Chapter 117

입양딸 역할을 지나치게 잘해버렸다 117화

“The grand Pongpong His Majesty makes his entrance!”

The blue-haired boy Pongpong transformed into a large droplet that enveloped Viola’s body.


Viola almost found herself floundering.

‘Ugh… I can’t breathe… wait, I can?’

It was cozy and warm.

‘So this is the famous water curtain.’

The water curtain that had protected Heidi until the very end unfurled.

It couldn’t match the water curtain from the latter part of the novel, but Pongpong’s water curtain deflected all of Selbin’s punches.

Pong! Pong!

With every place Selbin’s fist made contact, there was a Pong! Pong! sound accompanied by a splash of water.

His punches were powerful enough to split large rocks.

‘Not even a scratch?’

Selbin’s movements were so fast it was hard to believe he was just nine years old.

They were nearly invisible to the eye.

In a single breath, his fists surged forward multiple times, showcasing incredible force and momentum.

However, even that phenomenal martial skill couldn’t penetrate Pongpong.

‘Well, if it doesn’t hit, it’s just a waste of energy.’

Viola observed Selbin from the safety of the water curtain.

As time passed, she found her composure.

None of Selbin’s attacks could pass through Pongpong.

‘Truly the ultimate defensive spirit of the world!’

Pongpong, wrapping around Viola, chimed in.

“How do you like the great Pongpong His Majesty’s technique?”

“Stop hiding cowardly and come out!”

Selbin was heated.

How dare he refer to Pongpong as ‘His Majesty’ in such an arrogant way.

Viola felt a slight headache.

She whispered very softly.

‘Don’t throw around “His Majesty” so carelessly.

If you’re not careful, you could be accused of treason.

If that happens, your happy and peaceful life might just fly away.

You could end up rotting in the empire’s prison for life.’

Pongpong’s question echoed in her mind.

“What’s ‘His Majesty’?”

‘It’s a term used to elevate the Emperor of the human world. It shouldn’t be used lightly.’

‘I’m a spirit, though?’

So he was questioning why he couldn’t invoke such grand terms because he belonged to the spirit realm.

‘“His Majesty” sounds cool and nice.’

Meanwhile, Selbin adorned with mana punched towards Viola’s face again.


That punch was absorbed with a resounding Pong!

‘Anyway, you really shouldn’t use it casually. It’s the Contractee’s command.’

‘Then think of a cooler term instead of “His Majesty.”’

‘How about just calling him “Pongha” for short? That sounds cool too.’

‘Really? Cool?’

‘Yep. Very cool.’

Trapped (?) within the water curtain, Viola could sense that Pongpong was really excited.

He seemed satisfied by being called cool.

Selbin performed a martial arts stance and stepped back a few paces.

Her face was flushed red.

“What on earth are you mumbling about!”


Selbin’s pride had taken a hit.

Here she was, giving it her all in her attacks, and the other side was leisurely chatting with a spirit.

She didn’t know what they were saying, but it felt like she was being mocked.

“Fight to the best of your abilities!”

Tears welled up in Selbin’s eyes.

It was fine to lose due to a lack of ability, but being disregarded as weak was an entirely different matter.

“Don’t insult me!”

A burst of mana exploded from Selbin’s body.

The unique golden mana managed by the Duke of Brandia surged from her being.

‘This is bad.

That mana belongs to the Duke of Brandia, heralded for its unparalleled destructive power in this world.

People even referred to those wielding that golden mana as beasts.

‘I can’t make her too angry.’

I can’t allow her to be insulted despite not being able to afford a loss.

Selbin would grow into a powerful martial artist someday.

‘If I provoke her too much, she’ll become my enemy again.’

It’s better to have fewer foes than to have many friends.

At least for the sake of Viola’s long, slender, and happy life.

Viola hurriedly, yet outwardly calmly stated.

“Lady Selbin, please pause the duel for a moment. We need to clear up some misunderstandings.”

“Do you think I’m stupid? You’ve disregarded me!”


Viola gestured with her hand.

The weeds began to sway here and there.

“The martial art I’ve mastered isn’t Bellatu Swordsmanship. You might feel it, but it’s from the Eastern Continent. It’s called Grass Swordsmanship.”

Selbin tilted her head slightly.

Why was the Lady of Bellatu learning a martial art from the Eastern Continent instead of Bellatu Swordsmanship?

“As you might know, some of the martial arts on the Eastern Continent operate under a set of syllables.

I chanted these syllables to welcome you, Lady Selbin, and give it my all.”

It was actually a conversation with Pongpong, but Selbin didn’t know that.

The intensity of the once-raging golden mana began to decrease.

“I recited the syllables to showcase everything I possess and displayed my strongest defensive technique.

Do you understand now?”

Selbin nodded.

She realized she had misunderstood Viola.

“I seem to have misjudged you, I’m sorry.”

Selbin lowered her stance, lowering her center of gravity.

“Then can we start again?”


“Grass Swordsmanship shall cleave through mountains and rivers and arise.”

Goosebumps erupted all over Viola’s body.

This was just plain embarrassing.


A strong wind blew, and the scattered weeds started to rise.


The wind was blowing harder than she expected.

And a far bigger quantity of grass twirled around Viola, harboring sharp intentions.

‘W-what is happening?’

Viola herself was taken aback.

‘Is it different because it’s real combat?’

A much stronger Grass Swordsmanship unfolded compared to practice.

She didn’t realize it, but faint glimmers emanated from her ring and clothes.

Although invisible to the naked eye, those able to read mana would undoubtedly see the light.

Hixson, who had arrived late at the duel venue, opened his eyes wide.


He could see it.

The ring on Viola’s finger and the dress she wore were reacting.

They didn’t seem like ordinary ring and dress.

‘Ring. Dress, Spirit. And….’

The last piece.

‘Viola’s Killing Star.

These four elements blended together, unleashing tremendous explosive power.

Viola, holding back her embarrassment, recited the Grass Swordsmanship syllables.

She whispered as quietly as she could.

“The solid wood before the enemy crumbles helplessly.”

One by one, the Grass Swords filled with sharp intentions enveloped Viola and Selbin.

From a distance, it looked like a green mist was unfurling, and up close, it felt like a green storm was brewing.


Selbin had a hard time keeping her eyes open against the gusting wind.

‘What the hell…!

Each of these tiny blades of grass was a legendary sword.

She raised mana to protect her skin, but with every touch of the Grass Sword, her mana was cut away.

Selbin barely managed to open her eyes and thrust out her powerful mana-infused fist.

She had to sever the connection between the Grass Sword and Viola.

Her body was accumulating wounds.

Selbin crouched down and covered her face while executing her combat moves.

‘I need to get closer.’

She had to sacrifice her flesh to attain bone.

There was no way to completely defend against the Grass Sword.

Even if she bled heavily, she had to find a way to approach Viola and stop her.

‘There’s no way she can maintain such a powerful attack for long.’

And her defense must be lax.

She thought that as long as she could close the distance, there was a chance of victory.

‘Got it!’

She closed the distance.

Viola came into view.

She lunged forward to take her into a hug.

It was an attempt to turn the fight into a grappling competition, not a weapons one.


However, her attempt backfired.

She felt pain as her entire body was being sliced away.

At that moment, Medea’s voice rang out.


Medea unsheathed her sword and swung it once, erasing the green surrounded.

Viola’s Grass Swordmanship and Selbin’s mana both fell silent before Medea.

The swirling weeds settled down, turning into powder that danced in the breeze.

The duel venue sank into silence.

Medea’s single stroke ended the duel and summoned tranquility.

A strong smell of grass filled the air.

“I intervened as I judged Lady Selbin’s life to be in danger. What do you think, observers?”

Reven, the observer from the Duke of Mariantu, cleared his throat.

He too had witnessed it clearly.

If left alone, Selbin would have died.

Reven couldn’t deny it either.

“Princess Viola’s martial prowess is truly astounding. We seem to be the ones who’ve lost.”

“Please say it precisely.”

“It’s a loss.”

Reven couldn’t take his eyes off Viola.

With such skill, and she was the White Bellatu.

It seemed unbelievable, but since he saw it with his own eyes, it was hard not to believe.

“Lady Selbin, do you acknowledge your defeat?”

After a moment’s hesitation, Selbin nodded her head.

She felt it too.

When she embraced Viola, she saw death.

Viola felt like a massive tsunami.

It was the sensation of a tremendous wall, one she had never faced before, swallowing her whole.

Viola approached and extended her hand.

“It was a good match.”

“What was that at the end…?”

That sensation of a great disaster approaching.

Selbin grasped Viola’s hand.

At that moment, Selbin’s mind went blank.

The sky turned golden and her breath quickened.

‘What is this?’

It was the same feeling as before.

That feeling when she embraced Viola.

The terrifying fear of death creeping back in.

Startled, Selbin yanked her hand away and asked.

“Were you wearing that ring while fighting me?”


Maybe it was uncomfortable because she wore it every day.

“Can I try it just once?”

“Sorry, it’s a gift from my father.

I’m sorry, but it’s a bit much to let you wear it, but I can show it for a moment.”

Selbin accepted it, satisfied with that much.


With a loud noise, the ring fell to the ground.

Unable to withstand the weight and the immense power contained in the ring, Selbin collapsed and fainted.

Viola was extremely flustered as well.

‘Why did she faint?’

She only intended to shake hands; why did she have to faint!

It was a perfectly ripe scenario for misunderstandings.

Nonetheless, unable to show her surprise, she merely gazed calmly at the fainted Selbin.

Her mind was a jumble.

‘What on Earth is happening today?’

She had only planned to endure alongside Pongpong, drag things out, and then strike back once Selbin exhausted herself.

Selbin was a powerful martial artist but weak in prolonged ground warfare.

Yet something felt overly bizarre and grand had come to a close.

‘Why, why?’

Medea’s gaze towards her felt ominous.

Moreover, wasn’t Hixson also staring at her with very wide eyes?

They seemed to understand the situation.

But she couldn’t ask Medea or Hixson what happened.

The one feeling the most frustrated was Viola herself.

‘What’s going on? Why am I this strong?’

It felt like she had utterly overwhelmed Lady Selbin in a shocking manner.

She wasn’t sure of the exact reason, but it was perplexing.

It was already frustrating and ridiculous, but then even more absurdity began to unfold.