It’s not like it’s something incomprehensible.
If this ‘Jeebo’ reacts to the blood of the Fanggriffon, it makes sense that it would react to Alice and Claire at the same time.
I don’t think it showed such a remarkable reaction the last time I saw ‘Jeebo’.
I recalled the Jeebo that the Emperor took from Lucas. At that time, I was too out of it to see it properly, but it didn’t seem to have this kind of ‘functionality’ at all.
It seemed to have some function that would limit the mask girl’s abilities, but I’m certain that it never blatantly radiated light and said, “This is something for you to use!”
Then why is this item in front of us currently functioning?
One thing to consider is that the Jeebo is somewhat assembled. According to the settings, “It’s meaningless unless they are all gathered into one,” but if it’s designed to show a believable response as it gets closer to completion, then that’s what it would be.
Surely in the sequel, “collecting Jeebo” was the main theme, so there would have to be some hints in the story the more you collected.
However, there is a problem.
“Sylvia, what is this…?”
I didn’t know how to explain this situation to the two people behind me.
I originally had not a drop of Fanggriffon blood in me. I have no idea who brought me here or if it was just a coincidence that I ended up here, but judging by the Jeebo’s reaction, it seems I am biologically not the Emperor’s daughter.
I’ve already thought about that. In reality, the one with the Emperor’s blood in the orphanage was Claire, and the Emperor just mistook me for his daughter because he saw my ability.
While the main story claims that the Emperor initiated the war for world domination, if behind that, he was collecting Jeebo, it makes sense. So he was probably trying to select the one among his children who could best utilize the Jeebo, and if Alice turned out not to meet that standard…
It’s not hard to understand why the Emperor’s plan fell apart after Claire’s death.
…In this world, Marmaros can be extracted from humans too. And usually, in narratives where “something can be done by using humans,” there tends to be a villain that performs such actions. Even if it’s not Marmaros, the idea of using one’s children as tools perfectly fits the Emperor.
The problem is, why Claire?
Shouldn’t it be Alice, considering the bloodline concentration? Whether noble or royal, it’s common sense in society to marry distant relatives to maintain a high blood concentration within the family. It’s obvious that even the late empress, who no longer exists, would have been a descendant of the “Imperial bloodline” if you traced her ancestry.
Genetically speaking, Alice should have inherited the Fanggriffon’s blood.
Of course, Claire’s mother…
For a moment, my brain short-circuited, but Claire, who had come closer, spoke to me, allowing me to regain my thoughts.
In the dim underground, Claire’s face glowed pale, illuminated by the light of the Jeebo.
It seemed that Claire was more worried about my reaction than the light of the Jeebo pointing at her.
As Claire got closer, the Jeebo shone brighter, as if begging to be used.
…Claire’s biological parents.
In the original work, that was merely a lingering question. Why Claire showed such talent in swordsmanship, why she was able to attempt to escape at a young age, those things were never properly revealed.
Even if it wasn’t directly addressed in the main story, through events with Claire, there was an aura of “there’s something going on.”
If one side is the Emperor, then what about the other side?
Would the head of the orphanage know? Well, there could be a possibility. Of course, it’s unlikely they were the one who first took on Claire. In the original work, it’s expressed somewhere that she was “bought” from somewhere.
The problem is, there’s no way to know who was involved in the process of that purchase or what happened.
Because that head has died.
I killed them.
If the orphanage were still standing, there might be clues to trace Claire’s past. Surely, they would have left at least some records. If I knew which alley she came from, I could just round up all the delinquents from that alley, and I would get some answers.
But that evidence is gone. It all burned down.
…I burned it.
I wanted to grab my head and roll on the ground.
No, I actually did that.
Ignoring the shocked voices of the two, I rolled around on the dirt for a while before suddenly getting up—
“I have something to say to the two of you.”
Returning to where Claire and Alice had called me again, I quickly turned around to face them and said so.
To others, it might seem I assessed the situation and spoke to them very quickly. Although the three of us were aware of my abilities, even so, there hadn’t been any clear evidence that I had turned back time.
The footsteps of the people who were following me halted in surprise.
“This is an important matter related to the Fanggriffon royal family. I’m sorry, but could the rest of you wait outside for a moment?”
It was a somewhat self-righteous request, but I did my best to phrase it in a way that wouldn’t sound offensive to them. Everyone here regarded me as a friend, after all.
I certainly didn’t expect their reaction to be entirely favorable.
“Are you saying that in the middle of the Velbur Kingdom’s territory, and that too so close to the Lutetia palace, we should step aside for the Fanggriffon royal family?”
It was Charlotte’s words, clearly uncomfortable after all the trouble she went through to get here.
I understand a hundred times. I would feel the same way. Although I personally have little to no patriotism for the Empire of Aetherna, if someone from a neighboring country suddenly came to my hometown and asked me to make way for them, it would definitely feel odd.
Especially if it was some secret base built by someone from another country that I even didn’t know existed.
“…… This item is very related to the blood of the Fanggriffon royal family. And actually, I am the only one who knows about it here.”
Sophia might know a little, but certainly not as much as I do.
“Even Alice here doesn’t know this story. First, let’s have a discussion among the related parties, and then I will share as much information as possible with all of you.”
“So, you mean Claire is included as a ‘related party’?”
While Charlotte bit her tongue and sent a glance at the Jeebo, Leo interjected this time.
That would be the case. It would sound quite unexpected.
Even I was baffled when I first heard it from the Emperor; so for Leo, who has been living normally as a brother, this might sound almost absurd.
Will I get to see Leo’s pale face after hearing about Claire’s identity?
In such a situation, I felt a bit proud of myself for pondering this thought.
I guess it’s okay to feel proud?
Leo and Charlotte did not have completely convinced expressions.
But the “trust” I had precariously built up until now was quite helpful. It’s not just about friendship or the efficiency of an ability. Without the assurance that I wouldn’t betray them no matter what, they wouldn’t have moved aside like this.
Honestly, they wouldn’t have even followed me this far.
Alice spoke as if she was restless. She was crossing her arms, but her fingers fidgeted nervously, tapping against her own arm.
“What do you mean I’m involved, sis?”
On the other hand, Claire didn’t look as tense as Alice. She probably had no idea why she was even here.
I stayed silent for a moment before finally managing to speak with a strained voice.
“You have the blood of the Fanggriffon flowing through you.”
Claire’s eyes blinked at my words.
An uncomfortably long silence lingered in the dim space, and for some reason, I felt like the already low light in the room grew dimmer. Light was still flowing from the Jeebo.
Then, at the end of that silence, both Alice and Claire’s reactions sprang out at the same time.