Chapter 12

Sacheon Martial World is twisted.

To understand the twists of this Sacheon Martial World, one must go back to ancient times in Sacheon.

Sacheon was a rapidly developing region and has grown to compete as one of the wealthiest areas in the entire and now bustling world, but it wasn’t always like that.

There were multiple factors driving the development of Sacheon, but the only one related to martial arts was the Tang Clan.

Metallurgy for creating hidden weapons, and herbology that naturally developed to produce poison.

The Tang Clan steadily shared this knowledge with the public.

Although the Tang Clan didn’t singularly drive the development of Sacheon, everyone acknowledged their contributions, and even the Huang Nation granted the Tang Clan the status of local clan in Sacheon.

Thanks to such development in Sacheon, there were also those who rode the wave of growth.

Those were the outcasts.

Taking advantage of the chaos generated by rapid development, the outcasts surged forth in numbers, and the wealthy conditions of Sacheon even attracted the outcasts from Yunnan.

Hold on a sec!

What comes to mind when you hear “Tang Clan in Sacheon”?

Have you heard the saying, “Kindness repays twofold, resentment repays tenfold”?

That’s the family motto of the Tang Clan.

Would the Tang Clan leave the outcasts, who have been festering in their own territory, alone?

Naturally, they sought to eradicate them.

However, despite being the renowned Tang Clan, it was insufficient to eradicate the outcasts who had rapidly built power by absorbing the chaos of Sacheon.

Thus, the Tang Clan requested support from the righteous faction forces established in Sacheon.

Among the five great clans, the influential Hwangbo Clan and the renowned Nine Great Sects along with Jeomchang Faction and Jongnam Sect took the lead in suppressing the outcasts that were causing chaos in Sacheon.

After numerous fights, the outcast forces in Sacheon were eradicated. No matter how much their momentum had grown, they simply could not withstand the martial arts accumulated over hundreds of years by the Daoist Sect.

The Tang Clan opened their eyes wide and uprooted the outcast forces from Sacheon.

True to their motto of repaying resentment tenfold, the Tang Clan eradicated the seeds of the outcasts.

* *

“Where did you get such knowledge?”

“From the field.”

Black Cat seemed very curious about the source of this information, but I ignored that look and continued speaking.

I don’t think Black Cat wouldn’t know the history of Sacheon.

But the more important the matter, the more one should establish a solid foundation.

What if I recklessly assumed, ‘Black Cat must know this much’ and proceeded? If there were aspects Black Cat did not know, wouldn’t it be too late to ask, “Hey, didn’t you know?”

Since the ultimate goal is the Sacheon’s top outcast, it wouldn’t just be a matter of days. We need to synchronize from the basic aspects.

* *

Let’s return to the history of Sacheon.

What was the real cause of the twisted Huangchen’s Sacheon Martial World?

It could be the Tang Clan, which uprooted all the outcast seeds. Or maybe it was the fault of the then sect leaders who could not maintain the demeanor of a Daoist.

But at this point, identifying the cause may not be significant anymore.

The Tang Clan already had territories commensurate with their capability, and acquiring territories beyond that would have been a burden for them. So they uprooted the outcasts and handed over the remaining territories to the allied forces of the Hwangbo Clan and the Daoist sects.

They showcased the taste of wealth to the Daoist sects who quietly cultivated their way in the mountains.

There’s a saying that late winds bring fear.

Having poured the gold of wealthy Sacheon into the lives of Daoists who had lived frugally all their lives, how could they not lose their minds?

It was as if they had given meat to a vegetarian.

Once the Hwangbo Clan, which already knew the taste of meat, got a taste of fresh meat along with the outcast factions of Aimi, Cheongseong, Jongnam, and Jeomchang, they all dove into the power dynamics of Sacheon.

But no matter how much they craved meat, as Daoists, there was still a sense of dignity. It would be a heavy burden to roll up their sleeves and dive directly into the fray.

As they pondered how to expand their power without losing face, the Daoist sects began to notice the smaller sects.

In one of the Daoist minds at that time, this word must have flashed like lightning.


What if they lent their strength to the small-sized and medium-sized sects and received a portion of the profits as offerings?

There was nothing anyone could say about the Daoist sects receiving offerings from commoners, and wasn’t it the true way of Daoists to help out common folks when difficulties arose?

If that target was a righteous faction that carried the banners of righteousness and chivalry while training their martial arts, they would be an even more worthy force to support.

Small and medium-sized sects would connect with larger sects, securing backers for expanding their power, while the larger sects would reap profits without losing face. It was truly a win-win strategy!


It was a splendid strategy.

It was so good that everyone began to adopt it.

Even the Hwangbo Clan and your Daoist sects, as much as they went mad over the taste of meat, were indeed renowned righteous factions. At least they did not covet the territories of the Tang Clan, and the Tang Clan similarly did not covet the territories of other sects.

From the perspective of the Tang Clan, which was once the victor of Sacheon, even if they didn’t covet their territory, they would understandably be pissed off by the power struggles of the sects. But those five sects had also willingly supported the Tang Clan during their difficult times. According to the Tang Clan’s family motto of repaying kindness twofold, they turned a blind eye to the conflicts among the five clans.

With the Tang Clan’s tacit approval, the Hwangbo Clan and your sects eagerly enlisted the small and medium-sized sects of Sacheon.

The hottest battlefield of this power struggle can be said to be Sacheon City, the center of Sacheon’s development.

Sacheon City, which thrives as the years go by, was not even the territory of the Tang Clan.

Sacheon City was a huge prey even from the Tang Clan’s perspective, but unlike the other big sects, the Tang Clan had the title of ‘Local Clan’ bestowed by the Huang Nation. Sacheon City was under the direct governance of the Governor dispatched by the Huang Nation.

What had been the trigger for high-ranking officials since ancient times?

Treason and assassination.

If the local clan were to unleash their private soldiers in the Governor’s territory, it would be a challenge against the central authority, but what if the martial artists from the Tang Clan, wielding hidden weapons and poison, were unleashed to gather power in Sacheon City? That was ridiculous.

While the Tang Clan couldn’t reach out, the Hwangbo Clan and your sects, not linked to the Huang Nation, confidently recruited the smaller and medium-sized sects within Sacheon City.

The recruited small and medium-sized sects were brimming with ambition.

At that time, the popularity of the Tang Clan, your sects, and the Hwangbo Clan in Sacheon was truly at its peak. The Tang Clan and sects had achieved a clean area free of outcasts! And Hwangbo Clan! The crowds could not help but cheer for them passionately.

And it was then that the Hwangbo Clan and the sects became my backing!

The small and medium-sized sects were ignited with ambition to expand their influence and boldly took action.

* *

“What happened? Do you know?”

“…Well, I don’t know.”

Black Cat coolly sipped tea while pretending not to know. Since it was already known that she used the Black Shadow Qi Technique, she casually took off her mask and sipped tea without hesitation. Even without the mask, the Black Shadow Qi was flowing around her face, causing even the teacups in her hands to be shrouded in darkness.

I could easily notice the outcasts trying to catch a glimpse of her face, twisting their waists and craning their necks.

They’re really trying hard.

As I clicked my tongue, I discovered two awkwardly twisting figures trying to peek inside the Black Rib.

…Yeo Jin-sang and Jeong Sam.

Whoa, I’m seriously embarrassed for them.

As I fiddled with my burning ears, Black Cat asked back.

“What do you think happened with Senior Ho?”

“Why are you asking me? I already know the answer.”

“Who did Senior Ho hear such a story from?”

“I’m the one who asked, you know? And who’d tell me such a tale? It’s just me piecing together the stories I’ve picked up here and there for the past seven years. Not everyone can share that kind of story, so you’d better listen closely.”

“Sure. I’m listening closely. So could you finish telling the story?”

Damn it.

* *

Even with the solid backing of the sects, taking over Sacheon City didn’t happen!

What does one need to become a chivalrous hero?

There must be a villain to bring about opportunities for chivalrous heroes to shine.

In the meticulous efforts of the Tang Clan, not just the great evils but even the minor evils were uprooted, turning Sacheon into a truly clean land, where no one could give recognition to the names of sects or chivalrous heroes.

The small and medium-sized sects were flabbergasted but couldn’t sheathe the already drawn swords.

Eventually, they aimed their swords at each other.

Of course, just because they aimed their swords at each other doesn’t mean bloodshed erupted within Sacheon City.


Intense matches began occurring among the small and medium-sized sects nestled within Sacheon City.