Chapter 280

The suggestion from TwiSh to join the Ring Fit Tournament sounded like this to me:

“Come exercise a bit, and we’ll pay you!”

They mentioned the first prize was 5 million won, second place 3 million won, and third place 2 million won, totaling 10 million won in prizes.

To be honest, I could consider the first place as already secured. My body, Camilla’s body, was truly flawless.

Moreover, taking into account the physical differences between men and women, the matches would be held simultaneously, but the awards would be divided into male and female categories, making it so that I’d have more than enough stamina for the task.

I hadn’t properly tested it, but I figured I could probably run for hours without getting tired. After all, when I ran with dogs at a dog café for over an hour, it wasn’t that exhausting. I had learned from my past experiences that Camilla’s body wasn’t just strong but also had considerable endurance.

That’s why participating felt somewhat like cheating.

“Can I join?”

“Oh my, we’d love it if you did! If Kayak joins, the tournament will thrive, and the viewers will be happy…”

Well, it wasn’t my job to worry about such things. If I could gain something for free, I would take it. Life is best when you can eat without effort. That’s roughly my philosophy and creed.

The organizers at TwiSh were more than happy to have me join, so if I ended up winning, I’d be happy with the prize money, they’d be thrilled with the successful tournament, and the viewers cheering for me would also be pleased.

In conclusion, the way that made the most people happy was me participating in the tournament.

Having Camilla’s body was also my luck, and since luck can be regarded as skill, possessing such a body could be considered my achievement.

Hmm, thinking back, there’s nothing to feel guilty about. When no one was playing Abyss, and everyone dismissed Camilla as a worthless character who couldn’t be recycled…

I was the only one who looked at her properly and played her steadfastly. Whether that dedication reached the heavens or not, because of it, I was able to live as Camilla.

This too was the result of what I had built up until now; it was my own credit.

Also, by occasionally showing my face on official broadcasts, those who hadn’t known me would come to learn about my existence as a streamer.

It was a way for people who didn’t know me to get to know me anew.

This was a matter that could be directly linked to what could be considered the most important aspect of broadcasting: engagement. To sum it up, it just made more sense to go out.

“What a long excuse you have, huh?”

I could have just said I wanted to go out, but here I was listing reasons. It’s not like anyone was there to hear them.

I chuckled at myself in the mirror. Camilla, who still shone brightly, smiled back at me.

They say living alone gives you the habit of talking to yourself, and that was exactly what was happening. It hadn’t been long since Riri had left, yet here I was, changing right away. Now I found myself muttering in what I assumed was a strange habit since I was alone.


Oh right, I wasn’t alone after all. As I was deep in conversation with myself, Mila barked, making her presence known.

“Right, Mila. You were here.”

This increase in my monologues definitely had something to do with this little creature. Animals can’t speak, but people who own pets tend to talk to them about all sorts of things.

I too ended up sharing everything with Mila. Along with that, my habit of talking to myself deepened.

Not to mention, Mila was so smart that she picked up on what I was saying, barking or tilting her head accordingly, expressing her own thoughts. This wasn’t just talking to myself; it was a two-way conversation. We didn’t use words, yet strangely, our dialogue continued.

Heh heh—

“Oh, so cute.”

Before I knew it, I had picked up the little fluffball that had come up to my feet, rubbing against me, and headed toward the computer. The part of my body that touched her felt warm.


Being a celebrity is tough.

Fame and attention bring money and power, but they also come with risks that one has to bear.

It’s a double-edged sword. Celebrities often find themselves at the mercy of everyone’s lips, easily becoming a topic of conversation, discussed casually without a second thought.

Those offhand comments and hastily written posts can inflict immense pain on the person involved, yet people generally have no idea. In fact, they often don’t want to know.

Anyway, the reason I suddenly fell into this reflection was simple.

I had become a celebrity.

“That’s Kayak.”

“You’re a fan, right?”

“Wow, it’s my first time seeing you in person.”

“Is that the person who dated a woman?”


Transcending human physical abilities allows one to hear even the whispers they’d rather not. I picked up on the gazes directed at me along with hushed conversations.

Currently, I was in the conversation room designated by Twisy to participate in the Ring Fit competition.

Were there really around 100 participants for this official broadcast? Sure enough, it was packed with people presumed to be streamers.

No matter how consistently I watch Twisy, I could never know them all. But it seemed most of them knew who I was. It’s only natural. With the viewer count and a recent incident, it made sense.

The imbalance of information is downright unfair. I didn’t know them, but they knew me.

The streamers I faced weren’t excluding or harboring ill will towards me. They were just whispering about me from a distance.

However, the conversations weren’t all about slandering me.

Instead of comments like, “Why does Kayak have such big breasts? I don’t like it,” most remarks were about admiration for appearances, “Oh, that person is that person,” and “Do you know Kayak?”

From my perspective, there wasn’t any particularly unpleasant chatter, but as the subject, I just wished someone would come over and talk to me directly.

I do like being the center of attention to some extent, but this kind of attention was unwelcome. It felt more like what a monkey in a zoo would get rather than the kind I wished for.

That said, I couldn’t just go up to those who were chatting and ask them to stop talking about me. My face felt uncomfortably hot.

So what do you do in situations like this when you can’t leave your seat and the gazes are overwhelming? In times like this….

You look for a familiar face.

I needed to blend in with the crowd. This competition was quite large, so many streamers I knew were likely participating too. If I could just spot Riri among this mass of people, waiting ahead would become much easier.


However, no matter how much I focused my gaze around, I couldn’t find Riri. Even seeing Nicang or Hakchu—or even Han Kang—would’ve been nice.


Just as I was scanning the area, a familiar face came into my view.


“Wow, look at all these people! Do you think I can win this competition among so many? Hey, everyone!”

“Can they really win after breaking through this, guys?”

[Will they even make it?]

[Let’s just take part for the sake of participation.]

[Kaya will win, bye!]

[Anyway, Kaya is winning.]

[Gunhee, still, Kaya is a woman, she has some pride as a man.]

[Kaya could knock out an adult man, you know?]

[There was an analysis from pro boxer Juhwan Lim that Kaya’s strength is at wild boar level.]

[This guy would struggle even against other women, let alone Kaya.]

[For real, lol, this isn’t just about strength; it’s a stamina battle.]

[This dude has the worst stamina; he’ll be panting after just 10 minutes, lol.]

[Still, the Broadcast Host has good core strength.]

[Last time, he proved his waist strength, didn’t he?]

[For men, it’s all about the waist, right….]

[Whoa, whoa.]

[The waist power of the Taker is legendary, lol.]

[What good is a good waist if there’s no use for it though?]

“At times like this, you just have to cheer with messages like ‘Taker, you got this! Fighting!’ How can there be not a single warm-hearted message? I’m really disappointed, everyone.”

The Taker, Jang Gun-hee, was also one of the participants in this Ring Fit tournament.

Just by the fact that the busy and high-value Taker participated made the lineup extremely luxurious.

As he was walking toward the event hall,

Thud, thud, thud—

Something began to rush toward him at an alarming speed. The Taker, who was chatting with viewers, was startled and turned his head.

“Wh-What’s going on, Kaya?”

“Aha, Taker! Hello! You’re participating in the tournament too, right?”

“Yeah, that’s true, but….”

“That’s great! Then let’s go together.”

“Eh? No, wait, I’m in the middle of broadcasting here. But what are you even doing—”

Kaya suddenly approaches and demands to accompany him, linking her arm with his.

Taker wasn’t the only one taken aback by her unusually active demeanor; the viewers watching were shocked too.

[Kaya, what a move, lol.]

[??? What’s happening right now?]

[She comes in and links arms…? This is totally….]

[Kaya’s in flirt mode, lol.]

[Crazy, flaunting those curves while linking arms.]

[Taker, I hate you… I hate you… I hate you… I hate you…]

[It was supposed to be the Broadcast Host making the approach and Kaya pushing him away; what’s happening?]

[Wait…? I thought Kaya only liked pretty boys.]

[Taker, you punk!!!]

[As expected, romance is all about the Taker, lol.]

[The charming man, Taker! Oh no.]

[Look, Bro, even a girl who likes boys can be seduced by a girl.]