Chapter 206

Ailee has been dominating the music charts for two months straight.

Following that is Seven’s second derivative group.

Amid the anticipation of it being Do-hee and Seo-yoon’s group, Debonaire has stirred up quite the buzz.

The debut stage of Debonaire is about to begin.

[I can see you calling devil more]

It was Do-hee’s expressionless yet languidly relaxed voice.

As if enchanted by that voice, the camera began to pull away.

[loving even more (Ay)]

A moment later, the screen from afar displayed four figures standing symmetrically in a triangular formation.

In that instant, a faint vitality flickered across Do-hee’s previously languid face, and with a gesture of “shh,” she moved towards the center.

[Fall in debonair]

And the two closest to the center, Chiyo and Na-eun, dramatically opened their suit jackets like blackout curtains.

[Everything seems to have changed]

The concealed center.

At that moment, the formation rapidly spread apart.

The blackout fabric was swept away.

The show had begun.

Bursting onto the stage, newly and spectacularly, was Woo-ah.

As Woo-ah signaled the start with a swift hand motion, the bass deepened, and a dance formation unfolded.

[Why does everything make sense]

[It’s not resolved by logic (Woah-ooh)]

The pop king’s signature move of grabbing his groin emerged.

Reinterpreted, with one arm outstretched and holding a thigh, the choreography appeared as if he were playing bass or guitar.

And when the hips were sharply thrust, it could easily come off as frivolous, but the choreography centered around Woo-ah had just the right balance—not too heavy, not too light.

─Wow, insane

─A magic homage for sure

─The suits fit perfectly

And as if shedding that homage image instantly, the members took on a soft wave.

The camera focused on the right exterior.

[What kind of magic am I under?]

This time, Na-eun subtly lifted her blazer, revealing her enchanting shoulder line.

In contrast to her elegant and pure acting persona, she exuded a mature vibe.

─Feels like I’m under a spell, for real

─Wow, she’s ridiculously pretty

─Pure actress’s sexy, wow

─Fifth in the visual vote for Jotol3, Kim Na-eun!!

And Na-eun, with a refreshing smile, adjusted her suit back and sent a fierce gesture.

[What kind of curse am I under?

It feels like a vivid dream (Woah-ooh)]

On the stage floor, behind the LED screen, waves were crashing.

The blue waves violently clashed.

At that moment, the members, nodding towards Na-eun, reached out to one another, crossing arms.


─Please, give me a full cam

My eyes are delighted, wanting to capture all the formations in the intense atmosphere of the stage.

[But one thing’s for sure]

The formation that follows spreads out in five directions like an awning.

And in the center of that stage.

A member positioned there, dancing and performing as if sweeping up all the powerful waves.

In a crimson suit, Kim Seo-yoon.

As Seo-yoon stands in position.

The awning formed by the members quickly contracts again.

In ten directions. Vertical line formation.

[That different feeling is]

A very unique emotion.

But Seo-yoon released it again.

As if enjoying a free rhythm.

Seo-yoon steps back toward the left.

As Seo-yoon extends her arms freely.

And as she taps the floor in sequence.

With each beat, the line formation unfolds like dominoes.

In front of the camera, behind the obscured Seo-yoon.

Members appearing one by one with Seo-yoon’s backstep.

And from this point, the chatroom is busy watching the stage.

A simple gasp of ‘Wow’ filled most of it.

[But one thing is for sure]

Meanwhile, the freed members seem to draw a new formation.

Sliding across the stage, spreading in every direction.

In the center, a member still stands firmly.


[That reached emotion is]

And softly supporting Chiyo’s sharp voice.

The double vocals of all the members.

The rising atmosphere.


A low bass sound heavy with electronic tones plays.

[What will you do, the next]

Chiyo draws her hand down from the sky to the center.

Then tilts her head in a side gesture.

And quietly says.


In this part where the center becomes more important, the chorus.

What jumps out to the center, responding to Chiyo’s gesture, is.

[I can see you calling devil more]

As if searching for something,

Do-hee places her hand in a slanted salute and stretches her arm out.

[Loving even more

Fall in debonair]

─Their looks are violent…


─Sabi, the owner of the refrain, chorus. Do-hee starts. Starts it loudly. Starts with a fanfare.

Repeated hooks that seem to capture the public’s attention.

The choreography seems simple to match that.

A disco-style move extending the arms.

The signature disco move of reaching out with your hand.

But the poses changed frequently, adding charm.

With flashy backsteps, they changed formations, raising the difficulty level.

[I can see you calling devil more]

loving even more

fall in debonair]

In the repeated chorus, Seo-yoon led the atmosphere.

─It’s really a perfect fit.

─Our Beagles are unbelievably loud, not matching the name ‘Dojuh’s they got from the first letters, LOL.

─I miss the loud Hana that made Chae-rin’s ears bleed when Do-hee, Seo-yoon, and Harang came together… that combination where Hana would quiet down out of guilt for Chae-rin…

─It’s been ages since I saw the two share a stage ㅠㅠ

─Wow, Bomi was just blankly staring the entire first verse.

─They control the dynamics so well.

They seemed to elevate the viewing pleasure to its peak.

But Kpop songs always have a point.

That point depends on how the song is structured.

Debonaire chose a traditional style, not the latest trend of making parts short to reduce playtime.

In other words, it’s the essence of Kpop.

The classic structure of intro-verse1-pre-chorus-chorus-verse2-pre-chorus-chorus-bridge-chorus-outro.

A form built on causality.

The point lies in verse 3, which starts with a bridge.

That was the biggest difference between Do-hee and Seo-yoon and the Seven.

Seven aimed to bring sophistication as trendsetters.

In reality, the arrangement of ‘Fantasia’ that Do-hee worked on had a short runtime missing verse 3.

Thus, a traditional Kpop structure can feel a bit old-fashioned.

Especially in the disco genre.

However, the members on stage seemed oblivious to that, perfectly executing their performance.

And finally, after the second verse chorus.

[Fall in debonair]

With the absence of the underlying bass, they fearlessly approached the bridge.

The prelude was just a single note from a violin.

A booming disco synth signaling a grand entrance.

The blue lights brightened, with spotlights converging.

Standing in the center of that atmosphere is Na-eun.

Na-eun unleashed a high-note ad-lib.


And with a gesture, she struck out.

Finally, when standing in the center of the triangular formation,

She shook off her suit blazer and, stepping forward, let out a short, high-pitched scream full of excitement.


And in an instant, the formation changed.

Out from the end came Do-hee.

The bridge that followed was.


A dance break consisting solely of ad-libs.

First, move up and down in a zigzag.

Accelerate as if to snatch with your arms.

A dazzling footstep that seems to match the sound of the steps.


Then, the first point bursts out.

As the members slightly bend their knees to lower their bodies.

Do-hee, standing in the center, makes a big leap into the air.

And then, bowing her head, she delivers a kick forward!


Do-hee naturally sweeps her long hair, which has fallen forward, back and swiftly heads to the far left.

─ Do-hee is such a pro, she’s flying! Haha

─ Seriously, Do-hee is born to be an idol.

─ That hair flip is just wow…

─ What’s with that? Can a kid be this cool?

─ I think I’m falling for her, ah…

[Fall in debonair!]

There was no break.

The second point comes out.

The members form a horizontal line and turn around.

Everyone simultaneously throws their coats and blazers back with a shoulder motion.

They drape them over their arms.

Due to their sleeveless shirts, the members’ shoulders are exposed.

They stretch their hands wide to the sides while taking rhythmic side steps.

The finish is perfected by simply draping the suits back with a shoulder movement.

─ What the heck, wow!

─ Haha, wowwwww

─ The performance is insane!

─ Seriously, the charm is just overwhelming!

And then it continues with a restrained disco point dance along with a turn.

[I can see you

I can see you]

Soon, the last chorus starts.

[I can see you calling Devil more]

Naturally, the members, as it’s their debut.

Put their best effort into each and every movement.

They didn’t miss a single beat or action.

When the song finally ends.

Like the start of the stage.

Dazzling lights burst forth like lightning.

On the back screen.

Five large shadows of the members’ silhouettes were created.


And like the cheers of fans filling the square hall.

The real-time streaming chat flits by.

─ Wow

─ Haha

─ Wow, this stage is really fun!

─ They do these intense dances on music shows every day? Haha

─ Watching this is just thrilling! Haha

─ Wwwwwww

People were excitedly pouring out words, sound effects, and emojis with amazement.

Whether it’s the traditional K-pop style.

The old-school mood unique to disco.

Or the absence of a fresh image expected from rookies.

With various reasons to be disappointed,

the level of completion was simply too high.