Chapter 427

Stubbornly, Seo Mun-yeon refused to provide the Array Formation.

Realizing the situation our group was in, she angrily declared she would pass on the Array Formation.

On the surface, she seemed to scold our reckless endeavor against the Blood Sect, but that couldn’t be the only reason.

What was it that touched upon Seo Mun-yeon’s innermost feelings?

Curiosity bubbled in my mind, but there was something more important at hand.

The Array Formation.

Considering Seo Mun-yeon’s threatening attitude, there was a high likelihood that the Array Formation she offered would come with significant side effects.

“Do you know the difference between the Left Way and the Right Way?”

“I know as much as others do.”


The Right Way is about self-cultivation. It’s a path to gain strength through one’s own efforts.

In contrast, the Left Way means using any means necessary to gather power, with examples including vital essence absorption or blood sucking.

Seo Mun-yeon nodded at my explanation.

“Martial Artists might categorize the Left and Right Ways like that, but Array Masters do not. They consider those who draw formations based solely on their enlightened understanding as Right Way practitioners. In contrast, those who use all means to achieve Array formations are called Left Way practitioners.”

“I’ve gone on long enough for you to realize this, but I am one who belongs to the Left Way. I will not only defend positions and send forth energy but will employ all means necessary to achieve results. In that process, you will face situations you couldn’t even imagine.”

Seo Mun-yeon gave one last warning as she looked at me and my group.

“I’ll ask one last time. Do you wish to receive the Array Formation?”

I remained silent.

I thought the will of my crew was the most important thing.

“I am ready.”

Starting with Miss Yeo Il-ye, each person nodded their head. Black Cat, Miss Yeo Il-ye, Hyeok Gi-rin, Dokgo I-seol, and then Tang Do-yeon.

Seeing my companions, who were willing to take on unknown dangers for me, I felt grateful once again.

Seo Mun-yeon gazed at me and my group with a gloomy expression.

Did she hope that we would back down in fear here?

“Very well.”

Seo Mun-yeon reluctantly resolved her decision.

With a demeanor full of lingering regret, she skillfully began creating the Array Formation. She positioned us on the Array and had Tang So-yeol continuously craft various tools inscribed with symbols.

She covered our armor with symbols, including headbands, leg bands, and arm bands.

We were absolutely covered in symbols, yet neither I nor my crew voiced any complaints.

As we adorned ourselves with symbols, I felt some mysterious power interfering with the flow of my Qi.

Whether this omen was positive or negative was hard to tell, but for us, who hadn’t moved even an inch toward our goal of Array Formation, this tiny change was delightful.

“We’ve at least established a foundation.”

As Seo Mun-yeon declared while making adjustments,

“Let’s unfold the Three Disasters Formation.”

In front of Seo Mun-yeon’s house, the six of us, including me, formed the Three Disasters Formation on the broad grassy area. Wearing the gear inscribed with symbols, we looked at each other with anxious faces.

“…Here we go.”

The flow of the Array began with Hyeok Gi-rin.

Considering the size, quality, and grade of energy, it would be easiest to start with Hyeok Gi-rin.

Hyeok Gi-rin, Black Cat, then me, the flow of Qi followed.

At this early stage of the Array, it was straightforward to let it pass through. I followed that flow. The energy moved to Tang Do-yeon, who passed it to Miss Yeo Il-ye, and then Miss Yeo Il-ye sent it to Dokgo I-seol.

Then, Dokgo I-seol returned it to Hyeok Gi-rin.

The energy completed a cycle.

The problem began here. With all the energies of those forming the Array already jumbled together, we needed to continue augmenting the flow of Qi.

However, we had continuously failed at this point.

We needed to add to the Qi while cycling it, but with the jumbled energies, it was tough to manage, resulting in either overflow or insufficient contribution.

Even with the slightest exertion from my companions, the balance of the Array would often be thoroughly shattered.

Would it be any different this time?


Hyeok Gi-rin, having gathered the energies of everyone, gave a strange expression as he sent energy to Black Cat. Black Cat returned the gaze and sent energy to me.

And the moment I received that energy,

I found myself gazing unknowingly at Black Cat.

What was this feeling?

It was as if we had never communicated anything beforehand, yet our limbs synchronized perfectly.

Suddenly, a phrase that encapsulated our situation came to mind.


Amid the effort to maintain the flow of the Array, investing all nerves into receiving the energy, there was a bizarre warmth coming from Black Cat.

I began to comprehend how to handle the Nine Yin, which I previously only let trickle out.


It was truly a peculiar sensation.

Having practiced the Array with my companions for three weeks, I had trained diligently but had never received such strong and stable energy before.

The stable energy from Hyeok Gi-rin, the enigmatic freezing effect of Black Cat’s Nine Yin, my chaotic flow that erupted at times, the massive energy of Miss Yeo Il-ye that was without sharp edges, the elusive energy of Tang Do-yeon that chose to hide rather than harmonize, and the unmanageable energy of Dokgo I-seol.

Although I couldn’t unequivocally state we were one,

All of this lay within the path of the Array.

The most pressing issue was Black Cat’s Nine Yin. Given that it had just been added, it would naturally cause problems. I soothed the chaotic Nine Yin.

Surprisingly, the flow of Nine Yin stabilized.


It was an action I had taken, yet I found myself gasping in admiration.

Had I truly managed to handle the Nine Yin?

Handling the Qi of others is notoriously difficult.

Perhaps that was why the Array was so tricky.

As I’ve said before, Qi is the essence of a person.

Even if the internal Qi is formed from the same martial art, it can only share similar qualities, never being perfectly identical.

Although following the same teachings, one’s subjectivity inevitably blends into the process of Qi manipulation, making it difficult even for similar energies to synchronize.

How about when the energies are different?

No need to say more.

However, here I was, successfully manipulating the Nine Yin without any understanding.

Could it be related to the feeling of resonance I had with Black Cat?

Was this the method Seo Mun-yeon had prepared?

As I pondered, I infused more energy into Tang Do-yeon, who jolted in surprise as she received it and threw it back.

Another cycle flowed.

What had barely managed two cycles now reached four or five.

An incredible achievement brought excitement to my companions’ faces. Somehow, that emotion felt more vivid than ever.

During the sixth cycle,

I locked eyes with Black Cat.

Although we hadn’t conversed meaningfully, I could sense her thoughts that continuing this flow was becoming too much. Was that indeed the case?

The energy of the Array had grown significantly, and the mixed essence of our internal Qis continued creating discord within its confines.

While I could sense the Nine Yin, my intervention was strictly minimal. My companions likely felt the same; hence, contributing more energy to the Array was going to be challenging.

Thus, I wrapped that energy around me.

The energies of Hyeok Gi-rin, Black Cat, me, Tang Do-yeon, Miss Yeo Il-ye, and Dokgo I-seol poured forth under my command.

Not only was my power output inadequate, but it barely aligned in direction.


The various energies burst forth chaotically. Control was a mess, but given the sheer power, a fierce whirlwind swept ahead.

I was engulfed in an exhilarating sensation.

It was merely the Three Disasters Formation.

Just transferring internal Qi to the side partner without any principle, purely boosting raw power, and discharging that accumulated strength without any technique: the most fundamental of fundamentals.

Yet, since it was my first real success in aiming for the Array with my companions, a smile naturally bloomed.

“We did it!!”

As Hyeok Gi-rin jumped with glee, our group naturally gathered to share in the joy. The thrill in my companions’ eyes felt more vivid than ever.

The connection I felt while receiving energy from Black Cat was the strongest, yet as I absorbed the energies coming from my comrades, I sensed a budding mutual understanding.

It was merely an instinctive feeling, but

Everyone wished for the Array to succeed, and united in spirit, that shared goal multiplied our joy.

Even the two who had been the most at odds, Miss Yeo Il-ye and Dokgo I-seol, were gazing at each other, sharing their elation.

While we were sharing our delight, Seo Mun-yeon approached.

“Array Master!”

“We succeeded!”

“Indeed. The foundation has been laid.”

Amid the celebrating group, I also felt compelled to express my gratitude.

“Thank you very much. I will repay this kindness in any way I can. Please let me know if you need anything.”

Seo Mun-yeon looked at me and my group with a peculiar expression. As I felt a bit embarrassed, thinking my shift in attitude was too abrupt, she spoke.

“Thank-you speeches come after everything is done. The challenges… are only beginning, and whether we will reap the fruits is uncertain.”

The success of today was astonishing for me and my companions, but perhaps it was not a big deal for Seo Mun-yeon.

Maintaining a calm demeanor, she brought up the next objective.

“We will reduce the excess symbols, and the passing technique requires understanding the proper principles.”


“Most importantly, that sensation you felt today.”


“It truly wasn’t a delusion.”

It seemed my companions shared a similar realization, as they expressed their awe and nodded in agreement.

“It was an extraordinary sensation! As if our hearts were connected…!”

As Hyeok Gi-rin exclaimed this, Seo Mun-yeon’s expression tightened further.

Amid the joy, there was something unsettling about her look and her significant words. Was that sensation of connectedness actually a side effect or aftereffect?

She didn’t seem like someone who would conceal adverse effects, but I thought I should confirm it.

I didn’t want to broach such a topic in this atmosphere, so I noted to ask her later.

“Yes! Of course! Somehow I feel closer to everyone!”

Hyeok Gi-rin, who had been glancing around at the party, smiled at me.

I couldn’t deny that I too felt closer to Hyeok Gi-rin, so I returned the smile.

It wasn’t just with Hyeok Gi-rin; I felt a closeness with the whole group.

“…Building the framework for a proper passage technique will take time. Until then… contemplate that sensation deeply.”


Seo Mun-yeon emphasized this with a serious note, urging us to reflect carefully, but none of us, including myself, took it too seriously.

We were all too elated.

A new sensation. A visible achievement. We hadn’t fully packed away the afterglow from earlier.

“Next, let’s learn how to operate the Array.”

While we awaited the new Array to be brought by Seo Mun-yeon, we were filled with anticipation.

Our training for the Array began in a direction that differed from our expectations.