Chapter 342

I was stronger than I thought.

I’m not just talking about strength.

Just by the fact that I’m here, it seems people are already feeling intimidated.

At first, I thought there would be plenty of gryphons in this world. After all, being able to catch a young gryphon means there are quite a few of its kind around.

But I’ve never actually seen one.

When I heard that there had been heavy losses to the church’s forces while escorting me, I thought it was just a dangerously wild beast. However, as I observe the reactions around me, it seems the presence of a gryphon holds much more status in this world.

If a lion or a tiger appeared before me, getting scared would be normal.

But there’s no feeling of longing in those eyes. Usually, people just fear for their lives, keeping their distance, trying to run away, brandishing their weapons to threaten, or wanting to eliminate the beast before it charges at them.

However, in the eyes of those looking up at me, there’s a mix of danger and something like admiration.

The same goes for the way they look at Sylvia.

Continuing from the assumption I made earlier, imagine there’s a being riding a lion or a tiger. Normally, people would send admiring looks or say, “What kind of person is that?” But no matter how skilled, it would be tough to be treated like anything more than a good trainer or circus performer.

But since people see Sylvia on my back, their gazes toward her are entirely different.

It’s the kind of awe you’d have when looking at a figure from a myth.

There’s no way I’d receive such looks just for riding a wild animal.

So the status of the gryphon is more akin to that of a celestial beast than just a dangerous wild animal.

Even in this fantasy world.


I could tell that the governing body of this world wasn’t a unified government.

In the throes of battle, I hadn’t noticed much, as I was too busy retaliating against those attacking me. However, after the fight, looking at the fallen enemies and the reinforcements that arrived later, I could see their outfits differed.

I had no way to ask, so I caught bits of conversation and learned that these three factions were the ‘Goddess Cult’, ‘Velbur’, and the ‘Empire’. The Goddess Cult was literally a cult devoted to a goddess. I already knew this to some extent, as I had overheard their conversations about their goddess a few times while I was trapped.

Velbur seemed to be a nation neighboring the Papal State that the goddess cultists dominated, and the Empire appeared to be in proximity to Velbur. Everyone just referred to it as the ‘Empire’, so I didn’t quite catch the exact name. Well, I’d probably learn it eventually if I kept listening.

And one word I heard quite often was “Fanggriffon.”

I couldn’t fathom what it meant, but I heard it all the time when Sylvia and I were together.

The first time I heard it was when I caught a knight mumbling it while looking at Sylvia on my back. It must be related to that action…

Is it simply referring to the act of riding a gryphon? With the looks of awe people give, it seems it doesn’t just refer to that.


Maybe I should set aside the pondering for now.

I thought about writing something down, but then I remembered I didn’t know the writing of this world. If I hastily scribbled in Korean, it would probably lead to trouble, with people researching ‘gryphon script’ or something.

I had barely escaped; I couldn’t afford to be captured again. Who would have the guts to do so?



As I walked, people formed a circle around me.

It didn’t feel like they were watching or guarding me. Rather, it seemed like people were instinctively keeping their distance from something they deemed immensely dangerous.

Am I really that scary?

Even if my appearance is terrifying, I’ve never tried to frighten anyone.

Of course, I do bite down on a whole animal that’s bleeding, but what can I do? If it had been cooked, I would have eaten that too, but there was no choice when it was raw.

At least Sylvia doesn’t seem to find me very scary.

I took the train from the Papal State to the capital of Velbur, a place called Lutetia. It was where the cathedral I had escaped from was located.

Throughout the journey, the meaning of “Fanggriffon” remained a mystery, but at least I discerned that the name belonged to the royal family of the Empire.

Sylvia, Alice, and Emperor Arthur, was it? When other captured nobles were mentioned, “Fanggriffon” was also attached to their names.

Even so, I still think it’s a bit exaggerated for people to react to just the name “Fanggriffon…” It seems there’s a myth or some significance attached to it. After all, they wouldn’t perpetually react that dramatically every time a name is mentioned.

In the carriage ahead of me were two princesses. It was a large, extravagant carriage, open-roofed, like a convertible. It seemed like it was designed for sunny days.

The gentle breeze tousled my black bobbed hair.

In this peaceful, slightly languid atmosphere, I followed along behind the two in the carriage—



I was startled by an unexpectedly loud sound that completely failed to fit a gryphon’s demeanor.

While I didn’t lift my paw dramatically, it was enough to catch the attention of people entering the grand hall behind me.

What an overwhelmingly loud trumpet!

It was accompanied by a rallying cheer that drowned out the trumpet call.

Shredded colored paper and flower petals rained down from above.

Moreover, Lutetia’s beautiful architecture resembled that of a 20th-century European city, blending exquisitely into the celebration.

The gazes of those watching us were all bright.

This was the first atmosphere I’d encountered since arriving in this world.

I was being welcomed. Not rejected or abused.

As I paused to take in my surroundings, I realized the carriage in front of me had stopped. After moving slightly forward, it seemed to have figured out I had halted, and thus stopped altogether.

Sylvia was looking back at me.

So, they called me Fanggriffon, huh?

In that moment, a playful idea sprung to my mind.

The instant Sylvia and I locked eyes, she seemed to understand something, her expression showing a hint of panic—

But I was already charging forward.

I heard screams from the surroundings. Knights were flustered, trying to catch up to me. Far away, those cheering still seemed unaware of what was going on.

I lunged forward, grabbed Sylvia by the scruff, and lifted her up, settling her on my back.

A hush fell over those around us.

Turning my head to look at Sylvia, she quickly adapted her posture, sitting upright on my back.

Simultaneously, cheers erupted once more from the crowd.

Alice, who had been left behind in the carriage, looked at me with an astonished expression, but I held my head high with confidence.

And then, with an impressive stance, I began walking behind the slowly moving carriage.

…Okay, maybe it was a bit exaggerated.

But, who cares? I’ve never seen a gryphon before.

Besides, I’m sure everyone here was seeing a gryphon for the first time too.

So it’s only natural that they’d be witnessing me walking like one for the first time.

Even if my walking style was a bit weird, no one would notice.

With each step I took, the palace, which I had glimpsed when I flew in last time, drew closer, and the cheers of the people grew louder and louder.

My heart raced.

Everyone here was welcoming me.

Of course, I wasn’t the only one, but at the very least, there was no one who hated or cursed me, and no one was waiting to capture or abuse me.

Just joyous cheers.

The negative feelings I endured during my years after coming to this world hadn’t completely washed away yet.

But at least, it seemed like I wouldn’t face such things moving forward.

I glanced back once more, locking eyes with Sylvia on my back.

For a brief moment, Sylvia glared at me, but soon she sighed with a ‘Well, I guess that’s that’ expression.

Yeah, it’s thanks to her.

She didn’t try to use me from the start.

Had she not crushed that jewel when we first met, I surely would have harbored hatred for humanity until the very end.

Well, whatever.

Maybe I should repay her properly.

And while I’m at it, I’ll snag some food too.

I held my head high, spreading my wings wide, and walked forward with authority.

Hearing the crowd’s cheers as they looked at my wings, for the first time, I felt joy since arriving in this world.