Chapter 110

The Empire has a strong attitude that disregards pure engineering that doesn’t use gems.

In the past, it was tangled in a culture of privilege that only imported expensive gems from gem mines in the Demon Realm. If a noble couldn’t use gems, it was considered shameful.

Currently, a solidified perception looks down upon the magical class, stirred by wizards feeling alarmed by the emergence of total weapons and the royal family’s unease at the easy wielding of powerful weapons by commoners.

“We have been steadfast in our efforts to advance academic pursuits even amidst bad perceptions. We only barely seized the opportunity to exhibit a steam locomotive at the academic and industrial cooperation festival, yet here we are…”

Feeling wronged by fate, the upperclassman’s voice trembled. His face turned red, and tears glistened, hinting at an imminent flood of emotion.


It was nice to see my senior kneeling, but witnessing their tears didn’t exactly brighten my mood.

I held onto my senior’s hand tightly. Objectively, it was a bit gross being sweaty, but who cares about that when it’s a popular person!

“Senior! What kind of hardship have you endured to get to this point! Spill it all out! The student council is a place for that!”

“It’s not something I can say! If we look back at history, the Department of Pure Engineering used to mean just that before the appearance of gems! It was odd in the first place to even attach the word ‘pure’! Engineering is just engineering! But now, a rolling stone pulls out the embedded stone, and everyone thinks of gem engineering when considering the engineering department!”

The excited senior had returned to casual speech.

“Ugh, uh.”

Since they had stopped crying, Pastel discreetly released their damp hand. I wiped the sweat with a handkerchief.

“Junior! Speak honestly!”

The senior pointed a finger at me.


Was wiping sweat too rude?!

I unconsciously did it!

“Can we distinguish between the Department of Pure Engineering and the Pure Engineering Course?! Do you know what the official title is?”


Is this senior from the Department of Pure Engineering or the Pure Engineering Course?

I have no idea.

Now in a dilemma of becoming a noble steeped in privilege, Pastel’s pink eyes trembled. Even the Demon Lord in the library might find this a difficult question.


“The Department of Pure Engineering!”

I didn’t know, but what mattered was speaking with confidence!

It was mentioned first, so it must be important!

“Ah, the student council doesn’t know either! Even professors from other departments are confused!”

The upperclassman beat their chest in exasperation.

“We are officially known as the Pure Engineering Course! Under the Department of Engineering, there’s the Pure Engineering Course and the Gem Engineering Course. But we self-identify as the Department of Pure Engineering and are currently running a campaign to be called that.”


“Originally, we wanted to be called the Engineering Department, but since everyone got so confused with the Gem Engineering Course, we compromised with the Department of Pure Engineering.”

The upperclassman lamented in the face of cold reality.

“I understand! I’ve been contemplating whether to ask people to call me the great popular Pastel each day!”

Pastel found an unexpected sense of camaraderie.

“Being great is great, and being popular is being popular! Moreover, calling Craft dear would just bring about unnecessary grievances, so I’m refining it to Pastel dear!”

Should I request the Newspaper Club to publish this campaign?

Elly, who had been just listening while doing paperwork, glanced over.

The senior looked the same. After calming down, they regarded me with the eyes of someone in power donned in commoner cosplay.

Looks like I was the only one who felt that way.

People lacking empathy.


“Anyway, ahem.”

The senior took out a handkerchief to wipe their hands. They didn’t mention it, but I guess my hand sweat bothered them.

Objectively, it was gross!

“Your Grace! The Department of Pure Engineering is facing an existential crisis. We rallied the students and invested in a venture, but it collapsed, leaving all of us out of pocket! Please save us!”

The senior quickly added, hesitating a bit.

“We have no one else to turn to but the great popular Pastel!”

Ah, sounds so nice to hear.

Suddenly, Pastel felt a surge of sympathy.

Developing steam locomotives.

Isn’t that a fabulous achievement in this empire where fountain pens still aren’t widespread, and quills are still the norm?

“Of course I’ll help! What do you need? Personal recovery? Department support? Budget allocation?”

Just tell the great popular Pastel what you need!


The senior’s expression brightened.

“It’s the acquisition of liquidated assets of the venture!”


The senior fumbled, pointedly pulling out a document from a bag filled with urgency.

“The Empire Bank has decided to sell the venture’s assets as the primary creditor. If sold as is, they will be purchased by some offbeat venture interested only in cheap land and real estate! They have no plans to engage in the Demon Realm railroad project and are just set to liquidate it!”

Sounds like a sales rep.

Elly approached with fresh brewed tea.

“It’s cold, so drink this.”

“Ah! Thank you! You’re the best, Elly!”

Considering she’s busy with office tasks, to prepare tea for every guest each time!

I finished the old tea in one shot and received the new tea.

Elly glanced at the documents while collecting the teacup and then left.

The senior pounded their chest.

“This is all a plot by the Empire Bank! They’re deliberately using credit downgrades and loan recalls to sabotage the development of railroads in the Demon Realm, resulting in a bankruptcy! The venture with ties to the Demon Realm has been completely excluded from sales negotiations due to security concerns of the Empire!”


“Though it’s called the Empire Bank, it’s probably influenced by the royal family! Just look at how the royal family regards engineering – nothing sits well with them! Even investment in gem engineering is focused solely on military application, ignoring the essence and elegance of engineering! It’s not elegant? Anyway, that’s how it is!”

Eww, political statements!

I’m just Pastel, so I don’t know much about this stuff. It’s a tricky topic for someone popular too.

If this senior openly insults the royal family, do they think of me as an ally?

Honestly, when Dad sold my assets to join a cult, there were signs the Emperor helped, so there may be some resentment.

“Representative, please don’t go too far. The royal family must have their reasons too. There are just a few more innocent victims, that’s all.”

The senior gradually calmed down, their head bowed.

“I’m sorry, Your Grace. That was unseemly. As a representative, that wasn’t my place to speak.”

“I understand your feelings! It can be frustrating dealing with adult matters!”

Pastel skimmed the document.

“I’m really interested in the railroad project! The initial investment is excessively high, but operating infrastructure privately generates enormous money, doesn’t it? Selling air for cash!”

Air munch munch!

“Huh? Infrastructure? What’s that?”

The senior looked completely lost.


Pastel tilted her head.

“If you weren’t predicting railroad infrastructure, then what was the entire student body investing all their wealth into?”

Is the department historically bad at gambling on new technology?

The senior flinched. They seemed caught in a dilemma, hesitating before reaching into the bag. A secret compartment opened at the bottom, revealing another document.

“There’s a secret contract with the venture…”

The document didn’t immediately hand over and was raised for a moment.

“You must guarantee confidentiality.”

“Of course! For a popular person, being loose-lipped is troubling!”




“Fully guaranteed!”

What kind of shady secret is this?

Is it death if discovered?

What I received was a record of transactions. It was filled with documentation disregarding the Empire’s trading laws — illegal exports of fuel that could never be exported to the Demon Realm among other things.


There’s smuggling brimming in the Sky Island!

Considering the geopolitical location, it can’t be helped, but everyone lacks a conscience…!

Pastel sensed the seriousness as a responsible power figure.

With a sense of duty, I glanced straight at the profit margin.

300% per transaction.


That’s worth investing everything.

“How, how exactly is this making money?”

Professional smuggler, Horace senior’s optimized route was only 100%.

“Gems can only come from mines in the Demon Realm, but the realm itself has its distribution controlled, so they can’t produce gem products. Especially crucial for railroad construction are magical golems. Renting them is possible, but they have to painfully buy them at inflated rates set by the Demon Realm Stock Company’s official gem fuel. Business interference is an optional extra.”

The senior’s expression turned solemn.

“So we produced gem fuel ourselves and sold it at ridiculously low prices, merely 300% of the cost. It was solely for the advancement of pure engineering.”

Pastel’s jaw dropped.

“But gem fuel isn’t pure engineering?!”

Why are the seniors selling that?!

The gem engineering course must feel aggrieved for missing out!

“The outcome is pure; therefore, it’s considered pure engineering.”

The senior wore a face besotted by money.

What a stretch…!

“Senior! It’s because you’ve lost that purity that you’ve incurred a heavenly punishment, leading to bankruptcy!”

The senior jolted.


Their expression darkened suddenly.

“There were indeed concerns about that. What if we lose our essence? Where did the innocence that chose the thorny path, entranced by the sound of steam engines, disappear?”

“Told you so! You’ve been punished! This won’t do!”

Pastel’s face turned serious.

“I wholeheartedly agree with the greater good! But if you seniors lose your hearts at the forefront, it results in a complete reversal of priorities! We mustn’t have such a twisted future!”

“Pastel dear.”

The senior looked at me with an endearing gaze.

“Now, it’s time for the junior to step up!”

I clenched my fist and placed it on my heart.

“That sense of mission! Right here in my chest!”

Only for the advancement of pure engineering!