Chapter 98

“Today, I am Huangbo Gyeong-chan, the one hosting this impromptu meeting.”

“I am Hyeok Gi-rin, Grand Master of the Jeomchang Faction.”

“I am Cheongseong Sect Jong-hyeok.”

“I am Jongnam Sect Taoist Ja So-jun.”

“Ah, Amitabha, I am Miss Yeo Il-ye of Red Bamboo Swordswoman.”

Hyeok Gi-rin quickly assessed the faces in the meeting room.

‘So everyone sent scouts, huh?’

If there’s anyone with weight here, it’s Huangbo Gyeong-chan. Right now, the head of the Hwangbo Clan is yet to be decided. However, the level of superiority is apparent, with Huangbo Gyeong-chan receiving evaluations as the closest to the next clan head.

The rest seemed to be generic disciples dispatched in accordance with the sect’s instructions to assess the situation in Sacheon.

“I assume everyone has come to Sacheon City due to the bandits appearing on Jeongnam Mountain, is that right?”

At Huangbo Gyeong-chan’s question, the members of the Nine Great Sects nodded in response.

“Infinite Life Buddha, the damage caused by the bandits has been significant for the people.”

Overall, the disciples from each sect were careful with their words. Hyeok Gi-rin understood their position well. After all, they were just ordinary disciples with no special authority within their sects. Unlike Huangbo Gyeong-chan, who was close to the position of clan head, or Hyeok Gi-rin, who was solidifying his role as Grand Master, they lacked the authority to represent their sects.

In a semi-official setting like this, it was tough to express their opinions clearly.

Huangbo Gyeong-chan nodded, as if he expected this reaction. Watching him, Hyeok Gi-rin felt a twinge of doubt. After all, Huangbo Gyeong-chan had gathered everyone for some purpose; what could it be?

“I too was in the Sacheon Merchant Association for damage assessment when I received a hint… thus taking on the role of conveying this message.”

“What hint did you receive?”

“I heard that the Sacheon Merchant Association… Hmm. It seems they are quite disappointed with the sects in Sacheon City.”

From the very first words, the atmosphere felt heavy, causing everyone present to swallow dryly.

“The Sacheon Merchant Association is currently suffering the most due to this situation. Not only the direct victims who have had their wealth stolen but also those who are suffering losses due to disrupted logistics and those whose credit is at stake due to blocked roads.”

“It seems the Sacheon Merchant Association has appealed to many sects in Sacheon City for the eradication of the bandits, but apparently has seen no results. They expressed deep disappointment toward the sects in Sacheon.”

“Well, that’s unfortunate.”

“Infinite Life Buddha.”


Only Hyeok Gi-rin remained silent. Why were the sects in Sacheon City unable to eradicate the bandits? It was because the sects in Sacheon were unable to unite. The sects that had formed a certain amount of power in Sacheon were all connected to the current Five Sects in some way.

‘The inability of the sects in Sacheon to unite against an external threat is due to the influence exerted by the large sects gathered here…’

As sects, it was natural to engage in power struggles or attempts to expand influence. Despite following the teachings of the Daoist doctrine, their roots were still in the martial world sects. Hyeok Gi-rin did not deny that point.

However, the reason the sects in Sacheon could not come together against an external threat like this was precisely the influence of the large sects in this very room.

‘It’s not wrong to project influence, though.’

But if they created the current ecology of Sacheon City, at least they shouldn’t pretend not to see it.

Huangbo Gyeong-chan glanced at the silent Hyeok Gi-rin, raising his eyebrows.

“So, it seems the Sacheon Merchant Association has made a certain decision.”

“What decision is that?”

“It appears they want to invite one sect from among those gathered here to Sacheon City.”

Everyone’s eyes widened.

“Huh, huh?! This is truly surprising news.”

“Amitabha. Amitabha.”

“The specific matters will need to be finalized through subsequent discussions, but they mentioned they would bear all costs related to land for branch establishment, construction expenses, and also assist with logistics transport and publicity for disciple recruitment.”

“No way!”

“Such an unprecedented offer!”

Even the disciples of the Nine Great Sects couldn’t help but exclaim at such a tremendous benefit! No matter how ordinary they were, having only trained in martial arts, they could instantly grasp the value of this opportunity.

“Establishing a branch is indeed a significant matter for a sect. I thought it important to gather you all to assess our intentions about this.”

“Indeed. You’re right. I need to urgently get in touch with our main sect!”

“Infinite Life Buddha! Infinite Life Buddha!”

While observing the excited faces of each disciple, Huangbo Gyeong-chan’s gaze fell upon the oddly calm Hyeok Gi-rin.

“Additionally, I have something to confirm before we proceed.”

“What is it?”

“I heard a rumor through the affected merchants’ side. It relates to why the bandit alliance has settled at Jeongnam Mountain, suggesting it was due to a Jeomchang Faction disciple dealing with the leader of the Green Forest Seventy-Two…”

“That’s not even worth answering.”

Hyeok Gi-rin interrupted Huangbo Gyeong-chan. Everyone held their breath at the tension. He seemed to feel no need to justify or explain, delivering a single sentence that overshadowed Huangbo Gyeong-chan’s rhetoric with his aura.

Huangbo Gyeong-chan nodded, fighting against Hyeok Gi-rin’s piercing aura.

“Of course. It cannot justify this situation that the leader of the Green Forest Seventy-Two was harmed by a Jeomchang Faction disciple, but you must also understand the merchants’ feelings of anxiety.”

“What do you mean?”

“The merchant association seems to feel burdened by being involved in the grievances of Miss Yeo Il-ye from the Ten Prodigies. Regardless, now that those bandits have used that incident as a pretense to rise up, it’s only natural for concern to follow. They’ve also said that if the Jeomchang Faction wishes to intervene in this competition, they must clarify that point.”

And so it seemed they were now trapped in this aspect. Hyeok Gi-rin frowned.

“I would also like to make a request of the Jeomchang Faction. As one of the Eight Great Factions representing the Righteous Factions, I trust you understand the gravity of this situation. The unity of the four factions against bandits is unprecedented and concerns the safety of all in Sacheon City. No, it pertains to the safety of all of the people in Sacheon as a whole.”

“Just tell me what request you have. Huangbo Gyeong-chan.”

Feeling the cold sweat trickling down his back, Huangbo Gyeong-chan did not back down. How could such an imposing aura come from someone with such a small, gentle appearance? That petite figure seemed to amplify Huangbo Gyeong-chan, but hosting this discussion had already prepared him for such pressure.

“It’s about not allowing personal grievances to urge the sect to recklessly provoke bandits or create a sense of unease throughout Sacheon.”

“Are you suggesting the Jeomchang Faction is uncooperative?”

“I’m merely saying we should clarify. After all, this concerns the whole of Sacheon’s safety.”

Hyeok Gi-rin grasped the intent hidden within Huangbo Gyeong-chan’s words.


Sects moving without justification for greed are referred to as the Outcast Faction in the mortal realm. Therefore, for the Nine Great Sects, classified as the leading Righteous Factions, to act, there must be a just and clear justification.

No matter how much of a pillar the Nine Great Sects are, and no matter what connections they have with the other sects in Sacheon, the bandits’ occupation of Jeongnam Mountain is unambiguously within the realm of the sects’ territory. It is far too weak a justification for the Nine Great Sects to intervene right now.

Yet, the Jeomchang Faction has a reason to step in.

The bandits had set up camp at Jeongnam Mountain, using Miss Yeo Il-ye, a disciple of the Jeomchang Faction, as a pretext; they would dare to punish the bandits who dared to tarnish the disciple’s honor.

While the justification for the Jeomchang Faction to intervene is lacking, it could yield high returns if handled correctly. First, gaining fame for eradicating the bandit alliance would secure absolute support within Sacheon.

This could potentially be a better option than competing with the other four factions for dominance in Sacheon. In fact, it definitely was a better option—considering the uncertainty of competing with the Hwangbo Clan and Cheongseong Sect.

Huangbo Gyeong-chan was keeping an eye on such a situation.

He understood that if the Jeomchang Faction shot forward recklessly, there would be no chance to seize the opportunity and was prepared to use intelligence in a bid to pressure the Jeomchang Faction by seeking the aid of the other sects.

That was the real reason Huangbo Gyeong-chan had orchestrated this gathering.

Hyeok Gi-rin pondered ways to resolve the current situation.

And he realized something.

The self-assured appearance of the bandits relying on their backing, the shocking proposal from the Sacheon Merchant Association, and the plight the Jeomchang Faction was in—all these elements converged into a single conclusion.

‘Sister… Yeo Il-ye’s actions have been… seen through.’

He understood that every twist and turn was orchestrated by Yeo Il-ye’s nemesis.

Her nemesis had foreseen that she would apply for ceasefire.

Thus, such actions were initiated. Predicting that the bandits would seize upon the vengeance anchored in Yeo Il-ye, they had constructed their position in Jeongnam Mountain, knowing well that the Jeomchang Faction wouldn’t act impulsively.

Now that Yeo Il-ye had applied for ceasefire, she was technically no longer a disciple of the Jeomchang Faction.

However, the Jeomchang Faction now had to deal with the pressure from the Hwangbo Clan, Cheongseong Sect, Jongnam Sect, and Amitabha.

When Yeo Il-ye returned after her ceasefire, the Jeomchang Faction would have gained legitimacy, prompting a total upheaval.

If they discovered that Yeo Il-ye was processing her ceasefire, they might restrain her to prevent the colossal opportunity from slipping away.

To them, Yeo Il-ye was an explosive device capable of blowing up this grand opportunity.

Hyeok Gi-rin tightly shut his eyes.

Yeo Il-ye and the Jeomchang Faction had already fallen deeply into the trap laid by her nemesis.