“Are you ready, Agent? Listen well, this is practically a suicide mission.”
“In that case, should I go all out with a half-and-half hairstyle and cross-dress?”
“Let’s not do that; it could affect the broadcast.”
The only agent chosen among other agents, Unicorn, shrugged.
Because the lives of other members had to be prioritized, he was dressed in a costume that would catch the monsters’ eyes.
A highly prominent horn atop his head and a suit so vividly pink that it was almost painful to look at.
Even the gun was painted pink, with an adorable pony keychain hanging from it.
It was adjusted not to jingle, of course.
Even if it made him a target, it couldn’t be a hindrance during stealthy movements.
“Let’s explain the mission outline.”
Utilizing the artillery deployed in Gwanak District, he would bombard Guro and Dongjak Districts. This time, the plan was to once again draw all the monsters’ attention.
And then, they would deploy the [bait] made by the Chinese government to lure the monsters towards Yeongdeungpo District.
The grand scheme involving over a hundred Climbers was to draw attention to reduce the monsters’ numbers as much as possible.
“We plan to enter through the Han River. Keep in mind that the [Six Legged Beast] and potential interference from the U.S. or Russia might occur during this operation.”
“Hmm, so boss, what should we focus on?”
“Our VTubers will not be killing anyone. Understood, Agent?”
“So you’re saying you need fabulous Unicorn here. Believe it or not, I’ve danced while grilling pork belly at Gwanghwamun.”
“I didn’t want to know that at all!”
Before departing, Wakamou Corporation was capturing footage here and there.
There were so many deployed teams that they could practically make an animation. The suggestion came up — why not make an animation, but Wakamou politely declined, given the lingering nightmare of celebrity dubbing and their lack of professional voice actors.
The animation was enough if it only featured in the original song MV.
Not sure what the opening scene should be, they decided to keep things light since the atmosphere might turn serious.
Mare Pirate, Hajime Ichigo, and Wakamou were having cereal for breakfast.
When they turned the box, something enclosed in a packet fell out.
“Oh, look at this! A boat trip prize ticket!!”
Laughing at their luck, Pirate grinned, recalling his pachinko days.
“First of all…with our Ichigo.”
Grinning from ear to ear, Wakamou hesitated before pointing towards the screen out of view, which then cuts to Asuka.
“The term ‘sex’ is for expressing joy!” Asuka said, pounding his fist.
“Who taught you that?”
“Don’t be fooled! It’s a lie crafted by the AI! This is a conspiracy to slander me!”
“I’ll give you a chance to explain, Pirate.”
“If it were me, I’d tell you to shout Ahegao instead!”
With an uproarious sound, Wakamou flipped the table, splashing milk onto Pirate’s face like a slapstick movie, sending him sprawling backward in his chair. Wakamou then hoisted Asuka, who attempted a dogeza apology, holding him upside down and pile-driving him into the ground.
With a thud, the screen fades to black, leaving behind the comically distorted face of Asuka.
Pirate had said it would be used as a cover song…
Now standing on a Turtle Ship, Pirate yelled,
“I’m on a boat!!”
“Screw the land! I’m sailing, you bastards!!”
“Both of you, get down.”
An idol VTuber shouldn’t be talking like that!!
Upon hearing Wakamou’s words, Pirate and Asuka looked shocked, as if they had just learned they were idols for the first time. But since Wakamou perfectly envisioned VTubers as idols who are rational, flawless, and angelic, it made sense.
Isn’t that dream quite grand? Pirate remarked with a slightly deflated tone, to which Wakamou agreed with despair.
Still, Ichigo was doing her best to sing.
Asuka, too, was eager to do so, expressing her wish for a VTuber debut with an original song. But entrusting the already-twisted AI VTuber, who was millions of miles away from being demure, was not possible.
“But Mr. Unicorn, where are the others?”
“They’re dead.”
“What…? No way?”
“Dog Slayer was hit by a meteor on the way, Luri fell due to an earthquake, and Shikopi cried to death over the news of a Virtual Live graduation. They all perished; they had rotten luck.”
“I won’t lie; that last one sounds plausible!!!”
“No need to worry, lovely ladies! In games like this, pink veterans always excel. Haven’t you heard of Rooftop Koreans?”
“Stop that.”
As Wakamou restrained himself from spreading bizarre notions, they loaded the supplies and checked everyone’s equipment one last time.
Previously, Hajime Ichigo’s escort had been comprised of four agents, but it had now been reduced to one. Having too many could cause issues, and with three Climbers gathered, reducing the number of agents seemed wise.
For precaution, a rescue team was silently poised inside the portal.
Having prepared meticulously, they reviewed the operation once again.
The target they needed to topple was the 『Black Imugi』, a colossal raid-boss-level monster residing within the entirety of Building 63.
Luckily, it wasn’t a dragon, merely with high mana resistance, so Wakamou’s attacks still packed a punch.
The problem was that it was so durable that even modern firearms only slightly singed its scales.
Fighting by overspending mana put Wakamou at a disadvantage, but Manager Wanda Haye suggested a daring plan: enter its body and plant a bomb, exploiting the ability to open portals and move at will.
Even if a monster is resilient, surely it couldn’t protect its insides?
But concerns lingered about creatures possibly living inside a building-sized monster.
“There will be no narration or communication through comms this time. We will rely on internal communication and aim to avoid falling situations as much as possible.”
Monsters had overrun all of Seoul. In such scenarios, survival was practically impossible, considering monsters occupied every corner.
Even with five people grouped together, firepower might be insufficient. If one inadvertently gets separated, they probably wouldn’t last long.
They had planned thoroughly for such scenarios, though.
That’s why they decided to use internal communication.
Even if Wakamou tried hiding it, there were likely spies within both the association and the government.
Staging such a prominent project made financial or personnel movements too conspicuous, so Wakamou released a preview openly and boldly.
“Pirate, plant your feet on the earth!!”
“Asuka will earn money to buy a computer and debut as a VTuber!!”
“Alright then, comrades. Did you bind your weapons?”
As they observed the team steadily proceeding, preparations finished, and Manager Wanda Haye’s final communiqué marked the commencement of the operation.
Fwuuuu— Pew pew—
Weeee— Boom!!
The Seoul recapture operation had begun.
Fighter jets crisscrossing the sky launched missiles, initiating bombardments, immediately engaging in aerial dogfights with the monstrous pursuers.
In an instant, a pursued jet was shot down by an ally tailing the monster, and soon after—a light began ascending to the sky from behind a building, obscured from view.
A trajectory of ascending lights unfurled as if set to pour down.
The military unit’s formidable firepower seemed determined to raze Seoul.
“Didn’t we prepare ourselves for this? If we fail, it’s treason, but if we succeed, it’s a revolution!”
“Pirate, that’s not the right context to say that.”
“Weren’t we invading Seoul?”
“A Japanese invading Seoul’s capital… That sounds a bit off.”
“It’s okay since we’re on the Turtle Ship, right?”
“That makes it even stranger…”
As her spirits oddly sank, they looked at Wakamou with slightly concerned expressions.
While everyone boarded the Turtle Ship to head out on the Han River, Wakamou gazed far into the distance, sorrowful.
“Someone should say something,” they pushed each other’s backs until Asuka was nudged forward on account of being the youngest.
“Why the melancholy, Mr. Wakamou? Is it because a VTuber graduated?”
“They were good just being there… must be Wakamou’s whimsy…. Actually, yesterday… my favorite Negitoro Aku-tan graduated… parted ways to pursue a greater dream due to differing visions.”
Wakamou’s tension had fallen significantly due to the sudden tragic news amidst the busy broadcast preparations.
A VTuber graduation often strikes so unexpectedly. From the viewer’s perspective, unless VTubers disclose their thoughts or worries, one seldom knows.
The announcement of graduation, jolting during joyful and happy moments, was a comparatively joyful farewell.
There were countless VTubers who vanished without a goodbye, allegedly for breaking the rules.
“Tearful goodbyes don’t suit us. It’d be awkward when we meet again, right?”
“Right, that’s what Himmel would say…”
“Who’s Himmel?”
“Mister, don’t you read manga these days? Even Japanese people watch Korean films, you should keep up!”
“I’m busy with Noblepia ranking novels!!”
“Promoting back here…?”
“Chief!! It’s a man’s farewell. No one sheds tears. The Pirate King’s crew doesn’t cry, you know that, right?”
“You’re in the Navy, Pirate.”
They understood, but felt it was inappropriate for him to be wallowing in sadness at such an important moment. Asuka tried select words to comfort him, and Pirate patted his shoulder to encourage him.
Still, Ichigo knew how saddened Wakamou Inarizushi would get, hugging a pillow and sobbing upon hearing graduation news about a VTuber.
I am well aware of Wakamou Inarizushi clutching a pillow and sobbing uncontrollably in bed upon hearing the news that a VTuber is graduating.
Even in his sadness, I also know Wakamou, who sincerely thinks about life and tells himself that if there is ever something he truly wants to do, not just being a VTuber, he can go and pursue it anytime.
When a girl cries, let her cry until she feels better, says the clueless Unicorn Agent, prompting Ichigo to employ her ultimate technique.
“Cast the spell of victory, Ichigo.”
“I don’t really want to…”
Lifting Wakamou’s folded ears, Ichigo whispered words of encouragement, the spell of victory.
“The Tower made it difficult, so they graduated.”
Yes, it’s all the Tower’s fault. If the Tower hadn’t spewed out those monster-like things, the world wouldn’t have become so chaotic!!
Think of the VTubers who graduated because of the Tower… No, remember them, Wakamou!!
You were crazier back when you were the Dark Clipper!!
A VTuber who cried because the Tower ruined the farmland where they were working hard to farm.
A VTuber who was excited about reuniting with colleagues after a year-long overseas trip, only to be crushed by the Tower.
A VTuber who planned to debut at a long-awaited concert but had the performance canceled due to the appearance of the Tower.
“We have no choice but to go all out… Let’s go, everyone!!”
“Umm~ I actually wanted to do this more leisurely, but it looks like we have no choice but to have sex…?”
“Argh! I didn’t teach you that!!”
“Just a minor translation error.”
Mmm~ This impact. It must be our Wakamou.
Even after getting a knuckle rap on the head, Pirate and Asuka chuckled gleefully, saying they were brimming with energy.
The turtle ship’s voyage was smoother than expected, allowing for such carefree banter and nonsense.
While Wakamou was wandering around, there might be someone wondering what exactly this turtle ship was, but it was a simple story.
Creating avatars through [Idol’s Body], each of those avatars could use skills just the same.
So, this was merely Wakamou’s War God transformed into the shape of a turtle ship.
‘Even doing it this way, reducing the weight to zero and using Dalki’s wing garment consumes less Mana.’
With the speed of Mana recovery having improved significantly, it wasn’t so burdensome. It was manageable by periodically drinking potions to keep fueling.
At that time, although the performance of a truly artifact-grade item was realized to be insane, the Mana consumption was such that you could understand and feel why the Tower was hesitant to provide it.
“Soon we’ll enter the Han River! Captain! Give us a cool line!”
“Alright! Then everyone, prepare to dive!!”
“Not that!!”
In South Korea, the preparation for a VTuber’s dive is a sad legend.
What is that, Wakamou?
Screw it, I won’t say…
“Then together! Set sail~♪”
The turtle ship rapidly entered the Han River. As the ship unexpectedly appeared on the maritime surface, a shadow was cast beneath the sea, and a gigantic sea serpent emerged. Who knows what kind of Monster it was, as the colossal snake opened its jaws, attempting to swallow them along with the sea water─ the turtle ship leapt and jumped over it.
“Hold on tight, everyone!! Trust the captain with a license!!!”
Though the wheel was spun vigorously, it was actually Wakamou himself who was maneuvering!
The turtle ship, gliding over the serpent’s skin like a slide, bounced and skimmed on the water surface like a skipping stone, when suddenly a cannonball shot at the distant jumping ship.
Ichigo, gripping the armrests in the captain’s chair, issued frantic commands.
As Pirate hurriedly twisted the wheel, the advancing turtle ship slammed on the brakes and began to drift.
Showing an impossibly strange movement for a ship, deftly avoiding the cannonball, the turtle ship smoothly accelerated on the sea, pursued by a ghost ship.
“What kind of Monster is that ghost ship emerging from which Tower?!”
With more than one Tower collapsed in Seoul, there was no way to guess. It was merely speculated that it broke loose from a Tower connected to the sea or Han River.
The ghost ship, fast enough to catch up with the turtle ship, charged ceaselessly. As if phasing out rather than corporealizing, it pursued without being affected by any obstacles.
Having no knowledge of sailing, the only command Ichigo could give was just that.
“Neumann Evade!!”
Calling out a meaningless skill name and twisting the wheel, the turtle ship leapt up and flew over the sea.
The ghost pirates and captain, chasing from the ghost ship’s deck, looked up with dumbfounded expressions at the ship that leapt and evaded.
The turtle ship, even performing an aerial rotation, pulled out cannons and bombarded the ghost ship with cannonballs.
“Reload the cannonballs!!”
In the back, Unicorn and Wakamou were busily hauling and loading cannonballs into the cannons.
The turtle ship, completing its spin with a performance on the Han River, landed and slid over the water surface, turning toward the ghost ship.
“Launch dragon’s snot!!”
“Don’t you have a cooler name?!”
With Asuka’s incantation, [Idol’s Flame] gathered at the turtle ship’s dragon head and fired like a machine gun, bombarding and triggering a chain explosion on the ghost ship.
Engulfed and sinking with the ship, the ghost ship was consumed by the unquenchable flames that fiercely blazed even over the water.
“Captain!! I’m sorry I couldn’t open the Maribako crates!! If Aku-tan graduates, who will take care of our captain!!”
“Boss!! Don’t lose your marbles!!!”
The turtle ship sped up amidst the chaos caused by maritime monsters appearing from the outskirts as they entered the Han River.
Smashing the burning ghost ship as it charged, it proceeded swiftly across the Han River, heading to Seoul.
No sooner did it succeed than all kinds of attacks began to rain down from afar.
“Hehehe… The performance difference of battleships does not determine the decisive gap in power… I’ll teach you that!!”
Leaping off the bridge, the turtle ship taunted the Monsters as it made a powerful leap over the Han River’s bridges, crossing and advancing.
Though flying Monsters chased, Pirate smiled while grasping the wheel.
“I’ll show you Joseon’s high-performance new weapon!!”
“What is it!”
With Asuka’s quip, the turtle ship submerged and vanished into the water surface as if it were never there.
The turtle ship, quickly diving under the Han River, began to accelerate even while submerged.
The shortcoming of not being able to swim was overcome by using [Idol’s Flame] as propulsion, enabling aquatic movement!
“Wow… What is all that…”
Unicorn Agent gasped at the myriad of maritime Monsters wriggling at the Han River’s depths.
There were sea giants walking around. Hermit crabs using containers as their homes.
When a fish larger than the ship passed by, everyone stared in awe.
It was baffling that marine Monsters hadn’t ventured outside the sea, although there was no Tower in the sea.
In fact, they were wandering within a certain confined space as if bound by the “Tower.”
Considering flying Monsters hadn’t escaped either, what kind of restriction was at play?
“We’re resurfacing! Everyone get ready!”
The group, busily moving in sync with Pirate, eagerly braced themselves.
And soon, a shadow emerged beneath the serene Han River as the turtle ship resurfaced.
Having leapt over the Seogang Bridge and dived under the Mapo Bridge, what awaited them was none other than the 63 Building, gleaming gold even after over ten years.
In that mesmerizing spectacle, something came flying, attacking the turtle ship.
With a gigantic explosion on the Han River, engulfed in a massive blaze, the turtle ship began to burn.
An ambush, developed in an instant with no chance to react.
Though they fired [Skill] called [Mana Burn], the attackers were puzzled by the seemingly minimal damage and quietly observed the situation.
While they waited, ready to target the ones expected to evacuate the burning turtle ship, not a single person emerged above the Han River.
“The water in the Han River is cleaner than Japan’s, so it’s bearable! Would’ve died in Japan!”
“You’d probably die in France, too!!”
Laughing heartily, Unicorn Agent, surfacing while carrying Pirate under his arm, responded to Asuka’s words.
Their plan to climb reversely into the sewers via a drain deep in the Han River had succeeded.
“In battle, one must always look 2 to 3 steps ahead. As the Red Comet said.”
As Wakamou, who had carried them from below the Han River to transfer them, squeezed out the water.
Ichigo also rose, leading everyone to survey the dim sewer surroundings.
When Asuka conjured a light, they found merely a vast space.
“It seems like a Monster might appear.”
A daunting scene reminiscent of the final showdown against a Demon King sealed underground.
Securing weapons handed by agents waiting behind the portal, they armed themselves and continued forward.
“The decoy turtle ship Manager prepared seems to have worked.”
The enemy had, with determination, planned to kill Wakamou, even bringing [Mana Burn].
Or maybe, that was just their standard protocol.
Initially, many Climbers were those for whom a lack of [Mana] could be fatal.
The entire Kingdom wouldn’t take a significant hit, but Wakamou might just die ordinarily.
“Shall we proceed then?”
The sound of their steady footfalls echoed, reverberating in the darkness.