Chapter 69

‘What am I even doing…?’

The Black Cat observed from a distance, feeling a bit sorry for herself, while ticket sellers and ticket users busily prepared to set off. She was still confused about how to treat Ho Cheon-an, so her steps back were heavy.

“Seoul, you’ve returned just in time! I was so worried thinking you’d be late!”

The Black Cat nodded silently and climbed onto the cart.

“Passengers have all arrived, so we’ll be departing now!”

The weary command of the representative, Gagil Yeom, echoed as the ticket journey resumed.


At Ho Cheon-an’s call, the Black Cat turned her head. The awkward movement was so pronounced that Ho Cheon-an couldn’t help but click his tongue. He didn’t understand why the Black Cat was like this, but he had to address her conversation with Gagil Yeom.

“So, what happened earlier…”

The Black Cat perked her ears to listen to Ho Cheon-an’s words. After she left, she had been eavesdropping on his conversation with Gagil Yeom regarding the two bodies.

“And so I said, ‘Which ticket office’s direct line is riding a fancy cart in silk clothes to join the ticket journey? Hahaha! If such a noble was real, he’d truly be a crazy guy or an unimaginable fool!’ and Gagil Yeom’s face… oh, you should have seen it.”

The Black Cat chuckled. Ho Cheon-an pretended not to notice her reaction and continued recounting the events that transpired while she was absent.

“So now, if we stop by an inn, Gagil Yeom can’t complain about it at all.”

The Black Cat laughed, realizing her worries had been utterly pointless. Although she still didn’t know how to approach Ho Cheon-an, it was just as he had said yesterday.

Let’s talk, understand each other’s thoughts, and adapt when needed.

‘So that’s it… okay, I just need to do that.’

Listening to Ho Cheon-an’s story, she felt both amused and impressed. While the Black Cat was distracted by the distance between her and Ho Cheon-an, he was carefully plotting to fleece Ha Seon-su.

“I’m sorry.”

“… Huh?”

“It was my idea, and yet I did nothing while you struggled.”

“Hmm… well, that’s true. How about we discuss things together and come up with a plan from now on?”

The Black Cat giggled and shifted her weight, feeling closer to Ho Cheon-an. Somehow, it seemed like their emotional distance had shortened just as much, and she couldn’t help but smile.

“That sounds good. It seems like we’ll be camping out for a day or two, so should we pretend to be a bit down while munching on plain rations?”

“Oh… that sounds nice. Then…”

As the Black Cat conversed with Ho Cheon-an, she gradually learned how to be together.

* *

The Black Cat and Ho Cheon-an set out to fleece Ha Seon-su.

That evening, she showed Ha Seon-su her picking at the bland rations, which resulted in a bountiful meal at the next inn.

“Miss, eat up!”

The Black Cat gleefully devoured the food, and Ha Seon-su watched with delight and ordered some alcohol.

“Jeomsoi! What good drinks have you got?”

“I’ll bring our best, So Hong-ju!”

“Cough! Hmph!”

Gagil Yeom cleared his throat loudly. I turned my head at an angle where Ha Seon-su couldn’t see, signaling Gagil Yeom that I understood.

“Ha Seon-su, it might be better to refrain from drinking today, don’t you think?”

“Hey, Busan! How can we not have alcohol at such a great gathering?”

“But today, during the ticket journey… wouldn’t it be better to enjoy the food only?”

I trailed my words ambiguously, and Ha Seon-su’s face showed a hint of discomfort. Just then, the Black Cat made a timely intervention.

“It seems concerning to see the noble suffering from a hangover. Since you handle your drink poorly, perhaps abstaining is a better option?”

Ha Seon-su, who had just heard the Black Cat’s voice, blushed with both delight and embarrassment.

The Black Cat’s words were truly out of kindness toward Ha Seon-su’s condition. But how would the man, who thought of himself as a carefree, fun-loving guy, take it? Being told he couldn’t handle his drinks in front of a woman—his pride would surely take a hit.

“Jeomsoi! Ten bottles of So Hong-ju!”

“Whoa, noble sir! Today, please just enjoy the food!”

“No! It was just that I wasn’t feeling well yesterday! I normally drink So Hong-ju by the barrel, you know!”

In reality, the alcohol content of So Hong-ju is a bit higher or similar to soju. So, Ha Seon-su claiming he drinks soju in bulk was just a bit of bravado. In reality, to get wasted on So Hong-ju, he would need much more than his current state allowed.

At this moment, Ha Seon-su must be in a state close to tipsy.

I knocked twice on the table and signaled to the Black Cat.

“Noble sir, it might be best not to overdo it…”

In such a situation, a woman’s plea would only fan the flames of a burning house. He should have never bragged in the first place, but now that he had, there was no way he would back down.

Hearing the Black Cat’s words, Ha Seon-su exploded like oil hitting boiling water.

“Why aren’t you bringing the drinks already?!”

“Goodness, noble sir, I’m coming!”

Before Jeomsoi set the bottle down, Ha Seon-su snatched it and began gulping it down. Gagil Yeom felt the impending doom and kept his head bowed.

And the one thing Gagil Yeom foresaw as inevitable unfolded without a turning point, as Ha Seon-su transformed into a rampaging monster, drinking down each bottle as quickly as they arrived.

What happened next?


He collapsed as if he had just consumed poison, leaving behind only a few final words.

“… escort the nobleman.”

At that point, we were already feasting on a table piled high with food.

I gave Gagil Yeom an apologetic look as I opened my greasy mouth.

“Ah, I’m sorry, Representative. I did my best…”

The Black Cat feigned sadness, bowing her head. Gagil Yeom merely waved his hand, unable to express his disappointment in us when he had watched the situation unfold right beside us. While it seemed like we were sufficiently trying to dissuade Ha Seon-su, it was ultimately him who had refused our pleas and gone on a drinking spree.

We pretended to be downcast as we entered the room, grinning at each other. When the Black Cat gave me a thumbs up, I shook my head.

“This is how you celebrate in moments like this.”

As I extended my hand, the Black Cat did the same. Our palms met in a satisfying slap.


Clearly enjoying the high-five, the Black Cat slapped her hand several more times before feeling satisfied and going to bed.

Her peculiar behaviors had vanished, our pockets were intact, and our bellies were full.

The journey to Yunnan was smooth.

* *

It would take about two weeks to reach Hyeong Gwi-san by ticket journey.

Hyeong Gwi-san wasn’t our final destination for the southern ticket office. This type of ticket journey usually involved traversing through Yunnan to deliver goods and connect with other ticket offices locally, picking up consignments while wandering around, before returning to the ticket office in the end.

Gagil Yeom, who resented us for leaving Ha Seon-su passed out, shoved me toward the revelry of drinking with him.

There wouldn’t be an inn every day or every few days, and once Ha Seon-su sobered up, he frequently vented his frustrations by chastising the ticket sellers and ticket users, causing the atmosphere of our ticket journey to plummet dramatically.



Consequently, Ha Seon-su would faint at every inn, followed by us leisurely enjoying the same food he’d missed out on.

When it was time to say goodbye, we even conveniently sidelined Ha Seon-su and shared a meal with the ticket sellers while trading simple sorcery performances.

With over ten servings of food laid out, it felt awkward only sharing it between us, so we ended up dining with the ticket office staff and offering a magic trick or two to comfort the ticket sellers and ticket users burdened by Ha Seon-su.

“Hoho, thanks to Miss Geum and Geum Busan, we had a pleasant time.”

Gagil Yeom looked at us, seemingly reluctant to part ways with the two of us who had been excellent at controlling Ha Seon-su, his expression dripping with regret.

But the way he was focusing on me suggested he was secretly envious of missing out on the magic performances.

“Yes, please send my regards to the nobleman.”

Yesterday, Ha Seon-su had left behind a drunken impression and collapsed, being carried onto the cart. Gagil Yeom sighed deeply.

After several days of sharing magic performances and food, we exchanged farewells with the ticket sellers and ticket users we had grown close with and remained at the inn while the southern ticket office resumed the journey.

“Senior, you’ve gained so much weight.”

“Yeah, I know.”

Gaining weight while traveling isn’t easy at all. When you’re on a cart journey like this, it often means a lack of physical activity leads to less-than-stellar meals.

During long travels, one tends to lose weight due to exhaustion, not from exercise. I had been eating well, and paired with plenty of drinking and snacking to deal with Ha Seon-su, I ended up a bit rounder in just two weeks.

“Now we really have to meet the Poison Doctor.”

Last night, we finally aligned our energy and took care of our physical condition. Although I had gained weight, my body was in optimal shape.

We set off toward Hyeong Gwi-san.