Chapter 52

I returned safely to Sacheon City with Black Cat.

Given Black Cat’s personality, I expected her to immediately pester me about going hunting for other opportunities, but to my surprise, she seemed deep in thought about something since we came back from Bi-dong.

Could it be she’s the type to save the delicious things for later?

“Ho Cheon-an, there’s a named request.”


“There’s a named request from the Sacheon Tang Family.”

As soon as I returned to Outcast Inn, Yu Sa-yeon looked at me with a gaze that seemed to ask what trouble I’d gotten into this time.

“It’s a request to send ‘Brother Ya,’ who is said to be the best gambler among the Sacheon Outcasts.”

What’s this all about?

Are they summoning me as a Tang Clan member? This is a summoning disguised as a request.


“You’re not thinking of refusing, right?”

“Well, that’s true.”

There wasn’t really a reason to decline this request. Since it came from the Tang Clan, the fee was more than generous. It was a bit uncomfortable that their reason for summoning me wasn’t very clear, but it didn’t seem like it would be dangerous.

“Well, with Tang Do-gyeong around, what trouble could there be?”

“That’s true.”

Tang Do-gyeong likely didn’t suffer severe punishment this time. The fact that the details of his punishment hadn’t spread outside was proof of that. It seemed they must’ve given him a light slap on the wrist, so they were keeping it under wraps. He had new martial arts skills, and with some familial love growing, he was probably being kept in the Tang Clan, training those skills.

The reason for my call would likely be related to the martial arts that Tang Do-gyeong had invented.

“However, this time you have to go alone. You are the only one designated, so Black Cat can’t follow.”


“Didn’t you discuss it?”

“I asked as much as I could, but they said it was absolutely impossible.”

Yu Sa-yeon shook her head. It was indeed unusual to include the Sacheon Outcasts in the Tang Clan.

But can I really leave Black Cat behind? I’m also concerned if she’d even want to stay behind.

It was obvious she’d be curious about the happenings inside the Sacheon Tang Family…

“Alright, Senior. It seems I also have some chores to take care of.”


“Well, just showing my face at the Tang Clan will take some time, right? In the meantime, I can take care of my business.”

“Hmm… okay.”

Yu Sa-yeon clapped her hands.

“Then it’s settled! Ho Cheon-an, hurry and go!”

“No, I just got back. I need to shake off the travel fatigue and I’ll leave tomorrow morning.”

It had been a five-night, six-day journey, and it was just past noon. I needed to relieve the fatigue my body had accumulated over the week.

“There’s a cart outside waiting for you with someone sent from the Tang Clan.”


Reluctantly, I went outside due to Yu Sa-yeon’s insistence, and there was a familiar person waiting with a cart in the alley.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Outcast Ya. I’m Tang Do-yeon, who visited Outcast Inn last time.”

“Oh, I see. Since I’m a Sacheon Outcast, I hope you’ll understand that I can’t disclose my name.”

Tang Do-yeon smiled brightly and gestured toward the cart. Could this be a cart made by the Tang Clan? The carts I’ve seen in the Martial World, if called a “cart,” would fall apart at the slightest bump, but this one looked surprisingly sturdy.

“Well then, Black Cat, I’m off. You take care of your business and come back.”

“Alright, Senior. I think it might be fun to go to the Tang Clan, but it can’t be helped.”

With Black Cat seeing me off, I entered the cart and saw the seating arrangement. It looked similar to a modern train or bus seat with an armrest, back support, and a headrest.

“Then we will depart.”


I heard a strange sound when I tried to open the door, but it was locked.

Was that sound from the door locking?

“Miss Tang Do-yeon?”

“Oh, that’s one of the features of this Bicheongmacha, so don’t worry. The door is designed to lock for the safety of the people inside while the wheels are rolling.”

So they’ve implemented a safety lock feature? The Tang Clan’s technology is impressive. Since I was already waving goodbye to Black Cat, I waved to her one more time.

Does a fancy ride have the effect of making people feel intimidated? As this speedy cart, almost like a Lamborghini compared to modern standards, moved, people and other carts cleared out of the way.

There wasn’t even any marking of the Tang Clan, but seeing people clear the way like this, it seems like money truly reigns supreme wherever you go.

The Tang Clan is an unbelievably wealthy organization. I doubt there’s any other wealthy group in the Martial World like the Tang Clan. They always come up with new methods to generate income to fund the development of new technology for making hidden weapons and new poisons.

Once this request is over, a hefty sum should come in. I wonder where I should invest to make some returns?

Until now, I had just been pouring money into gambling, but now that the request fees have been accumulating, I should try to make some profitable bets.

I should also think about how to deal with the disposal of the Okju Jaryeongdan.

Anyway, I’ve decided to push beyond my limits, so having a piece of spiritual medicine on me isn’t a bad idea, but if I can get a proper price for it, selling it to draw some funds could be worthwhile.

Considering selling the Okju Jaryeongdan to the Tang Clan might also be an option.

Clang clang.

As I found myself lost in various thoughts, we had suddenly exited Sacheon City. Is this the majesty of a luxury cart? To be able to escape the crowded and complicated Sacheon City so quickly!

The noisy chaos faded, and the rhythmic sound of hooves echoed softly.

Perhaps because it was a luxury cart, the seating was incredibly cozy. The inside was firm, while the outside was soft, providing an excellent seating experience. With the softness I hadn’t felt in a long time, I felt myself sinking into the seat.

As my mind wandered and my eyes began to close, I heard Tang Do-yeon’s voice.

“Outcast, please fasten your seatbelt.”


“If you look at the upper right side of your seat, you’ll find the seatbelt. Just pass the loop on the lower left side through it and secure it.”

Wow, there’s even a seatbelt? Is this the magnificence of a master craftsman’s clan?

I marveled internally and pulled my drifting consciousness back to reality before fastening my seatbelt.

“Now, let me quickly explain our clan’s top-speed transportation vehicle, the Bicheongmacha.”

I felt like the speed was gradually increasing.

“Um… Miss Tang?”

Clack clack clack clack clack!

“The pride of our clan, the Bicheongmacha, weighs about half of a typical four-person, four-horse cart, and thanks to our clan’s advanced technology, it significantly reduces the burden on the horses pulling it. It’s a cutting-edge technology marvel.”

“But… what’s the speed right now…?”

A cart isn’t something that horses should be able to pull at speed. The roads in the Central Plains are extremely bumpy, and it’s not like they’re managed like modern roads. Tree roots can stick out or rocks can be in the way, or the ground can sag or bulge at any moment.

These kinds of situations are beyond common, and if a horse runs too fast, it could very well fall over.

“We’re planning to travel at speeds over ten times that of a typical cart from Sacheon City to the Tang Clan. However, we will need to drive slowly at night when visibility is low, so we should arrive at the Tang Clan around noon tomorrow.”

Thud thud thud thud thud thud thud!!!

With the furious sound of hooves pounding the ground and the scenery rapidly shifting, the cart jolted and shook!

“If any passengers feel uneasy, you can hold onto the handles on the cart. Also, since this cart contains the clan’s top technology, even if the horses were to flip over at top speed, as long as you’re buckled up, you would be perfectly safe. External guests tend to be quite uneasy!”

“Help! There are people in the cart!”

“Relax, Outcast Ya.”

Tang Do-yeon smiled as she showed her face through a hole for communicating with the driver. Though her smile was beautiful, at that moment, it felt more like the grin of a reaper to me.

“Look ahead! Keep your eyes forward!”

“As you might suspect, I am a Peak Expert. You’re familiar with our clan’s safety techniques, right? I’ve already checked for potential factors that could cause the cart to tip over from my position on the high driver’s seat.”

“I got it, so please just look ahead!!”


It was nearly as fast as a horse sprinting at full speed.

“No! Miss Tang! Didn’t we say we’d go overnight? Is this why the horses are stressing out?! Please slow down!”

“It’s fine, after two to three hours the sun will set. At that time, for the safety of the passengers, we will switch to a more moderate speed.”

“If you care about passenger safety, then you can slow down from now!!”

“Come on, Outcast, you know the deal. If I slow down now, we won’t arrive on time.”

What? She was grinning like she had just heard the funniest joke! Look ahead! Seriously!!

“Help! The Tang Clan is gonna kill someone! There are people in the cart!”

“Don’t be too dramatic; just listen to the explanation. You might feel uneasy due to the speed, but let me continue with the introduction to the Bicheongmacha. It’s a well-established vehicle that has been in operation for over five years. The Tang Clan’s history and ongoing research into rapid transportation methods have provided invaluable insights; however, the name ‘Bicheong’ was only established five years ago.”

As I held onto the firmly secured handle above against the jolting of the cart, I could barely maintain my sanity. My heart was racing just as wildly as the cart, but at least I could still hear Tang Do-yeon calmly explaining things.

“Now let me explain the operating regulations of the Bicheongmacha. Each time it’s used and returned to the clan, the cart undergoes thorough inspection and repair by the clan’s artisans, and a driver must pass a strict examination from the Tang Clan to operate the Bicheongmacha. Only Peak Experts skilled in horsemanship can successfully pass this examination.”

As Tang Do-yeon calmly explained, I began to feel my heart calm down. Alright, it is being driven by a Peak Expert. Plus, he has mastered horse handling techniques, so it should be okay to go this fast.

“Oh, this is a great opportunity to experience why the Bicheongmacha is called the Bicheongmacha.”

Just as I was feeling relaxed, the cart began to tilt slightly. It seemed we were climbing a hill.

“Hill roads can be a threat to carts. When going uphill, the horses struggle to pull, and going downhill often requires a person to get out to slow things down.”

You’re kidding…

“Haha, no way. Haha, hey~ Miss Tang, you’re joking, right? I mean, you’re not really saying something about a special decelerator for downhill slopes, are you?”

“Oh, you know about decelerators? It seems Outcast Ya is fairly knowledgeable about vehicles.”

The cart, which had tilted, regained its balance.

“However, a decelerator is a hindrance to speed. Why would one forfeit the power accumulated by the horses and their feats while climbing a hill?”

Is that a hot take from Tang Do-yeon?

“The explosive speed that can only be felt going downhill! The thrill of breaking free from the pull of the ground at that moment!”

The cart gradually started to tilt. Upon receiving the news that we were entering a downhill segment, I instinctively clenched both hands around the handle.

“The feeling of speed that one can only experience through a vehicle! The culmination of the Tang Clan’s best technology is none other than the Bicheongmacha!”


The cart shook violently. It was truly insane.

The landscape whooshed by the window, whispering, “Hehe, you’re done for now.”


The cart, unable to withstand the insane speed, suddenly launched off the ground. Every hair on my body stood on end as my backside briefly lifted from the seat.

In mid-air, all I could grab onto was the sturdy metal handle. I squeezed it with every ounce of strength I had left.

As the cart leaned forward more and more, I had no choice but to rely on a single safety belt and the handle to withstand the fear of falling.

Ah, Ho Cheon-an, having lived for eight years. Just as I was trying to live, I’m going to die as a victim of a traffic accident thanks to the Tang Clan.

If I opened my eyes and found myself back in the modern world, I would burn down the Martial World and wipe out the Tang Clan!

“The reason the Bicheongmacha is called the Bicheongmacha! It’s all thanks to the Tang Clan’s cutting-edge jumping posture controls!”

With the rushing streetlights also moving by me, I was half-heartedly resigned to my fate when Tang Do-yeon’s ecstatic demeanor reached my ears.

And at that moment, the center of the cart, which had tilted over sixty degrees, began to stabilize.

With the visible scenery indicating we were gaining a downhill slope.

Boom! Bang! Boom!!

The cart bounced twice in mid-air before landing.

With every thump, I feared the cart might shatter, and my heart sank with every impact. But at least I was sure that this Bicheongmacha was safely coming down the hill and charging forward again.

“Whooo! Wasn’t that exhilarating? This heavy thrill only felt through a vehicle! I really wanted you, Outcast Ya, who has helped Tang Do-gyeong so much, to experience this feeling. Fortunately, Master Feng Ying allowed the use of this Bicheongmacha!”


“The authorization for the Bicheongmacha is typically not granted unless it’s urgent. Outcast Ya, you’re quite lucky!”

“Help! Please! This speed devil is going to kill someone! There’s a person in this cart!”

Yelling that I’m gonna die! If the next hill comes, it’s gonna happen for real! Even if the cart doesn’t flip, I’m gonna die of a heart attack!

“Haha! After a few more experiences, Outcast Ya, you’ll come to love the charms of the Bicheongmacha!”

“I don’t need it! Let me off!”


The Bicheongmacha continued to race without a pause.