock was busy with numerous clients. His role mainly involved managing his shops and lending money at interest – otherwise known as moneylending.

It was in this context that a young merchant named Anton Basano approached him for a loan.

Anton, a twenty-something who started to make waves in Benetsa about a year ago as the proprietor of the Grano Guild, was someone Shylock recognized.

Known for his sharp business acumen but equally notorious for his greed, Anton sought a loan to expand his business rapidly, presenting Shylock with trade documents to prove his creditworthiness.

These documents clearly indicated that Anton ran a solid operation without any red flags.

Consequently, Shylock decided to lend him the money without any doubts and cheerfully signed the paperwork Anton had prepared.

Not long after…

Shylock found himself handed a complaint instead of the repayment he expected.

The charges: attempted murder, for allegedly trying to kill Anton, who was a Christian, because he was a Jew.

This baffling situation stemmed from the contract Shylock and Anton signed.

A loan agreement typical in many respects, it stated that Shylock would lend Anton 200 talents, and Anton would repay 210 talents within three months.

It detailed the collateral values and repayment deadlines with no obvious issues. The problem lay in the last phrase.

A declaration that Anton was to uphold the contract at all costs and, if broken, would pledge his heart to Shylock.

In the Jewish context, the phrase meant “I will do everything in my power to keep this promise,” akin to an Eastern idiom expressing commitment.

Naturally, Shylock interpreted it as Anton’s assurance to fulfill the contract.

However, the moment the repayment deadline passed, Anton turned the statement against Shylock, claiming he had intended to kill him, leading to Shylock’s current predicament of facing investigation and trial.

Behind this conspiracy lay the Sacred Empire, aiming to take control of Benetsa’s market by using Anton to eliminate Shylock.

Despite holding significant power in Benetsa’s trade, Shylock was seen as an awkward presence due to his Jewish identity.

For the Sacred Empire, this was a prime opportunity to expand influence without stirring up other merchants.

Thus, ensnared in the plot led by the Sacred Empire and Anton, Shylock now found himself trapped in a cold prison, falsely accused of a crime he never intended.