Chapter 88

The Medina Continent and the Ifriqiya Continent both adhere to the same Madbah Church.

However, just as there are differences in the outlook of Islam whether it’s a fundamentalist nation or a liberal one, here as well, the regions governed by the Alshini family exhibit completely different characteristics.

The Young Baron beside me gazed around in astonishment.

“As far as I know, women aren’t supposed to go out in Madbah Church, but here it seems a bit different. They cover their nose and mouth with veils, yet everyone is freely wandering about.”

“Even among those who believe in the same Deus Church, interpretations of doctrine and lifestyles vary, right? Let alone when the continents differ, of course, there will be differences.”

In Cairo, the stronghold of the Alshini family, women were absolutely not allowed to go out alone.

They had to be accompanied by men such as their husbands, brothers, younger brothers, or fathers, wrapping their faces and bodies in cloth as they went out.

However, here, as long as the nose and mouth are covered, full freedom to go out is granted.

“Very interesting.”

“Thank you for seeing it that way.”

“But it feels a bit strange. I’ve heard that people from the Ifriqiya Continent have black skin, big eyes, and lots of curly hair…”

The Young Baron cast a puzzled glance as he looked around.

“All I see here are people with brown skin and sharp eyes, looking just like the few pagan slaves we have in our family.”

“Those pagans who migrated here because of religious issues generally refuse to mix with the indigenous people of Ifriqiya. Even though there are many pagan sex slaves in the Albania Continent, it’s quite rare to find mixed-blood of pagan sex slaves, isn’t it?”

It’s not that mixed-race children of sex slaves can’t be born, nor are they killed right after birth.

However, such individuals are mostly dealt with quietly to remain out of sight.

‘They might not kill them, but they will likely end up living hidden away in some rural corner.’

They probably use a similar method here.

“Oh, I see. Truly fascinating. So, where exactly is the person we’re looking for?”

“The person we are going to see is the governor of this area.”

“The governor, what kind of noble position is that in our Toscan Empire?”

“He’s like the duke of this area. Seeing the guide stop and speak with the guards, this seems to be the governor’s palace.”

In China, the term governor gives off a vibe of being a local authority over a wider area, but in the Medina Sultanate, it’s akin to a warlord holding military, administrative, and judicial powers over an extensive domain.

Moreover, this place is quite far from the capital.

‘It’s practically like a sovereign nation’s ruler.’

“Young Baron, Sir Young Baron. The guards are asking for a bribe; how much are you willing to give?”

Upon hearing the guide, the Young Baron didn’t pull out silver coins, but took out gold coins instead.

Notably, five of them!

It may seem insane to give such a hefty bribe to a mere guard, but after all, bribes are originally forms of payment that flow upwards from the bottom.

‘Perhaps half a gold coin will fall into the guards’ hands?’

“Tell them that a Young Baron of the Toscan Empire has come to see the governor, so please expedite the process.”

“Yes, understood.”

The guide, upon hearing that, dashed away faster than anyone else.

And before long, we were able to meet the governor.

The governor welcomed us with quite a friendly demeanor.

“I never expected a Young Baron from the Toscan Empire to come all the way to this remote city; thank you for coming.”

“It’s an honor to hear you say that.”

“I’m not someone easily accessible, but when someone as distinguished as a Young Baron comes, I must extend a gracious welcome. So, Young Baron, although a bit late, would you care to enjoy our Sultanate’s generous hospitality today?”

Originally, due to religious laws, the consumption of alcohol is forbidden in the Medina Sultanate.

Of course, it’s legally banned, but it’s not like they can’t brew and sell in various forms.

Like how high officials can frequent entertainment places even if adult videos are regulated, people like the governor can drink as much as they like.

‘This might become an issue if they show signs of drunkenness during the worship held weekly.’

Besides, what always follows alcohol will most likely accompany it like a needle follows thread.

“It’s an honor, Your Excellency.”

“Even if our gods differ, we can still build trust and friendship. By the way, who is this young man? He doesn’t seem like the Young Baron’s son.”

There’s a 21 year age gap between me and the Young Baron, and in this world where marriages are particularly early, having a child that age or even being a parent-child relationship wouldn’t be shocking.

In cases of rapid succession, the age difference between a mother and child can be as little as 16 years.

“He is my teacher. Although younger than I am, his perspective on the world is quite unique.”

I respectfully greeted according to the customs here.

“May the peace of the divine be with you, Your Excellency. I am Fabio de Medici, a Young Baron of the Toscan Empire.”

Upon hearing my greeting, the governor’s eyes widened.

“You seem remarkably at ease with our customs. I’ve never met someone with such an open perspective.”

Here, giving the wrong answer could lead the Young Baron to question my faith.

I couldn’t let the efforts to win the governor’s favor turn into a bad outcome.

“In the Kingdom of Lion next to our Toscan Empire, if men are close friends, they sometimes hug or lightly kiss each other on the cheek. If I were to do that in our Empire, it would surely be considered homosexuality, but in the Kingdom of Lion, it’s a completely natural action.”

The Young Baron, who had been looking at me with a skeptical expression, nodded upon hearing my words.

“Well, it feels a bit odd to say this, but just thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable.”

To be honest, while I can accept hugs between men, I sincerely wish they’d refrain from kissing on the cheek.

“That is the custom of that kingdom. So, even in the Kingdom of Lion, when men lightly kiss each other, no one stigmatizes them as homosexuals. Also, when I wished for divine blessings upon meeting your Excellency, it was simply a reflection of how I and the Young Baron hope that Deus blesses you.”

The governor chuckled at my words.

“The breadth of your perspective is indeed different, very different!”

I had lived in a world that is leaps and bounds ahead in technology, culture, and society.

Even if I can’t use cheat-like abilities to replicate a ‘steam engine’ with a few hammer strokes as seen in those typical isekai reincarnation novels,

I can still observe what others can’t and apply common knowledge that they cannot comprehend.

‘Having a slightly broader perspective than others is power itself.’

All those called barons achieved success through slightly broader foresight.

“I like it. So, Young Baron, what brings you all the way to this distant Nador?”

“I have come simply to observe what the Young Baron here is undertaking at the behest of my father.”

The governor’s gaze shifted towards me.

“I wish to buy gold from Nador.”

“Our Nador, or rather the area I govern, has no gold mines. So what do you mean by Nador’s gold?”

I was aware of this level of information.

In the Nador region, which is practically the governor’s domain, there’s not even a trace of gold, let alone a gold mine.

However, it’s not that gold doesn’t exist at all in the Nador region; it’s that the areas where trade occurs with that gentleman are overflowing with gold mines.

“While gold may not be found in Nador, the Alshini family reportedly says this.”

In fact, I hadn’t heard this from the Alshini family, but it doesn’t matter.

If questioned, I can just slip away.

‘Wait, so who was posing as the Alshini family to me?’

“They say that one-third of the Sultanate’s gold comes from Nador. And it is said that many traders in Nador continuously buy gold and black slaves from the Ifriqiya Continent.”

The countries that first pioneered the Age of Exploration were Spain and Portugal.

And these two countries raked in substantial profits through the gold and slave trade in West Africa.

This could even be seen as a precursor to the American Civil War.

That being said, I have no intention of jumping into the slave trade.

‘Slavery is inefficient for production and inhumane.’

I cannot prevent others from diving into it on my behalf, though.

No, it’s more likely that the governor of Nador and other merchants are busily engaging in it.

While slavery may be inefficient, selling slaves can be quite profitable.

The governor stared at me without uttering a word, merely tapping his fingers on the table before him.

“Your Excellency, I’m also fully aware.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Don’t you need arms and armor? Moreover, even more guns, gunpowder, and ammunition?”