Chapter 242

The last week of March, just after the equinox and before April’s clear brightness.

[I heard the debonaire show is funny, so I watched all of it today.]

It’s way funnier than I imagined, lol. It’s definitely airing again today, right?

─ Yup, every Wednesday. But check out the season one documentary too, it has a lot of funny parts sprinkled throughout.

└ For real, it’s a documentary but the humor bursts out in between, haha.

└ Okey-dokey!

While waiting for the third episode after coming to watch a fun show, thanks to the fans who are tirelessly promoting in the community and naturally leading others to watch season one too.

The documentary capturing the members’ narratives was rapidly increasing in views.

[Who said the debonaire documentary was fun?]

So that was the meaning of DEB, huh? T_T I keep alternating between crying and laughing…

It’s well-made, neither too heavy nor too light, T_T.

─ ?? Even as a fan, I didn’t cry. Are you going through menopause?

─ Did you debut yourself? Crying and laughing will grow horns on your butt.

└ Instead of horns, I think I dropped a solid poop, T_T.

└ Ah, damn it!

Thanks to this interaction between the light-hearted, youthful girl images in the show and the serious looks of the trainees preparing for their long-awaited debut in the documentary.

The number of people becoming fond of the debonaire members was rapidly increasing.

Even though subscriber growth on YouTube isn’t high unless it’s a group under one of the big four entertainment companies, it already surpassed 4 million at the same speed as Ailee, proving its popularity.

Maybe that’s why there seemed to be even more people in the Korean community eagerly waiting for the season two of the show [DEB: ON AIR], episode three.

And precisely at 10 PM on Wednesday, episode three was released.

─ Oh!

It started with the same-age friends, Woo-ah and Chiyo, going grocery shopping as a punishment.

The two checked the shopping list written in a notebook.

[Ingredients written with help from the leader sister]

— Minced garlic

— Cooked rice




— Fruits

[Woo-ah: Since we’re going out, should we just cook ourselves?]

[Chiyo: Sounds good.]

[Woo-ah: I figured everyone would probably just crash right after.]

[Chiyo: Sigh… I think I lost my bed.]

[Correct Answer]

[Do-hee, Seo-yoon: Zzz…]

Just as Chiyo predicted, the two clearly lost the sleeping punishment and had to sleep on the floor, yet they were sprawled out occupying the bed without even a whisper.

[Meanwhile, coming back inside the room after getting some fresh air, what about magical girl leader Na-eun?]

[She checked the camera angle…]

─ Checking the camera is so refreshing, haha.

─ This is what being a rookie looks like, hehe.

[Clatter, clatter]

The screen goes dark.

[Ends after checking the camera]



[Still, the adorable couple quickly arrived at the market]

[Chiyo: I’m so happy to be out like this with Woo-ah!]

[Woo-ah: Me too~ Shall we head to the market?]

Walking through the market, Chiyo’s head was constantly turning, drawn by the smells.

[Delicious treats at the entrance of the market]

[Chiyo: Chicken…!]

[Woo-ah: We’re eating meat, though.]

[Chiyo: But we both have “Chi” in our names!]

[Pretty plausible reason]

─Same “Chi,” obviously, lol

─What a plausible reason, lol

Of course, Chiyo wasn’t spinning her head around like a child all the time. Sometimes she seemed quite relaxed.

[Oh…! It’s Debonaire!]

[Chiyo: Yes, that’s right. Hello!]

[Woo-ah: Hello~]



[Hello X8]

[Countless greetings]

Despite being rookies, the two frequently gave autographs and took pictures with the younger crowd who recognized Debonaire and the occasional elder who approached them.

Only then did the serious shopping really begin.

[Chiyo: Do-hee told us to just buy a lot. The production staff will eat it.]

[Woo-ah: Chairman, about 20 people will be eating, how much do we need?]

[Kind-hearted people taking care of the production staff]

[Chiyo: Whoa… that’s a lot!]

Starting with 5kg of pork belly from the butcher shop, they stopped by the side dish store.

[Woo-ah: Could you give us a bit more, please?]

[Ultimate aegyo level of Woo-ah]

After buying various things, their hands were full.

That was the end of the first round of shopping.

[Woo-ah: Now we have to go to the mart.]

The second round began.

The screen suddenly flashed back in time.

Around noon, while having lunch at a Chinese restaurant, the members were debating their dinner menu.

[Do-hee: What should we eat for dinner?]

[Na-eun: Hmm~ Not sure? I think we should cook something. Right, Do-hee?]

[Do-hee: Yeah, that’s true… Kim Seo-yoon?]

[Seo-yoon: Why are you suggesting dinner plans?]

[Do-hee: (nods)]

[Seo-yoon: I knew you were going to bring up dinner. Nope~ definitely not helping.]

[Do-hee: Aww, whyyyy!]

─LMAO Seo-yoon’s predictions are spot on

─Do-hee’s pout is adorable, lol

Still, it seemed the menu would be settled like any MT.

[Woo-ah: How about just meat and stew?]

[Chiyo: Oh, kimchi stew!]

[Woo-ah: Chiyo, are you going to challenge making stew?]

The screen zoomed in on Woo-ah alone.

[Chiyo: Of course!]

Chiyo’s bright expression contrasted sharply with Woo-ah’s seriousness.

[Today, Woo-ah has been unusually contemplative.]

Back in the store’s interior.

The screen captures Chiyo.

Unlike Woo-ah, who is diligently gathering most of the groceries from the shopping list, Chiyo is wandering around.

[Woo-ah: For the lettuce… this minced garlic is better, and oh, I need to buy some cooked rice.]

[Thorough price-comparing housekeeper Miss Woo-ah.]

She zoomed around, solely on the hunt for kimchi.

[Chiyo: Where’s the kimchi…?]

[Cute but seriously into kimchi.]

[Chiyo: Kimchi…]

[Chiyo: Where’s the kimchi…?]

[Chiyo: Please give me the fresh kimchi…]

[Chiyo: Kimchi!]

[The kimchi-obsessed girl.]

─Kimchi-obsessed girl Kim Chiyo, haha!

─Ah, another weird nickname… ?? Who’s the jerk that added “kimchi-obsessed girl” to the wiki? You better take it down while I’m being nice! What’s with these strange nicknames every time I release a self-content episode, dammit?

While the obsessed girl happily selected her kimchi, the screen switched back to Woo-ah.

[Woo-ah: Oh.]

Woo-ah alternated glances between Chiyo and the shelves.

[Woo-ah: There’s a kimchi stew meal kit here.]

[She is deep in thought.]

─Hahaha, you can’t resist the taste of verified Dr. Seok!

─Hmm… looks like Chiyo isn’t great at making stews. What a shame; she’s dropped five spots in my list of potential brides.

└Uncle, that joke is so old.

└Check out that guy’s channel, he’s serious about that!

└Dammit; what the heck?

Still, Woo-ah put the meal kit back down.

[Woo-ah: But…]

The screen momentarily shifted to show Do-hee soundly sleeping on the bed.

[Chiyo’s cooking is usually quite good.]

─Editor, don’t slander our sleeping princess in the dorm!!!

─What kind of cooking has Do-hee done in the dorm to get such reactions, like “Seven” and “Debonaire,” haha?

Anyway, most of the groceries collected went smoothly.

Even alcohol included.

─Oh? Are we buying alcohol too?

Woo-ah picked up a beer.

[Woo-ah: (smugly) We’re registered adults with IDs!]

[Chiyo: Ahem.]

[Woo-ah: I read online that MT trips always involve drinking.]

[Chiyo: Ohho.]

[Freshly turned 20, not even 100 days into adulthood.]

─We’re adults! Haha!

─LOL, both of their expressions are so cute.

─When I turned twenty, I also ran to a bar with my friends and our IDs; what a memory!

As soon as I turned 20, I rushed to a bar with my friends, armed with IDs—that’s a memory!

─These kids probably haven’t even had a drink yet for their debut, haha!

─Will drinking games make it to the broadcast?

[Woo-ah: Oh, but our baby can’t drink.]

[Chiyo: That’s true… Should we keep it out then?]

The scene shifted back to Do-hee, peacefully sleeping to the soothing lullaby in the dorm.

[Do-hee: Zzz…]

[It’s time for the baby to sleep]

─20-year-olds, haha!

─It feels like they’re teasing her, but it’s still cute, haha!

─Why is it so nice to see them worrying about each other?

The two continued to stand in deep thought.

They even called Seo-yoon, but she didn’t pick up because she was sleeping.

[The older sisters are worried that underage Do-hee might feel isolated.]

[Woo-ah: Oh! I saw a herbal medicine shop on the way here.]

[Chiyo: What does that mean?]

[Woo-ah: They might sell that ginseng tea, no?]

─??? hahaha

[Chiyo: Oh… but what is ginseng tea?]

[Woo-ah: It’s supposed to taste terrible.]

[Turns out the older sisters were just worried about what kind of penalty drink they should serve if they lost.]

─The way they speak is so sweet, but why are they planning to make her drink ginseng tea, hahaha?

[Woo-ah: Since our baby will turn 19 next year and will be a ginseng… what a coincidence!]

[Chiyo: Oh-ho!]

Woo-ah, more excited than ever, took Chiyo to the nearby herbal shop to buy a whole bottle of ginseng tea for the penalty drink.

[Woo-ah: Chiyo, smell this.]

[Chiyo: (laughing) This is crazy. It smells like dirt from the tea!]

[They’re just enjoying the moment.]

But at the same time, a chilling storm sound effect was added when they returned to the dorm.

[However, these two were unaware.]

[Seo-yoon: Huh? Alcohol? Why did you buy this? You need permission from the Director or Team Leader if you want to do an alcohol broadcast, right?]

[Woo-ah: Oh dear?]

[Chiyo: Huh?]

Fast forward a few hours into the future, in the dorm.

[Woo-ah: Aaaah! It tastes like… worms from the tea!]

[Chiyo: Ew!]

[They had no idea that the ginseng tea would end up in their stomachs.]

─Hahaha, what does worm flavor even taste like?

─I’ve tasted it, and it really does taste like worms, for real!

Back in the present time at the dorm, Do-hee was giving a thumbs up to the older sisters.

[Do-hee: They probably just bought this for the staff to enjoy with their meal. Good job!]



[Do-hee: But what is this?]