Chapter 234

– Tap… tap…

“How’s it going, Lindera? It’s been a while since you’ve been working.”

“Nothing much. After all, I used to do this occasionally before.”

“That’s true. You’ve helped out quite often.”

Today, I was working in the office.

I had been doing the same old thing for a while, but this time, I was really focusing.

Not on Charlotte, but on actual work.

Until a few days ago, I hadn’t been able to do this, but now things were definitely different.

“Charlotte must be doing well, right?”

“Of course, she will be.”

Charlotte is definitely fine.

Unlike before, when I had to take care of her, today I didn’t have to keep an eye on Charlotte.

In the past, it would have felt normal to work like this, but today felt different.

Maybe it was because I was relying on someone else for Charlotte’s care.

Honestly, when I dropped her off this morning, I was worried, but there were photos and videos of the kids in the group chat, and there were CCTV cameras too.

Apart from the worries, it was going pretty well.

In fact, it was so much better to focus on work like this.

“By the way, there were more babies than I expected this morning, right?”

“Yes. There were babies similar in age to Charlotte, as well as a few older ones.”

“I was surprised at how many there were.”


Previously, it was a bit tricky to find someone to work at the kindergarten, so we just did some renovations, but now that’s changed.

Since we found someone.

We found someone who could safely take care of the babies on our ship, someone reliable who does their job really well.

After that, contact was made immediately, and they started working on our ship.

They weren’t complete amateurs; they were capable agents, which made things even more efficient.

“Speaking of which, it’s pretty fascinating.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, isn’t it weird? Someone’s ability being to create super fluffy cotton?”

“Well… I guess it is. It definitely wouldn’t help in a fight, but it seems great for the babies.”


The person who became the director at the childcare center had a unique ability.

They could create fluffy cotton, like pillows.

There are agents who can breathe fire, pull flames from swords, or have enhanced physical abilities, and this person just makes cotton!

It was truly fascinating in many ways.

Because of that, when they first arrived on the ship, we immediately asked them to demonstrate their abilities.

In various ways, we found it quite interesting.

Other agents might have seemed indifferent about it.

“But sitting here makes you nostalgic, doesn’t it?”

“Does it?”

The seat I was in was next to Corbin.

It was the same place I sat before… before I took proper maternity leave, or before my sister temporarily took the vice command position.

I had been sitting there for over a year.

I had visited the office occasionally before, but back then, the boss used my seat.

“Well… it feels normal. It’s a seat I’ve been using forever.”

“Is that so?”


It was true; it had been a while since I worked here properly, but it didn’t feel all that special.

It felt just plain ordinary…?

As I told Corbin, that’s how it was.

In fact, it was hard to think of it as anything special at all.

It felt like sitting at your usual desk and chair after summer break is over.

Just exactly that.


“What is it?”

“I organized the data related to the results of the last operation. You can use it for the directives the boss gave regarding the expansion of our ship.”

“Ah, thank you! Do you have data on the agents who recently resigned from other ships?”

“Um… I don’t think so, but Midori?”


“Yes, could you gather the information you just mentioned?”

Anyway, I really had returned to work properly this time, and unlike a few days ago, I didn’t have to split my focus while working.

I was working as I used to.

Even though it had been a while since I did this, both the boss and my duties were sorted out.


“Yes, Corbin?”

“…Never mind.”

“…What’s wrong?”

“I was just thinking of asking if we could go see Charlotte later, just that.”


That didn’t sound bad.

Honestly, I wanted to see Charlotte in person rather than through CCTV or the videos in the chat.

Aside from concentrating on work, I really wanted to see her.

I wanted to finish my work quickly, head home, and bring Charlotte back.

“More importantly, let’s get on with our work. We can’t leave until the tasks are done, right?”

“…That’s true.”

“We can go see Charlotte during lunch, so let’s get to work quickly, Corbin.”

“Got it.”

“And think of what we’re having for dinner tonight too.”

Anyway, it felt like I was really back at work after a long time, but it was just an ordinary day.

Well… I still hadn’t spent the whole day, let alone half of it, but…

I was just having a day that felt like the same old thing.

That’s what I thought.

– Tap tap…

By the way, today must be the first time Charlotte meets kids her age.

I wonder how she’s doing.

Most of the photos and videos showed her playing alone, so it was hard to gauge.

Considering Charlotte’s usual personality, I thought she was probably doing well…


After having lunch with the people in the office, Corbin and I went to meet Charlotte separately.

It would be a little awkward to go during the afternoon work hours.

Plus, I heard that Charlotte had just finished her lunch, so I thought this was the best time.



As soon as I opened the kindergarten door and stepped inside, Charlotte spotted me and waddled over.

Her voice was loud, but her steps were… not exactly fast.

So cute already.


“What’s wrong? Did someone bother you?”



Holding Charlotte in my arms, I continued our conversation.

“I defeated everyone!”


“I’m the best!!!”



For a moment, I heard her but didn’t quite understand.



Who did she say she defeated?

Clearly, the kids at the kindergarten were either her age or slightly older!

“Ah! Charlotte’s mom, dad…!”

“Uh… Director?”

“Yes, yes!”

“Wh… What’s going on?”

I made eye contact with the director, who suddenly ran out after Charlotte.

I had seen her this morning, but seeing her again, she did give off an impression of being fluffy due to her ability.

Her hair was voluminous, and in many ways, she was quite a fluffy person, which left a strong impression.

…This time, though, she looked somewhat worried or cautious?

That’s just the strong feeling I got.

“First… please come in…”


I didn’t know what was going on, but I slowly stepped inside the kindergarten.

What on earth could it be?

Anyway, as I followed her in, I saw several tired babies around Charlotte’s age.

Some were already tired and napping under small blankets, while others were looking at Charlotte in my arms.

“Uh… Teacher? What’s going on here…?”

“…There’s no problem. It’s just that… Charlotte and the other kids played until they got tired.”


They got tired from playing with Charlotte?

There were easily more than ten kids in the kindergarten from just a rough count!

Hearing the director’s words, I was even more surprised.

What did Charlotte do to make the other babies so exhausted?

I looked over at the director and Charlotte in disbelief, but… I couldn’t imagine it.


“I’m the best!!!”

“…What were you doing while playing?”

“I was playing!”

“…Playing how?”



It seemed I wouldn’t get a clear answer from Charlotte.

Anyway, someone who had watched what they were doing nearby might know.

“Director? Did Charlotte do something bad to the other kids… or something?”

“…It’s not that. It’s just that Charlotte kept asking to play patty-cake, suggested rock-paper-scissors, and kept trying to talk to the other kids, wanting to play… From the time she arrived this morning.”


“It seems like Charlotte is… exceptionally social. Since it was her first time seeing kids her age today, she seemed particularly excited.”

“So you’re saying Charlotte got so excited to see other kids her age for the first time that it turned out this way?”

“…That seems to be the case.”



I knew that our Charlotte had a playful side and loved to play, but I didn’t expect her to love it this much.

Even so, I never predicted this result.

Corbin and I were holding back sighs as we looked at the tired kids Charlotte had apparently “defeated.”

Of course, none of them were hurt; they just simply played too hard until they collapsed.

But still, it felt a bit… sorry.



“If your friends are saying they’re tired, you have to let them rest.”


“Yeah… because they’re tired…?”



It seemed we had a long way to go here.

In many ways.