Chapter 132

[Author: Monkey Spanner]

[Title: So what’s up with Gawol’s video?]

[Votes: 438]

(Attached Photo: Gawol, Sigma Pro Debut Capture)

If you look closely under the cloak, there’s something that looks like a staff? Or maybe a crutch?

And the hand touching the display seems to have some strength behind it.

It’s not just a gentle touch!

This got me thinking, though,

Has Gawol ever shown herself moving in real life?

(Attached Photo: Collection of Gawol’s Cam Stream Photos)

(Attached Video: Elderin Bringing Water)

Even during streams, she always kept her legs covered,

And when Elderin casually brings water during collabs, it’s like it’s no big deal.

But think about it,

Gawol calls Elderin her sister and she’s even a senior in the streaming world.

You see her treating Elderin like a senior quite a bit.

But that doesn’t mean their relationship is bad, right?

Usually, wouldn’t it be the younger one doing the simple chores?

Even if not, you’d think she’d move around at least once, right?

So here’s my conclusion:

Is there something wrong with her leg? More specifically, her left leg?


– Didn’t some rumors say she has some issues?

– (Deleted Comment: Some industry folks already knew about it.)

– Is it just that Elderin isn’t bossing her around?

└ She doesn’t do that during other collabs.

[Author: Anonymous (420.621)]

[Title: Then how has Gawol been playing games all this time?]

(Attached Video: Gawol, Using Her Legs to Strangle)

These days, connection devices are all motion-capture corrected, right?

Is it possible to do moves like this without moving the left leg?


– Right?

– ?

– There used to be brainwave connection devices back in the day;

[Author: Dongmi-cham]

[Title: So using a brainwave connection increases synchronization rate?]

[Author: SigmaLike]

[Title: But then what was Gawol’s synchronization rate while gaming?]

(Attached Video: Arena 2nd Preliminary, Gawol vs Haruka)

Was she shaking like that because it really hurt?



– No way, huh?

– How can she endure that?

[Author: Sigma Gallery Manager]

[Title: Recent Changes to IKL Summer Regulations]

[Votes: 249]

(Attached Photo: IKL Summer League Regulation Changes)

(Attached Photo: Infinity Black Pro League Regulation Changes)

To be precise, the Korean branch changed the IKL regulations first,

And it seems the head office changed it as well, going across the whole league.

Gawol’s debut must have been so impactful that it got overshadowed.

Anyway, there’s no problem for her to participate under the regulations!

No problem with the entry until the competition.

The 시붕이들 can relax and get ready to watch the Summer League.

Let’s really try to break through to the championship this year!


– I’m alive…

– Damn, how did you get that assassin?

– (Comment deleted by admin)

└ No dividing teams, please.


[Title: Want to Drink Together?]

[‘Gawol’ is live broadcasting.]

[ON AIR | 00:53:21]

I never really liked alcohol much.

I never thought of myself as unable to drink, but I wasn’t one to enjoy it either.

Even during my player days, when my tolerance was much higher, it was the same.

The calorie content of alcohol is around 7 kcal per gram.

The calories themselves aren’t that appealing, and they interfere with protein synthesis in the liver.

To me, who was focused on body management, alcohol was just a tasteless and unhealthy drink. Nothing more, nothing less.


“I think I quite like alcohol now. I’m not good at drinking, though. But when I’m a bit tipsy…… it feels really nice. Do you not like it?”

Now that my tolerance has significantly decreased, it seems I’ve strangely started to enjoy drinking.

– No no no no no no no

– Please keep drinking, I like it!

– I’m also drinking while watching the broadcast.

– Show me your armpits.

– Sake would be good, try it!

– Just drink soju.

It hasn’t even been an hour since I opened the broadcast with Luce.

Suddenly, I felt a tipsy feeling creeping into my body.

My exhaled breath mingled with the air in the room, melting away.

The faint smell of alcohol rising again stimulated my sense of smell, making me feel tipsy once more.

I thought I would sip it slowly this time.

But I ended up taking another sip of the clear distilled soju.

The tip of my tongue felt slightly numb and hot, making me unconsciously wet my lips with my tongue.

– Oh

– Slurp slurp

– Wow.

The chat room was buzzing for a moment.

I hadn’t said anything, so did Luce do something?

When I turned to look, Luce was grabbing a piece of dak-galbi.

I don’t know.

Our viewers are usually noisy anyway.

It probably wasn’t anything significant.

The questions from the viewers usually guided our conversations.

We picked a suitable donation or chat and casually chatted along.

Then, a donation arrived that could not be ignored.

「Sigma loves it donated 10,000 won.」

「What was your first impression of Gawol in reality?」

It was clearly a question intended for Luce.

Isn’t it common to ask someone to talk about it in front of them?

My mind, which was all hazy, snapped back to reality.

Well, it wasn’t really a topic I could interrupt anyway.

With nothing else to do, I just took a bite of the spicy chicken stir-fry.

…It was delicious.

Why on earth have I come to love cheese this much?

Is this what they call umami?

The chewy texture and the somehow enchanting flavor had completely captivated me.

After gathering her thoughts for a moment, Luce began to speak.

“Actually, I didn’t meet Da-eun for the first time in the game. I thought she was super cute and I wanted to cheer for her. You might say that’s unexpected, right? It’s hard to imagine her as a mischievous troublemaker, isn’t it?”

So she thought of me that way.

Hmm. Choosing the spicy chicken stir-fry as a snack was a wise decision.

Sweet, delicious, and happy.

– If you didn’t meet in the game, where did you see her?

– Must be at the hospital since it’s Sigma, right?

– Is it true that Gawol has a bad leg?

– Doesn’t seem like just some gossip.

– Are you saying Kelberos got wrecked by a disabled person?

Just as expected, the conversation flowed in that direction.

It wasn’t unexpected at all.

Coincidentally, not long ago, my leg issues had been put on the table.

It wasn’t a big problem.

The League’s operation team, and even Sigma’s front office, already knew about it.

It was just a wave I had to ride once.

Actually, if it was too late, I had thought of disclosing it moderately myself.

It was something I needed to sort out before the Summer League opened.

“The leg does hurt. I can’t walk alone without crutches. It’s a bit tough even with a cane.”

Due to the nature of the house I lived in, it was hard to use a wheelchair.

After all, it was a building without elevators.

Now I could probably use one, but strangely, I didn’t want to.

Once you sit down, it feels like you’ll never get up again.

It was a silly thought, but I couldn’t help it.

– Then how’s your sensation?

– Do you still have a functioning old brainwave connection device?

– No, that’s buried because it’s dangerous!

– What was your percentage in the Arena?

I didn’t really want to talk about the connection device.

If I mentioned that, I’d also have to talk about my parents.

My heart just wasn’t strong enough to go there yet.

“The immersion rate during the Arena was 70%. It hurt a lot at first, but they say humans are animals of adaptation, right? The device I’m using now has dropped a bit. What was it again?”

“64.4%. It’s been steadily going down.”

“That’s what I hear. It’s way better than before.”

– How can you get used to that, Tenyun?

– You’ve been spouting crazy stuff nonchalantly for ages!

– LOL!

– Even 30% still hurts!

I felt a bit parched.

But my streaming audience was just fine.

It’s okay.

But not everyone in this world watches my broadcast, and not everyone loves me.

I wonder how the reactions are elsewhere.

Half of me wants to find out.

And the other half wants to turn away.

When was the last time I felt this scared?

I think it was when I first showed my face on camera.

Is it a little better now than back then?

After downing a big gulp of alcohol, I felt a bit better.

After all, emotions like fear and anxiety are just illusions created by the brain.

If things get too tough, just drown your worries in booze and mess up your head.

“Actually, we practiced a few times together before the presentation. Da-eun is really talented, so please keep an eye on Sigma from now on.”

While I was drinking, Luce changed the subject.

And… um…


Thank goodness. It went by without any issues.

Luce looked at Da-eun, sprawled out on the desk.

At first, it seemed like she was managing well, but it appears she was worried in the end.

Around an hour after the broadcast started, to be exact, it was when the topic of legs came up that she drank too hastily.

As a result, Da-eun was completely wasted.

– Why do you keep wanting to see my body?

– Armpits? Just a little wetting? Hmm, what’s the difference?

– No… If I show everything, you won’t come back.

– I’ll just show you a little at a time.

Feeling that the conversation was heading to a dangerous place, I ended the broadcast.

Thanks to that, I stopped my team member’s antics from spreading widely…

“Da-eun? Do you want to get up?”

No matter how much I tapped, her body didn’t get up easily.

There’s no helping it.

I can’t let her sleep here.

In the end, I carefully carried her on my back; she wasn’t that heavy.

Just as we got on the elevator, a faint moan reached Luce’s ears.

“I’m sorry, Mom… I messed up… Come back…”

Today, nothing happened.

She didn’t hear anything, and Da-eun was just asleep.

Gayeon gently closed her eyes.