Chapter 253



Is it because we had dinner?

The alcohol and snacks weren’t going down as easily as I thought.

On top of that, after Corbin had about four glasses of whiskey, he was starting to feel tipsy.

I had also drunk at a faster pace than Corbin, so it wasn’t a huge difference.

– Ashley Williams Black, 55 degrees

Well… that couldn’t be helped.

I had mixed it with other drinks, but whiskey itself is pretty strong.

Corbin was getting tipsy faster than usual, and I couldn’t help but feel the same way.


“What is it? You’re not feeling nauseous or anything, are you?”

“Not yet…”

It was a little too convincing to say he wasn’t at least a bit tipsy.

His eyes were slightly droopy, and he spoke with a tone that felt a little shorter than usual.

Of course, he wasn’t completely wasted to the point of throwing up.

Just a little tipsy, that was all about Corbin.

He seemed to have eaten his snacks pretty well and sipped on his drink slowly.

“Should we take a quick wash?”

“Do you want to wash? Didn’t we already wash when we came into the hotel room?”

“I just want to do it. Let’s soak in the tub and take a little break before coming out.”


Even though we had washed up upon entering, Corbin suddenly brought up wanting to wash again…

Is he some kind of bath addict?

“…Okay. Let’s go in.”

Of course, I had no intention of rejecting him.

It’s just a bath, after all.

Since I had already washed, it would just be a matter of soaking in the tub and then coming out, right?

That’s what I thought.


Anyway, I tossed our clothes onto the bed and headed straight for the bathroom.

Clothes weren’t necessary while washing.



“What? Lindera, is something wrong?”

“There’s a bathing agent here.”



Thinking about it, there was a big tub at home and sometimes even a small one in my personal room.

Not to mention the tubs we used when staying at hotels.

But with all those tubs, we had never once put a bathing agent in.

Really… surprisingly.

“Should we put it in?”

“Hurry up and put it in.”

“Aren’t we supposed to fill the water first?”

“…Read the instructions first.”

It was our first time ever using something like this.

As if we were children, Corbin and I decided to play around with the bathing agent.

Not really sure what it would do, but it should look pretty, right?


The tub filled with water was starting to rise, and bubbles were forming thanks to the ingredients in the bathing agent.



If anyone saw us, we probably looked a bit silly.

Two adult men and women, naked in the bathroom, amazed by bubbles forming from a bathing agent.

Definitely a little ridiculous.

“The color is pretty.”

“…Doesn’t it look a bit like blood? Isn’t it scary?”

“That’s… a bit true.”

“…If only it were a little lighter, it might have been okay.”

The color was surprisingly more red than expected.

Oh, just to add, the bathing agent we used was red.

Not bright red, but a shade closer to dark.

A murky mix between dark red and regular red, but I never guessed it would look this much like blood at first.

Really… this looks a bit like blood, and it’s scary.

“…Doesn’t it feel like a scene from a horror movie where a body ends up in a bathtub?”

“That’s a bit scary.”

“It genuinely does feel like that.”

“…I agree.”

“Hey… there’s also this decorative rose next to the bathing agent. What if we put this in?”

That thought seemed like the best solution.

A tub that looks like blood with a rose in it… might be better, right?


“I know.”

“There doesn’t seem to be a significant difference.”

“I know that…”

Anyway, I tossed the rose into the tub.

I thought it might make it look prettier and lessen the blood-like feeling.

But, surprisingly, it didn’t change much.


“I’ll get in.”

Anyway, the bathing agent was all dissolved, and the water in the tub was ready.

So, I decided to climb in.

I was already undressed, just crouching in front of the tub.


I slowly dipped my foot in and immediately realized…

The sensation was slightly different.

It was warm water, but there was something softer about it, I think?

It definitely felt different from regular water.

“It’s warm. Hurry and get in.”


“Yeah. The water’s better than I expected, so just hurry up and get in.”

Although I was already in the tub, Corbin just kept staring at me, not getting in.


“Didn’t I say it felt good?”

“The water feels… slippery?”

“Isn’t water supposed to be slippery?”

“That’s true, but this just feels a little different from regular water. The bubbles and all.”

“That’s true.”

Corbin finally got in, and we sat side by side in the tub.

The tub was spacious enough that we didn’t need to stick together tightly.

“…But, the color is really too dark.”

“Should I turn on the water some more?”

“No, I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

The water looked too much like blood, and Corbin suggested that, but we decided against it.

After all, if we turned on more water, it would definitely overflow.

So we decided not to add more.

Well, the color might remind us a bit of blood, but still, it looked pretty?

Clear water is nice, but this was cute too, right?

I bet Corbin would think the same.

He was just as fascinated watching me mix in the bathing agent earlier.

“It’s nice and warm.”

“You’re not saying that while feeling me up, are you?”

“The warmth feels nice.”


“Lindera is pretty, so that’s nice too.”


“Are you not responding to that?”

“That’s not wrong, is it?”

Well, it’s true, she’s beautiful.

There was no need to deny something that was so accurate.

Especially since Corbin was finally speaking something reasonable after all his nonsense.

“That’s true.”

“Isn’t it lucky to have such a beautiful wife?”

I turned my head slightly towards Corbin as I said that.

Sure, I was satisfied with Corbin’s looks too, but I couldn’t shake the feeling he was taller than me?

After all, he had always been the one to receive more compliments than I ever had.

It was only to be expected.

“…You’re way too pretty.”


“…Honestly, I can’t resist this.”


“Not yet?”

With subtle hands, Corbin started to feel my chest from the back.

I mean, sure, I was planning to do something like this at night.

But I didn’t expect it to start this soon.

“We can’t do it here.”

“I think we could.”

“Aren’t we two people who are a bit tipsy from the alcohol, in a hot tub…?”

“It seems kind of okay. Now that I’m in here, it feels alright.”


Usually, people who are drunk insist that nothing is wrong, just like Corbin now.

If it were a normal situation, we might have gone ahead and done that while soaking in the tub.

However, given that both of us had been drinking…

Though Corbin would deny it, he was definitely tipsy.

So I didn’t think we should just go ahead now.

Seriously, sweating it out in a warm spot while tipsy is not good for anyone.

I wasn’t in the mood to risk ending up in the news with someone collapsing after a wild trip.

“Let’s just relax a little longer… and then head out and do it.”

“If Lindera says so, then it’s probably for the best.”

“Such a good boy listening to me.”

“And at night, isn’t it that Lindera listens better?”



“I don’t know.”

I understood what Corbin was implying, but I pretended not to know and turned my head away.

Though someone’s hand was still resting on my chest.

So we relaxed in the tub for a while, spending time together, until about thirty minutes passed.

We finally got out of the tub.

We dried each other’s bodies and even took the time to dry our hair.

“How’s the robe? Comfortable?”

“Yep, it’s comfortable. Really soft.”

After finishing up and wiping away all that red water, I wrapped myself in the robe from the hotel room.

I thought it would be thick since it was chilly outside, but instead, it was surprisingly thin and soft.

“And it suits you well, doesn’t it?”

“Well, that’s always been the case.”

Flirting like that, Corbin had a point.

He was right; there were no clothes that didn’t suit me.

I knew that, but hearing Corbin say that made me feel good.


“Why did you turn off the lights?”

“It might be seen from outside. The curtains are still open.”

“Don’t you think we’re high enough up that it wouldn’t matter?”

“I don’t know.”

I turned off some of the lights in the hotel room.

I turned off the main light, leaving a couple of lamps lit near the bed and by the window.

But even with just those, it was sufficiently lit.

It was actually better than it being so bright you could see everything.

Plus, this way it had a nice ambiance.


“I was thinking of heading to the bed now.”

Just as I was about to turn to the bed after turning off the lights, Corbin suddenly hugged me from behind.

What is going on?


“It’s not necessary to go to bed to start, is it?”


“I think we can start right here.”


Before we walked into the bedroom, just outside the entrance, Corbin held me tight.

And I stood quietly in his embrace…

“…You were like this in the bathroom too. Were you still like this?”

“You’re just too beautiful. What can I say?”

“…That can’t be helped.”

…It’s hard just to let this slide.


I could feel his unique firmness around my waist, and this time I decided to let myself go with Corbin’s wishes.

After all, it would be a shame not to when things felt this firm.